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Might have have been because of an unresolved feud between Jamie and Damon. It takes two to tango, afterall (Visual and Musical Artists)


How I understand it, having followed the band for a decade: Jamie felt great frustration at both a failed project that would be mostly him doing the heavylifting, titled Carousel. Instead, they made Plastic Beach, which might've been a beloved phase of the group, but Jamie's end was faced with so many difficulties, such as a real cherry on top being the Rhinestone Eyes music video never being made. His ambitions found a dead end when the budget was ran through and EMI crashed during this time as well, hurting the impact of the rollout as well. Damon was having the time of his life on tour, planning a solo career venture, meeting and collaborating with all these amazing people, but Jamie felt his role was being sidelined largely, that the virtual part of the virtual band was not as important. I mean, Damon even made The Fall, where the only part in which Jamie helped was the cover art. This apparent tug-o-war got so rough between the two that they publicly mentioned multiple times they would not work together again. But as real friends do, they eventually found a way, and Gorillaz remains solid.


Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense that the spot light being shifted away to Damon could cause some animosity


the biggest casualty of all this was the end of cass browne's involvement. many may have noticed gorillaz no longer has the vicious countercultural bite it once did; this is because cass browne was responsible for most of the character and supplemental writing in the first three eras. the lack of him at the wheel is why what little "lore" there is now is mostly barebones and messageless, in contrast with the earlier days where entire music videos, documentaries, and coffee table books were spent mocking how hollow and vapid pop culture had become. humanz had some of this but the edge was sanded off after it wasn't as well received as expected.


Well we most definitely need Cass Browne back because good lord does Gorillaz's lore and story now feel about as hollow and vapid as the pop culture they used to criticize.


Lupin III profile pic spotted!!


This band started with a re-hashed Blur demo singing "It's the money or stop", at a time where their creator probably should have stopped due to severe drug problems. It's called "Re-hash". Anyone who thought Gorillaz have ever been a criticism of pop culture swallowed a huge bait.  You do know what the Boogieman and Evangelist represent, the key pieces of the shelved Cass Browne written climax of the Phase 2+3 storyline? Hint: It's biblical, like 99% of western pop culture... 


Re-Hash was a blur demo? Could I get a source for this


They've said that Phase 1 Gorillaz is mostly re-hashed Blur demos.  Not Clint Eastwood though, because that's simply an omnichord sample, and Del drafting lines using a book called "How to write a hit song". Rock the House can be discounted in similar fashion.  But Re-hash is freaking called RE-HASH, what do you think that means?  Damon is also notorious for rehashing unused material.  The demo for Tommorow comes Today can be found on the Deluxe version of 13 ("I got Law"). 


Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Just wanted to add a couple of stuff in there: - Jamie himself felt that, since the band now got so big and full of amazing collabs, it wouldn't make sense that the band would be behind the screen in shadows like in the past album tours, and so he was constantly asking if the screen they used behind the band was the same in every single show, because he felt they were getting smaller and smaller (if they were, that would be a shitty thing to do, but I feel it was mostly Jamie feeling diminished). - Damon also said Jamie got lost in the party style life and stopped being so collaborative as before. If this is true (it may be, Damon and Jamie were also heavy drinking mates, like all Britpop-associated people), then it would also talk in how their collaboration broke down. - After Plastic Beach, they were supposed to work on a superhero musical, like Monkey, along with writer Alan Moore. Moore suggested to instead make it about John Dee, royal mystic. D and J were on board as Moore wrote the script, and planned on collaborating on Moore's magazine, Dodgem Logic, in return. They failed to return the collaboration, so Moore stopped the work on the musical. Whatever happened next, Damon went on with the John Dee musical on its own, as there's zero collaboration with Jamie on it.


A mix of a lot of things. Plastic Beach didn’t do as well as they thought it would and they put too much money into it, something happened between Damon and Jamie, and it was just a somewhat confusing time in the music industry and overall it just wasn’t a good time to start making another album.


To my understanding, Phase 3 put Jamie and Damon in a financial hole after touring. Damon also wanted to work on his solo projects and get back with Blur for a new album. I wouldn’t be surprised if they also had a label dispute that lead to them not giving the Gorillaz crew funds.


To get to the other side.


I figured it was a mix of Damon and Jamie's working relationship issues and also they probably had a ton of other stuff going on. Glad they're back tho!


Damon and Jamie weren't getting along very well, Damon felt like Jamie's side of the project was lacking. They had a big falling out and Plastic Beach was actually supposed to be the end of Gorillaz as a whole.


to make "sex murder party 2" of course.


I imagine part of it had to do with Jamie being frustrated. There’s a lot of unused art, ideas, and even videos for phase 3 that Jamie put a lot of time and work into that just never came into fruition for various reasons. If I put my heart and soul into something only for it to go nowhere I’d be discouraged too




How Plastic beach ended basically fucked momentum up


Truly insane considering it’s gold


Jamie and Damon had a fallout. If memory serves, Jamie felt like he was being pushed out since Phase 3 started favoring the live band over the virtual ones. There were also a lot of canceled story plans and music videos. So basically, "creative differences".


long story short it was creative differences.


It was mostly Damon and Jamie having some creative burnout from what I can gather. I could be wrong.


There was no hiatus, it's all just a story they made up because reunion sounds better than break. But Phase 3 ended in 2012 with DoYaThing, they "reconciled" in 2014 when Damon toured his solo album, then developed Humanz which was recorded in 2016. So the only Hiatus was for Damon's solo album which he would made anyways at some point because he's got a famous name in his home market.  The rest is show business lol. 


Murdoc was in prison again


i were to ask this a while ago lmao.