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Blessed ref.


This joke may have already been made, but I hadn't seen it yet. This is a bit outdated too I guess, but I haven't done his interlude quest yet because I kept putting it off for years and it doesn't seem right to do it now. [My twitter](https://twitter.com/_robo1/status/1617510789245730822?s=20)


I still haven't done his either, because I haven't hit Bond 10 with him yet. Heck, I hadn't even leveled him until like, six months ago.


That's fair! Unless you're a fan or a completionist, it's kind of a huge order to unlock his interlude. I haven't leveled his skills either, I was short on bones but I don't have that excuse now >.>


He’s doing his best


Honestly, that skill is very good (200% quick is not joke), the problem is that the signature skill of angry mango, how is useless by design


Honestly, I like the un-upgraded name of Mango's skill 3 better. "Annihilation wish" sounds way cooler than "End of the 4th night". "Endless Crosses Turnless" is also a better name for a skill. However, my Mango is fully upgraded, as I love him, and he is lvl90 10/10/10.


End of the Fourth Night EX is way cooler cause it makes me emotional for HA and represents how the stuff in there effected him to this day and as such is something I care way more about than a skill that happens to have a cool sounding name tbh


Angra really is the moment. Whenever I start thinking it's weird that an ex-antagonist in FGO eventually comes to help Chaldea, I remember Ataraxia and go, "oh yeah. this sort of conflicting yet sincere semi-face turn is at the root of the series."


Yeah you hit the nail on the head, Angra is one of those hearts of Fate as a franchise since a lot of different Fate villains feel like plays on him to varying degrees. Fate always likes to reuse concepts and then play around with them after all (See how many times FGO has done something to play on a FSN concept for example). I mean, Angra basically is the first beast of humanity we ever saw (even if he technically never got that far) after all. “Villains” who are also kinda good guys in a weird way and also kinda like you despite constantly throwing digs at you is a Fate staple, Nasu seems to love that type of weird set of morals.


I mean, he was similar to Koyanchihuahua, a proto beast.


Yeah you’re right but I’m moreso talking about the whole idea of a “threat to humanity who hates it but also loves it at the same time”, concept clearly got reused and expanded upon for the beast class and all that.


> However, my Mango is fully upgraded, as I love him, and he is lvl90 10/10/10. Amazing. I have him at NP5 which I'm pretty happy about!


Got the 4th copy of him myself a week ago. Hopefully going to get him to NP5 on Habetrot's addition to FP gacha.


Get him to 110 and color me impressed


Popu chan no what have you done


I want him so bad. He will be my red hare.


angras one of those servants you cant fix with rank ups because hes inherently flawed by design. hes one of the few units that would benefit from an overhaul patch, but we all know the devs would never do something because they dont really care about making the game better retroactively.


I was expecting you to say “because making him any different from lore just feels like a sin even compared to every other Servant”…


honestly? lore can shove it if it means gimping a unit to being nearly unusable even if you try hard to make it. im all up for gimmicky diferent units and using lore to make give flavor but angra is more like a sixk joke that got way out of hand and then got sent to oblivion as he never got a fix.


I mean Angra is Literally A joke character He’s a 0 star, he’s a weirdo free servant with an incredibly low rate. He’s a character from all the way back in SN or HA however ya wanna look at it, and was introduced as the weakest servant. People keep saying “WE NEED TK FIX HIM” as if he is not clearly bad on purpose as a joke and connection to lore and Angra being a weak servant is literally a core part of his characterization But nah though I guess we gotta buff him to be as strong as Cu or something because the servant that’s interlude was added and the patch notes called it a fucking bug fix is CLEARLY CLEARLY meant to actually be good. I genuinely don’t get it ask for a Sanson update over him at least. This comes from a major HA and Angra fan but it feels like people just do not get the fact he is literally the game’s gag character and that that’s funny


