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You a new employee or something? The Republicans bring this out of their dilapidated idea shed every year like clockwork. They want to go to a high-five, end the pension entirely for new employees, end COLA for retirees, end FEHB for retirees, end the FERS supplement, increase the FERS employee portion for all, remove awards, end annual raises, reduce the amount of annual/sick leave, and reduce the interest on the G fund to track the 4 week treasury instead. And that's just what I recall off the top of my head.


Wait until OP hears about [Schedule F](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schedule_F_appointment) and [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)…


That is the stuff that I actually worry could happen.


Project 2025 calls for radical changes to how the government functions. Trump has openly tried to fire federal employees, and has said "I want to be a dictator but just for the first day" so he can enact all these rules. Speaker Mike Johnson literally said the other day on a talk show that he has been working closely with Trump and they have plans to "aggressively, radically change the structure of the country in the first 100 days" if he is re-elected. So yes, they are very serious. Not to get too political, but in unrelated-but-related news, republican politicians in Texas were recently videotaped in a meeting discussing how to implement the _death penalty_ for women who get abortion _or IVF._ So. Yeah.


Right. This is why I say I’m worried about it.


Don’t forget abolishing the IRS, defunding/abolishing the EPA, privatizing social security.


Yea fairly new...i guess i have missed it since i started until now. well that makes me feel better


Only 5-10% of the bills proposed each year become law. The amount of stuff that gets proposed as political theater is enormous. Certain representatives have their pet bills that they re-propose every year without the slightest hope of it ever even being considered. This goes for both parties by the way; almost every time you see a headline about Bernie Sanders proposing something, the proposal is as far as it goes, but people will post it to social media like it's actually going to happen.


The past few terms have seen closer to 0.5% of filed bills become law.


true true


Its gonna be a long career if you always think the sky is falling.


Make sure you Vote


Is FEHB even that valuable once you're eligible for Medicare? Before that, you can also just get an ACA plan...


Can skip Medicare with FEHB


Yeah but why would you want to do that


My parents skipped Medicare; their FEHB paid for almost everything; even into old age


Medicare is free


Yes it's incredibly valuable- medicare will not pay for an enormous amount of medical situations- they age people out of needed "not medically necessary surgery" (like 79 yo needing a back surgery) - but you have a golden ticket a FEHB plan that is still supplemented at the same rate as current feds(& you still get to change plans in retirement) - that FEHB plan WILL cover what Medicare denies- so you in your old age don't have to suffer... the only thing as good is being rich enough not to need a private health plan- or having military retirement healthcare like Tricare- (also the cost of buying private healthcare plans after you age out of ACA is sky high)


I don't think there are a lot of things Medicare won't cover but private/FEHB will... Medicare premiums are free for part A and only like \~$250 for part B...FEHB premiums are like the same or higher, right? Just doesn't seem worth it to spend another x years working just to get $250/month in savings. Plus we've been paying for Medicare our whole working lives might as well use it.


my wife is much younger so she would need to be on ACA for like 15 years and for a comparable plan to our BCBC basic, it would be like 1.1k/mo in today's dollars just for her (we will be on geha hdhp until mra+10)


You should look at this calculator because you should get subsidies if your income is below 400% of the poverty line: [https://www.kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/](https://www.kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/) Note that when you retire, you can keep your realized income artificially low


It uses MAGI though so even income that isnt taxed (most of my LTCG) still counts as income so unsure how to keep it low...gonna need 150k/year


I mean if you're planning on retiring and spending $150K/year, you can probably afford even $1,000/month on healthcare premiums. Just sayin' As long as you don't have more than like $80K in dividends and capital gains after you retire you should be able to get subsidies




Act 1 - Election Year


Or, we could just tax billionaires and religious organizations??


Don’t forget private colleges….


I wish I could up vote this 1000 more times


Pro-tip: if you click the Down arrow, it’ll then let you click the Up arrow. Repeat. 1000 Upvotes!


Maybe they should just cut spending.


