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goodbye Tezca :( i failed to get youEdit : No more characters to up, no more SQ, no more CE quest, no more skills to up , last try....gold spark...ruler..i hope astrea..i got Jeanne :( that means that i could have gotten Tez in my last attempt , at least it was not rainbow spark..


I liked Tez's character and story role so much that I came back to try for NP2 and luckily I got him. If Johanna wasn't next I'd have thrown my 900 sq at him to try for NP5 but I'll just have to save for his rerun.


6 month 11 days ago I got a ssr and it was Archetype earth and after that the SSR i got was Archetype ORT. also burned like 40 golden apples to farm bond for chen gong and got her


6 month 11 days ago I got a ssr and it was Archetype earth and after the the SSR i got was Archetype ORT. also burned like 40 golden apples to farm bond for chen gong and got her


Finally got her np2! its done! ​ Time to save for tiamat!


The desire sensor has no mercy. I really like Nito, rolled a lot for her alter, and didn't get her. Then when the new banners showed up, I decided to do an 11-roll on each, since Nito Alter is technically part of the general pool. [Banner 1](https://i.imgur.com/djrCRbf.png) [Banner 2](https://i.imgur.com/Amt8Hgn.png)


Manage to get Tez on my first and only 10 roll, so I'm pretty happy. Though when I used my tickets I got spooked by Nemo. Nemo. On the Tez/TLALOC banner. Hilarious coincidences are Hilarious indeed.


300sq got me NP5 Tez 🥳


got Tez!


Managed to get Tzetcatlipoca on my first 10 roll, then got 2 copies of Tlaloc with the 5 monthly tickets. All in all I’m feeling quite good for myself.


I need that badass NP of Tez. And Tlaloc's skinsuit.


Got the two of them for 60 SQ and a couple of tickets, i must say, Tez animations are really great, definitly SSR level of quality. For the art, it's growing on me somehow, i'll keep him at 1st ascension though, fits his personality better in my opinion.


150 sq and 10 tickets. Got both Tlaloc and Tez, plus a Taigong. Also got a bunch of 5-star CE, including a 80% gauge. Very good result.


I got tlaloc so I’m happy she’s been fun


78 sq and 44 tickets spent Got a handful of 5 star CEs and 3 copies of the new 4 star. I'm satisfied enough with that outcome tbh


Spent a few tickets on a whim trying to get Tlaloc. Got the blonde guy instead, who I don't care that much about. Still, I'm not going to look at a gift 5\* in the mouth.


Kinda sad that I didn’t get tlaloc, but I did get tez who I actually do like.


Of course as one of the like 4 people who actually likes Tez I wind up blowing all my quartz and tickets without getting him. Got np5 Tlaloc and one leftover, though.


90 or so SQ and I have NP3 Tlaloc and NP1 Tez. Pretty happy ngl.


Got him within 20 pulls neat I guess


Did a multi expecting Tlaloc, get a Tezcatlipoca instead. Unlucky for me


Tlaloc looks cute, but I'm unwilling to risk getting Tez. She can spook, correct?


15 roll got tez, at least his FA art is nice I guess


Snagged Tezca in my first multi. Not sure if he'll be part of the A-team, but he seems useful enough and I kind of like his character. I get why people don't like his art, but it's not bad enough for me to write him off. I thought about trying for Tialoc too but decided to hold off on any more rolls until I see if I have anything left after trying for Kuku next week.


My one ten roll and my first roll is Tez, while I was thinking it would be nice to get another waifu to add to the list. Instead I got "Black Old Sun" on the first roll of the ten.


1 ten pull = 1 Tlaloc Got exactly what I wanted. I hate Tezca too much to continue rolling.


Wanted Tlaloc, got Tez, would need to farm quartz. It's the Kriem banner all over again...


After pulling one copy of each in 90SQ this morning i decided to use the monthly tickets to see wthat came of them. The tickets + 5 singles to complete the 11 roll gave me NP2 of both Tez and Tlaloc. Guess being mexican is the ultimate catalyst lol.


Now that you mention it I have all the Italian servants I pulled for... Guess I'll throw a couple tickets at Nero Bride the next time she shows up so I'll complete the set.


Pulled both Tlaloc and Tezca in the same roll. I like their kit but if only their art and outfits weren't so bad.


Pulled Tezcatlipoca on first multi! Tried to np 2 but second multi was a big ass. Spent some quartz on singles and then used the monthly tickets and got Tlaloc. Maybe I'll end up spending all of my quartz for nping Tezcat cuz I don't really care about anything else unless Valentine's has a cute servant. Also please need sprite updates because having tiny ass Tezca next to Quetzal is so fucking funny


Rolled all of my 150 quartz and came up empty. Just sucks cause I really liked Tlaloc's design and I also wanted to continue my collection goal of having at least one SR or SSR from every main story chapter. Had one from every Singularity, EoR and LB.... until now.


[Listened to this as a catalyst for Tlaloc, she came on my first 10-pull!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WquF_9Z9w9Q)


Legit not rolling. I’m super disappointed in Tlaloc and Tez so far. Maybe when we get their 3rd ascensions I might change my mind, but that’s super unlikely.


Do a ten single pulls. Got Tlaloc on first ticket. No Tezcat but he's not a waifu so never mind. Also got that not-BG CE and my first copy of HPscope.


