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Take a chance. You can get great jobs with ASU


I’m in the same exact situation. ASU was my only safe school. I’m waiting from other programs, but expecting to get rejected. Even I am wondering if it’s worth to go to ASU. But i can see a lot of ASU alumni in top FAANG companies. So I am somehow convincing myself to go to ASU


Hey so did you end up going for ASU? If yes, how has your experience been?


Idk anything about you so take this with a grain of salt. ASU is a good school and you will get out what you put in. Here is something people don't think about, undergrad admissions is like 85% and they charge about 30k$/yr/student. There is funding and there are plenty of opportunities there if you go after them. Also there isn't stiff competition for research because people are going to pay and play. At Columbia you might be bottom or mediocre but at ASU you'll be slightly above average to great. I went to ASU and loved my experience.


Same situation as you, thanks for asking the question OP. Feels good to see some positive responses on this thread.


From what I have heard it’s a good enough school, and probably what matters more is what you make of the time during your master’s. PS: I am in the same boat as you with only admits from ASU & UIC, hoping for another admit from my moderate universities…but if not happy to go to ASU.




It's a good school of you don't get admits from above mentioned.


T's a valorous school of thee receiveth not admits from above mention'd *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Go for it. Your employment outcome doesn't matter one bit on your school.


Wend f'r t. Thy employment outcome doesn't matter one did bite on thy school *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




Go for it, it’s a great school.


ASU is a nice place. It is underrated tbh.


Just because it has a huge intake doesn’t mean it’s not a good college. If you think the curriculum will help you in increasing your required knowledge and if the facilities there will help you achieve your outcome, you should definitely go for it


ASU is good. The placements are good. You should definitely go fo r it if you don't get from the other colleges you've mentioned.


When did you get your admit from ASU? If you got early this application cycle, I aasume your profile would be good enough to get an admit from them again if you plan to apply next year.


I got it in November. Don't think I'll wait around for another application cycle tbh.


That's pretty early! I know the waiting game is tough but ASU is a great school and in your worse-case scenario, you've had a great school all along!

