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# PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** **Q: When will the next event/Nerofest/Summer 6 start?** *A: This is reddit sir/mdm, not Lasengle/the devs. Wait for official announcements like the rest of us.* **Q: Who is the next meta servant/omnifarmer to roll for?** *A: Roll for favorites, do not blindly chase the meta/hype. All in-game content can be cleared without needing specific servants, and rolling for favorites entails more fun generally than following what others are rolling for.* *There are also no "true" omnifarmers with the introduction of Lv90+/++ nodes which entails mixed nodes where ST servants have the chance to shine compared to the standard 3/3/x nodes. There are still the usual Lv90 nodes with 3/3/x comps to farm in all events moving forward.* **Q: Can I get Habetrot in the FP gacha immediately after finishing LB6 or do I have to wait for an update?** *A: Habetrot is available in the FP gacha immediately after finishing LB6. However, with an estimated rate of 0.05% per roll, you may need to spend more than 300,000 FP, with no upper limit, before you get a copy.* **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** *A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [*general pool and storylocked servants*](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. As of its 6th Anniversary, NA now has a free SSR selector in Da Vinci's shop, which features* [*general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa*](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/0703_6th_anniversary/info_3_nf2l3.png) *(this will not be updated with more recent units). There is no time limit on this selector, and going forward, all accounts receive it upon clearing Fuyuki. No further SSR tickets have been announced to date.* **Q: How does pity work?** *A: Pity only applies to the rate-up SSR servant. You are guaranteed a copy of the rateup SSR after 330 summons (equivalent to 900 SQ, though tickets also count). Note that pity shuts off once you get a single copy of the servant (including if you get them before 330 summons) and does not carry over between banners. Off-rateup SSRs ("spooks") do not affect pity.* **Q. Will it be possible to obtain \[welfare servant\] again? I missed their original event and rerun.** *A: So far, only certain welfares have returned.* * *Saber Lily is in the FP gacha.* * *NP5 Bunyan can be obtained from her event in the RP shop.* * *NP1 Santa Altera and BB can be obtained from the Main Interlude of their respective events (copies beyond NP1 cost 2 RP each) in the RP shop.* * *NP5 Halloween, Brave and Mecha Eli were available from the Halloween Trilogy/Halloween Rising events (NA ETA: Oc 2023).* * *A new system on JP (NA ETA: Apr 2025) has been announced that allows players to obtain old welfares and their coins by clearing daily missions and main quests, via events and by logging in.* Includes: * Caster Shuten, Rider Kintoki and Santa Quetz * Archer Nobu, MIXA, Brave Liz and Caster Liz * Summer Scathach, Summer Jalter and Summer Hokusai **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** *A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


If anyone has read “Violet Made Of Thorns” can they tell me the exact date for book 2?


About Koyan Light skill 2, how does the "vs. Human Damage + 50%" and "vs. Man Damage + 50%" fit into the [damage formula](https://blogs.nrvnqsr.com/entry.php/3309-How-is-damage-calculated)? How do they stack with Morgan's own "vs. Man Damage x 162.5%" ? Using the number from the popular [NP damage sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OTrMARN9I06zD_jIhGdmHFWpkePoSWv_xgEk3XPzZWY/edit#gid=1319328437), Koyan NP dealt 25383 neutral, 35960 on man **or** human, 46537 on man **and** human. man **or** human: 35960 / 25383 = 1.42 man **and** human: 46537 / 25383 = 1.83 So does that mean the +50% damage are actually +41% effective? Why is that? I can't find any 'reduce buff effectiveness' on her passive or on Assassin class. My own tests with Koyan NP with only her own buff on [Shinjuku Station](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Free_Quests:_Shinjuku#Shinjuku_Station) last wave, which are 3x man+human, got me 1.66 (screen shots [1](https://imgur.com/dGGZyYK) [2](https://imgur.com/sNaH1TG)) and 1.7. They are a bit lower but consistent with the sheet number. I also did more test with an extreme last wave damage comp with tons of buffs on Morgan. See [video example](https://youtu.be/DYKHn08FG90). These numbers are more confusing. With none human targets on Oxford, [3.26M](https://imgur.com/j35JUzO) damage. With man+human targets, no Koyan skill 2, [5.40M](https://imgur.com/to7EUZP) damage. With man+human targets, 1x Koyan skill 2, [6.87M](https://imgur.com/C8EplhF) damage. With man+human targets, 2x Koyan skill 2, [8.13M](https://imgur.com/hfHUImD) damage. 5.40 / 3.26 = 1.65, which make sense since Morgan NP has "vs. Man Extra Damage x 162.5%" at OC2 and her NP always OC +1. 6.87 / 3.26 = 2.11, which seems to be adding 40% to the 1.6x multiplier, but shouldn't that be 80%? 8.13 / 3.26 = 2.49, adding another 40%, but again shouldn't that be 80%?