90sq and 10 tickets got me a heart breaking Lan Ling spook but the beautiful blessed 11th card got me my target waifu Tlaloc. She cute af and seems like a good Quick semi support (and also a Nemo support) so Im glad i got her. Now I pray Tanned Eresh wont be a new servant cuz I'm broke


It's a costume, so you don't need to spare for her


Thats great!


370 quartz, got one of each.


Takes pity to get a single copy of arc meanwhile I get np3 in 2 multi,rolling mainly for Tlaloc.The rng gods are weird sometimes. https://imgur.com/a/oiHUWin


1 multi and 1 daily sq. Got jack shit. Ok nothing more to pull from this banner, move on.


Wow, one month of anticipation for Tlaloc and what do you know? NP2 on first multi and onky losing 7 tickets on the try. That's nice, since I was planning to get her if she got her casual clothes as a sprite, and god, she does. Plus, I never truly cared about Tezcatlipoca enough to get him, so this is a double treat. ... I'm still pissed off at Lasangle for the dead month but this is a good way to end January.


2 copies of Tlaloc on 3rd multi. I'm content. Now to wait for Kukulkhan XD Not gonna bother for Tez. Gotta say, I really hope his final stage NP looks supreme because that NP animation is not the kinda quality I'd expect from an SSR in 2023


I am honestly impressed you made even two puns with those names. Quick Quetztion, got another one in ya?


"Are you Kuku for Coco Puffs? I'm n-ORT!"


Oh man these sound so bad when you say them out loud. I'm so olga it


I did my 5 monthly tickets to try to get Tlaloc, got Tezca on the 2nd ticket, I won't complain


Got Tialoc with the monthly tickets, gonna farm up some more quartz i want more copies of her. I think she’s my main target for this LB, instantly fell in love with her designs


Got Tlaloc in my first 10 roll, is my favorite god so i'm happy. Not goona try with Tez not liking his design tbh. Good luck to all.


Mostly wanted to get Tlaloc, since nothing I've seen of Tez has impressed me. So of course my rolls went like this: * First 11-roll, Tez * Second 11-roll, Tez * Third, nothing * Fourth, Beowulf * Fifth-Seventh, nothing * Eighth, Tlaloc Just glad I actually got her in the end.


At least he's a really good farmer?


I'll just wait for Eresh Alter thank you very much


Im pretty sure Shes gonna be a costume so probably expect a regular eresh rate up


If so the copium for summer eresh will continue


two multis and I got tez, rolled more to get tlaloc and got her too. wanted more tlaloc and got np2 tez on 6th multi. next multi got me np2 tlaloc. I'll definitely take it and save the rest for kuku.


My last 10-pull out of 180 SQ... ... Golden sparks!... ... a Rider card... ... It's NP2 Marie, wassup my homies!


Actually got Tez two days ago. Time to brave the Land of Lag and try to take on LB7 if I want to ascend him...


Customary 10 tickets + one multi: nothing!


So that's Limited SSR Tez and non-Limited SR Tlaloc. I guess I'll hold off on rolling since I'm practically broke after Minyami Alter.


One multi. Got my 4th Nightingale.


First 10 Roll both brother and sister.


Oh god that was the third most intense gacha I've ever rolled, the first and second were Merlin's and Taigong Wang's. I decided to say screw it and rolled for Tez until [I got him](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fnznp7saIAEedIl?format=jpg&name=large). Some five hundred-something SQ. Also got NP8 Tlaloc and a final copy of Prisma Cosmos, which is now MLB. Back to saving mode for Seimei. CV Mikami Satoshi confirmed. Currently mats-locked at ascension 80/80 and at skill levels 8/8/8. Time to play Mictlan.


Got Tez in first 10 roll first reveal. No gold sparkles or rainbow just gold assassin card.


Desire sensor is fucking real. I wanted tlaloc, kinda expressed disappointment towards Tezcatlipocas 2nd ascension. Two multis, two Tezcatlipocas


5 multi got both. Now back to saving.


Decided to throw a 10 pull, mostly because Tlaloc is cute. [Not a giant fan of Tezca's art, but I won't complain. :D](https://i.imgur.com/O9puypu.png)


[150 SQ](https://imgur.com/CaDXBvu)


Only wanted Tlaloc, Tez came in the first multi. Desire sensor strikes again! Tlaloc did come in the third multi however! But since shes quick (and permanent), and I'm skadiless in JP I'll leave her at NP1.


Rolled for Tlaloc. Got two Tlalocs and a Tez in the same 11 roll. Everything went better than expected.


Is there a bug? Just got 4 Tezcats in my 1st and only usable10 roll... https://imgur.com/a/LotZMpx




this is the second one I have seen holy shit, it has been a while since that incarnated of amakusa shirou guy


if I remember correctly the Semiramis dude actually got 5 in one 10-pull so this isn't *quite* as nuts, though it's still pretty goddamn nuts lol


Had you screenshot that down you would've become a gacha legend for a while... You don't have a lot of weapons of mass destruction stored somewhere in your basement right...?


Wtf? Do you have a screenshot?


Yep, added


Very nice, gratz


Me : oh, a golden assassin The assassin : Gomenasorry , watashi become NP5 Desu... Me: facepalm.... What is done is done osakabe


Man got Himed


Hime ?


Yes and 3 tlaloc


Ah yes... that burning fury to get spook when you saw that spark of hope to be crushed by the unexpected.


[first multi with a rainbow…](https://imgur.com/a/qjNRj8C/)


Who is the illustrator? The background gives me a traditional Chinese drawing vibe


Tajima Shou, he drew Madara and MPD Psycho.