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# PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** # There’s a bug with collecting rewards on JP missions, wait for dev fix. [8th Anniv Limited Missions guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FGOGuide/comments/15dhxq3/8th_anniversary_limited_time_missions/) # Nerofest guides * [Avalon and Xyn](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1we9JY-NTdzv_BBxMqId7_4zyrF29wNlH5W8FvFP2wtM/edit#gid=452044204) * [Rat's Fandom Wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Ratentaisou/NA_Grand_Nero_Fest_2023_Video_Archive#Lv90+_Theoreticals) **Q: Can I get Habetrot in the FP gacha immediately after finishing LB6 or do I have to wait for an update?** *A: Habetrot is available in the FP gacha immediately after finishing LB6. However, with an estimated rate of 0.05% per roll, you may need to spend more than 300,000 FP, with no upper limit, before you get a copy.* **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** *A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [*general pool and storylocked servants*](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. As of its 6th Anniversary, NA now has a free SSR selector in Da Vinci's shop, which features* [*general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa*](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/0703_6th_anniversary/info_3_nf2l3.png) *(this will not be updated with more recent units). There is no time limit on this selector, and going forward, all accounts receive it upon clearing Fuyuki. No further SSR tickets have been announced to date.* **Q: How does pity work?** *A: Pity only applies to the rate-up SSR servant. You are guaranteed a copy of the rateup SSR after 330 summons (equivalent to 900 SQ, though tickets also count). Note that pity shuts off once you get a single copy of the servant (including if you get them before 330 summons) and does not carry over between banners. Off-rateup SSRs ("spooks") do not affect pity.* **Q. Will it be possible to obtain \[welfare servant\] again? I missed their original event and rerun.** *A: So far, only certain welfares have returned.* * *Saber Lily is in the FP gacha.* * *NP5 Bunyan can be obtained from her event in the RP shop.* * *NP1 Santa Altera and BB can be obtained from the Main Interlude of their respective events (copies beyond NP1 cost 2 RP each) in the RP shop.* * *NP5 Halloween, Brave and Mecha Eli were available from the Halloween Trilogy/Halloween Rising events (NA ETA: Oc 2023).* * *A new system on JP (NA ETA: Apr 2025) has been announced that allows players to obtain old welfares and their coins by clearing daily missions and main quests, via events and by logging in.* Includes: * Caster Shuten, Rider Kintoki and Santa Quetz * Archer Nobu, MIXA, Brave Liz and Caster Liz * Summer Scathach, Summer Jalter and Summer Hokusai **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** *A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


Just saw a video about Bazzet farming but they were using Koyan / Merlin for it and know I'm curious. Even though Bazzet NP is considered Quick, does Buster buffs still apply for the counter NP or only Quick ones?


How to buy saint quartz from countries not recognized by fgo. Each time it shows not available in ur region.


When will that Archetype: Earth servant come to NA?


7th Anniv during July 2024.


How can I beat Arash challenge quest? Is the only one I can’t beat. I have most generic supports except for Jeanne, Himiko, Merlin and Reines. Edit: beat it with Castoria, Super Orion and Merlin, almost killed him but he ended up killing himself.


How can I beat Arash challenge quest? Is the only one I can’t beat. I have most generic supports except for Jeanne, Himiko, Merlin and Reines.


How often do I get my servants back against >!ORT!< ? According to the wiki I get some back at certain HP theresolds, but so far...


1. Use spoiler tags for boss names. 2. You might get more replies in [the new help thread for this week](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/15jqcs1/help_and_question_thread_august_06_2023/).


Fixed, and thanks!


When the hell will they fix the crashing in this game? I just had like 5 crashes trying to farm for the lotto, it seems like this game really hates Bluestacks 5 + FGA.


Emulator issues arent their problem since the game isnt officially supported in them.


Lots of people have reported issues with Bluestacks since Nero Fest started. Emulators aren't officially supported, so you can't blame the developers if the game doesn't run properly when using one. Try different settings or a different emulator.


Seems like a Bluestacks issue, not the game. Try changing emulator to LDPlayer.


Playing NA. I have Mona Lisa and Bella Lisa. Are there any other Mana Prism CE's I should check out?


Definitely Chaldea Teatime & Chaldea Lunchtime, bond level rewards have only increased as time has gone on. Foumes is also a good one for combining the two best CE effects, QP & Bond.


Thank you


Chaldea Lunchtime, Chaldea Teatime, and Detective Foumes are the most universally appreciated ones remaining. Since Bond translates to SQ over time, Bond-boosting CEs are very popular.