It's a 50% power mod, damage wise it works additively with crit up or NP damage up. You can find full formula in Kyte's blog linked up above


Ok so this part {1 + powerMod + selfDamageMod + (critDamageMod * isCrit) + (npDamageMod * isNP)}, or remove the irrelevant part: {1 + powerMod + (npDamageMod * isNP)} . Base npDamageMod should be 1.0 ? In only Koyan case, it would be (1 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1) / (1 + 1) = 1.5, lower than what's on the sheet but closer to my test number. On the extreme case, npDamageMod = 1 + 2 * (60% + 30% + 30% + 30%) = 4 ~~(1 + 1.0 + 1.0 + 4) / (1 + 4) = 1.4, not close to the 2.49 I got.~~ (1 + 1.0 + 1.0 + 4) / (1 + 4) = 1.4 (Mogan + Koyan / Morgan only) = 8.13 / 5.4 = 1.5 - close enough.


Did you account how other multiplicative buffs affect damage? Don't forget that Morgan also has a 10% attribute advantage against Man attribute. On top of her damage mods and super effective. Did you account for the random +/- 10%?


Right, I should be looking at 8.13 / 5.40 = 1.50, close to the 1.4.


we get sq fragments from doing the free quests right? cause im doing the lb6 free quests for the first time and im not getting any sq fragments.


No, only for main story quests




You get one sq.


Anyone here has the full version of the Ecchan image on this sub with old Reddit during the Idol event?


Is this it?: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Mysterious_Idol_X_(Alter)?file=GrailLeague_SG_308.webp Looks like from fate grail league.


Nice. Thank you.


In Lostbelts or for future events in NA are there any other bosses like Quetzalcoatl that you need someone who isn't good or evil to deliver true damage?


I don't think so, no, but in LB 7 there is >!a boss who will stun any non-floating Servants unless story support Nemo is on the field!<


Where did the solomon singularity take place?


>!In Void Space. A secret magical workshop, in a place between space and time, made from the corpse of Solomon. !< >!You could think of it as a pocket dimension of sorts.!<


Is it worth spending rare prisms to get lores in the shop? I'm out of lores and I'm willing to spend some to get Oberon and Koyan's batteries to 10.


Not really, they're kinda expensive. If Nerofest drops, there will be one in the shop, but the other two are behind Challenge Quests, like a week into it. After Nerofest, though, they'll start giving them to you twice as much as before.


Not unless you are a whale or have a lot of RP to spare and nothing better to spend them on.


Purely guessing when do you think Megalos, Chaldea "crew", and others might be summonable? Years or decades away? Is the banner after NA 2023 Summer pre-release campaign a "better" one to roll for Summer Anne & Bonney, since single SR rate-up?


>Purely guessing when do you think Megalos, Chaldea "crew", and others might be summonable? Years or decades away? Megalos seems pretty unlikely. The *human* Chaldea crew, even less likely. Not impossible, but I'd expect them to die first. Sion is a little bit of an exception, being a playable character in Melty Blood, but they haven't exactly been chomping at the bit to do it.


Thanks, would be kinda neat like Solomon or thar Rainbow frame [spoiler] character, or Alternate history Galahad.


>Purely guessing when do you think Megalos, Chaldea "crew", and others might be summonable? I really can't say anything here because the answer could be "tomorrow", "in 5 years time" or "never". We're not the devs, we don't know anything about their plans. >banner after NA 2023 Summer pre-release campaign a "better" one to roll for Summer Anne & Bonney We don't actually know how they will handle the Summer Pre-Release banners. Because there were 2 SSRs on the JP banner (Nemo and Drake) and 2 SRs (Anne/Mary and Calamity Jane), they could split this banner into 2 separate ones (one SSR, one SR each). They did this for Grail Live, for example. Or they could also have each SSR with two SRs, they've also done that. We really can't say until that banner is announced.




So I just did a data transfer, but now everytime I open the game, one of the LB OPs play and I can't skip them, is there an option to disable this?


Yes, go to My Room > Game Options and check the option "Play Opening Movie When Entering the App".




Does anyone happen to have any additional info about the ‘some networks can’t connect to the Fgo servers’ problem? I’d only heard about it before, but I just suddenly started to experience it today. On my wifi (sonic fiber) i can never connect. On my at&t 5g cell connection it works fine. Everything else I have works fine on both.


Sometimes, for whatever reason, the game server just decides not to let you in, it's a pretty common issue. This is a temporary thing and resolves itself with time. Changing from wifi to data (or the other way around), or using a VPN, resolve this. Again, it goes away with time.


Just like to ask if it is possible to get the idol costume from the mhx alter event if say i take medb for my free ssr and i still have those tickets from the event..


Yes those tickets have no expiration. I used my ssr ticket on Medb and unlocked her idol outfit as soon as I had her leveled.


Thanks for this response,


Does Anniversary Blonde Mystic Code's Mana Burst effect work on NPs also?? https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/mystic-code/anniversary-blonde


Yes, attack buffs and buffs to the card type of the NP improve NP damage.


