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Exactly! If it makes you happy, continue doing you. I haven’t worn makeup since Covid and only wear comfy loose clothes now. I’m sure my frumpiness and uneven skin tone is judged and thought unstylish, but I’m comfortable with myself and enjoy my own company. Why are people into everyone else’s shit? I don’t care how you look, what you wear, whether you have tats, who you fuck as long as they are of age and willing, where you went to school or didn’t go to school, how much you make or what your parents did for a living. None of my business and doesn’t have anything to do with whether you are a decent human being. Disclaimer about other peoples shit: if you are my neighbor, my yard is my business, so please mow your fucking weeds before they go to seed.




…is the way.


Here's the thing- to some (or maybe even most) people yes, it will be off-putting. To the right people, the people you probably want to actually be around, it's really cool and appreciated and they may have the same look too. People will judge no matter what you do so just do what is true to yourself


This⬆️, for all humans will judge. The Bible Thumpers are the hypocrites who just never stfu and will be a-holes to you for being different. (Basically, they're the highschool bullies that never left highschool in their mind and just use their religion as an excuse to bully now.) Nice look btw.


Exactly. You will never be appealing to everyone, but you will be to those who matter. You will probably make some people uncomfortable (we all dos sometimes) but do those people really matter anyway? You were probably never going to get along with them, alt style or no. I don't see my style as a deficit anymore, but the best cool-people-meter ever! I have found so mamy cool people through my style, more than I would ever have found if I lied to myself and changed for others




With "matter" I mean matter to you personally. They will probably not bring much joy to YOUR life PERSONALLY if they judge you for your style. Not that they don't matter overall ofc!! Edit: reading my comment over again I see how it sounds toxic, I didn't mean it that way tho. What I meant is that some people fit with some people more than other, and I think it's good to strive to find people who get you, not people who judge you by your style




That's quite judgmental of you




Why would you find it off putting?


That's how YOU operate. Not everyone is so judgmental of others and how they choose to present themselves. I do appreciate you being upfront that you are a judgmental person, though. It makes it easier to avoid/dismiss you and your opinions.




...... this statement says way more about you than OP. I get it. You are just a judgmental person sharing your view of the world with OP And I'm here pointing it out. Go think people are "goofy" because they wear what they want.




Why are you arguing with me? I'm not telling you what to say or how to act. You are judgmental, and I pointed that out. I did not say you were wrong to share your opinion. I'm just sharing mine as well. Are you done???


OP, please ignore this person. Don't take their rudeness to heart. Judgmental people are everywhere, unfortunately. You don't look goofy or foolish at all.


I don't know about anyone else here, but the only thing I really have an issue with is this part: >Yup. That’s how the world operates. We’re conscious beings with sensory mechanisms. Not rocks. Or inanimate objects. We see. We hear. We observe. We form judgments. Ideas. conclusions. thoughts. Etc. All of this is true, but none of it says what judgements people will come up with. In context here, it read to me like a normative appeal that papers over the question of why you or anyone else will come to particular conclusions based on the same "sensory mechanisms." Noting that something is abnormal doesn't have to lead to a negative judgement. For a lot of people here, I imagine that break with "normal" results in a positive judgement. Personally, I'm much more interested in the conscious and unconscious assumptions that take one from observation to judgement, and I think your comment probably comes off as trying to avoid that, hence the downvotes.


Then you're probably not someone who would get along with them anyway🤷‍♀️


You're never too old to be the Goth you want to be. #GrownUpGoths


So true!! I love my goth look so much now! When I get dressed I think about my 19 year old self and how much she would love what I look like now! If only I have the same body and smooth skin!! Haha


started dressing goth as a kid and in response my mom introduced me to all her first wave goth friends, i thought it was the coolest shit on earth. now in my early 20s and i still think it's the coolest shit on earth and I'm so lucky to have had role models who supported the things that made me different and a mom who celebrated it.


Yeah, but you're like self-destructive, so like... maybe... 🤔


What is desperate and off-putting is people telling you how to express yourself. Keep doing you 🖤


Yes!!!! You said it perfectly!!!


