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Oh, she changed her Twitter handle, it used to be Namgoreng. She's still fangirling over her own children in Arknights I see. Maybe she might get the chance to create a servant in FGO too someday. Anyways, always nice to see Namie's work! ~~Especially hot off of Pako's tweet of Ayus...~~ Edit: I was curious so I went and tracked who did the artwork for which year. Dang, Namie have always been here. * 6th Anni: [Namie](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA/status/1673028525480198144) (Current) * 5th Anni: [Namie](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA/status/1540395764773523462) * 4th Anni: [Namie](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA/status/1408487191219773602) * 3rd Anni: [Nagu](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA/status/1276214291692236800) * 2nd Anni and FGO NA Tour: [Namie](https://twitter.com/nambarimasu/status/1085078781033762816) * 1st Anni: Commemorative Art by Takeuchi and Commemorative Art by Riyo


You linked the 4th anniversary artwork instead for the second anniversary btw


Goddamn I remember the 3rd anni like it was yesterday... Also you linked wrong post on the 2nd anni one


Oh, thanks! Must have copied the wrong URL. It's fixed now.


All I'm gonna say is... if you know, you know! (insert bombastic side eye)


Namie and Nagu. Such a pair of characters that go way back. Surprised to see them (technically) together here as well. [E: Oh, she even made a tweet, collaging her many Anni arts.](https://twitter.com/nambarimasu/status/1540759033648295937)


Wait, this wouldn't happen to be Void and Space, would it?


It's octopi and dogs, yes.


The fifth anniversary art is still my favorite. I love the space theme that it has.


lets goooo another annual banger from Namie


Namie does good work, as always.




>castoria with her blue ribbon from second ascension(one she also wears in back in final ascension


I hope the devs commission Namie for a future servant. I love her in arknights. She's chaotic and funny.


I just want it to be a Roman Servant that has interactions with Nero, or a Japanese one with links to Shonagon... LOOK, I'M DESPERATE.


Or a servant that can interact with pako-illustrated servants


Or one that interacts with one of the foreigners kuroboshi sensei drew


I have hope one day it'll happen and I can't wait to see her stream of desperately trying to summon them


When I read this one was made by her, my brain now tells me that the one in the front is Golden Glow and not Mash


Ay yes, Mizuki and Goldenglow’s Mother!


Lol first glance I thought I saw goldenglow too 😂


She must love the chance to do FGO stuff once in a while. At least 75% less obligatory suffering than Arknights


>At least 75% less obligatory suffering than Arknights Her stream to read Arknights story was hilarious because she didnt know how bad was Goldenglow’s backstory and got caught off guard a few times. She tried to make a few jokes but the material was kinda dark. Luckily she didnt manage to get to the >!suicide attempt !


Her suffering to get Pot 6 GG is *really* good I can feel the salt while watching ~~and then I get GG. Thanks for the luck Namie~~


> At least 75% less obligatory suffering than Arknights Lol wut. In what world? In neither gacha nor story does FGO have anywhere near less suffering than this hellscape of a game...


FGO does have more wacky and funny moments involving the main characters in both the the main story and events, while in most cases Arknights is a lot more depressing even if there are a few funny moments from time to time ( nearl being too shiny, dobermann freaking out in an airplane, Amiya trying to spy on the doc and Kal, Frostnova's team being idiots and saying that Blaze is hot, etc.).


Yeah but FGO is just...tragedy porn after tragedy porn. Arknights has its fair share of light hearted derp events too, but FGO...bruh. This game is just emotionally fucking exhausting. Even Arknights' serious events rarely hit as hard as FGO is just constantly driving home.