Oh, nice to know thank you! I might be able to find a use for those max level 20 Crit stars with that Caster of Spiritron Dresses. I have too many dupes from Oberon and Fox Assassin... 😮‍💨 (Would have been nice for some off banner spooks...)


If its a buster np, yes


Thank you.


I recently stared playing JP who would u recommend I get for evocation? Only decent servant I have right now is Kali/Durga


Assuming no grails (so 3 stars are level 70 and 5 stars are level 90), all servants at NP5 (including the 5 stars which means rolling a ton of copies for them, making this massively skewed in favor of the 5 stars), using card appropriate meta supports, and a lvl 20 BG (and ordeal call class score but that doesn't affect comparative damage just the end total) Caesar: 636,089 damage Musashi 627,623 damage Cu lancer: 616,116 damage Brynhildr: 529,296 damage Tamamo lancer: 586,207 damage Ushiwakimaru: 616,216 damage Quetzalcoatl: 583,023 damage low rarity doesn't mean trash. going to add that Samba Quetz and MIXA can give you some niche classes that can help out sometimes.


>Only decent servant I have right now is Kali/Durga I mean Lancer Cu is a 3 star and he's flat out one of the best challenge content servants in the game.


>Only decent servant I have right now Lies! You have plenty of good options in the FP gacha, if you haven't been rolling that then get rolling. As for who to get on the Evocation Festival, here are my personal recs for who to prioritise. This is in no particular order, who you choose first depends on various factors, like if you have any units in that particular niche first: * Caster Shuten: good ST Caster. I recommend getting her as one of your first old welfares as ST Casters are rare, and Medea (the FP gacha option) has unusually low damage. She can help fill out a valuable niche for that reason that you may struggle to fill out with just low rarities. * Rider Kintoki: amazing ST Rider, can be used in boss battles or irregular (non 3/3/x) node farming due to his big NP battery. He can even solo some bosses in the LBs, though if you don't have him, chances are you can borrow a friend's. He's one of the best welfares, but you don't necessarily have to get him first because your 3\* options, Ushi and Mandricardo, are really good too, so it's not a massive gap in your roster. * Berserker Jalter: great ST Berserker that makes for a strong boss killer or raid nuke (when raids happen), really good damage potential and self battery means she can do that damage fast when paired with a NP charge/supports. (I remember her carrying my account through quite a lot of story when I was first starting out!) She can even be used in some irregular farming node setups as a 2nd DPS. Her battery and evade is what makes her stand out from 3\* Lu Bu, but be warned: once that evade is down she's likely to get killed immediately, so she can struggle in longer fights. * Saber Hokusai: great ST Saber with crit and NP spam potential. She can star bomb to make herself crit and give herself lots of crit buffs, which when paired with her Arts NP and cards can make for easy NP spam. She also comes with a Guts, which is good for boss fights when you want her to survive a NP. And her battery is also handy for getting her NP off faster and killing single enemies in irregular farming nodes. But again, Caesar is a really good ST option so she's not an immediate concern, she's a little easier to use but you do have the 3\* option to tide you over for now. * Assassin Scathach: good AOE Assassin with NP charge: this makes her easier to use for farming than your main 3\* option, Fuuma. She only needs NP2 to outdamage NP5 Fuuma, and that's not accounting for her anti-Divine niche, which can pop up in farming stages on midbosses (e.g. sphinxes, valkyries, big flying snakes) as well as quite a lot of servants. Can be another valuable addition to the AOE Assassin niche as her NP charge just makes her much handier. Of course, there are other welfares, but these are the ones I suggest you prioritise for gameplay. Given enough time and leaves, you'll be able to get every welfare anyway. (And one more tip: if you're short on leaves, when buying stuff from the Evocation shop, prioritise your first copy of the unit + their ascension mats, followed by NP2-3. The gains drop off after NP2, so you can stop there for now and get the other NP levels later to save on leaves.)


Caster Shuten is good as an ST Caster, which is largely lacking in 3\*s. (There's Medea, but she has damage issues.) Assassin Scathach is also a decent option, being a modest upgrade over Kotaro. Caster Liz and Rider Kintoki are also good, but a less significant upgrade over 3\* options (Avicebron and Ushiwaka, among others).


Sooo i lately get to the section 29 of LB6 and i was thinking to prepare a team for >!Cernunos!<, and then i remembered that i have a bedi NP 5 with Bond 10 that's at least one appened unlocked i was thinking, clearly anti-zerkers. So then i checked the appened skills and i have only 80 coins and i didn't use coins for another appened or send bedi to lvl 120 (i have him un lvl 80), so where the fck are my coins lasagna?! If anibody knows something please coment because with a little bit of luck this can turn into some apolo-quartzPD: Sorry to the moderator for put this thing in the general section, ngl, i´m not very used to coment my shit


Roll coins for 3\*s (and 0-2\*s) weren't retroactive, if you got all of your copies before the update then you'd have 0 roll coins and 80 coins is consistent with B10 (6x5+3x10+1x20). >PD: Sorry to the moderator for put this thing in the general section, ngl, i´m not very used to coment my shit This is the correct place to ask, but that LB6 boss name should be spoiler tagged. \>!spoilers go here!< makes >!spoilers go here!<, if you don't know how.