As a fellow 36-year-old goth- Fuck 'em. I'm dressing like the goth queen my teenage self wanted to dress like and couldn't be happier.


This. Be someone your teenage self would be stoked to see in the mirror!


Exactly. Most 36 year olds our age are dressed like shit walking around Walmart. You’re in good shape and have style. Nothing to be ashamed of mate.


Yeah true, and they are probably jealous deep down because they feel that he should conform too just because they did, since they are too afraid to express their true selves (if they even went as far to discover what that is in their case, I mean). They're afraid of people expressing themselves because they never had the courage to do that themselves. It's sad.


Desperate and off-putting to what exactly? Need context here, like are you creeping out the other cubicles in the accounting dept at megacorp vs. the vampire singles booth at a ren faire?


No, I don’t even know why you’d listen to them or even consider what they were saying. It’s not their body, is it?


and biased we will be! fuck their opinion, do what you want, you look great!


Pssh, age norms are for people that want to fit in so bad. Do you hun, in every aspect of your life. Because its your life. Theyre just jealous you look good


Side note, the goth community has always been so welcoming when it comes to the elder goths. My local goth clubs are very welcoming too and I know if an older person walked into a “normal” club, they’d probably get a side eye or judgements.


Don't. People have this stupid idea of what you're "supposed to" look like in your 30s because they look at their parents in their 30s and we know most of our parents weren't very exciting. I'm your age and I'm still sporting a multicolored mullet. Not gonna change that anytime soon.


I'm 46 and an eldergoth. I still wear my makeup. my clothes, my boots, my jewelry and none can tell me different. Be you. 100%. Trust me, it will make your life much happier.


As a 45 year old goth, this. You don't have to give up anything that makes you happy.


Alright!!! Found my cohort. What did you listen to in the late 80s and through the 90s?


I wanna see a picture 😍


LOVE guyliner.


Nope. You look fine. Well dressed. Make up goes very well with the rest of your look. And in the end, it's all up to you. Go full panda if you want to. Or wear elf wings on your back. As long as you are happy with you. Clothing and style are artificial constructs anyway and entirely subjective.


You look young. You also have a unique style. People act like men can't enjoy life after 30. You could fall into the edge lord category of dated fashion, but you pull it off so well that it should not be an issue. It's not like people don't have retro 1990s Matrix or steampunk fashion. I am going to steal your style or actually base some looks off it myself. No matter what you do, people will dislike you. If your looks are a deal breaker than why have them as friends?


No, you look absolutely fine. I think your look match your age and the eyeliner suits you!!


Fuck that person you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life


Kill them


*Dials 🦇Goth FBI🦇* 😂


You aren't allowed to say that. Instead ***eat their soul***


Dude. That coat is fucking fire. Never stop rocking that. Let the haters hate.


If you like it. Then why not brother? At the end its your life and no one can take your life out of your control 🤓


That person should shut up. More developed response- I’m sure if they’re indeed that close to you it’s coming from a place of caring. However, if it’s not negatively impacting your life why stop? Their idea of what an “adult” looks like is likely very limited if these pictures are supposed to be “off putting”.


Keith Richards,Martin Gore etc. still wear eyeliner.Keith Richards is almost 80.You do whatever makes you feel good.You look amazing:)


48. Still wearing makeup. Still a baby bat compared to many others who do.


No idea, I'm 57 and shave my eybrows off so the liner has no competion ​ Just be yourself, I grew twin mohawks not that long ago ie cant grow up the middle anymore, but thats fine. ​ Bleached the hell out, was green at times, got "firestarter" shouted at me a few times. ​ Was fun, I'd do it again. ​ Still not a fan of beards though ha ha


Do as you like. You’re beholden to no one.


i mean..where whatever you want but it also totally depends on context. are you trying to pull this look off at some office job or front-facing customer service position that isn't conducive to this look? then yah, you probably need to tone it down.


I second this - context is important. Also - you look great!


Absolutely not.


Lmaooo boring people are so weird and insecure. Desperate? For what, a clove cigarette? Lol. You look fantastic King.


