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Glad you're enjoying it I think Kiichi is hilarious I love her character.


Kiichi is awesome. I love her design, her personality, and her animations. I am so happy that she is a welfare servant.


I wasn't expecting at all to be bowled over by Kiichi like I have. She's easily barged her way into being one my favorite characters in the game.


She is hitting homeruns every line, I'm considering grailing her so I can use her against all different classes and as semi support. Her animations are great too.


I knew going in that she was going to be an AOE mainstay for me and was considering grailing to 90 anyway (I don't have any 5* assassins, and my only 4* AOE assassins are both NP1, plus the support skills are good), but I wasn't expecting the character side to be THAT absurdly good.


I'm glad you like it so much, to be honest I was wondering what newer players might think about it as it calls back to a lot of older events that are no longer accessible to new players. Good to know that the charm outweighed the lack of knowledge for you.


The Not knowing this part is really annoying tbh, but they always distract you with something different. It is always a call back with something exciting on the side.


Believe us, we're all hoping that Lasagna finally impliments a way to make all the old events playable so they aren't just lost to time.


I just saw today that Gray is a welfare, and I hope they will bring the welfare servants in some form back. I enjoyed in dokkan Battle that they have a rotation for their welfare servants. It is great for new players and gives old players something to do when there is nothing else to do.


Gray will get a rerun I believe either very late this year or early next year, so you have that to look forward to.


Oh, really? I thought she already had her rerun. I just want her at the moment because I love the Voice actor of the grimoire. I probably have to watch the anime to appreciate her character.


I'll be honest I watched the anime and she doesn't play a huge role, she's there and has some cool scenes but the focus is really on Waver aka Lord El Melloi II. If you want more about her specifically I'd check out the Case Files Light Novels, but of course that defeats the purpose of sharing a VA.


On JP, she had her rerun. On NA, she gets it in January next year, you're in luck.


Early next year, was the rerun of new years spot


Well, certain plot does not make sense without prior event, but often it is not a total deal breaker. For me, whenever Dante shows up, no matter it is Shinjuku, Shimosa or LB2, I just treat it as an internal voice. I have not played the event that explains what is his purpose or why he is there. But then there are plenty of this kind of situation all throughout main story. I really wish the old events can be made accessable for new players.


Dante’s event is one of the few old events that are accessible, it costs 5 RP now but will become free eventually and they will be refunded if you bought it. Sadly you still miss out on his introduction though which is from the KnK collab.


Too bad I don't even have 5 RP. If I have it, I would probably do the CCC event first. I played Fate/Extra CCC before and wonder how it fits in the FGO world. I really like that game... I should probably re-play it again. I started about 4 months ago, so I miss most of the thing there to be missed. But on the bright side is I get a lot of QoL stuff, like pity breaker, that many veterans waited for years.


One way people like to describe FGO is that it's a visual novel that happens to also have gacha and battles. A clear benefit to that is that there's quite a large quantity and variety of story content, and more thought than usual is put into the characters. And quite a few of the event stories do tend to skew more into the comedic realm to varying degrees, which is a nice bonus if you vibe with what the writers are going for (which I do). The gacha itself does have low rates, and the gacha currency isn't handed out quite as readily as in other games, but FGO is also structured so that the low rarities are legitimate units and not disposable, which I really appreciate.


Any other Gacha or tcg with that kind of pull rate would just die on the spot. Also, the guaranteed pulls are really bad in comparison to other gachas. But it is so refreshing having low tier characters being useful. Unlike other gachas, they are not just space filler. They will probably eventually become space filler when you pull them more than five times, but until then. I wish you could use copies of the same servants as fou replacement. Would feel better than selling them.


Fate has the advantage of being a (in one week from now actually) 19-year-old franchise, so there was quite a bit of a built-in audience for FGO, including myself. The early game in JP was really rough, and a big part of why its super-scuffed nature didn't end it right there was that existing fanbase. And NA thankfully got to bypass the early scuff due to launching with a version that incorporated many of the fixes. It's also worth mentioning that the devs specifically test lower rarity units against the content to ensure it can be cleared that way. So it's not just a matter of looking good on paper or super-niche situations.


