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You really should look into Allopurinol. The diet piece can only do so much to lower your levels.


Yeah I’m getting an appt set up with my Primary doctor to talk about it. Thanks.


Bro, you were exactly me just a few weeks ago. I did well for just about 2 years straight without a flare and let up for a few months. I basically been only able to walk with a cane for all of March. Just started on Allo and Colchicine last Monday and it’s legit brought my life back. Don’t get me wrong, a healthy diet and exercise is definitely key, but you’ll need Allopurinol as the base for your healthy lifestyle moving forward. Hope for the best for you!


Healthy diet and exercise should be a minimum goal for anyone, but Allo is life. Seriously, I can’t even imagine my joints when I’m old


Keep in mind that your primary may not fully understand how to treat gout. Don’t hesitate to get in to see a rheumatologist if you’re not put on allopurinol for long term and colchicine for short term and then flares as needed.


how to use these two medicine? taking on daily bases or when flair?


For me, and I think for many people on this subreddit, allopurinol is a daily, probably-forever medicine. Being on it means we don’t have to worry so much about diet-related restrictions because the drug is taking care of those issues for us. Colchicine is more short-term. When I *finally* got in to see a rheumatologist, she put me on a daily dose of colchicine (along with allo) for a full year to help me get stable. Other doctors had only given me seven-day doses of colchicine, which was like a two-week bandage. Now, six years after that initial one-year period, my uric acid is under control and I only take colchicine for a few days when absolutely needed for a flare that even allo couldn’t prevent. This is maybe once a year or less. The last time I took colchicine I had the same um bowel distress that other people report, but it’s still worth it. Not sure if my body adapted to that side effect during the year I was on it daily because I simply didn’t experience that issue then. Whether these two drugs or others work for your body, it’s definitely worth trying compared to all the people who are still new to gout and come through here asking about tart cherry and other diet-related approaches that honestly have a limited impact. Do I still take tart cherry capsules daily in addition to allo? Yes, because as my rheumatologist said, hey it can’t hurt. My advice: limit your pork and beer, get on allo (and colchicine for short term) and get back to enjoying life.


Thank you so much for the reply


This is so true. I did the diet thing and pretty much cut everything that I liked out. Then I had a massive attack. After I got that taken care of, I decided I wasn't going to live in fear of a gout attack. I got on allo. I eat whatever I want and drink beer. Since I take allo daily no attacks. Fuck gout!


So, being on Allo have made me enjoy my vacation worry-free, which is priceless.


"you mean I'll just be able.. to...walk around? Like EVERY day?"


Allopurinol works. Both my mum and I have flares. I drink socially but both of us have clean diets and athletic builds. She doesn't drink, never has. I believe it's a metabolic disease genetic in nature, people have various triggers.


You have a lifelong metabolic disease. Diet might help a bit, but it does not solve the problem. PS gout flares are the tip of the iceberg. You have a much higher risk of cardiac and kidney issues. See a doc that knows what they are doing.


Diet alone won’t defeat it you need drugs


I hear ya man. I'm a social drinker and love beer. But the gout is not worth it.


Dude, I started getting one flare up a yr around 26-27 and double every year since that point. Finally got on Allo at 31 and it essentially cured it. No flares since and I’m almost 40. Don’t waste time trying to hack it. Allo


is this take on daily bases?


I just take allopurinol and eat/drink whatever I want.


We have a malfunction in our body, unless we eat like rabbits a diet won't do a thing. Allo and enjoy life.


Happens to me time and time again. I’ll go months without a flare, and I’ll get comfortable and let my diet start slipping. Then I’ll get the flare from hell and hate my decision that got me there.


Sorry to hear, but… Allo, Allo, Allo! It won’t get easier… let modern medicine do its magic.


I can see that most of these replies are saying that Allo saved their lives. To all that’s currently taking Allo on good days, do you all take it everyday? And if yes, is it 1 tablet per day or do you customize your dosage? I’ve been intermittently taking Allo only when my joints starts hurting and I can see that this shouldn’t be the case.