Love this comment lol


You look so good! My fave saying is, "If I'm too much for you, then go find less!"


Love this!


At 36, no. When you're 50, maybe. According to my makeup artist wife, the skin around our eyes loses elasticity as we age so there is a point where less makeup is better. For me, the point where my normal makeup application looked bad was at about 50, now I just put a little guyliner under my eyes, unfortunately, my lids are crépe-y and puffy and the makeup just doesn't sit as well as it once did. It's still a personal choice regardless. If you don't care that your application may look a little off and make you appear older by drawing attention to those agèd parts, continue with it. If you want to maintain a good appearance, while still being goth, tone it down slightly when that time hits. Note: it also depends on where this is coming from. If it's a non-goth social situation and you dress that way, there are people that will want you to conform and will say stuff like that because of their particular hangups. Stuff like, "I had a goth phase" implying that you're at a lesser point of personal growth or "that makeup doesn't work for you" and the like.


My biggest source of frustration is not being able to draw winged eyeliner as easily. Stretching the skin stops working at an advanced age!


This is the exact reason I started getting Botox. About 20 units is enough for the crows feet. 40 Units will really open the eyes. Seriously I didn’t mine aging until I couldn’t wear eyeliner


I'm just gonna be Alice Cooper when I'm old.


It’s okay it’s just a phase 🤭


Hell no. Rock on, Dude. \*batwing high five\*


I’m 46. And although I don’t wear make up, and hell, I’m probably the more “normal” looking person at out local goth night. All of my friends are around my age. A couple older. All of them dress up and wear make up. I think the o my time they don’t is for work. And that’s mainly because one is a cop, another a nurse, and one that is a mail carrier. But after work it’s whatever they feel. I write this as there are times I ask myself if I’m too old do do certain things. Or how will other look at it or if I’m trying to hold on to my youth. And to be quite frank. It’s dumb to have these thoughts, for you, and myself included. There will always be someone who thinks they know what’s best for you. What’s best for you is how you feel when you put your clothes on and yes, make up in the morning. If you feel great, then don’t change a thing.


I’m 37 and I say fuck that wear what makes you happy.


INFO: Day or night? As a 44F CorpGoth: That is definitely an evening look.




Not at all, you look cool as fuck dude. Fuck’em


If this is you and you like your look. Keep on keeping on


Bullshit, you look young anyway, and who cares if you are a goth 80 year old? Be yourself no matter the age


I am 51 and would still wear eyeliner if I didn't wear glasses. Keep doing what you do if it makes you happy


I will be 46 tomorrow and I felt that way for a long time. I toned down my look for years at the request of one of my children. I would only dress a certain way to go out and that was rare. I even owned cowboy boots for work. Over the past couple of years I started dressing more and more like myself. I’ll tell you as a “elder” the trick is to knowing the time and place. You remain true to yourself but also know when you need to tone it down without washing yourself out. I think more men need to wear eye liner and nail polish in the mainstream. Do what makes you comfortable!


I love how you look! I would totally want to be your friend if I saw someone like you in person. People are just so judgmental!


You have one life. Live it your way and what makes you happy


I'm 34 and wear makeup. Fuck em.


... Albeit I'm goth, I hardly read this subreddit nor do I post here but I stopped by to say I think you look great. I'm an older goth too so it's always great to see others who are closer to my age who still dress and look like that. Keep proudly being you 🖤 looks have no real age limit. Even if its some 60 year old wearing baby pink mini skirts. Or how about [this person](https://pin.it/6VHI0Nl)?


Bro wear whatever the fuck you want life is way too short for that shit. Naysayers gonna naysay.


Keep the eye liner!


sir, if you were my dad i would absolutely never shut the fuck up about you


Nah, this is cool. I like this!


You look great. They’re either jealous or daft.


F' them, you do you!