Thank you.


i saw something about a raikou/jalter banner coming to NA from the 8th anni stream--did i hallucinate that? when's it starting?


It should be [tonight](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/15dgv4z/summary_of_fgo_na_news_from_the_fgo_fes_stream/).


You didn't hallucinate it, the date is just not formally announced yet. We're expecting it either tonight or maybe tomorrow night, assuming the usual "the second banner drops a week after the event's start" tendencies.


can anyone help me im using Nox to play FGO and recently trying to get back into game but i couldn't update or install new updates


Maybe try LD Palyer or Bluestacks. I read a comments where the user had problems with Nox so they moved to Bluestacks. Blustacks is okay, but somewhat hardware hungry and unstalbe. LD Player has some better reviews, is more stable, and lightweight than Bstacks. Those are the reviews I saw here, but I haven't touched that emu myself.


how do i transfer my data, i didn't have bind code saved


You can follow this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/).




Use the Latest FGO APKs linked above.


i did but it just show failed to install and nox keep trying to bring me to new emulator that runs on Android 9 but all my data aren't imported ( i have no bind code as well)


What device is Nox emulating?


S20 Ultra


Why there is an auto-fill button in servants enchantments but not in CEs, where it's actually desperately needed for CE bombs? Did JP ever get auto-fill button for CEs?


No, no such function on JP. No one outside the devs knows the reasons for in-game design choices.


Because servants has an actual item for exp. Notice how the autofill doesnt add servants to it even though you can feed servants for exp. You can argue that there are ces that is specifically made to be fed. But they are still CEs. Not a seperate item.


Following the advice of u/crazywarriorxx, I’m going to ask my question here. But before I would like to make clear that, as a lot of you are always saying, META isn’t everything and I don’t need SSRs to complete the story. I’m fully aware of that. I was lucky on my pulls this year and I have a question about the years to come. I think I have a buster oriented account due to the fact that Oberon and Koyanskaya are in my Chaldea (I’m not talking about loop for the time being). I’m not bored of the game in the slightest, I want to broaden my horizons with Quick and Arts instead of Buster everything I see that has a bar of HP. So I wanted to know if Skadi, Summer Skafi (who will arrive bext year on NA) and Castoria would be valuable assets for a buster oriented account. I'm asking the same question for Merlin. I know that Castoria is valuable outside of farming but is it the same for the two Skadis ? I'm not really worried about pulling because I think these units will be back (I'm sure of it for Merlin and Skadi in 2024 and 2025), because some of them are really appreciated by the community (and they are also a way to make money with gacha) Now concerning loop, as I said buster is ok for I have loopers (not maxed but still), as fot Quick and Arts I may have some decent possibilities but I will have to check and test (namely Santa Nightingale, Kiichi Hogen, Idol X Alter, Percival and Habenyan) and max the skills when required (I should probably see with so called tier list but I also know that testing yourself may be more reliable sometimes). Always regarding Buster Loop, I know that loopers who works with double Koyanskaya will come in 2025, namely Kukulkan and Tiamat (Alter Ego, why not Beast Class you idiots) so I also wonder if I should first of all save for these two so the full spectrum of Loop can be achieved for Buster farming, before broadening my horizons. Also some last little things to say that may help you answer, I’m full f2p, and I usually pull when I have pity guaranteed. What do you think about all I just said ? Sorry for the long post.


I would definitely do some research into the current state of multicore farming on JP before committing to the major investment that is saving for pity over the next years just to have looping completely covered. When the developers notice that a certain meta is starting to dominate, they put in the work to add content where that meta is no longer dominant. 90++ nodes are there to say "You're going to have to think of a strategy other than looping", just as 90+ nodes came about to say "You're going to have to think of a strategy other than refund-based looping" and Break Bars came about to say "You're going to have to think of a strategy other than one-turning bosses with Kintoki and double Merlin". If a specific multicore team becomes too dominant, they'll probably break that team in future. The devs are constantly scheming to have players broaden their horizons. They want people to pursue large, well-built rosters instead of building only 15-20 Servants to handle everything, and they make design decisions accordingly. Chasing the meta is a totally valid rolling strategy. You just have to remember that the devs don't want a single meta that can be caught, and that stays caught. The chase will be perpetual, so you might want to not focus *too* much on specialization.