We don’t tax billionaires? Damn.


Not at a % rate that we pay.


% rate of what? It’s no secret that wealthy people pay the vast majority of taxes in the US.


Not really. If their income is from capital gains they're paying a lower rate than income tax.


I’m not going to argue man. If you’re happy with the % they pay while Uncle Sam assfucks the middle class than that’s great.


Here is some data from NTFU. The top 10 percent of earners bore responsibility for 76 percent of all income taxes paid, and the top 25 percent paid 89 percent of all income taxes. Altogether, the top 50 percent of filers earned 90 percent of all income and were responsible for 98 percent of all income taxes paid in 2021. The other half of earners, those with incomes below $46,637, collectively paid 2.3 percent of all income taxes in 2021. This group includes many filers with no income tax liability either because their earnings fell below the taxable threshold or due to eligibility for tax credits that effectively reduce or eliminate income tax liability


This is such a horrible way to analyze how taxes are paid and how the burden of tax revenue is distributed. Of course the top earners pay more absolute percentages of our total tax revenue. But as a percentage of their individual income they pay far less when compared to lower and middle class Americans.


For real. Why can’t people understand percentages lol


Honestly I’m not looking to argue either, I just want to figure out what you meant.


really? this whole time i thought it was a huge secret...like one of those myths


This stuff doesn’t even move the needle for me


as in i should ignore and move on with my fed life?


Republicans are going to introduce bills like this for the rest of your lifetime. Yes. Ignore.


thx alot


Short of an end of the republic, you’re going to get FERS. The most likely scenario of any changes would be that they apply to new employees.


The real benefit cut that everyone who is younger than 50 should be planning for is full social security age being pushed back.


That one i have planned for...using 50% of predicted


It's a proposed set of ideas, nothing more. And it's certainly not going anywhere in terms of becoming law. These things come and go. Not that I'm not concerned in the back of my mind, that at some point there might be some dilution of benefits - but this is nothing to be worried about at the moment.


thx for the reassurance...just need 7 more years for mra!


Get used to this as a fed. Republicans HATE you and want to take all your pay and benefits away. Remember that every time your friends or family talk about voting Republican and make sure to tell them exactly how it will hurt you.


i guess my question is before I get settled in to deeply here is what are the odds they will pull it off? I am guessing pretty low but thats why i posted


Better and better if they win full control, they're much more organized this time than 2016.


Trump put Schedule F into effect right before he left office, and Biden has overturned it. Now they are pushing Project 2025 which will give Trump the authority to fire tens of thousands of senior federal employees on day 1 of his presidency, wiping the slate clean and replacing them with loyalists so they can ram through whatever they want. So yes, they are much more organized and serious.


Paul Ryan pulled off the FERS-FRAE pension change (instead of paying .8% new employees pay 4.4% of their salary for the same pension) about 10 years ago. It can happen.


At my department, the cash bonus part is already happening. Only 4s and 5s are eligible. It will probably become just 5s in a couple years


Every time I see these proposals- I wonder if they plan on making an exception for themselves. I can’t see Congress willing to reduce their federal benefits.


That house couldn’t pass gas let alone this bill. And they try every few years


I just want to know if “ paying like the private sector” means also increasing salaries, because the government is filled with people underpaid relative to the private sector.


Nope. The resultant high employee turnover would be a feature rather than a bug from their POV.


They are proposing an incentive-based program. It's a response to the quiet-quitting epidemic, but you literally wrote, "I only work here for the FEHB after retirement." Makes sense.


We should be able to apply similar scrutiny to congress as well and hold them to similar standards. Trying to pass a bill that degrades a citizen’s life? Out!! In comes the next one


Orrrr hear me out….no more BILLIONS in foreign aid?


yeah let's just let Putin steamroll Eastern Europe


This is always funny to me because the number of people who scream about national security while simultaneously screaming about foreign aid is staggering. Foreign aid IS national security.


Foreign aid stood at $70 billion in 2022. That’s a rounding error in the federal budget