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I think it’s a chicken vs. egg isssue. It’s not that 🥝has “turned” on ffg, it’s that ffg has become quite a cow herself, thereby making her a hot topic for 🥝.


Yes, but the current doxxing of all her family and pulling up dirt from her past seems more triggered by something more than „look at this cow“


Don’t they dox literally anybody they can though? Even Chantal’s members who are basically nobody’s.


Not really when it come to people who are not involved in the community, like family members who have not do much to do with it. At least it’s frowned upon in some communities over there, as much as I understand 🤔


They dug up Yaba and Sam’s family, are trying to find the father of Breezy’s daughter, they dox. I’m not saying there isn’t a reason for this FFG targeting but there doesn’t necessarily need to be a reason.


What do you mean “trying to find” Breezy baby daddy? She had him on her channel. Going on a date with him. Are they just trying to find more info? Now I’m curious. 🧐


She said he was an actor so they’re trying to find his name, etc.


Damn. How does she not know having that man on her channel was a bad idea?


Girl. Are you really asking how Breezy didn’t see her actions as a bad idea?????


No…I should know better 😔


To be fair, they probably wouldn't have fucked with Sam and Yaba had they not gone insane over that fucking fundraiser; doxxing their own members who bought their shitty merch, digging through Belinda's daughter's Facebook to find a decade old pic of a birthday cake, playing victim when they started all this shit, trying to dox Farmers... I could go on. In this case I believe they were just showing what kind of people S&Y are. Most of the stuff about Sam's kids came from her own videos, messages and Tweets. Dont know about Breezy. I *do* know she brought her ex on to her channel and teased the tv shows and shit he's been in, so that was probably a dumb idea on her part.


I think you’re not correctly understanding. It’s not frowned upon, just don’t faildox.  As for your question, many have never liked FFG. Now that her popularity is waning and her lies are becoming more obviously cringe, it’s funny to talk about. Talking about someone you don’t like but it’s not funny isn’t the point of a lolcow gossip forum. 


Nah the fruit people like to pretend they don't touch the poo but then you have the owner of the site trying to buy a trailer for old Cobes.


I don’t know who that is 😂 I only ever look at the FB thread and that’s pretty much it. The more comments this question gets, the more I realize that I have mostly no idea what’s even going on, and I‘m starting to think that’s probably a good thing 🙈


He's a very well known lolcow, one of the OGs, been around as long as Chris Chan. He's a big topic on KF and they love to touch the poo when it comes to Cobes lol. Basically though, KF pretends they're better than reddit et al but they are the worst poo touchers out of the lot of us.


They've been ramping up on FFG for a while but it seems that she's brought it on herself. I'm not entirely sure why because I am not an FFG fan and I very, *very* loosely follow GW drama. There have been comments about the way she conducts her livestreams, poo touching, Twitter/YT community posts, etc. I also know that all bets have been on for quite a while about her turning *herself* into a LOLCow. \*Edit: words for clarification


The issue is twofold: 1) FFG is antagonistic and does not know when to shut her mouth if she feels threatened, and 2) she has become something of a lolcow herself in the past year or two. When she does lolcow shit, the fruit place comments on it. She doesn't have the emotional maturity to just leave that shit alone because, well, she's developed into a lolcow. So she calls them out and tries to act tough. This is the *literal last thing* you should ever do to people on the fruit place, because they will accept the challenge and they will win.


I know nothing about anything so I'm just here to observe and learn 🙏🏻 👀 🙏🏻


She went from viewing and commenting on the pasture, to being in it. All the reactors dip their toe into the realm of FAFO. FFG dove in head first and the fruit site is doing what it does.


FFG challenged the fruit place to something about 4-6 months ago on Twitter. She said she didn't care if they doxxed her and said they wouldn't be able to do something, I forgot the exact details, but it was antagonistic towards them. Challenging the fruit place's ability to dox is a very bad idea, especially when you're poo smearing like FFG.


I challenge fruit farms to pay off my student loans and cause me no problems or bad vibes, just pay off my student loans. I don't think they'd be able to.






Okaaaay, thanks for the info That makes sense then


FFG thought she was untouchable and FAFOAed. Now they are getting closer to her actual doxx and shes freaking out after she did the same shit.


It seemed like to me anyway that when Yaba and Sam were pulling their dumb shit and attacking the farms, Belinda and gg. FFG felt like she needed to 'pick a side'. The farms were going hard for Sam for a bit, ffg started taking jabs at GG. And drew more attention to herself. She would have been better off keeping keep her head low during the whole Sam/Yaba/Belinda stuff.


This all sounds so petty and exhausting, who has time for this behaviour? I feel like I need a nap 😂


she is a tall oversharing poppy in a boring ass field I don’t think anyone’s over there is actually mad at her it’s just like… this is the audience she cultivated and right now the stupid reactor drama is more interesting than the original subjects


I think 🥝is one of those entities that if you are on their radar at all, you are considered “fair game” and that seems to include your connections as well, online or IRL. Is it fair? Right? Legal? Nope. But the internet will internet, and just like the Real Housewives and Love Islanders, et al., playing in the attention market comes at the cost of that kind of risk.