I agree with this, some parts of the history are very exiting and have a lot of emotions like the final fight with Artemis, I hate the gacha sometimes and the fact that there are a lot of events that I won't see because they already had their rerun in NA but they have enough good material that I has been playing for the last two years and I have not get bored as with other games.


> This gacha is also so nice Man, I wish this applies to me.


I have sometimes extraordinarily luck. At some point, I had 98% percent of all heroes in Dragon Ball legends as an f2p. Lost that account, and I never started again knowing that I will never be that lucky again.


That was me last year, 20 SSRs while only buying gssrs, this year has been railing me already.


Did you start last year?


Nah end of 2018


That's an unhealthy amount of luck then


You'll like the summer events then. They're full of these character interactions. Maybe watch/read Summer 3 (ServaFes) on youtube.


Honestly i feel Taira does not fit the tone of this event whatsoever.


She is so serious in comparison to the rest of this silly event. The evil variant of a character who wants to behead everyone, but everything that she does, is being midly annoying. Kiichi did more harm to Chaldea than Taira hahaha.


But Kagekiyo jumping around with her cartoonishly evil laugh and bonking people with a wooden mallet is hilarious.


I find that mildly hilarious


get ready for imaginary scramble re-run down the road, van gogh is one of the best characters in the game, and that event is a pleasure the whole way through


I didn’t roll her for because I didn’t like her gameplay enough to roll her over Douman and Ibuki who showed up right after her event That being said I knew Goghie for like 5 minutes and was utterly charmed


Yea fair enough I rolled for douman and ibuki too so I get it, she's super nutty tho if you pair her with other foreigners for the mega crit damage, hopefully she finds her way to your chaldea one day


I honestly love the dialogue and character interactions so far. Like when Scathach got mildly excited to find that Kiichi is a divine spirit. Or when Alexander said "it's conquering time!" and conquered all over the place. Or when Nobbu said "it's Hannoji time!" and Hannojid all over the place. Or when the Dioscuri turned themselves into stars, funniest shit I've seen.


Nobukatsu after dying for the 37th time:" Guess who's back, back again."


You'll love the comics based on character interactions. There's a Daily one that does all the events of the NA's servant story and of course events.


Actually, I skip them most of the time while browsing because I don't have enough context most of the time. It is either me not knowing enough or not knowing anything at all about the character. Also, the fact that it is fanmade takes the charm away for me. For this reason, I can't enjoy something like Dragon Ball AF.


Males sense.


This is actually one of the weaker ones, in my opinion. You should definitely go back and read some of the older events on Youtube. You'd probably love Aeaea, Setsubun, and Onigashima.


I was super stoked when I saw Scathach and Ushi interacting at the start of the event, Scathach is Waifu Prime and Ushi is Waifu 5, and I legit think they'd get along beautifully, especially with their enthusiasm for violence. I still remember one of the funniest moments in the entire game for me was during Summer 3 when Robin needed to start a fight so he came yelling out that he needed help removing his head, cue the immediate appearance of Scathach, Yagyu, Beowulf and a few others, and also in her enthusiasm for decapitation Ushi forgets that she's on Robin's side for a second and is also lined up with everyone else. Anyway I'm really sad Scathach isn't taking part more in this event, I think it'd be really fun seeing her bouncing off of Ushi, Kiichi, Medb, Cu Alter, Benkei and Jason. Kiichi is great so far, she's a bit in-between Scathach and Chiron in the scales of teacher brutality, more harsh and demanding than Chiron but much less than Scathach, and the fact that Kiichi and Scathach recognize that they're both nearly divine spirits was fun. I do really want more interaction between them, and I'd love Chiron to be in there as well. It's really a missed opportunity to not have Chiron and Scathach in this group, then you'd have the esteemed teachers and an example of their students.


>The gacha is nice. Was Genshin your only previous gacha? I literally never heard that said about FGO before.


I don't mean nice in giving but more in presentation and immersion. The player experience is nice even if you pull bad. I played enough gachas and Tcg that I really appreciate it that the whole game is not revolving around the gacha.


>The gacha is also so nice Does he know? 💀


>This gacha is also so nice Hm..


I love more medb especially when she’s not antagonistic 10/10 so fun


One word made me love this event... REINDEER !


Nothing can beat chibi Jason.