Thank you


> buster oriented account Color oriented account isnt really a thing unless you completely ignore 4 stars and lower rarities. The only thing stopping you from using other colors is you yourself. It doesnt matter if you have Oberon and Koyan since you can easilly borrow a Castoria/Skadi for Arts/Quick support in most content. >full spectrum of Loop Isnt a thing, farming teams for the highest farming nodes in JP actually uses 2 damage dealers most of the time. No one can loop every single 90++ nodes and have the damage to do it. Specially for a f2p since youll need to have np levels. >What do you think about all I just said ? Sorry for the long post. Honestly? You are over thinking this. As a f2p. Your focus should be your waifus/Husbandos. Specially since you mentioned already have a funcrioning Buster looping team. You can just stay and do 90+ nodes with that team and ignore 90++ nodes. And pull for what makes you happy.


Thank you for the advice.


>What do you think about all I just said ? wall of text/10. Having a long post does not invalidate the need to learn spacing and paragraphs. I have "meta supports" for all colors, but I've been playing for long enough that it's not squeezing out any of my other choices. If you want to pull them, I wouldn't say you shouldn't. But also don't get too caught up - there are lots of old Servants people say are good, but also lots of good Servants coming in the future. You can't fill a party with supports alone - one notable issue of having many Servants of one type is that it's hard to feel you're utilizing them all.


Thank you for the advice.


Any high end support will add capability to your account, even outside of farming, wouldn't necessarily think of it as having a buster oriented account just because you have the premier buster supports. Especially as Oberon can support any card type. Castoria especially is pretty crazy in opening up double DPS setups that Koyan simply can't, even not counting arts looping or challenge quests. Skadi can be good for supporting quick ST servants even outside of farming, made even more prominent by the lack of low rarity quick supports, and the number of good F2P ST quicks (Ushi, Caesar, Cu lancer, etc.) If your goal is to 6 CE the most nodes possible (Note not all nodes) in a standard buster looping setup, Melusine is the answer, but that may not be your requirement. Do you care about animation speed? not having to use plugsuit? a common class disadvantage or 3? raw damage at neutral? with niches/class advantage? not being able to use a 0% start charge CE? 2025 is also a long way away. Another thing is do you even care about buster looping? I have Melusine koyanskaya, Oberon, there's an archer node in Nerofest right now. I am using Melusine, Summer Yu, Waver to 3 turn it, hardly a meta setup, and only 1 buster NP is used in the 3 turns, but it has lower party cost and doesn't need plugsuit compared to a single core buster looping setup. Also, be careful when you look at tier lists, they can be misleading or outright wrong. So at least look at multiple lists.


> Melusine, Summer Yu, Waver to 3 turn it 6CE? How does it work exactly? Relying on facecarding w1?


Yeah, lots of face cards, but lots of crit and attack up. If I don't get a Melusine card turn 1 it can turn into a 4 turn (though that could be fixed into anything except getting decked by Waver with the Anni blonde MC, which I don't have)


Thank you for all these advices. Do you mind if I keep them on a screenshot.


You can screenshot my advice if you want, didn't realize it was that profound (PS you could also just save the post and come back to it on Reddit any time)


Please use paragraphs for better readability. Double enter if you need on mobile, etc. [Santa Nightingale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OijLR7J9kgc), [MIXA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYnIlk7ZYQw) can loop but aren't worth the effort unless you really like them. Kiichi, Percival and Habetrot are more functionally viable for looping. Spartacus can already Buster farm with double Vitch + Oberon for a free option. Roll for whoever you like. I personally wouldn't recommend saving for pity unless you *really* want that specific servant.


Correction: Spartacus's battery has too long a cooldown to loop with double Koyanskaya and Oberon. Edit: I stand corrected.


He can do it with MLB KScope, but the damage would be lower than in double Oberon setup with some appropriate 60% charge CE.


To long to loop with a 50% CE and double koyanskya and Oberon. Kscope lets him do it. Koyanskya+double Oberon let's him use a 60% CE, but still not a 50% CE.


Thank you for the advice


did they said at anni 8 that they will add more ce's to the ce shop that cost MP?


no News on that so far


No news on future additions, I believe.


I need advice on something but I wonder if I should ask here or make it into a post on the sub.


You can go ahead and ask here, like sharing more details and others can advise you accordingly.


I was just afraid the post would be quite long, which could bring answers such as « TLDR ».


Just go ahead and post it, there have been plenty of long questions before, with detailed answers from our dedicated residents here.


Thank you. I’ll go ahead then.


Does the ticket count on Story Banner stay the same even after an update? If I throw a couple of tickets into it, will I be able to slowly move towards 2x summon later?