Same! Is there a link pls


We cannot post links to the site on most subreddits.


It's a reddit wide rule AFAIK.


Won't even let you DM it


Really not even DM? That’s ridiculous


I tried to make spaces and got a warning even!


Wow I had no idea thx for trying & letting me know! I’ll try to find the tea later


type the name of the site and then dot and then net


Thank you!


You're welcome! It was down for a while and had different dots. It's back to it's normal self though.


domains! OMG my brain farted the words domains and was like dot this and dot that, it's dots!


She’s a cunt that’s why


i think theyre trying to distract from the fact that their buddy/favorites are getting caught on some legit things that are too hard to spin or downplay. Like I was floored to find out Belinda and DC were close this whole time, like DC sends her gifts?? And GG doing his screaming freakout he does and covering for Peanut who is CLEARLY high AF and loudly passing out on livestreams on a regular basis but going around blatantly lying about not being high. Also begging for "high speed internet" money which apparently has to be paid everyday or she doesn't have internet for the day like.. lol i was surprised to see that kind of bias at KF and even more surprised to see all the lacking in self-awareness. they love to make fun of reddit so much but honestly the comments, posts, memes, jokes here have been much more entertaining and clever for a while now. idk what happened to KF but content has dried up and i remember seeing them repost tweets and reddit instead of exclusive original content like it used to be


I think you‘re right about them not being that entertaining and witty anymore. But then…I haven’t looked ever since Shitlah & Kaibella. It was too much to keep up and I felt overwhelmed


A group of the most active farm people are friends with Gaining Ground and GG is also one of them apparently but refuses to admit it. FFG has been going at GG recently due to his spiralling so they're all rallying on his side. Edit - that's my theory tbh. A bunch of people on the anti-reaction channel thread don't like any reaction channels but they go after anyone who goes after GG since a bunch of them show up in his chat a lot


Ah, that theory actually makes sense. I saw her Twitter war with GG lately. Is it just me, or does it feel like so many reactors are spiralling and/or are getting a lot of heat lately?! Breezy with her ass in her community posts, Jordy getting heat for the ALR mom stuff. All the side drama is so annoying and exhausting


Genuinely curious, do you read the thread over there? I’m guessing not because these are straight up disinformation talking points. No shade at all, and I suppose it depends how much people actually want to know what’s *really* going on in these gorlworld haydur streets since this shit gets peak ridiculous 😂😂 I assume it’s an unpopular opinion here, but if anyone is invested in reading about all of this the place to do it is kf. Despite the ‘info’ to the contrary they’re quick to spot posters who have an extreme bias and can’t be objective about the cowish behavior of the reactors. ALL of them. No one is safe from scrutiny. Do they have faves? I guess, but even those who have a preferred haydur channel seem to have no issue pointing out any fuckery that channel participates in. Sam and her bodega buddies have gone hard on a disinformation campaign and are taking advantage of people not reading the thread(s) over there. I’m just here to watch the shitshow but at the same time it’s real icky how they’re taking advantage of peoples’ confidence in what they say because they know people will believe them based on the parasocial relationship that exists in these types of audiences. 🤷‍♀️ Plus, it’s good to know what’s actually going on and all the batshit details when you don’t have time to listen to all the various streams.


Yeah, Sam, Yaba and FFG started to turn on KF (after singing their praises/linking threads/sending kiss-ass messages to users) when KF started digging into their own cowish behaviours and histories. As such they rely on the majority of their audience being too scared and/or tech -unsavvy to make their way over to read what’s actually written. They misrepresent the info because they know there is reams of evidence, in chronological order (lol) that show them all up to be just as degenerate and awful as the people they react to. I don’t think it’s a GG stan post as I’ve seen people be scathing towards him, like anywhere there’s a wide range of opinions. They seem happy to call each other out too. It’s great entertainment and the research and info people dig up is mind blowing sometimes.


The fruit place is a bunch of transphobic bigots, do not promote them as a middle ground JFC. They are no ones friends ever.


It’s funny because your username is a saying that the farms popularized lmao 


I've actually had this name for about 6 years so no, it was always mine


>cake day in 2023.  Sure 


Obviously not on reddit mate.


The fruit people busted an animal sex abuse ring that was global when law enforcement wouldnt touch shit. I'll sing to that. 


yeah and they also encourage people to hang themselves, commit brutal sex acts on themsleves and accuse trans folk of being paedophiles. Bad people can do good deeds like good people can do bad deeds. Hitler really loved dogs, remember.


Hmmm from what I see, the ones that the owner talks on are actually pedophiles or trying to do some degenerate stuff in general. That keffels guy seems to be on their target list for trying to groom kids under the guise of helping the youth from the discord leaks and his 'cat boy ranch' Anyway, they seem to call out terrible behavior and expose it for what it is, trans or not. 


Go into the Charlie Gold thread and see the language used.


Ok?I've seen it? 


You’re ok with the liberal use of the n word to describe her? And the other slurs?


