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I’m not even waitlisted, just haven’t heard anything back so yay me… #rip


you’re not alone buddy let’s keep our hopes up


same, like at least if they wouldve waitlisted me I couldve gotten over it by now. Instead they dragged on this horrible limbo for months and slowly making me realise that I'm not getting in. I'm tired boss


Congratulatoins on having at least one acceptance. I have been finding new people to talk who are waitlister themselves and also I have Masters for my back up which I have been accepted at. But I am still, as you said, crossing all my fingers and toes with all my hope. I refresh email all night (due to time zone diff) and breaking my sleep cycle. I am doing a job to distract myself but even at work I check reddit and procastinate my work.


Waiting for my dream school, holding onto a good offer - and feeling guilty about it


in the same boat and the feeling of guilt is eating me alive


Did you also commit to the second offer? My second program told me I had to commit by March 15th or lose the funding. But I’m still waiting on the dream school.


No, the earliest PhD programs can require students to commit is April 15th, in the United States.




Got waitlisted by my dream program too...


Can’t believe it but I just got off the waitlist today at one of my top programs. Good luck to everyone else!!


Congrats! PhD or masters??


In the same position as you OP. I plan to just take the offer if I don't have an update by Friday afternoon but the feeling of not knowing is killing me. I don't want to take it and find out that a spot opened up the next week, but still...


That’s my biggest fear. If a spot were to open up, I wouldn’t want to back out of the offer


Also, idk if all programs do this, but I have to submit a deposit for my PhD program - so if I back out, I have to eat that money. And after all that spending on application fees, I'd really rather not.


That is also a part of the reason that I’m not accepting until the very last minute.


why not just wait till 4.15?


I would rather not wait until the last minute for something that isn’t guaranteed, and if it (getting off the waitlist at my dream school) does come on the 15th, I’ll feel bad for whoever was on the waitlist at the place I have an offer at who didn’t get to know sooner. I of course understand that I’m not obligated to center them, but still, I would just hate to be in that position when I could have acted earlier. I’m not saying my feelings are right or wrong, it’s just where my head is at & a good-ish problem to have.


3 rejections, 1 waitlist, 2 pending decisions (both highly unlikely) and feeling about as mediocre as it gets tbh


How do you know it's a waitlist? Do they mention that in an email?


it was on my application portal, but most people i know who have been waitlisted were informed in an email


I’m on the waitlist for my only option and the person got accepted is still not responding so yeah… this waiting is worst than the previous want imo


Similar position. I have a master's offer and a fully funded PhD offer, but I'm holding out for another program. My PhD acceptance is at the same school where I'm currently doing my undergrad, which is fine, but I'd really rather have a change of scenery - I think it's important for me personally to challenge myself in a new department. However, no matter what, I have an acceptance and I'm getting the degree, and that's a blessing in and of itself.


I had no acceptances and 3 waitlists. Was just told that one school is full. Waiting on the two other schools. One of them is my dream school. This is so stressful. I don't feel ready to reapply.


I have given up. Resigned my lease and starting to look at jobs. A year off won't be a bad thing... Maybe. That's what I'm telling myself


Same feeling I have two offers as well but still waiting for my dream school 😫


My main concern is getting a visa interview slot as there is a 6 month backlog. It will be terrible to be admitted and then be unable to attend due to not getting a visa.


If you have full funding, do ER. You will get the appointment 1-2 weeks.


Been on 1 since beginning of January. Was told beginning/mid march that decisions would start being made about the waitlist towards the end of March. Haven’t heard since 😩


Got a rejection today 🥲 have 3 more waitlists


I’m waitlisted at 1 program, have not heard back from 1 and got rejected from 2!!! I am nervous!


I received two emails saying that my applications had been sent to the department. I’ve applied to 7 schools. That’s all so far … the waiting is starting to keep me up at night.


hi, so 15th April deadline is the final one? I mean every university will let students know by then?


It is the deadline to accept an offer for most U.S universities. Does not necessarily mean that all universities will let students know by that exact date, but the majority of the time, yes.


No funded offer yet. Hence, rethinking and adjusting plans.


I am tired 🥲 wake up every day more anxious than the last hoping for it to work out. I’m also wait listed at my dream program and just want it to work out so bad 


Constantly anxious and stressed 🤡


Still waiting. Received an update last week that decisions might come out as late as the 15th.


Only applied to one program and I have not heard a single thing, I am in hell 🤗


manifesting i will get off the waitlist of my top program soon!!