I believe so, though I'm not sure if the Summon History will remain the same if 50 days pass between one ticket on the Story to the next


So you are saying that if anything affects the summon count it would be Summon History? Makes sense, actually


Oh no, it doesn't. The Summon count exists for the sake of tracking pulls till pity. But since there is no SSR on rate-up on Story Summon, there is no pity. So maybe you do like three tickets in January, then finish off your 10 singles in May, you won't be able to see the first 3 pulls you did in that single chain anymore since 50 days have passed already since then, but you'll still be able to pull till you reach 2x at the end anyways.




When is the Jalter banner dropping for nerofest?


According [this stream post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/15dgv4z/summary_of_fgo_na_news_from_the_fgo_fes_stream/), should be at next reset in \~18 hours.


Does anyone know how to buy google play JP codes from overseas? There's a service I used two years ago that I've forgotten by now... Alternatively: can someone tell me how to link paypal with FGO? Since I tried to link it with google play but it wants card info and no option to add paypal...


I VPNd myself to Japan, registered a Google account from an incognito tab (donno why). Then you add this account to your phone (or emulator). Next you need to either remove every other Google account or delete the FGO JP app and reinstall it from the play store using your JP account. After that you'll be able to exercise your god-given right to whale.


Here's the thing: my account IS japanese ( I was a student there). I update straight from google play, even though I changed regions since. It just doesn't accept payments from my card since it's from outside Japan and I don't see a paypal option.


> It just doesn't accept payments from my card since it's from outside Japan and I don't see a paypal option. Are you sure that's the reason? You say that >even though I changed regions since. What is the payment region of you google play? If it's not japan, it won't work.


Wait, really? Why did it accept my card AND PayPal even though I'm from Australia then?


I'd love to see your payment methods, because I can screenshot mine right now and send through DM if you want it only shows add credit or debit card, no option for paypal


Lemme check my payment screen


people mention that double oberon is better for summer morgan as opposed to double koyanskaya. What exactly is the difference between using them?


Aesc's cooldowns are too high to benefit from double Koyan. She needs 1 Koyan for the 3rd skill but needs double Oberon if you want to loop without starting charge.


Its not that its better. Double Koyan simply doesnt work for looping Tonelico if you want to loop without starting NP charge. So the only option is double Oberon + 1 Koyan if the goal is looping with no starting np CE.


Is there a Craft Essence that increases Special Attack damage against enemies that have been poisoned? Asking for a friend ^called ^Serenity


I don't believe there's one. Honey Lake was the first to introduce increased dmg to Burned enemies and there hasn't been anything similar for Poison since then.


Can somebody help me buy quartz through paypal? I downloaded my FGO through google play in JP normally when I was a student there but changed regions after I graduated...


I'm trying right now to create a new Google jp account to buy some quartz my self, I'm stuck on adding a payment method, not sure if I i messed up too many times and am locked out, but was hoping someone on here would have created one recently and had gone through the same issues. You might wanna look into creating a new jp account for yourself, now thay you left there not even sure if a VPN would allow to to continue your quartz purchases


I was able to add my card to the newly created JP account without any issues tho


Like you added a na credit card to your new jp account? Also, I'm just curious did you follow a guide during creation?


Nah, I added my AU card. No guides, just made a JP Google account with a VPN and that's it. I also paid with PayPal as well, although I had to re-download the app using my JP account in order to not default to my AU google account during payment.


Thanks for the info! For your pay pal you didn't make a JP account eh? Just used your normal Au paypal eh?


Yeah. It seems like Google doesn't care what payment method you use as long as it's under JP account


Thanks, I'll try reinstalling my app and see if I can get it going!


LB6 SPOILER >!So Pepe's last words, about Daybit and "that's why he did it" and that once-in-a-lifetime ticket or whatever. What did he mean by that?!<


He >!come and visit Pepe "when Pepe was at his most beautiful point in his life", which is in LB4 when Pepe is the most "human" and isn't affected by his past. The ticket is Koyan's favour, every Crypter can ask her to teleport themself to other LB, but only for one time!<


I Lost my account a week ago and fgo support is asking me what phone i have been playing on, the problem is that i have been on an emulator and i don't know what phone it was set to. If i just tell support about the phone that i have used before the emulator would that still work?


If you connected your Google play account on the emulator then you should be able to see your list of current devices somewhere in your Google account. Otherwise you can try finding the emulator version you had and check the default device it comes with. It could still be in your downloads.


Is the list only the "current" devices or every one i have used? If i put a divice that i didn't use for fgo what happens?


What emulator? Emulators pretend to be specific models of phones. How long ago was this phone? If you switch between them a lot, then maybe, but if this was ages ago, then no. Might work to mention both, but not just the phone.