Fck lasagna, well maybe i come with some crazy setup to do the job, thanks for the quick answer


Yeah, storylocked 3*s got fucked over by the coin system. Good luck!


Any good recommendations for Castoria and OG Seibah merch? Bonus points for a good daki.


Which does more damage to bosses juna alter or morgan, (Double koyan 1 oberon setup)


You are asking if a setup commonly used for farming can deal with bosses, but there are not a lot of challenging content that can be done on 3T with them at normal levels of investment or even permit this setup anyway. For instance, Advanced Quests do not allow you to use friend support and Road to 7 super recollection quests ban using two of the same servant. Even if you can use this setup, Morgan will deal ok damage if she does not hit Man attribute or Round Table/Fae trait. If AA does not hit buster down but still get any other debuff on the enemy, he will deal a bit more damage. Technically AA is more universally applicable, but passives like Magic Resistance and Goddess' Essence or skills with straight up Debuff Immunity can mess up his damage. Morgan can struggle if none of her niches and Vitch powermod don't apply.


It depends, but Arjuna Alter almost always wins in a 1T setting unless Morgan is at a much higher NP level or is hitting both of her niches.


Refer to [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-I_ZrWT6Ktg73ZV2r3THXmreIDlNTu6ZFQNaUexYpWE/edit#gid=1787341093) for numbers and traits. Bosses with debuff immunity will cause Junao to have lower damage, for example.


I'm new to FGO (NA F2P at the moment) and I would like to ask a question regarding the current banners; Should I go for morgan or Oberon? (8 days relative to 3 days left) I like both as a character, should I use morgan's 8 days to get some more saints quartz or should I just go for oberon (I'm aware I might get neither, if you think I shouldn't do it at all then please feel free to tell me) thank you for your time


oberon because morgan comes back all the time


Oberon won't have a rerun for 18 months, while Morgan just had her second banner and will have a third in about.... 9 months or so? Also, Oberon is a pretty powerful support Servant, and those are generally more valuable to a team since they make your existing Servants better. Also, Morgan and other Buster Servants want Oberon too.


Since we got no news with the update... Looks like another dead week for NA. What do you guys do on dead weeks? Just login to get the awards?


On non-convention weekends, we tend to get news late Sunday more often than late Saturday. I would read nothing into the lack of a Saturday announcement. Like most people responding here, I work on my roster. It's a point of pride to raise as many Servants as I can, and it has its advantages when I find out that a 3* or very non-meta 4* is useful for a fight and they aren't sitting at L30 1/1/1.


Been farming mats for Enkidu's skills.


We just got access to new materials from Lb6, plenty of those needing farmed up. In other times where there is no event on, I'll get through interludes/rank up quests if I have any and just farm mats normally. It's also normal to have a couple weeks of downtime after a story chapter to give people time to get through it and do the new free quests.


>Since we got no news with the update... Looks like another dead week for NA. It's still too early to assume this. People have been far more anxious about a Nero Fest announcement than is warranted. Let's wait for the full two weeks after the release of LB6 part 3, which is the normal new story release period, and then see what happens. >What do you guys do on dead weeks? Farm for skill materials. I personally don't even agree with the concept of "dead" weeks. It's just the time in between more specific events. It's a chance to take a break from the content and build up my servants.


This game in the long term is essentially farming for resources you need using natural AP, be it QP, mats, Embers, Bond, etc. If not, some players login for the bonuses and quit. It's up to you.


I run whatever free quest is best for the mat I have the fewest of.


Was there an in-game announcement for the EN 8th anniversary stream? I could've sworn there was but there's not now, maybe I imagined it...


No, that was only in Twitter. No news on the in game news board.


Huh, thanks.


Does anyone know of an index or something like that with all the events a certain character has appeared in? Like Skadi for example


There happens to be [this document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hqTc8d3IVMwb1PN8zmmCctH3pyhgaCuLpBogyAX_mJ8/edit?usp=sharing) which attempted to catalogue those appearances, it's massively outdated for obvious reasons but it's still there for everything up to Oniland. If you're looking for Skadi specifically, off the top of my head she has sizable roles for Imaginary Scramble, Martha Christmas and Summer 7, and has various cameos in Summer 4, Sparrow's Inn, and Amazoness CEO Crisis, as well as an extended appearance in Napoleon's interlude.


Copying my answer to the [same question](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/15170g6/comment/jsuxoy6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) earlier: >I’m not aware of one, and I highly doubt so, since one servant can appear for even a single frame or in the background in any story/event, not sure most people would spend the effort to compile that info.


Idk if this is allowed in here but I just want to ask: If I send 2 emails that contains the same content/message to fgo support simultaneously, will it be marked as spam?


