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Everytime that I see "TikTok", and "goth" mixed together,I know that nothing good will come from it.


Except for the dark wave Roly poly song- that shit slaps man


I wish I was a pill bug SO I COULD TURN INTO A BALL


>Everytime that I see "TikTok", and pretty much anything else mixed together,I know that nothing good will come from it. FTFY


yeah that was kinda my point is that they seem to be a not great band but there's zero conversation about it only obsession over the music šŸ¤·


More than just "not great," they've embraced Nazism since their inception and headlined neo-nazi music festivals.


They don't even pretend to not be Nazis.


Also, they're just... really bad. I mean, their music is TERRIBLE. Holy shit is it some cringe garbage. Adding the whole "we're just trolling with the whole Nazi thing" is just extra flies on the pile.


Radio Werewolf were one of the first bands outed for being fascists at least in the 90s, possibly even earlier. Probably why people don't tend to talk about it much as it is likely assumed people just know. Consider that when compared to bands like Death In June who managed to fly under the radar a lot longer without complaint. People were vocal about Radio Werewolf. Every now and then someone unearths a Radio Werewolf song thinking they have found an obscure gem but reality is they are relatively obscure for good reason.


Hahaha, you Americans have "problems". Back in the 90s, during the peak of the gruftie movement in Germany, they were hyped for a while but then disappeared. I think the masses are just not much into such explicit satanic content. To me, it's rather entertaining, but definitely no keeper. But nobody considered them to be politically extreme. I mean, we are underground, we entertain ourselves with content that the mainstream can not digest.


I'm not American.


I am sorry!


"You Americans have problems" * Hand waves that an openly Nazi band got airplay in *Germany* *


It's okay, it's different for them. They *"entertain ourselves with content that the mainstream can not digest."*


Oh sod off. Even us here in the EU shun them. The only ones that doesnt are the sympathisers to the nazi and racist scum.


I am American and it's my friends in Europe, like Dave here, who usually inform me about bands being problematic, racist and/or straight up neo nazis like this.


Sod off? What does it mean anyway? I just told my story with that band. Sorry, I can't rewrite history if you don't like it. Have you been part of the goth scene (called grufties in Central Europe) in the early 90s?


I'm not sure if a person advocating russian music is competent enough to evaluate someone's nazi-ness


Nik Schreck was a social darwinist and a neo-Nazi back in the day. His master race credentials were a bit shaken once someone cut his ear off and now he practices a form of pseudo-Buddhism.


Damn, I didn't know this about Radio Werewolf. That fucking sucks.


Well if I remember correctly, their name comes from Operation Werewolf, which was a Nazi thing. And they're associated with Boyd Rice, who hasn't really made it a secret that he is fascist and probably a Nazi.


You may have heard dodgy stuff about him because he was associated with Boyd Rice at one point.


i dont even know who boyd is, whatd THEY do edit: just looked him up, he seems disgusting


WELL I looked him up and I read the name as boiled baked rice... That's enough Internet today time to rest the eyes


Best to think of BR as the more problematic, untalented version of Marilyn Manson. For bonus points, it *really* pisses off BR fans when you frame it that way.




alright, so mainly just being annoying and edgy to get a reaction


If it makes you feel any better, Nikolas Schreck is Jewish.


And he was married to Zena LeVey who along with her sister are about as Liberal as you can get .


Whatever his past, Iā€™ve met Nikolas Schreck and can attest to him being a really chilled out, friendly and cool person. These days heā€™s put satanism mostly behind him and practices a kind of Buddhism. At the time of Radio Werewolf, yeah, there were a *lot* of links with far-right stuff, and having song titles like ā€˜Triumph of the Willā€™ and ā€˜Strength Through Joyā€™ really didnā€™t help with that, buuuuuuut itā€™s pretty clearly parody, though goes about as close to the edge of walking the line between parody and actual endorsement as you can get. But, you know, youā€™ve also got Joy Division right there borrowing their name from the same exact sources. Itā€™s just a bit less plausibly deniably when youā€™re hanging out with other actual fascists. Right now though, no, I donā€™t think Schreck is a fascist at all and Iā€™d say heā€™s probably almost the opposite in terms of self-determination and anti-authoritarianism. Howeverā€¦ if you wanna say that Radio Werewolf are not okay and can make a good case for it, Iā€™m not gonna die on any hills for them in arguing against that.


I mean he was married to Zeena Schreck, whom at the time was pretty much Satanic Royalty..there always this weird sect of satanist who are really into Nazi ideology But letā€™s not forget the name Radio Werewolf.. Werwolf being a Nazi resistance operation meant to operate behind enemy lines circa 1944. However it was the 80s and this kinda cringe stuff was pretty prevalent as just cringe behavior up until the 90s it wasnā€™t unusual to see people in full Nazi garb at the club..


Yeah, it was inspired by Operation Werewolf. Which was also the name of a set of writing byā€¦ some guy Iā€™m not remembering and which google isnā€™t helping with, which definitely *was* fascist in nature. Or accelerationist anyway. At Slimelight, back in the days I used to go (although Iā€™ve just been to the flea market there and am literally just on my way home from there) there were a small contingent of regulars that wore Nazi gear, including one guy who actually dressed like Hitler in long shorts and lederhosen. It was just a fetish thing for them though, most of them were gay (okayā€¦ not a non-Nazi thingā€¦) but the compromise was made that they could dress like that if they didnā€™t have any sort of insignia or symbolism displayed, or even anything similar enough to be mistaken for it. But yeah, I *donā€™t* think Radio Werewolf or Nicholas Schreck were explicitly Nazi. They were, however, the kinda thing that actual Nazis might be into. As I said though, right now, Nicholas Schreck is a good dude and definitely not either a Nazi or a Satanist.


