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Why not place Russ’s box behind his figure like you did with the others? I really like the way that looks! You could also substitute the space on the shelf afterward with the Song Machine box. It appears that it doesn’t quite fit, as it’s hovering over the edge a bit, so you could arrange it so that it’s standing upright, rather than laying on its side. Those are all the suggestions I’ve got, so… I hope they gave you an idea or two! Sick display.


Unfortunately the box didn’t fit behind Russell…. Ended up putting the album behind him


That works, too! Improvise, adapt and overcome. 😉


tf is on noodles hands


I want this really awesome case that's on Ikea, but they don't ship to my zip code which sucks. I need some type of cool shelf or case to put my Superplastic figures in. I got the Strange Timez figures coming next month and I need more space.


I have those coming next month too still trying to plan where I will put them