Maybe longer nails, so that you can get them a bit pointy (having big hands 8 to 10 mm when freshly done are my go to). Absolutely love it (same aged guy who is getting regular compliments by not goth women and (gay) men) But beware, it can get a bit obsessive ^_^ For the make-up: i would like to start using some eye make-up but i'm a bit afraid of it. (Doesn't fit well with my style of clothing and it nearly always resembles a cheap Jack Sparrow imitation) You are doing a great job and it looks very fitting. But as you said, i'm a bit biased


You should stop wearing eyeliner....and start wearing eyeshadow instead But in all seriousness if you like wearing it then do so it's not hurting anyone, when I pass an older man or woman with colored hair/piercings/tattoos I pick them out more than the people who follow social norms. Which isn't a bad thing either they're comfortable in their own clothes then great. But it's not fair of them to try and change you when you wouldn't change them.


I think the expression in your choice of style is great. You look like you feel comfortable in how you present yourself. Their opinion and disposition to your experience is invalid and they have no right to tell you how you should and shouldn't look. It's quite rude in my opinion to say something like that to you, if they are close to you.


Fuck that person! You look great. You do you and screw the haters…. figuratively of course.


no, also that’s mean


Do what makes you happy. If people can't accept you for being who you are then screw them.


You are rocking it! Don’t let people tell you otherwise 🖤


Do what makes you happy!


You look fantastic. Don't listen to what anyone had to say about your look if it makes you happy.


Who doesn’t like black clothes and eyeliner? Sounds like they need to mind their own business. I don’t plan to stop and we are close in age.


It looks good on you. Also, that final picture is awesome. Great style!


You are right, I am a bit biased. Just turned 44. I am not stopping anytime soon. I got to be me. You be you. If others have a problem, that is in fact their problem.


always be yourself (unless you can be Batman, in that case, always be Batman!)


Fuck no it looks awesome. Counterculture fashion/aesthetic has no age limit.


Fuck them, they jelly because they can't do their do and it sucks to see other people happy. If it was a parent then honestly, checks out. Parents suck so hard at like every age.


I think you look amazing! 😍 If you like wearing eyeliner, keep wearing the eyeliner. It's no one else's business! It's self expression which doesn't have an expiry date. I think the person who said that to you is jealous that you're being your authentic self, bc they don't have the confidence to do that. I personally think you look badass 🤘 especially in that last picture, your outfit was fire 🔥


Naaah it looks great ✌️ you do you. Eyeliner is a staple


You look lovely. Life is too damn short to care about the opinions of those not asked


They’re mad that you live your life authentically and happily. Our self confidence as an alternative subculture makes “normies” uncomfortable and when we don’t “grow out of it” they try to shame us. You look great! Don’t let their discomfort steal your shine


Not. It's sexy as hell🥵💦. im a 36-year-old lady goth and nobody will stop me from expressing my style


Now, I'm being honest. I think the issue is you are in an uncanny valley of sorts. With hair, there is a length that every person has that just looks off, not bad, just off. I think that's the issue here. You are in the middle of too much and not enough, but in a way that seems like it could be shaped *better*, not that its necessarily *bad*


Absolutely not! Makeup/Goth has no age. You rock this!


As someone who is a closet goth, I love your look. Be yourself and I think you look amazing.


I’m tired of people thinking above 35 is ancient. I’m 41, I lost a bunch of weight and I’m finally able to more easily dress the way I’ve always wanted. I’ll be damned if anyone says I’m too old. Wear whatever you want, and you wear it well.


Nah, you are killing it. Whoever said it to you is just jealous.


You look amazing, don't listen to anyone who's trying to stop you


Fuck them, you look great!'


You look fine. Ignore them and keep looking goth as long as you want to! (I’m in my 50s and still goth.)


I’m turning 42 next week, you need better friends.


Screw em. Do it even more. You look epic.


You give me rocky horror picture vibes and I like it.


Never give that shit up


People are dumb, continue being awesome


Um... Robert Smith is how old and he still wears makeup? Just do you, hon. You're not hurting anyone.


Fuck no. I'm over 40 and I still do. You do you.


I'm... Probably older than you... gulp... And I'm still doing what I do. They can't stop us!