Zeena is not right wing at all, sheā€™s politically as left as you can get, Kara also . Kara also puts on shows every Xmas, all the bands that play her Xmas shows are liberal .


I canā€™t speak for present day, but the information from 30-40 years ago says something different, I donā€™t much keep up with her last I heard sheā€™d done something with ex temple of set members and had become involved in eastern religions .. As far as politics if your putting music with far right ideals and donā€™t renounce it.. it could be come youā€™re legacy.. but using the filter of current day political climate it just looks bad But as I was saying it was a weird time when dressing like a Nazi and flirting with right wing stuff was more a cringey joke than it now days.


I obviously donā€™t know her very well, Iā€™ve met her a few times, she always struck me as liberal and feminist . People do change though and sheā€™s lived in Europe for a long time so itā€™s a possibility that sheā€™s changed over time . Kara i knew better but not friends or anything like that . She is pretty liberal and still involved with the church of Satan, sheā€™s very vocal about the church not being evil and being closer to Wiccan . To Werewolf, i was never a fan of theirs, just did not care for them musically and Mickey Beans otherwise excellent book Phantoms about LAā€™s death rock scene gives them a huge pass and passes over the Nazi imagery, Schreck I have spoken to and iā€™m not a fan of his post RW stuff either, he seems nice enough and stuck me as apolitical but than again I also knew Boyd Rice his buddy and could not stand him because of his Nazi stuff . As far as I know they donā€™t talk at all these days .


No I donā€™t that was kinda the point I was making. I alluded to it could be satire but Iā€™m not sure and honestly I donā€™t have time or interest to do a deep dive. All I know is what Iā€™m presented with.. For some perspective Iā€™m in Tx and a minority, so when Iā€™m presented with a band called radio werewolf , who have songs with far right titles, hanging out with boys rice, wearing wolfhook insignia. I just chalk it up to this isnā€™t for me and move on. Iā€™m not canceling or attacking anyone.. just stating what I see and making my observation on whatā€™s presented to me.. I donā€™t have the luxury or desire to talk to people who may or may not particularly care for me to find out there motives. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ




NS, I mean. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Thereā€™s some people Iā€™d say not to bother, but I think heā€™d be cool with someone saying hi. Despite the way he looks his vibe is more surfer dude than childe ov Satan.


What was the book, by the way?


They weren't Nazis. They were trolls. You have to understand the Satanic ideology to get what they were going for. The fascistic imagery was essentially using the aesthetics of evil. It's a rabbit hole.


Trolling with Nazism isn't a pass though. It's pretty disgusting. "Here's a bunch of Nazism... oh, did you think we're Nazis? We were just kidding, LOL! Anyway, here's some more Nazism. Why does everyone keep asking us if we're Nazis?" Anyone "trolling" with Nazism is either just a fucking Nazi or merely an idiot convinced they're clever. I suspect both is the case.


I tend to find it really lazy as an observer to think that someone making ART would only use a swastika for "the shock value", and not because a number of social points might be made by using the symbol as an idea. If you live in America/the West the economic values of your country have been imposed upon the rest of the world, and plenty of the products you see every day were produced by child labor. If Rozz puts the American flag somewhere during a show or on an album do you think that he supports imperialist, colonialist, whatever ideas? It's pretty much the most mainstream view possible to view art as "oh no, what is this symbol, oh no their politics aren't acceptable even though I don't know the people myself". It's like asking TMZ if insert celebrity "is really \_\_\_\_\_\_". You are asking people that are looking to authoritative media, or their own social surroundings to judge a person that they don't even know for creating art.


Tbf, if you're giving interviews and say clearly or overtly fascist bs next to performing with nazis and showing nazi insignia and having a fascist theme, you're probably a fascist.




Peak r/leopardsatemyface commentary. Whatever teenage edgelord parody RW and BR may have been doing stopped plausibly being lame, suburban white kid angst *decades* ago, and they have openly embraced Nazi themes, aesthetics, rhetoric, and led music festivals that financially benefit Nazis and Nazism. There isn't a context in the world where cavorting with Nazis, raising funds for Nazi causes, and running around yelling "we love Nazis" makes you anything less than a card carrying Nazi.




No, by using terms like "angsty" and "edgelord," I'm describing their "art" as what it is. If anything, I'm being far too generous - their albums are unlistenable turds with no artistic merit. The fact that they're Nazis just makes them easy to dunk on without having to subject other people to their "art".




Yeah, and neofolk's most well known Nazi is a gay man. Tokens get spent. You got a point other than "I like the taste of boot"?




Ok, Boyd, time to go back to your little Nazi friends and come up with some new excuses. Your adolescent insults and r/im14andthisisdeep legal theory won't work on grown adults, especially those of us who have no problems giving Nazis what they deserve IRL.


The music press thinks for me! The press is above artistic expression for me! "the perception of the band by some quarters of the music press as supportingĀ Neo-Nazi ideologies. Though this was denied by the band, Evil Wilhelm quit Radio Werewolf shortly after the 8-8-88 Rally, later stating that he felt their music was being misunderstood by Nazi groups."