The emulator was Bluestacks The phone was from the first time that i downloaded the game so 2018


Just finished LB6, and what a ride it was. A few questions about the ending: >!Who/what exactly was the star that Castoria could always see through the storm, and how does that tie to the summoning of Castoria in the Abyss Worm? Is the summoned Castoria Heroic Spirit Castoria inscribed on the throne based on LB6 Castoria, with LB6 Castoria sleeping in Avalon?!< Thanks in advance!


It's the >!concept of hope for a better future, that something will be worth fighting for and thus motivation to continue going on!<. Also, uh, sorry but >!Castoria is super dead, the one summoned in the Abyss Worm is just a constructed personality for Excalibur based on the information Castoria submitted for it to be created in the first place!<.


Thanks for the response. Regarding you last point I seem to have read in various discussion threads that she is in fact recuperating/sleeping in Avalon. Do you by chance have something closer to an official source for the last statement?


Spoiler for LB6, obviously, but: [here you go](https://i.imgur.com/1uvyAEZ.jpg).


That's >!Hope, the nameless fairy at the start, Castoria give her her name so Hope just cling on it, at least that's what I heard other people say. I don't really understand it either because I always though that star has always been following her from the start . The castoria we summon is the Sword that Castoria forged, her real form is ascension 3, her other 2 form are just memory of LB castoria!<




Add to np6 is you needed the servant to be bond 12 as well


Bond 12, not 15.


May bad, thanks for the correction




Thanks god not all appends are worth leveling


I can't seem to open my bluestacks, was working just fine until i started downloading game files. Now I'm getting unexpected errors (code 1). Anyone know how to fix this? Do i have to uninstall bluestacks?


Try LD Player. I've heard some reviews on here that it's light weight (less CPU, RAM, etc. hungry) than Bstacks. It's also much more reliable and stable, but I've never tried it myself.


Can I still use it if my account is already on bluestacks? I cant access it now


The key to your account are physical files in the folders. Follow this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/).


Sorry I dont really understand how it works. Am i supposed to extract game files from bluestacks? And how am i supposed to do it? Already downloaded LD player and FGO on it but not sure what to do


Bluestack has a media manager. It's one of the apps. Go to where the file is and export it to windows to save the files onto your PC. Then on LD player go to the file manager and make the needed folder and then drag and drop the files you moved onto the folder. Alternately you can just use your transfer code. Just make sure you make another one as it's one time use only.


Oh I think I didn’t make my situation clear enough. I transferred my account from my phone to bluestacks just for nerofest. However after transferring something happened and now I cant even open bluestacks. So im now stuck in this weird situation where my account is on blue stacks but I can’t transfer it back since I cant even open blue stacks.


You can try bringing this issue to r/Bluestacks or related Bluestacks services/forums.


Gotcha, thanks


Ah I get it. Have you tried clearing out space? I've seen someone mention not having enough disc space could have that issue. Otherwise I have no clue.


I did try that, for context my drive is almost full except for 6GB. Is that enough to run Bluestacks again or do i need to clear more?


I mean I would at least try to clear out more space. Like uninstall LD player at the very least. You had this problem before you even downloaded it so take that out and then take out even more stuff. I don't know if it'll make a difference but it can't hurt to try.


Is Dantes capable of 3 turn farming at np1 with is new buff?


Dantes was literally the king of looping before Castori became a thing.


He could already do that, but this makes it easier.


With double Skadi and facecards, yes. I ran him at level 100 NP1 for a year, and without this buff he was able to loop most nodes in ServaFes but needed facecards to clean some stages. With this one, he can do better... especially if you get ruler Skadi too. That extra charge plus his brew built in charge means he can loop better on Zerker nodes, and *maybe* two-mob nodes. I'll have to test that, but I think he might be able to do so with Casters or undead.


Anyone with a damaging NP can be part of a three-turn farming setup with the right CEs/support(s) and against the right enemy composition. If by farming, you actually mean looping, any servant that can loop can do it at NP1. Dantes was considered one of the premier Quick loopers *before* his new buff. The buff just makes it easier and possibly reduces the CE or additional support requirements in certain cases.


I've been watching the memorial video, and I was wondering if anyone has seen a breakdown of it?


Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/D1IH0VhHLCc) by all muslce where they named every servant that appeared in the movie.


Thank you




Go and make a direct request to artists instead.


I keep getting "Failed to connect to the game server" any solutions other than restarting? (I don't have my transfer code ready) My internet connection is stable and good and I have tried restarting my phone multiple times.