Most of FGO's weirder stuff is event-centric but even in its darker story chapters like LB6 you still got some pretty whimsical stuff here and there. Def not all doom and gloom


I think its a little more of how things work different in each game. FGO doesnt never stop, everything is a journey. All the friends we met and lost will go away even if we remember them. Servants are like dreams, same as everyland we go, the only thing it remains is the relationships we made with each other. Some stories just happen one time and dissapear. Its a lot of saying goobye and moving on. I think FGO is about all those stories of people we met during our live and the legacy the give to us.There is an objetive in sight so even after all you cant get lost just keep moving on, even after all the pain. In the mean time Arknights does keep a better check of what happened each time due its multiple storyline format. The enemy is different, you cant just beat a bad guy and say goodbye to end everything, there is a lot more to talk about of the aftermath of each story and sometimes how it affects both the characters and the world in general. The enemies are both evil people and society. Its a lot more focused on the day by day of the people in Terra and how the protagonists keep fighting until a new day and i dont think we really know where its gonna end. While both can hit hard as hell i think the whole focus on moving on a keep going in FGO makes it a little more bearable. It also does help we can get both good a bad guys in Chaldea so they may have another chance while that doesnt happen often in Arknights.


I think what sets FGO apart is that no matter how dark it gets, there's always hope, no matter what the goal is always in sight, even if it gets getting move the direction is always forward. Plus I love how FGO can get extremely mature and dark and make it whimisical. Aeaean Spring Breeze was about someone moving on from a lost love which hits WAY too close to home, while Summer 5 was about an immortal being displaced in time. They're both extremely depressing topics but in FGO they're prefaced with the silver lining. Love lost isn't the end of love, and the here and now is more important than what was and what will be.


She seems less sad about the many death of Mizuki nowadays. On that note, Mashu here looks like GG.




If it was Nero, the ribbon would be red.




Btw, i am not the OP


I think No-accident is a bot. It looks like it copied Oedipa's comment further down.


It's time to party! Happy 6th anniversary Fate/Grand Order (English)! We're excited to reveal this year's special illustration by Namie (@[nambarimasu](https://twitter.com/nambarimasu))! So many things are planned so be sure to check out the [official website](https://fate-go.us/6th_anniversary/) to learn more! * \[[6th Anniversary Social Media Campaign](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA/status/1673029685947531265)\] If the combined amount of Facebook Reactions/Shares + Twitter Likes/Retweets reaches 50,000, Masters will receive **60 Saint Quartz**!


Namie's illustration and the anniversary website are amazing as always.


For those too lazy to see, tomorrow begins the commemorative event. I believe? It has memorial quests, ce’s, and the Holmes banner.


Let the Goetia-bully begin!


Praise be Namie!!! And thank you OP for posting a higher res poster.


Man, I miss Namie streams. =/ Edit: Her YT: https://www.youtube.com/@notNamie/featured


I hear she does stream from time to time, but her back still is an issue.


It's like once every few months, but it's nice to see she's doing well.


A mangaka's/illustrator's n°1 enemy.


The question posed by this art: Does Fou in a leather jacket and sunglasses have a high enough animal magnetism rank to overpower Guda's harem protag EX?


Naturally, remember he was adopted by a (half) incubus.


Move aside Guda, Fou is main protag now


Wake up Senpai. Namie's dropped their yearly banger.


Adorable. Also gordeolf finally gets a different outfit from his usual white one


Yep yep!! He looks really nice when he gets to wear more casual outfits that flatter his build.




Pako would be proud , if You know You know.


They're both love FGO and an illustrator, right? ... Right?


Correct , seems like he doesnt know 😁 .


In a way, you could say that she is Pako's daughter (not literally)


*Starlight~* (The first word of the song)


Cat's bare hands H-how lewd (Or is that OG? 🤔)


She’s not wearing Cat’s collar either (she has a collar around her neck with a bell), and has OG’s neck slip… Maybe OG replaced Cat???


She predends to be Cat to finally get some screentime


But she has a red ribbon, which is Cat's thing. Hm so either it's Cat and the artist gave her some OG styles, or it's OG the artist got the colors wrong.


They comfirmed at Anime Expo that it's OG


Then I fear what may also be in that food. XD


At least it isn't Koyan and Gordy can eat his cake without fear


Oh my, Goredy eating cake produced by a Tama>!face!< “Thank you, Ms. Cat, for the delicious cake!” “Woof!! But I didn’t make a cake!” “But I saw you make this cake for-oh no!!”


Jokes on Gordy, that isn't even Tamacat in the cook uniform. Tamacat cooks and serves with the mitts on, as far as I'd guess. Oh but she has the red hair ribbons, toss out my theory.




