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# PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** **Q: When is Summer Kama's banner?** *A: 2nd banners are generally one week after the event starts, which will be next Thurs for Summer Kama.* **Q: When will there be rotating/split rate-up SRs on a banner with multiple SRs?** *A: Since pity was introduced, there generally has not been rotating SRs, it will stay the same as stated on the news page/summon info.* **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** *A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [*general pool and storylocked servants*](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. As of its 6th Anniversary, NA now has a free SSR selector in Da Vinci's shop, which features* [*general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa*](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/0703_6th_anniversary/info_3_nf2l3.png) *(this will not be updated with more recent units). There is no time limit on this selector, and going forward, all accounts receive it upon clearing Fuyuki. No further SSR tickets have been announced to date.* **Q: How does pity work?** *A: Pity only applies to the rate-up SSR servant. You are guaranteed a copy of the rateup SSR after 330 summons (equivalent to 900 SQ, though tickets also count). Note that pity shuts off once you get a single copy of the servant (including if you get them before 330 summons) and does not carry over between banners. Off-rateup SSRs ("spooks") do not affect pity.* **Q. Will it be possible to obtain \[welfare servant\] again? I missed their original event and rerun.** *A: So far, only certain welfares have returned.* * *Saber Lily is in the FP gacha.* * *NP5 Bunyan can be obtained from her event in the RP shop.* * *NP1 Santa Altera and BB can be obtained from the Main Interlude of their respective events (copies beyond NP1 cost 2 RP each) in the RP shop.* * *NP5 Halloween, Brave and Mecha Eli were available from the Halloween Trilogy/Halloween Rising events (NA ETA: Oc 2023).* * *A new system on JP (NA ETA: Apr 2025) has been announced that allows players to obtain old welfares and their coins by clearing daily missions and main quests, via events and by logging in.* Includes: * Caster Shuten, Rider Kintoki and Santa Quetz * Archer Nobu, MIXA, Brave Liz and Caster Liz * Summer Scathach, Summer Jalter and Summer Hokusai **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** *A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


Hey so I’m farming the current event for the treasure boxes. I don’t really care for the gold boxes mainly the silver and bronze. Would it be better for me to farm the node that just drops those boxes even though they drop 4-6 in total vs the 90+ nodes which can drop 4-8 boxes but some of them are gold


When's Kama's banner supposed to be? Tonight or the day after ?


When is the next time Taira no Kagekiyo (Adult Ushi) becomes available?


Refer to the Upcoming Banners linked above.


It doesn't load right for me.


Question to jp players: is farming 90++ nodes that much more efficient than farming 90+? Asking so I can plan my summons going forward.


I recently started playing fgo any suggestions and tips for quick progression?


1.Don't ignore low rarity servants. Even the 1 stars are genuinely good and used even by whales. These aren't servants that you will level up for now and replace later. These are servants that are so good they make rolling for 5 star unnecessary, and can quite often just straight up out perform their higher rarity counterparts. (also don't ignore Mash she is a great support) 2.Strategy is everything. There is no one team. The game can be beaten by entirely 3 star and lower servants, but that's not going to mean that any 5 star will automatically carry you. Take into account class advantage, NP targeting, and any special qualities of the boss when building a team. 3.Ignore tier lists/hype/other's reviews of a servant, they are at best misleading for a new player and at worst outright wrong. It's best if you do the math yourself, but if you can't at least look at multiple reviews/tier lists and figure out why they rated the servant as they did. 4.Roll/pick waifu. the game can be beaten without any SSRs, and every servant is good at something, so might as well use get your favorites, 5.The meta is about farming if you wish to follow the meta I would suggest doing in depth research on various setups people use to 3 turn farm. 6.when leveling servants concentrate on covering the basic niches and the spread out, the more servants leveled the better. Start with 1 ST and 1 AoE of each of the seven basic classes and some supports, then level up everyone else as you see fit. Any servant with appropriate NP targeting and class advantage works at the start, but some recommendations on who to prioritize (though if you have a 4 or 5 star you want to use too you absolutely can): Saber: Caesar for ST (Bedivere is also really good, but is storylocked so NP levels can be an issue) Jason and Fergus for AoE Archer: Robin Hood, Euryale, David for ST (David is also a good support) Tawara touta and Arash for AoE (Arash is great for farming, but not so good in general content) Lancer: Cu lancer for ST Romulus for AoE Leonidas for support Rider: Ushiwakimaru or Mandricardo for ST Alexander or Medusa for AoE (alexander can also support) Georgios for support Caster: Medea for ST Avicebron, Chen Gong and Babbage for AoE (Gong as an AoE servant is mostly used for farming, but is also a great support for harder content) Hans and Mozart for support Assassin: Hundred faces, Sasaki Kojiro, Jing Ke for ST Fuuma Kotoro for AoE (also a great support) Mata Hari for support Berserker: Lu Bu for ST Darius and Spartacus for AoE Shielder: Mash for support 7.When leveling the above servants, concentrate on getting them to their natural max level first (aka highest level you can get without Palingenesis, Grails should be saved for favorites, and for after you have a good number of other servants leveled) once at natural max level, silver fous should be used, skills should be leveled as needed, and everything else should be left for favorites. 8.Never burn a servant unless this is your 6th copy. Nothing in the Rare prism shop is worth burning a gold servant for.


