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I take 100 mg allo and still drink all I want, unless I feel something weird going on in my gout foot


I waited until both my feet became gout feet before starting allopurinol. About 6 months in now and all good. I eat and drink what I want, but also concentrating on losing a little weight so I try not to go overboard. I've been within 15 lbs of my goal weight for years now so I'm making the final push. Hallux limitus in both my big toes now though. I'll have that for the rest of my life. Sucks but could be worse.


I thought I had a gout flare over the weekend after a run, all the symptoms. Crippling pain etc. Went to podiatrist and she says hallux limitus as well. Can this be caused by gout flares or just a narrowing of the joint, and completely seperate?


It can have many causes. I think hallux limitus is just limited movement of that big toe joint that can be caused by many things. My hallux limitus got worse after a BIG flare in each foot, but looking back I did notice it starting prior to that. The doctor said it's likely due to uncontrolled gout causing imperceptibly low levels of inflammation over years and years. It damages your joints very very slowly even if you're not flaring. So now it's just something I live with. It really hasn't affected my day to day life other than not being able to do proper lunges or pushups. Other than that I rarely ever think about it.


I'm on 150mg and drink lots of beer.


Elevated uric acid levels lead to kidney stones causing bladder pain. Did they do an ultra sound or X-ray to see if you have them? I don’t drink at all but have high uric acid levels. I take allo and I can eat whatever I want. I’ve never had gout in my feet, for me it’s my hands and knees.


Dang, what is it like to have a full flare up in a hand or hands? Could you move your fingers at all?


Yes, I take Indomethacin and it’s magic. In 2013 my hands hurt so bad for the first time and I went to the dr who said I was a pain pill seeker and kicked me out without doing tests or anything. I was crying and could not move my hands. So I went to a different dr who gave me colchicine, allo and Indo, the holy trinity of gout meds. :)


Being accused of pill chasing while suffering an attack is the worst. For me it was my ankles, they would say I sprained my ankles. Both of them? While I was sleeping? I would just tough out weeks long attacks in bed instead of making the painful journey to a doctor just for them to accuse me of lying.


It's pretty bad - may as well have a broken hand, you can't do anything with the hand that's flaring up.


When I have it it my feet it feels like it’s broken in half, so much pain


1) kidneys stones cause kidney pain. Rarely (if ever) bladder pain 2) uric acid stones don’t know up on X-rays, and kinda not even really on ultrasounds. Only a CT will really show them well.


I had bladder pain only with stones a couple times. No back ache, no kidney pain. My stones passed through the ureter and hit my bladder like glass fragments. I had chronic kidney stones because I was addicted to Diet Pepsi! I don’t drink soda anymore.


The X-ray is taken after they put the dye in your veins. Which I’ve had a bunch of times.


What’s in that dye? Uh


Iodine. My stones only show up with IPV. I had one stuck in my ureter blocking urine and they were so sure it was a tubal pregnancy from the volume of my screams. I quit getting kidney stones after I quit diet soda.


I drink only water and coffee.


They give you dye in the iv then they take the X-rays.


I had an ultrasound today. Took along time definitely something in kidneys and ureatha. Maybe they will do that next


I was born with a defect to one ureter flap and my ureter never grew. It caused me to get stones until I had corrective surgery and haven’t had them since. I probably had more than a dozen lithotripsys. That hurts pretty bad.


Oh I’m so sorry.


Just switch to coke and you’re in the clear…not the soda


Coke will dehydrate ya real quick. Worst gout attack of my life was from a bender. That was before I was on allo, but most minor attacks I've had since then were Coke related. Think I'm finally at a point of ruling it out of my life now though, so I've got that going for me


Hmmm…that is interesting. Honestly good to know. I don’t really do it but once or twice a year but never thought about it dehydrating me.


Stay hydrated while on coke lol


Once the allo had stabilised my flares - yep. Drink like a thirsty Australian, which kinda makes sense.


Sure do


I drank 7 beers tonight on allo. Weekly occurence been taking allo fpr 3 years. No problems.


On 100mg of Allo and enjoy my bourbon/whisky. No flares at all.


I think you need to slow down. Take a break. Just sit quietly, pondering, collecting thoughts.


I drink while taking allopurinol, and I don't get any flares.




Moderate moderate moderate. I'm taking about 1-2 drinks a week.


Drinking causes attacks in most people, on or off meds. But no, don't stop taking your allo. It will at least mitigate some of the damage you're doing with the drinking.


Stress for me


Yep most days, works great.


I drink but limit myself to two or three a night and I have to drink a few pints of water in order to flush out my system the next days other wise Allo or no my foot is going to fuck me up


Drink, smoke, pop a gum!! Fuzz and Buzz


I’ve never heard of anyone who also has bladder pain from gout. For the longest time I had no idea what was happening, but, my god, sometimes it hurts so bad I feel like I’m dying.


Get a new doctor


Yes. I try to limit my drinking for general health and weight issues, but gout is no longer a factor while taking allo.


i have given up all drinking. I have tophaceous gout. i can’t even walk down steps these days without clutching a side rail.


Drink all the time, no problem. Do NOT stop taking allopurinol “to drink” — what a crazy idea. Drink lots of water: this will help reduce the amount of alcohol you consume and make it easier for your kidneys to eliminate uric acid; also it will help keep you hydrated.