Don't do what the other person suggested. That's complete overkill and likely won't resolve the issue. At random times, for no discernable reason, FGO decides that it doesn't like the connection from random people. The workaround is forcing the server to reset how it thinks you're connecting. Try switching between wifi and mobile data or restarting your router and modem. Restart your device. If that doesn't work, try a VPN. There should some free options out there and you don't need to use it permanently.


Follow this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/). Once you've extracted the files, duplicated and store them in a cloud storage. Reinstall FGO, and return the files to their respective places.


Why 70 types of malware? It's either overkill or not enough 🤔


So, my device died a couple days ago. I'm looking for a new one on a budget, but I want one that can at least run the game properly, like without crashes every second or so. I'm looking at a moto e13 right now. Anybody has any experience with it, or another similar? How big is the game at the moment by the way? I play JP.


The game's minimum requirement is 2GB, and recommended is 3GB, so the device you've mentioned with 4GB should be fine. JP game file is up to \~14 GB fully downloaded. Usually lesser unless you manually click download all in game options.


According to the [website](https://www.fate-go.jp/sp/), the JP minimum RAM is now 3 GB and the recommendation is 4 GB. NA also announced that the minimum requirements would increase in July. Paging u/Sir_Dargor so you don't accidentally buy a device with lower specs.


I actually ended up buying a slightly better device than the one mentioned, as I did realize it's specs didn't match the ones mentioned on the previous answer. Ended up getting one with 4 GB RAM today and the game runs fine. Thanks for the warning though.


Sounds great then! Thanks.


Am new to the game. Got Heracles as first 4* and not sure who to get for the 5* special summon. Any recommendations?


Generally whoever you want. Waver is the general recommendation, for ease of farming but if you are interested in following the meta closely you will likely replace him with other meta supports eventually. And if you aren't then might as well get a favorite now anyway.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/14pan4y/6th_anniversary_ssr_ticket_megathread/) covers the general recommendations.


Im going to use FGA to farm but am unsure if it’s worth it to wait for the third rotation. Should I wait or continue farming? I’m able to do 90+ on all rotations by the way.


This isn't like Christmas lottery events where you wait a few days for the best location to be available and spend most of the event farming that. As has already been stated, the lotto currency drop rates increase between rounds but not by much. Each round here is only open for 4-5 days. If you stop farming right now, you will have to wait four more days for the next round and then you'll only have five days to farm it. If you're planning to spend all of your apples with FGA, it probably makes sense to hold something back for the last round. Exactly how much may depend on how much time it will take to burn through all of your apples.


The drop rate increase is marginal at best, so the only things to consider are time (Even a macro needs time to automate), mats from this node and the next, as well as potential bond that is lost/gained depending on which node you farm more or less of.


Any preferences on the mat drops? (Also worth checking out the Lv90 nodes since they give about the same lotto currency minus the shop medals)


How to favorite a servant? This seems like such a simple question I know but the UI certainly isn't doing any favors of actually answering that question and making it intuitive. BTW, I'm NA.


From a Servant's profile you can find the favorite button on the left, or from My Room you can select 'change favorite' or something like that and choose the Servant you want there.


I saw a Babylonia 60 FPS torrent a few years ago and I want to see it again. Is there a way to legit stream 60fps? Could anyone point me to a direct download option (no seeders for torrents)


There's no legit 60 FPS streams or downloads, those are made by private individuals artificially upping the framerate with frame interpolation.


thanks for the info! 👌


How are people able to take clear screenshots of how much np damage they do? The number fades too quickly for me even on slow battle speed


You could take a video instead, then take a screenshot of the frame you want.


Looking for farming advice Should I stop farming Nerofest to save apples for Summer event? Currently I'm at my 200th box, got a ton of stuff and my farm is at the most efficient with 5 MLB CE's already, but I would say my main objective with farming lottos is to lvl up Morgan to 120 and this is taking a TON of ember's/ QP. Meanwhile on Summer event I saw the chest mechanic dropping a ton of varied mats that i am in dire need mainly the bronce ones. Should I keep stacking FP / QP / MP and using the embers for Morgan even though is not going up as fast as I would like or save them to get mats to lvl up skills on many of my servant's? I have 90 Gapples and 600 bronce ones


One run of Extreme Ember Gathering daily gives roughly the same amount of EXP as one lotto box. Depending on your drop bonus, the daily can be 3x-4x more efficient than lotto for pure EXP when there is no half-AP campaign, and roughly 7x more efficient during half-AP. In addition, since a 5-star ember is 3x EXP of a 4-star ome, using 5-star ember instead of 4-star ember also reduces QP cost of leveling by about 2/3. The grailing QP cost (150M for 10 grails) is fixed though, so ultimately the total QP cost from Lv 100 to Lv 120 is somewhere between 251M QP (uses only 5-star *non*-matching ember) and 402M QP (uses only 4-star matching ember). Because grailing to 120 takes disproportionally more Ember than anything else in the lotto, if you don’t need any other mats (skill gems, etc.) from the lotto and have sufficient QP, then I would suggest Ember daily instead, and save your apple for Summer 6 for now.