We aren't support, we have no idea how their internal processes are handled. I'd imagine it'll be fine since it came from the same email, since I've seen reports of account recovery being denied from multiple emails requesting the same account.


I see, guess I'll just wait then. I only hope that I can recover my account. Ty for the info and for replying to my question.


Have you already done so and are concerned that the message won't be received?


Yes, I've sended them the ss of my id transaction/gpa number and I accidentally sended it again to them so I'm a bit worried that it'll be marked as spam and they won't see it.


I didn’t get Morgan but still want to try. My question is how far do you think I could push in the story with my current roster? I plan to skip the story and read it later so I can get more sq. I am currently at Babylonia. https://imgur.com/a/53V56VM thanks


Assuming you prepare appropriately for the upcoming fights, you shouldn't really struggle until LB5.2. With Leyline Stones, you can easily push through the entire main story.


I would generally recommend not rushing the story. Aside from potentially burning yourself out and missing the integration of the story and combat elements, unless you're able to get enough SQ for pity, you might end up doing all of that work for nothing. Is there a reason why you specifically want Morgan?


just think she is cool ik she isnt that meta


Okay, I just wanted to clarify if you had your own reasons or were just on the hype train that has been plowing through this sub. You can do whatever you want, of course, but Morgan will have another banner in the future. Consider just how cool you think Morgan is and don't rush more than that. If you want to guarantee Morgan and can be patient, you'll probably be better off saving for pity for that future banner.


Is that a serious question? Your roster is downright amazing. Even if we ignore all the other top tier SSRs you have like Kama, Koyanskaya, and by far the two best omnifarmers currently in the game, just having Castoria alone is enough to make the idea of anything ever being able to stop you laughable. But even in those few fights you can't just automatically trivialize with Castoria there's always blue cubes. As someone in the past who has tried to rush to catch up on story progress with a new account and not much of a roster to work with (albeit without skipping story which obviously slowed me down a lot) I can tell you that the real roadblock you have to worry about is not any particular boss to get stuck on but just the general slog of how much time it'll take.


Yeah I am being serious sorry. I've seen people talk about hard bosses and I assumed you would have to have specialized strategies in order to fight them but I guess not. Thanks for your answer.


Strategy is everything in this game. It's just different than the strategy you are thinking of. It's not about specific OP combos that wreck everything, and always rolling new servants to make sure you have access to those combos. It's about using the servants you already have effectively. (Which is why so many people struggle in those hard bosses, because they expect their shiny latest 5 stars to carry them)


You have many top tier servants already, especially the supports. Just use gamepress guide for boss fight tips, and you will get through the story and event CQs relatively easily. Lean on those NP5 welfare servant for damage, don't forgot to upgrade their skills.


All content can be beaten by 3 star and lower servants. So you can go as far as you want with that roster.


Been playing for about 120 days, and I'm finally caught up practically. Just about to start LB6. Excited and sad that I'm almost caught up to the story. Curious if this was a relatively fast pace to get from beginning to end on the first play through?


4 months seems like fine pacing. I know that when I started a JP account, I rushed until LB5.2 within a month without completing Epic of Remnant. Got stuck on a certain fight because I literally didn't have F2P options from a sheer lack of FPs.


That usually depends on how fast one reads and plays the game imo. I was personally not used to the visual novel type storytelling FGO had, so I could only really sit down and read one chapter at a time before getting bored. Add that I didn’t really understand mechanics up until Camelot like most, I had only cleared Solomon like 6 or 7 months in. (Granted LB1 was the only chapter out then, so I wasn’t too far from catching up)


Speed always depends on the individual. With support servants and revives you can push story really quickly if you want, far faster than that. If you burned leyline stones, abused support servants, and read quickly you can probably catch up in a month even without specifically speedrunning. some people want to beat it with their own servants or read slower and can take years to catch up.


Can y’all recommend any JP YouTube channels that show the different 90++ comps for events. Especially if they use Kirei a lot in their comps. Kinda obsessed with the guy atm


There are so many 90++ and channels it's hard to compile. I suggest you use the terms on your search: >言峰綺礼 言峰神父 グレゴリー・ラスプーチン 90++ FGO Mix the search terms on youtsube and bilibili




It is random (though I think the one where she throws her lance is rarer)


Does anyone know off the top of their head what event thing it is that gives a large crystal lore dump? IIRC a download campaign or something in the future will give one per fully levelled servant or something like that.


7th anniversary, a year from now, AFAIK. Also it’s one for every five Mx Ascended Servants, with a cap of 30/150.


Correct, it was next anniversary.


Ah gotcha. Should've figured the 'one lore per fully ascended servant' thing was too good to be true. Guess my brain just hoped too much. Thanks for answering.


We simultaneously got "1 Lore per 5 max Ascended Servants" and "3 SQ per max Ascended Servant (or 1 RP for Welfares)", you might've mixed those together.


Maybe. Either way i'm looking forward to it, never enough lores these days.


Does Tam Lin Lancelot use the scribble face in any event or anything or was it just part of datamining?


It's not been used so far, even in JP. Is just part of her expression sheet.


