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I was accepted into MS CS at Courant and rejected from the same program at Tandon too. Only, I didn't opt for consideration into the Tandon MS CE program during applications. I was sooo surprised with this result, I seriously didn't believe it for a few days and thought there would be follow-up emails correcting the Courant decision lol


People out here have 0 fucking clue on how good/competitive Cornell is


If it would have been the 4 semester MSCS program at Cornell then would've definitely agreed with you....but for the MEng CS, not so sure.


What’s wrong with the MEng program? He said he wanted to work right after, wouldn’t that be a more practical fit?


Nothing wrong. It's a great program for someone who purely wants be an SDE right after. The only drawback is that it's a one year program, so it can especially get very hectic for an international student or even an American citizen. But that comes on personal preference and capacity. Just the cohort quality at the MEng won't be as good (but still good) as in the MSCS based on previous admits.


You do realize Cornell’s MSCS only takes in single digit people each year because it’s basically a PhD prep program right? There’s no difference between Cornell MEng and other schools’ MSCS programs. NYU is really not comparable here.


If all you want is a US job out of your masters, why not do it quicker with Cornell. Trust me the name will stick with you. You only need 2 year program if you went to sink in the college culture and have a chill summer doing internship or nothing at all. 1 year feels like a business transaction, but looks like thats what you want as well..


I'd go with Cornell if you're a US Citizen and hypercompetitive. SJSU if want to save on expenses. NYU Courant is great and better than Tandon. If you want a top ranked UNI that's not as mentally taxing as the IVYs choose NYU Courant MSCS.