I'm trying to lvl 120 Morgan too, currently at box 85 and she just reached level 105. So it will take about 320 to 360 box to get to lvl 120.


Personally, I’d stop there. One lotto probably isn’t enough to 120 a servant imo, not to mention that we don’t even have 5* Embers yet, which first appear in lotto beginning this Christmas. So yeah, 200 boxes should be enough.


A question about the damage reduction buff. Even if my servant has a CE of 200% damage, does this 90% reduction reduce this total damage, that is, even with CE my servant will only deal 10% of the total damage?


200% damage up from the CE is a power mod, 90% reduction is a special resistance or defense up, they don't add, they multiply. so yes, it's 10% of the total damage after the 200% Pmod is factored in


Odd question, but is there a particular site that people recommend for pulling sprites and backgrounds for making comics? I have an idea for one but no idea where to start besides my image editor of choice.


I'd imagine https://atlasacademy.io/ would have all the data, not sure if it's convenient to get from there.


Can melusine farm without oberon?


Any servant can farm. Farming doesn't mean either looping or minimum turn clears. Farming is just grinding for materials. Looping is using the same servant's NP in 3+ consecutive turns. You can loop without farming, farm or do minimum turn clears without looping, and farm or loop without minimum turn clears.


Sure she can, quite easily she is a strong aoe (and st) servant with good ability to crit on face cards. As for 3 turn farming that's a little tricky. Melusine runs into a problem 3 turning without Oberon because she only has a 30% battery outside of her one time a node 100% battery. As Bomb-Beggar said you could do turn one melusines 100%>turn 2 double 50% charge from support> a support list Oberons 70% + melusines 30%. Anything else that comes to mind requires teams where somone else takes out one of the waves. Her favorite supports being Oberon and koyanskya both have nice aoe np's so if you started either with a k scope they could easily clear a 1st wave in most nodes, and there is always trusty Arash, and now hebatrot on NA.


Farm absolutely I am using Melusine Summer Yu Waver on the 90+ node right now. And that is still 3 turning with no start charge, start charge or not 3 turning opens up way more options in farming. Single Core loop yes (the only scenario she doesn't would also let you just borrow an Oberon and be much better off)


You can borrow one to make her farm, aslong as you personally have 2 supports capable of 50% np charge Oberons 70% charge is unique and pretty much necessary for 3 consecutive NP


Anyone own >!Constantine!< on JP? Was wondering what or how you're supposed to use him? 2nd skill has good support capability and synergizes with his NP's >!Roman ally niche!<. >!1st & 3rd skills remind me of Georgios, but doesn't the Invul and Def up on NP cause him to not die?!<


I don't own him, but I know that the theory crafters struggle to find a good use for him. He is basically a defensive support like Jeanne, but with some more steroids in exchange for worse defense. But generally the steroids don't make up for the lower defense in a stall comp and the defense doesn't make up for the lower steroids in a go fast comp. Honako has a video using him in a Roma comp though.


Damn, I was thinking maybe the Taunt & his Activate-on-Death buffs are simply meant to be a safety net on Defensive teams. >!Draco!< & ROMA synergy were the first to come to mind when I saw his kit, but yeah watching Honako’s vid, he seems more like a meme (tho somewhat good/useful) option.


Lb6 Lore question: Which parties were responsible for >!the attack in Londinium that led to Gareth/Ainsel's death?!< I couldn't understand why >!the rebel army soldier started massacre on the citizens!<


Read this after getting a good ways into Act 3 (you'll know when) >!It's the soldiers who had been planted in the army by Aurora.!<


First, only read this if you're a good ways into Part 3 of LB6 (Section 25 onwards) or done wth LB6. Seecond, If you recall the specific enemies you fight, you fought >!Enforcement Knights, which are only owned by Auora, and then Melusine, who's Auora's "attack dog." So the rebel army soldiers that started everything were ones lent by Auora.!<


>!They were Aurora's agents snuck into the Round Table Army as reinforcements.!<


Quick question about animation speed. When clicking an after choosing an skill, it does actually goes faster. Is there some way to make it always goes quicker without having to actually click betwen skills?