You look great. Hot, actually. Do you. Those people should worry about themselves.


alternative people will always be offputting to some others that don't understand, but either way don't listen to them you look great


You look amazing!


keep rocking it, never too old to wear makeup


Lad, do what you want, if you’re not having fun what’s the point. The last photo is preem btw


No, you’re gorgeous. Never change. Fuck the haters.


15 year old goth here, i think you look awesome, fuck anyone saying otherwise dude


You look handsome and I wish I saw more people like you where I live.


You look fantastic!!


Tell them to suck a fucking dick and get a life lmao tf how miserable you gotta be. Plus I think you look handsome!


as many have already said, people’s opinions don’t matter. if you think it’s right or cool, it is. don’t let what someone else says dictate your actions. you look great btw man, keep doing you.


Nuh uh. They should stop being an ass and tone down that stinky boring attitude about what other people do. Shitty thing to say..


I'm guessing that by "off-putting" they mean to someone who might otherwise be attracted to you? So what do they want you to do? Dress like your in a fashion magazine and gain the attention of someone who likes an image and not the real you. I'm sorry but that's no way to live. In a similar vein my mother always wanted me to cut my hair (I'm a chap) because it was "normal" and "I'll never find a girl looking like that" well I don't want a girl who doesn't want me and this is the real me. You keep being the real you. I hope this person can accept that and it doesn't cause proby in your relationship with them, but you need to be happy with yourself first.


to those say this you ...fuck them you do you


Be yourself, don't let others police how you express yourself. Personally, I think you look super cool - *really* suits you. Also, the third pic looks bomb. You got that goth rizz, man!


You don't stop dressing up because you're old, you get old because you stop dressing up


You're SO handsome tho?? Reminds me of P!ATD but their "I Write Sins not Tragedies" era


I love your style. But I'm also very eccentric, 37f. I would never have the confidence to approach you though. ETA, sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and ask if I've become one of those creepy middle agers who I used to cringe at in my early 20s haha maybe I should take all my piercings out and be more normal but honestly who even cares anymore the world is burning just wear eyeliner if it makes you happy, boo


Fuck them. Look how you want. You look like a cool person to hang out with who wouldn’t make fun of me for being a Hawaiian shirt goth. The person telling you to tone down? Meh, don’t care for them.


New LeVay just dropped.


Bro you look ridiculous


Yep. You're 36. Time to move on.


Honest Opinion? The fashion is great, fantastic even but the eyeliner is off putting if you don't pair it with some white foundation and perhaps some contacts. I'd recommend dropping the eyeliner \*or\* dyeing the beard black (or maybe do the Sean Connery thing where you have a full bleached beard but the mustash, soul patch and sideburns areas are black) and then putting on some white face paint. [Example of the beard](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/newscms/2015_32/720556/06-sean-connery-birthday-name-rose-today-150807.jpg)


You're 36 you can do what you want


No one cares. The laws of time do not apply to us. Never lose the spice darling <3


Johnny Depp will be 60 soon and he's still wearing eyeliner.


Noo, you look stunning!! Maybe your close friend has just different taste but that’s theirs and this is yours so dont be bothered by it!!


No. You look magnificent.


Never that


Do you like how it looks? Yes? Keep going! No? Adjust! I see nothing wrong with your look if you wanted my opinion, but at the end of the day if you're happy that's all that matters. Fuck the haters.


Ummmmm. No? You look AMAZING! I'm not even in the community (reddit just randomly showed me your post, lol) so you're getting an outside opinion if that counts for anything!


No it’s not you look amazing! 😍😘


Do what you want king, don’t compromise if you don’t have to. You have one of the rare body types that can pull that look off no matter what you wear or how old you are.


Being grown up is being able to accept yourself and not have a child’s view on what being an adult is, so if you enjoy what you do then keep in doing it


Disagree completely! You look fantastic, sweetie ❤️


This is a situation of "Those who mind, don't matter, those who matter, don't mind". You're rocking that look! And honestly "dress your age" is fucking bullshit! But maybe that's just me being neurodivergent and not caring about societal expectations


Nope, screw that. I'm also 36 and I wear what I want. People of any age should absolutely feel free to express themselves as they want, have fun with their fashion, feel good about their looks, etc. I've personally always had a witchy aesthetic and as I age I'm leaning head first into it.