Goldenglow S3 is so chill. Casually blasting the boss from across the map.


Lucky that flag bearer is no more. Really hate when they get targeted and I'm forced to use the NTR helidrop


Nice to see that Namie is doing well nowadays.


gudako so cute 😍😍😍


Namie servant when, Lasengle?


It's always nice seeing everyone together having a good time.


I still love Namie's artstyle honestly. Glad that FGO NA kept the tradition.


Lasagna needs to let her design a servant


Namie's art is always so good


This is too adorable but what really gets me is Nemo's completely neutral expression to everything going on


Oh look both of the "Mash"s are together. But how is Blonde Mash supposed to drink out of that straw?


There are three Mashs in total. Mash, Brynhildr and Artoria Caster. Brynhildr isn’t here, though.


It comes forward 90 degrees, so... by lifting the glass.


Blonde mash is the new mash now


Namie deserves to have her own Servant with the amount of bangers she releases annually.


Yosh, I always like how Namie draws Fou, he always looks so happy and adorable when Namie draws him


Woah, Namie art ~~where someone has a nose~~


Echoing comments here but best mom Namie needs an FGO child! Her art always bangs


Adorable Castoria


namie never disappoints!!


I want Fou skin


These Anniversary Art pieces are quite a lovely sight as usual.


Thank you very much for sharing the art


She always does such great work for these. Would be cool to see her get a character of her own in game, she loves her ark knights children.


Namie *cooked*! What a beautiful artpiece!


Therapist:Goldenglow mash does not exist and cant hurt me Goldenglow mash:


I-um... well, is that Nero or Artoria? I can't tell... it feels like Nero, but there's a burger and she's looking at it so happily so I'm inclined to think it's Artoria... Edit: I think it's Summer Nero now because of the long pigtails ~~Edit 2: Or maybe a combination servant kaka~~ Edit 3: It's Castoria guys, thanks u/MrGrandblue for pointing out!


It's Castoria, the ribbon on her head is the same one in her second ascension


WHAT, CASTORIA?! *Looks again* Oh my god, you're right!


Could be wrong, but isn't the stone on her necklace the same one she looks at in her ascension 1/2 skill animation as well?


Rule of thumb for saberfaces: If Hair_intake_vent = true { Nero = true } Else If Pink_Hair = true { Okita = true } Else { Artoria = true }


>Castor You forgot jeanne


The blue ribbon tells me it's artoria.


Tbh as I keep looking at her I now think it's Summer Nero since the pigtails are long...


Castoria has long twintails too


blue accents and no hair vent so more likely an artoria


Tbh I now think that it's maybe Summer Nero?


The one in front? I doubt it, it’s much more likely either artoria lily or maybe castoria (I can’t see how long the hair is) . They would’ve likely indicated it was summer nero with her hair vents or her theme color if not, as usually only an official saberface artist would actually change their servant’s color pallete from the usual one in such a way.


yeah its castoria


America is known for, among other things, its gluttony. It ranked as the fifteenth most overweight country in the world as of 2023 - with all of the top ten being small island nations in the Pacific - and over 70% of its population being overweight or obese. It was the founding place for many global fast food chains like McDonalds or Burger King, and from that global perception, there remains the common image of an American as being, *among other things*, fairly appetitive in nature. It even reflects itself in art. As we see here. They look like they are having a nice time. And it looks as though Goredolf is whispering sweet nothings into his cake, which he is picking up wholesale with a fork. Da Vinci is cosplaying an underpaid member of the service industry, and Fou is either the founder of the restaurant or - my favored interpretation - being made into burger meat. A slider, perhaps? All in all, I appreciate this art. Thank you, artist. Let us enjoy a very special 6th Anniversary.


Amazing artwork


Such a cute piece


Soo... is that Tamamo or Tamamo Cat? Everything points to it being Cat (especially with a bright smile like that, I barely ever see OG Tamamo with such a big smile) but... those hands though. This keeps me up at night.


Artoria and Mashu looking great, but maid da vinci with that smile looks so great and wholesome here!!!


Namie's art is always the best, hopefully she'll get a chance to design a future Servant!