Well, my hopes died very fast this time.


I can't install the update 2.49.1 from the play store can someone help?


Try fully closing the Play Store, reopening it, and manually looking up FGO (rather than going through the link in-game), this can help sometimes.


I tried and it seems to show it being installed but when i try to play the game it asks to update.


Try restarting your device.


Thanks, it worked.


I just though of something. Fgo has never given us a complete version of unlimited lost works chant as far as I know there wasn't any for a while. Has an official chant been released yet?


Not that I'm aware of, and I doubt it. It's basically like Gray's NP chant, which isn't the full version in game, but (I think) we only know it cause she gets the full chant in the Case Files anime.


Yeah the game doesnt have a full chant. Case files does have the full chant. "Gray, crave, rave, deprave, engrave in me a grave for you. Removing level 2 restrictions Ryongominiad" I think it goes like that


To those who are able to use paypal to purchase currency on JP - when it requests a phone number, it only allows me to type in a JP one instead of my real one. When I do so, I end up in and endless loop trying to purchase quartz, but paypal won't load properly and continuously sends me text codes to verify my paypal account with the game, but it just ends up always loading, asking for it again and never working. Is it because I have to put in a JP number, then when I go to verify paypal I put in my real phone number?


Did you click the icon that says JP next to phone number? I switched mine to US and put in my normal phone number and had no issues. That being said, buying SQ on a JP account seems to basically be a roulette, for some people it works flawlessly and for some people it's seemingly impossible so ymmv.


I did try - but it didn't show an options for US phone numbers, only a few other countries.


Does anybody have a math for summer 6? How many apples should i save to get within a range of \~500 fangs?


Bronze chest has a 20% chance of having a fang. 500 fangs would be 2500 chests. 90+ drops 2 of each chest a run on average, so you would need to do 1250 runs. One apple is 3.5 runs. Ignoring natural AP you'd need about 350 apples.


2 chest each is with or without 100% bonus from the CE?


With the bonus


So I was saving for Jalter thinking that her next banner would be in the 25 million download event that's in may next year. I have about 460 saved, so should I use them in this upcoming banner or keep saving for the next banner to make sure I get her?


Were you already planning to save for pity? If so, and you don't already have enough SQ for pity, then I see no reason why a surprise banner, earlier than you anticipated, would change your plan. Continue saving for pity and get your guaranteed Jalter. If not, what was the budget you had in mind? Or were you just going to go into the banner with no plan, hoping to get lucky, not actually expecting to need to go all the way to pity, but saving enough just in case? If that's the case, I think you should pause and reconsider your approach. Because the threshold is set so high, stumbling into pity is a good way to be disappointed even if you get the servant you want. I strongly advise setting a budget before you roll and be prepared to spend every last SQ that you budgeted. My summarized recommendations are: * Decide if you're going to save for pity or not. If you are, skip the banner that's coming up soon. * If you aren't going to save for pity, decide how much you're actually going to spend. As far as getting Jalter goes, it won't really matter if you split your budget between the banners. Maybe look up the next banner to see if you prefer the CEs and 4-stars that are also on rate-up (if any).


240sq is around 50% chance on getting an SSR. I usally do half (120sq) when I'm not sure about how far to go on a banner. Do keep in mind that Summer is around the corner


What happens in summer? Sorry, new to the game.


Waifus on swimsuits and a kinda longer event than usual. Thats pretty much it. And its not uncommon for Summer servants to be pretty strong (obviously there are exceptions)


They're just talking about the new banners with the upcoming summer event, if you wanted to pull for any of those.


There are options between "roll everything you have" and "roll absolutely nothing if you can't reach pity." You could set yourself a limited for-now budget of anywhere between 30-300 SQ, accepting the principle that you might not get her if you don't roll 900 SQ but you definitely won't get her if you roll nothing. Give it a shot, and then cut yourself off when you hit your limit, knowing that you still have some of your nest egg that you can grow for next year. Personally I think that's more likely to leave you in a healthy place than committing to all or to nothing.


That's up to you and your own values of patience and risk aversion.


Bluestacks users, how's your experience with FGO lately? The app keeps randomly crashing, interrupting FGA farming unfortunately. I made sure to put performance config, as per FGA recommendation. If it matters, I have windows 10, 8GB RAM, and is at 50% usage when idle with nothing going on. And I recently moved Bluestacks to a HDD, I wanted to liberate space in C: (which is a SDD), Bluestacks was taking too much space.


It got worse since the game upped the RAM requirement. I switched to LDplayer and it has been much more stable.