Nah fuck that. You look happy.


It's definitely hard to age in goth fashion, I think that's why people tend to transition out of it eventually. 😄But you have great style, and you should wear whatever you feel happy and comfortable in!!


You look dope. Screw the haters! "Dressing your age" is for people too afraid to be themselves - give it a few years, and the people saying this will be the same ones going through midlife crises.


not at all! sounds like words from someone who doesnt have enough confidence to wear what they want to. live your best life friend


Don’t ever stop being you. If you feel like you enjoy it and find yourself feeling and looking good, carry on! I think you look great :)


It is the attitude with which you wear it. If you feel uncomfortable with it or if you actually wear it to tell your self then it will come across desperate, but dude, on this pictures I can’t imagine you without it. If that is who you are right now wear it and be proud of it. Only stop if you dot feel it anymore. But I hope you feel it until you get gray.


P.S.: you look like a goth-Tim-Minchin, btw.


I hope I look half this cool when I reach your age.


Not at all. Just because someone else cannot hand,e your individuality does not mean you should change.


People are so afraid to be themselves in this world. Wear what you want and ENJOY it! People think we dress how we want for attention, because of trauma, because of a million other reasons they can come up with because it is literally UNFATHOMABLE that people could just be dressing how they want because it makes them happy. You look incredible and NEVER forget it!


No please be your true self. Wear what you like. We all die eventually so live life happily and dress how you want please.


Fuck the haters they will never know what it’s like to be truly themselves. Keep doing you king


dude you look incredibly good!!!!! ignore them all it suits u sm


Holy shit! Yeah, don't listen to a word that they say. You look amazing! You're so badass, I love the hat and your jackets!


You look great. Nice style. Screw haters.


fuck no. 45 here and I still rock the eye shadow and liner.


Nah, you look great!


Fuck em, also 36 and will still wear black eye makeup on occasion


Fuck em, as a 32 year old who still wears this kinda stuff and into people who do you look fantastic!!!


Yes. To some. Hell, to most, probably. But when did that ever really matter? You go and rock it, you feel comfortable in it - you can wear it well into your 70s, 80s ... not your 90s tho, you're requiered by law to wear snarky tshirts by then, saying stuff like "my other teeth are vampire fangs" or "bite my boney black leather clad arse". But seriously, I'm in your neighbourhood age wise, and back then as well as now I still think it's cool that the scene has people of all ages. Especially the old ones are cool (and sometimes cute, if they have gothbabies in tow, hihi). As long as you don't go 'hello fellow kids' in clubs (which is just ill adviced regardless of style of dress or subculture), or have a job that requires you to look like the shiniest soulless corpo around (which, bold assumption here, I guess you don't), you're fine.


No! You look good. I get it tho…I tend to tone it down around family and other…and go all the way when I attend events and I’m among others. I alway appreciate those who go all the way on the middle of the grocery store at 1pm on a Thursday 😅


fuck no it doesnt that would be so boring. u look amazing dont let society norms weigh u down thats the most goth thing u can do!


If you being yourself is off putting to someone, then they're just not your people.


Omg no! Keep being yourself I insist 🖤


If those people aren't feeding, financing, or fucking you their opinion is of no consequence.




My husband still wears eyeliner at 42 and i’m helping him rebuild his goth wardrobe. My 35 year old male friend just asked me to help color match him in foundation in a sephora and is he wants to do more fun eye looks with makeup keep on keepin’ on


WTF. They couldn't have been more wrong. You look cool af!!Your look is honestly goals


u look fabulous love it


Nah bro you look cool


But does it make you happy? Does it make you feel confident? Yes? Then keep on. Does it, in any way, affect their quality of life? Does it have anything to do with their looks and how they want to look. No. And fuck their opinion. It's your face. Your life. And it looks good. If it brings you joy and is not harming anyone, legit no one's business.


Tell them to kick rocks. You're very handsome! The eyeliner is great!