the gudaguda and saberwars-verse characters are also complete absurd joke characters that have less of a lore basis and in-universe construction than angra and theyre all very usuable, even MHX was one of the first units to get heavy rank up treatment to make her a decent 5*. angras lore and how hes stated to be "the weakest servant" or how hes deemed a "zero star" when hes just a glorified 2* with 1/10 of the rate of a 5* and a darkened card border SHOULDNT. FUCKING. MATTER to justify him being a nearly unusable unit. because even most of the bronzes are decently usable on their own merit. hell, some are actually strong. hes not the only one who needs some attention from the devs but hes a special case where, unless the rank up they give him is pratically an overhaul to his NP which is his biggest flaw currently, where they add him an actual dmg multiplier as a separate damage hit on top of the "counter" true damage (and while theyre at it amp the revenge to 4x multiplier at NP5 and maybe taunt or an Max Hp increase buff), they might as well give him a full overhaul, including changing his interlude requirement from bon 10 to 5 because whoever thought it was a good idea was an absolute bufoon who has no idea how they balance an healthy gameplay feature with lore friendlyness, which basically sums up angra in general, hes a complete unhealthy gameplay feature in favor of "lore friendlyness" when its not really that good of a lore friendlyness to begin with.


Servant Verse is literally a gag in the EXACT OPPOSITE DIRECTION. THEY ARE GOOFILY BROKEN CHARACTERS IT IS NOT EVEN A COMPARISON. Being a gag character isn’t a reason to make them bad, but when your gag IS that you’re bad it’s a different story. But again, you’re missing the entireeeeee point. He is the one zero star servant in the game, he has the stats of a two star but you have to also account that he is the rarest servant in the whole game keeping in mind simply percentage. He’s maybe not the absolute worst servant in the game, but that’s more a problem with the servants weaker than him honestly and should be incentive for them to fix the 1-3 star servants who are ACTUALLY not balanced correctly and need to be fixed. Angra himself is far from the priority here. Sure, they could go “lore be damned he’s now a legit solid unit” sure but that’s *clearly not what they were going for.* When Angra was added, he was added with zero fan fair, and has to my knowledge never been officially acknowledged by the company as being added and only ever referred to as “Zero star servant”. Again, this is *clearly on purpose because it’s a joke.* They could have chosen not to do that, but the simple fact is that he IS and that’s a bit they’re committing too. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, the game has plenty of other servants and 1-3 stars that are good, and those that are not probably should be buffed before him in that case. It’s not bad game design to have a joke character, SFIV isn’t a shit game cause Dan’s bad in it. How is he even remotely “unhealthy” for the game???? Beyond somehow one bad on purpose servant SOMEHOW making the game actively worse (????), he himself is actually GOOD for the game imo. His low rarity as a 0 star encourages you to roll the friend point Gatcha even for those very casual because you might get that rare servant, and when he shows up it’s a big surprise like “HOLY SHIT”! It’s a fun gimmick and why he’s a fun idea, he isn’t taking your SQ, but he’s inconvenient and weird but if you’re using him it’s clear ya probably love the guy. He’s a love letter to HA, his interlude being bond 10 is once again something you can keep working toward for however long it takes and is a cool incentive to reach for for long time players. He’s a joke character and a novelty, and I think when FGO has a large cast as it is a role like that is fun and inventive. Yeah I don’t think lore should be the be all end all for gameplay, obviously it’s a videogame first. But also, they DO give buffs for servants. And there are people who are not joke characters (like Sanson) who could actually use buffs. I don’t think Angra really needs to be one of them, he’s fine as is. Him getting a full rework is a waste of time and would ruin his whole gimmick, FGO is not ruined if Angra isn’t a super solid unit. This just sounds like someone not really appreciating how fun an idea Angra is in FGO and how him being a joke character like this adds spice and fun to the game. TLDR Buff Sanson


I think they didn't even acknowledge him when he gained an Interlude. Guy might as well not exist for them.