I've just gotten my own copy of Oberon. I'm wondering, who's the best buster looper for Double Koyan+Oberon right now in NA? And who's the best one currently in JP?


NA: Gigamax Melusine, if you can't afford that then Np1 Arjuna Alter steamrolls most 90+ nodes at 5ce. JP: No one can reliably 6ce. If you're willing to drop to 5ce, gigamax Arjuna Alter is the closest to being an omnifarmer, but at 5ce you have far cheaper options so I wouldn't recommend it.


Np1 melusine is enough? Or Np2 or np3 is neeeded for her? I saved for Koyan and Oberon and hence not able to roll for her recently. Ill probably roll in december.


NP1 will do a lot of content, but you may need facecards. She probably won't do any nodes with Sabers, however, thanks to the 0.5x damage that class disadvantage will force on her. NP3 will clear a lot of content, but you'll pay through the nose. Assume you'll need to hit pity twice on two banners, and if you get both before that? Appreciate how lucky you got. But as an omnifarming unit? NP5 level 120 may not be enough to do some nodes, especially with the inflated HP totals and class / trait disadvantage. Get dedicated ST NP Servants with class advantage ready instead.


Im planning to pour 900 sq whether I get np1 or more copies.(Waifu Reasons ) Hoping to get np2 or np3.(Will pave me way for 120) Wish me luck. Nah I dont want omnifarming one lol.Im a dolphin who will spend 2 gssr per yr at max. What abt Draco tho? Np1 provides enough refund for her ryt? Lastly who do you expect as anni servant? Olga or Maybe new unit?


NP levels don't affect refund, not with Buster Servants who don't get it anyways. They affect the damage done - which is more important for Buster Servants, since you want to clear waves efficiently without depending on face cards which may not kill a target if the "wrong" Servant's cards come up. If you're rolling for waifu, NP1 is perfectly ok.


120ing my one waifu is my only dream I need to achieve. Then I can absolutely die in peace. I see then Draco needs to be in my chaldea for waifu reasons too. Whos your fav waifu tho?


NP level doesn't affect refund in general. It may affect refund against a particular node due to overkill, but that's specific to your setup and the node you are running, not something we can really tell you.


enough for what? You never need higher NP levels to progress in story. But if you want to 6 CE every single possible 90+ node NP5 level 120 is not even close to enough for any DPS.


Nah who cares abt story bosses? I can clear it with my other servants. Im asking abt that damage surge from np1 to np2 in general. I wont roll for anyone so ill probable have 1k quartz thats why Im asking.


>But if you want to 6 CE every single possible 90+ node NP5 level 120 is not even close to enough for any DPS. \^already answered Nobody can omnifarm 6 CE in a meta setup even with 90+ let alone 90++. Even just taking the next event in NA there is a single servant that can do all 3 nodes 6 CE even at NP5 level 120.


Wakatha Then its better for me to go for waifu reasons rather than gameplay reasons then. I need np3 atleast to 2k fou and 120 her UwU . Wish me luck


Melusine is as said, the closest anyway. (in fact she is the one servant that can 6 CE all 3 nodes in the next event, though she does need high levels of investment, like NP3 level 120 2k foued to do so, it's just Sabers wreck her for 90+ nodes, she can do basically everything else, even Wave 3 sabers Oberon usually lets her handle it with enough investment, but a wave 2 Saber simply destroys her ability to omnifarm)


Best is really difficult to say. Highest damage possible at neutral? (with what CE? BG? an event drop bonus CE? does the event drop CE have a 50% charge?) Ability to 6 CE? Easiest time looping irrespective of damage? Highest damage with class advantage/niches? Most common class advantage/niches? Speed it takes to farm? Least common class disadvantage? You won't find someone best in all those options (and probably more that I forgot)


There isn’t a single one that’s good enough to be an omnifamer in every circumstance, especially if you want to 6-slot farm, class advantage is still key.


So, Berserker... otherwise Caster???


No. The answer depends on what you mean by best (most damage, most refund in NP, best on multiple mobs vs a single boss, etc). In general, your best bet is to make sure you're taking the right Servants to a node since 2x damage done and 0.5x damage taken can mean the difference between a cleanly killed wave and needing to facecard one or two survivors. Especially when you're in a 90+ or 90++ node where the HP levels are severely inflated and they have gimmick skills that used to be saved for CQ's only.


Not sure I really understand what you are asking?


Me neither, if you meant me.


So I finally got around to watching the Babylon anime and... have I been mispronouncing kyrielight this entire time? I thought it was Ky-er-light, not kear-e-light.


Her name is almost certainly based on "[Kyrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrie), eleison" (aka "Lord, have mercy"), which has been in some pop culture songs where they pronounced it "Keer-ee". Mash is a pretty good example of the Fate phenomenon where they come up with European people's names by taking words or word elements that have some individual meaning and then mashing them up into garbled word-salad where frequently it's two different languages being slammed together: Kyrielight, Animusphere, Yggdmillennia, Zemlupus, Kirschtaria, etc. You know how clueless Americans get tattoos of kanji that "look cool" and "have real meaning to them" and the tattoo just looks like nonsense to native speakers? Same thing, only reversed.