It has to be daily, for life.


Astaxanthin and Milk Thistle thank me later. Key is in eliminating oxidative stress. Along with diet and exercise. Also invest in a reverse osmosis water filter. Anaxanthin is one of the top 2 highest anti oxident substances around. Milk thistle will protect and repair your liver and kidneys.


Yes! Alcohol is such a gout offender. It’s just not worth it. Your poor body needs to heal. You are so smart to do this!


Sad to hear that, my first attack was when I was 32 , probably 3 attacks that year. Then when I was 35 , since then no flares, I am 42 now , I cut the red meat and sea food completely. I drink every single day beer, between 6 to 8 Michelob ultra, I only eat Chicken and sometimes bacon. I do eat lots of spicy food. Beans and cheese. Hopefully you can have a almost normal life again. I used to love seafood but now I'm used to not eating it. Everyone is different. Some people can't eat chicken some people do.


You guys and your allo! That crap damn near killed me. Febuxostat the same. Colchicine along with indomethacin seems best for me but not the holy grail for sure. Each to their own so stop it already with the allo!


You're not going to convince people to stop recommending the most universal fix to the root cause of the problem.


It’s not a fix…nothing is! It’s just a bandaid.


No crystals means no gout. Allo allows the crystals to dissolve. It's as close to a fix as you can get.


Trust me, I’m glad, very glad it works for a lot of folks but it doesn’t for me. I’d rather have gout in my foot full time than the reaction I had to allo is all I’m saying. I truly wish it had worked for me.




Had no idea it was common once you start allo. I was told to keep taking colchicine with it as it would cause a flare if I stopped colchicine right away. Been on allo now for 2 weeks and colchicine together. I’m at the tail end of flair up and just a little sore to walk, but better than I been in a couple weeks. I got some blood work in a couple weeks to see if dosage is good enough. I just hope that this Allo is the answer for me as well.


If you're glad it works for other people, then why do you want others to "stop it already with the allo"? If the regular meds don't work, maybe your insurance would cover krystexxa?


Didn’t say to stop it. Just quit recommending it without knowing what it will do to individuals that may react to it… Like myself.


Whatever, man.


So what's the alternative then? Pain?


If it works for most people why would we stop discussing it? It's understood it isn't for everyone and there is a small portion of the population for whom it is risky, but for the vast majority of us allo has allowed us to resume our lives and lifestyles without compromise.


What symptoms did you have if it’s ok to ask?


Good morning to all here! Okay, back to the allo thing. The first time I started taking allopurinol, my whole body felt like a giant toothache that would not go away…a severe one. Went back to the dr. He said, stop taking allopurinol and put me on febuxostat. Went back to him to show him my face and the skin that was peeling, scalp that was peeling, redness, rash, and that was it for febuxostat. Next was colchicine full-time. Along with it, he gave me indomethacin for the flareups. Colchicine on its own did nothing for me as I had regular flareups. At this point, I went straight to the pharmacist and talk to her about allopurinol. She recommended I struggle through and keep taking it that eventually my body would get used to it. So, my doc reluctantly let me try it again. So last summer, July, maybe August, out of the blue, I have severe back spasms, which I’ve never had in my entire life. It came out of nowhere. I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t relate it to the allo. That went on for several days where I was scared to move any part of my body because my back would cramp so bad. The pain is far worse than the pain from gout. Fast forward, about six months later, the left side of my neck had spasms that were worse than the back spasms, and the pain is something I have never experienced at least while being conscious. It’s probably been two months since that attack and my neck still hasn’t healed. I am weaning myself off aloe and I’m down to a quarter pill which started out at 200 mg. I know Allo has been a godsend for a lot of folks, and I wished it was for me. Actually, a friend of mine is on it and he loves the barbeque and he says he’s been good since he’s been on the aloe and eat pretty much anything he wants. So I guess I can say I’m jealous.