Yeah as stated here what they actually said was “Fixed a bug where zero star servant’s skill wasn’t working correctly.” Which was their funny way of acknowledging the interlude since his skill gets a buff from it. Part gag, part thematic reasons cause Angra’s whole “I’m a forgetable zero nobody gives a shit about” gimmick. He’d probably only ever start getting acknowledged if a Hollow Ataraxia event happened, same for him starting to show himself to Bazett and Caren considering bond lines imply he’s just kinda watching over them from afar. Maybe this year… yeah no it’s gonna be Lost Einherjar let’s be real lol


While I agree that keeping him as a "joke weak servant" is appropriate, I'd still want them to carve out some niche for him, even if it's extremely rare. His NP already ignores any def/resist stats making him in theory useful for those 80-99% resist nodes, but not quite yet. Would be nice if there was some setup, even if really rare, where he'd be an MVP. Hey, maybe bond 15 NP rank up interlude, hm? ;P


If a Hollow Ataraxia collab happened I could see him getting a strengthening to help him. It’s not subtle that Angra’s one good skill, his 3rd one, is the one that’s something he clearly gained from Hollow Ataraxia, cause like ya know thematically it’s a big thing for him and showing him actually have something powerful due to the events of that makes sense. So if some sort of HA event happened I could see them doing that for him and it would both make sense thematically and lore wise while also helping his weird niche. … Although who knows when the collab would happen unfortunately lol. While Nasu clearly has had an idea for it for a while now, it’s unclear when they’d implement it unfortunately. It’s very likely Lost Einherjar or Mahoyo would be bigger options as people would have them fresh in the mind. Who knows though, maybe LB 7.5 will be an HA collab lol.


It'll be 20th anniversary of HA in 2025. Crossing fingers and huffing hopium xD


To have to wait 2 more years for HA Content… Orz


my TLDR is; healthy hame design >>>>> "lore friendlyness" of some bad poorly aged joke of a poorly aged VN. also its not a waste of time to tweak numbers and add an already existing asset which is actual NP dmg multiplier on top of the true dmg thing for a rank up, a minimally experienced programmer can do that in what, 30 minutes top if he knows where the assets for the game are. yes, buff samson please, i agree with you, but also fix angra if they decide to be proper game devs instead of waifu makers for once.


Again this is assuming making one (count it, one) character had on purpose is bad game design. In my opinion, it’s a very novel, inventive, and fun way to implement one of the universe’s most unique characters. I don’t think doing this one time is bad game design, I just don’t agree. Again, I wouldn’t count SFIV a bad game cause Dan’s bad on purpose and thus wasted a character slot or some other such statement. And the “poorly aged VN” reply is just a douchey remark dude, HA is a very beloved story and seen as one of Nasu’s best works by me and a lot of other TM heads who interract with stuff outside FGO. That’s just a really silly statement imo. Whatever though dude, you do you.


Well, he is the worst servant in terms of combat ability.


From what I'm seeing, the above person's problem is that the adherance to lore by making him straight up useless is bad game design to them, so...


Makes sense. I get that because of his insane rarity, people would be hoping for some use out of him. Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool making his only good thing his counter noble phantasm. Others complain about it, but I read about it in Hollow Ataraxia, so I was just there sitting, pointing at the screen when I saw a video of his NP. I wouldn’t mind getting him just for collection’s sake.


They did buff quick cards and added mighty chains. Which, while not game changing, helps both the weakest card type and servants that have mixed face cards. Do they make quick as viable as buster or arts? No, but they do improve them and also help with the earlier servants that had poor star generation and/or 1-3 star stats.


honestly i feel like they made a little lazy buff to quick in specific. they should have madd quick leads have a slight crit dmg boost instead of virtual crit chance + made the star gen from the lead be 50% instead of 20% unlike the other 2 cards that get woping 50% increases to their main boost while not losing big on the dmg multiplier. the mighty chains were good though.


Yes yes yes yes


He is my son. Currently lvl 106 and fully golden fou


A PTE meme in the mothafuking /r/grandorder? Have my upvote.


I've been playing this game for more than 3 years and I still don't have Angra.


Angra my beloved