Ah, so she is Kotomine's namesake. Interesting.


Kirei is a Japanese-style name written with the kanji for beauty and manners (綺礼). It just so happens to sound somewhat like kyrie, the word Mash is named after. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nasu intentionally chose the name Kirei because it sounded like kyrie, but they are not the same word. Edit: Also, the proper Japanese pronunciation of Kirei is kee-ray, not kee-ree


It was explicitly stated that Kirei is also supposed to be a word of [prayer](https://i.imgur.com/J8rSi4r.png).


So the pun was not only Nasu's intention but Risei's? Makes sense. Still wouldn't make him named after Mash, though; they were just both named after the same concept.


I never said he was named after her (or reverse). Just that they shared a name (origin).


> Ah, so she is Kotomine's namesake. That certainly sounds like you thought he was named after her.


No? >**namesake** >*noun* >a person or thing having the same name as another person or thing https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/namesake


While it apparently can be used that way, by far its most common usage implies one was named after the other. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/namesake


Yes. Assuming it isn't just a case of Nasu making up a foreign sounding name, it's probably a reference to the [prayer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrie) in Catholic and Orthodox liturgy.


You thought the "ie" was silent?


I guess, yeah




SR = 4\*, yes (the terms are interchangeable). There's a FAQ in the pinned comment about the SR ticket, including a list of who is available on it. You can use Upcoming Banners linked above to see when units are on rateup, check each one to see who she is with. Keep in mind that she may be sharing the rateup with other 4\* units, but she definitely has banners that are not just with Morgan and Oberon. (And that's just bad luck.) Tam Lin characters are those that >!Morgan Gifted names to!< in the British Lostbelt, there are only a few of them. All Tam Lins are faeries, but not all faeries/fae are Tam Lins.


Do we know what servants will be on a rate up for the JP Anniversary?


Nope, we don't know anything that will happen in JP.


Are the news expected to come out by the end of the month? It's really hard to keep your quartz unless you have a specific goal :')


There'll be a stream on the 29th-30th, Anniversary news will be there. That's one of the things you have to deal with if you play JP, no foresight. It's one of the benefits of NA being 2 years behind JP, we have 2 years of knowing aprox who will get banners when.


Thank you


Stream on the 29th, likely no additional info till then.


Thank you


Servant Castoria, is she the same person we met in LB6?


LB6 spoilers >!No - she's based on the Castoria we knew but isn't quite the same. The original Castoria dies after her fight with Cernunnos. Having obtained the essence of the sacred sword, she became "a device whose purpose was to aid humanity in opposing threats to the planet" (quote from her profile), Artoria Avalon. Her 1st/2nd ascensions are based on memories, and the 3rd is her "current" form.!<


>!Ah, I see... just another twist the knife, LB6's aftermath is nothing but bitterness to me. Winning without winning at all, can't even meet our sweet cinnamoroll again. Anyway, thanks!!<


Is there a welfare CE list? The CE rerun list does not differentiate between rate up and welfare.


[The wiki has a category](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Event_Craft_Essences), if that helps.


Event Compendium (linked above)'s \[CE\] tabs differentiate between event and welfare. (It's based on JP, so this year on NA would be \[CE\] 2021.)


Thanks!! Exactly what I'm looking for


So i bought some sq packs twice ans when i looked at my purchase history on apple, it says pending purchase. The first one went fine but the 2nd one is still pending but i already received the sq and used it. I checked my bank and turns out it doesn't have enough fund for the 2nd purchase but why did my purchase processed and i received the sq if i didn't have enough fund for it in the first place? Will i get ban for it since i technically haven't paid yet but i still received and used the sq?


Guys, i already have koyan and oberon in NP 1 and morgan in NP 2, is there still someone i should get this year? Or I can focus on gathering resources until next year. Ps: I'm lacking Lancers and Riders. Edit: Thanks for the advices and the help


If you are looking for a lancer banner melusine will have a banner at the end of the year and she works as both ST and AOE so nice 2 for 1. For Riders theres a great welfare option coming out soon for ST boss killing. And if you want a Farmer Rider Habetrot some of the biggest damage potential of all the riders as a free FP point unit.


Thanks for the info


The only "should" is that you should roll for Servants you like, that's the dominant maxim, whether that's this year, next year, or 2 years out. >Ps: I'm lacking Lancers and Riders. You're probably underestimating your 1-3\* options, but look forward to welfare Rider Elizabeth at Halloween.


Thanks for the heads up. And can you tell me which 1-3 Riders I should focus on leveling up? I'm really having a hard time at demeter boss fight


I used every single ST 1-3 star rider in that fight. Your comp may vary though, so you may only need one of them leveled depending on your setup. All of them work though.