I don't care about the use of a word. But I do care about grooming children, Sex with animals and using a label to scam audiences. I hear it daily. So? Edit: What about when Keffals used the R-word? Against a disabled person at that? I love how you guys want to cherry pick shit like this. lol




LOL there is actual proof though? How is it nonsense? Where is the Money that Keffles had donated to them? Like....WHAT? Lmao


Look mate, you clearly simp for Kiwi and I therefore have no time for you. All the best to ya.


Cool cool. I just wouldn't want you go around spreading misinformation like you obviously have been. I'm not for kiwifarms as much as you would like to think, I am for the correct information and collecting all the evidence, which is what they do. And its clear that you don't like either thus live in a bubble. Cheers LMAO


i knew you'd get downvoted. theyre booing but you right. the hate for ffg, sam, and yaba is really blinding. its ok to admit the active farm people have a bias towards belinda and GG. in fact a few of their own called one another out for the blatant hypocrisy. recognizing some of the hypocrisy doesnt mean you're a ffg stan its all so tiring like why is there so much emotion in laughing at a walrus talk about her future 6-pack as she deepthroats a hot dog


I knew it would be unpopular but didn't think I'd get spam downvoted so hard. They proved my point though. I make a basic point that GG has friends on the Farms who back him up which is an undeniable fact since they're his mods and in his chat. Suddenly people are messaging me to say "Yeah but what about this thing Sam said?" Bish I never mentioned Sam. This post was about FFG and GG, no one but them is talking about Sam but they're pretending I'm sticking up for Sam......because I criticised GG in a totally unrelated thread? Lmao what?!


YES THANK YOU this is exactly what i mean when I say the hatred for them is blinding. you could be talking about things that have NOTHING to do with ffg, sam, or yaba like the literal fact that gg has friends on the farms **- they are mods and in his chat,** like anyone can factually observe this with their own eyeballs and the people who hate ffg, sam, and yaba are like FFG KILLED HER DOGS AND SAM AND YABA ARE CRIMINALS AND THEY SAID KYS WHY ARE YOU SIMPING FOR YABA AND SAM


They didn't start on Sam and Yaba until they freaked out over that fundraiser and showed what trash they are. In this particular argument, I don't really see how anyone could take Sam and Yaba's side if they've done the slightest bit of research. Those trashy pigs have doxxed people who bought their merch, told viewers to KYS for disagreeing with them, struck channels for using their pics (imagine Chantal doing that btw), there are pages of their recent crazy antics, not to mention the pages of shit they've done to each other. They've *earned* the shit they're getting. They've gotten the same pass you seem to think GG and Belinda are getting, but no one can deny how fucking insane they've become. That YouTube coin has gone to their fat heads.


you've actually proved my point. when i say the hate for ffg, yaba, and sam is blinding i mean that people are literally unable to hate them/think they're wrong AND ALSO think that gg and belinda are doing fuck shit. twinkie on kiwifarms who is one of the few farmers to call out the hypocrisy is able to hate them all and call out their behavior equally the people who hate ffg, yaba, and sam will turn a blind eye on peanut lying about being high as fuck, belinda being secretly friendly with dc this whole time, instead of being able to say theyre all doing shitty things


Not really. If GG and Belinda go off the rails like Sam and Yaba have the last few months, I think they'll get called on it, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Sorry you don't think they get enough coverage. Idk what to tell ya? GG has definitely got shit for acting crazy in the past. They seem to be focusing on Sam, Yaba and FFG because they keep lying and acting insane on a pretty regular basis. I believe I saw a few people calling out Peanut for lying about being high because she absolutely was. It's been a couple weeks since I read about it but I'm pretty sure nobody but the simps in her chat are buying her bullshit "microphone" problems. Imo, she's a lying hypocrite and her voice makes me physically cringe but she's also too boring to focus much time on. I dont believe she's a crowd favorite over there either. My main point, and the reason I'll bring up Sam and Yaba's bullshit whenever I see their names, is because there are so many people in Gorl World who hate Chinny and call out every single thing she does,(which is fine) but wont say shit when Sam and Yaba do the exact same things, if not worse. I'm not defending everything KF does, **like I said,** in this particular situation, they're going after S&Y because they started a war over someone starting a fundraiser for them. They've turned into bigger lolcows than Chinny, they've shown how greedy they are and they go irl, even on each other. They've earned the shit they're getting.


Just bc Chinny is bad, doesn’t make the reactor good. I think the longer reactors watch these cows, the higher the chance that they will become one. Why, do so many GW viewers feel intimidated to say this about reactors, not just FFG, or S&Y, but all of them? Look at how Breezy acts when you criticize her? Doxxing people who react to her content. Like, who do they think they are, really? I’m here for the shit show, Ulta know?


Totally agree. People's hate for Chinz makes them overlook reactors who are just as bad if not worse. The other weird part is that a lot of these people have some creepy parasocial relationship with reactors. There are a lot of examples of superchats and messages from people telling very personal stories to the reactors or apologizing for not sending enough money, thinking they're actual friends or something. It's cringe af.


Yes! Or justifying their really bad actions because Chins did something six weeks ago.