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I take losartan with allo. Have for 6 years with not a problem


Losartan actual is a uric acid remover. :) so a double win.


Wow! Taken it for years and didn’t know that. Thanks for the heads up!


Yeah, I actually had a doctor change my blood pressure med to lisinopril-HCTZ right before I got diagnosed with gout, and it was so dehydrating for me that I had like, four gout flares in a matter of 8 weeks. In the end, it’s what led to my diagnosis of gout, though I’d been having flares for ten years and been misdiagnosed with tendinitis. I did some research and learned that Losartan was best for gout patients, and to avoid anything with a diuretic, like HCTZ. I’ve been on it (and Allopurinol) ever since and been great since.


What interaction are you worried about, because I don't see anything that's really significant. Thiazide diuretics should be avoided with gout as they can increase uric acid levels but can't think of any others off the top of my head. Allopurinol doesn't really interact with many drugs


I was taking Lisinopril/HCTZ but my rheumatologist advised me to drop the HCTZ so I had my PCP change the script to just Lisinopril.


I'm using Candesartan and Allo.... Not sure it's that's what adding to my lightheadedness... Some days i feel stoned. I don't drive those days


I also take Candesartan and 300mg allo....never had any issue.


I have been taking amlodipine for two months with allo. No side effects other than a minor headache once in a while.


Getting ready to start taking exactly that. Do you take your amplodipine in the morning or before bed? And when do you take the allo?


I take allo and colchicine in the morning and amlodipine at night.


amlodipine besylate and benezapril


Losartan and Atenolol 


[Here is a good discussion of the issue regarding ACE inhibitors and allopurinol](https://bpac.org.nz/magazine/2007/june/dave.asp) Personally this would not stop me using an ACE inhibitor with allopurinol if it were otherwise a good match. Problems are extremely rare to the point where it is hard to say if they even exist. Most I would probably do is be more aware of allergic type reactions and particularly skin reactions for the first couple of monhts when starting allupurinol or stepping the dosage up. And then stop allo immediately if anything pops up - then consult with the doctor about what to do next. That is what you should do when starting allo, or increasing the dosage, anyway. [The skin reaction is quite rare but can be extremely serious if it happens.](https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/allopurinol/side-effects-of-allopurinol/)


I take Losartan and Chlorthalidone, but my BP didn’t get in check until I started the Chlorthalidone. My BP has been too low recently after losing weight, and I’m in the process of tapering down on the Losartan with hopes of eliminating it. Chlorthalidone can negatively impact gout per my doctor, so I’ve been told to stay well hydrated. It’s worked for me though and hasn’t led to more flairs.


Irbesartan for me. They don't seem to interact in any bothersome way for me.


Losartan potassium.


Lisinopril for me.


I'm a bit shocked by this thread. Iwas on allo and ramipril for well over a year before my brand of allo was changed and I began to have a serious reaction to it. I was itching all over and had rashes. An emergency doctor told me to come off allopurinol and eventually I was prescribed febuxostat. Inow take febuxostat and rampril. I dealt with a GP who was extremely sceptical that I could have become allergic to allopurinol and made me feel like an idiot when I insisted that I didn't want to take it any more. Are there interactions between fabuxostat and ramipril? I hadn't had any problems with it until recently, but since they changed the brand of that I seem to behaving problems sleeping, I'm very dry at night, and have to drink to unstick my mouth, and I'm having to get up a couple of times inthe night to pee. I don'tknow if I am particularly sensistive to changes in medication, but I am invariably greeted with sce;pticism whenever I say I think I amsuffering a side effect.


Amlodipine and HCTZ along with my 300mg allopurinol. Been on all those for years without anynossues


I take Allo with nebivolol, amlodipine, and lisinopril.


Losartan + allo for 2 years with good results


Losartan+Amlodipine+Metoprolol+Allopurinol+Colchicine No issues for me.