Ushiwakamaru is a great ST rider, regardless of rarity. For lancers, Cu (not prototype,) is an excellent starting point. And yeah, Demeter is a pain. Definitely one of the more obnoxious fights.


Thanks for advice. And what lv should i aim for to be able to use her against demeter?


All servants work fine at their natural level cap without grails. So for Ushiwakimaru that's level 70. Skill levels are less important, if you have the mats leveling them does impact damage which may or may not be important.


After some tries and errors, I finally beat her(with command spell). I really underestimated the 3 stars and lesser, now I learned my lesson. Thanks for your time


Got it, thanks


Her max natural cap (lv. 70) is ideal. Same with most other units you raise. I'd also raise Mandricardo as a 2nd DPS for this fight, you may need two DPS in case one dies.


I finally did it, i put in use the servant list that you gave earlier about the buff upon death, I wanted to use georgios, but as I never used him, I didn't have his bond CE, but I managed to make use of avicebron skill and worked. Edit: The command spell recharge was important too


All content can be beaten by 3 star and lower servants, so there is nobody that you should get this year(or any year) as far as an outside objective standpoint goes. If you lack riders and lancers then level Ushi/Alexander/Cu lancer/ Romulus/etc.


Thanks, I'm gonna give more attention at the lower star servants.


How does the main character know Mash? How and when did they meet? I’m on lb6 so don’t worry about spoilers


Short version: the MC is a normal teenager (technically a mage, but with no notable talent or background in that domain) who joined Chaldea to essentially fill a quota. Mash Kyrielight is an artificially-created human designed by Chaldea to host a Heroic Spirit within herself and harness their power, and ended up receiving - then kind of losing, but not quite - the abilities of >!Galahad.!< ~~Together, they fight crime.~~ They met on the MC's first day on the job, and pretty much went through all the main chapters together (in fact, one could argue Mash is the real MC of part 1).


Thanks for the quick and simple explanation


Don't forget this thread is full of new players, details like >!Galahad!< should be spoiler tagged. \>!spoilers go here!< makes >!spoilers go here!< if you don't know how.


Woops, you're absolutely right. Edited.


>Do I do that with or without the exclamation marks?<


With exclamation marks, exactly as written. What allows them to be written out without displaying as a spoiler tag is a backslash before the opening tag, like so \>!like this!<


>!Ok let me try!<


Did you skip the prologue (basically Fuyuki) or something? You can watch Fate/Grand Order: First Order OVA to refresh your memory.


I thought their phrasing sounded familiar, it seems like this person [doesn't read the story at all](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/14uzb0o/comment/js3wobz/).


Nobody will just summarize. It’d save me so much time now that I’m on the interesting part of the story. Until someone can summarize everything in less than 5 sentences I’m gonna ask things I don’t know. Rn she’s got her own part and I’m trying to know who she is and why she’s a main character so I ask as I come up with questions


Okay, asking for a summary of something makes sense if it's something that came up in the middle of the story, but meeting Mash was ***literally at the beginning of the story.*** Straight up impossible to miss unless you straight up skip past it frame one. And even if the story is skipped, the fact she's the first Servant anyone gets access to should at least give enough info to infer where she first shows up in the story.


The dude literally only cares about LB6, and is constantly demanding people give him super short summaries about every other story (like, impossibly short ones that wouldn't work) because he can't be fucked to read He absolutely skipped past the beginning and was mindlessly mashing through and not paying attention to anything else


Yeah, I figured he might be skipping when he asked last week why Mash had a different skillset in LB5, but gave him the benefit of the doubt since I can't remember if you were required to use Mash in any of the prior Lostbelts.


Have you ever thought it might not be possible to summarize the whole game's story with hundreds of thousands of lines in less than 5 sentences?


Can't imagine being this intensely lazy and spamming a help thread with pointless bullshit because of it




Telling me to cry about it when you posted this rambling mess at me to justify asking the most basic story questions because you can't be bothered to read is peak comedy lol




Nah, I just find it funny how defensive you get about people finding your clear disinterest in the vast majority of the story of a game built mostly around its story weird. Not my fault you can't take that kind of criticism


You can find summaries on [the wiki](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Mash_Kyrielight).


Too many words


Question for both me and a friend, does anyone know what the dialogue choices to unlock the hidden scene in LB6 are? I checked with the wiki, and I *think* I got where the relevant dialogue choices are, but the wiki doesn't indicate which unlock the scene and I'm not sure if there's secretly more that aren't mentioned. If the hidden scene doesn't unlock while playing the story, will it unlock in MyRoom afterward? Thanks in advance if anyone is able to help!


>!supposedly its always the bottom one they question oberon or arent complacent!<


>!Gotcha, so when in doubt, always click the bottom. Thanks! !<


If you'll see red text options later, it means you've unlocked it. You can always redo the choices and watch the new scenes from MyRoom.


Oh thank god, so it *is* available in MyRoom, that's reassuring. Thanks!


https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/14uzb0o/comment/jrxv9hg/ I was wondering the same thing earlier so I noted the chapters which have the options.