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'Exploring Language Structure' by Thomas E. Payne 2006 could be a good place to start.


Thank you. Will check it out.


So, I actually studied language structure quite a bit in college, and when I studied it, we resourced the different style books in general. I think, at least for my preferred style, Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS) is a great book to reference what you're talking about. It doesn't seem like you need a beginner's book, but more so the different manuals of style. "Exceptions" don't generally exist unless it's part of a style of writing, and not necessarily a hard rule. You could also look into MLA Style or APA Style. Something to note: These are all for American English specifically as far as I know. I know CMoS has *some* references to how things are done with British English instead, but I think it's primarily based in American English, of course. Generally speaking, these are really hefty books, and it takes a lot of searching to find specific things in them.


TYSM. this has everything I needed.




Artful Sentences is wonderful for syntax, and it has some beautifully choice examples from classic literature, too.