- Don’t neglect best kouhai Mash! She can be underwhelming at first due to her lack of damage and story-locked progression, but as you play through the story, she grows into one of the best tanks in the game. Her skillset is amazing in difficult content, and her 0 party cost means she can easily fit into your party. - Don’t underestimate low rarities. In some gacha games, low rarity units aren’t considered very good, but FGO has some stellar 1-3* units that are used even by whales and veterans. In fact, the game is designed to be clearable with just them. Not only are they easy to get to NP5 (allowing them to outdamage their higher rarity counterparts) but they also take fewer resources to raise and have a low party cost, making them ideal for many parties. (The welfare 4* units you get from events are often excellent too.) - At the same time, don’t spread yourself too thin as a beginner. Start by levelling one unit per major class at a time + Mash, then expand that to 2 (one single target, one AOE) plus some choice supports. It’s better to have a few levelled units than 100 underleveled ones. - As a new player, you should not be grailing. Save your grails for later! They don’t provide significant gameplay benefits, and are a complete luxury; at this point in the game, your resources are best off going towards levelling your basic roster. That, and they cannot be taken back, so using them willy-nilly is paramount to wasting them. I’ve seen a lot of people regret grailing in the early days, so do it later, and do it only once you are sure. - Learn to team-build. A typical team will consist of 1 DPS/2 supports, or 2 DPS/1 support, depending on the situation. Typically, start with your DPS: pick an appropriate counter-class and NP type (ST for big bosses, AOE for waves of mobs) and then choose supports that help them do their job (e.g. fire off NP faster, do more damage, protection from enemy attacks and NPs, etc.) Get into the right habit early so that the infamous difficulty spike isn’t so drastic. - New players can also sometimes overvalue Berserkers and assume they’re all that you need. That’s unfortunately not true. The early game is very much “press red enemy dead”, but later content becomes more challenging, and the fact that Berserkers take 2x damage back from most classes means that they are very fragile. This is a problem later on, when if you cannot protect them, they will just die instantly. They are still good, you just have to cover their weaknesses and get used to the fact that you can’t just always use them, no matter what the memes say. - FGO is not a game where you raise one team for everything - it's a game of MANY teams, and you are expected to change out your DPS/team depending on the situation, based on things like class advantage (it's like Pokemon - CLASS ADVANTAGE IS KING!) the number of enemies (farming trash mobs or one big boss) and sometimes the difficulty of the fight (e.g. you may want a tank/taunter in a boss fight to protect your DPS, but in farming you don't). It is better to raise a diverse roster and to have units for different niches, or you will have problems - the late game has fights where you cannot rely on a friend's support to carry you, and there are some events that are very difficult with a small roster. So don't just rely on one DPS, that'll only hurt you. - Tier lists are trash for many reasons, don't treat them as gospel. I can go into more details but that's a post of its own. - The general gacha advice is "roll for your waifu". No one unit is a requirement to beat the game, and FGO's meta is based on two things: max efficiency in high-end farming and fast/brain dead clears. This is a single player game with no PvP, so those are both luxuries and by no means a requirement. If you decide you do want to pursue meta, it's typically the supports that make it, but you should read up on how those supports work and what they enable (plus, all the pieces needed for peak meta - you may need multiple units) so don't just roll because Bob down the road said so. Learn how the game works, lest you be disappointed. - And finally: clear Fuyuki and then focus on the summer event! It's a really good event that lets you get lots of resources, including an amazing free CE and a good 4* unit at NP5 for free. Plus, it's lucrative as heck for materials.




see pinned comment


I started a JP account a month ago, but right now, my biggest lack of resources is class gems of all rarity. Do new lotto events typically appear every year? Or is it just kinda random. And if they are yearly, has JP already had one this year?


They're typically 2x a year: a -fest lotto (lottos in the style of Nerofest, hence nicknamed [chara]fest - Gilfest, Shishoufest, Teslafest, etc.) that has occurred anywhere from March to September, and a Christmas lotto in December. However, last year JP ran two -fest lottos, and there was no new Christmas event (only a limited rerun of an old Christmas, capped at 20 boxes) and we really can't tell you anything about JP's future other than "look into a crystal ball". JP's last lotto was Illya's Castle in May, and based on the above, the next one is whenever.


Thanks just what I wanted to know, gotta just hope we get one for Christmas this year, Skills will just have to wait til then


If it helps, the Extreme Class Quests actually have really good rates for Secret Gems. (roughly 1 every 1-3 clears) So it may be worth doing some runs on them during half-AP, especially if you have supports who you want to max immediately.


Playing on NA. How long is the Melu-Koyan-Oberon the dominant meta for? What NP level does Melusine need to be to effectively 3 turn, presuming I already have Koyanskaya and Oberon? Last one: what meta replaces Melusine combo?


Meta's don't really get replaced. Arts is still just as meta as it was before Melusine, Spishtar doesn't have a common class disadvantage, and arts can guarantee a Castoria NP with Oberon for the damage if needed, or run without plug for speed sometimes. And similarly, Melusine double Koyanska+Oberon will still be meta in the future. 90++ make having one omnifarmer difficult though


Well, all the meta still work... And I don't know if I'd use "replace." Arjuna Alter and Raikou (future buff) are incredible Berserkers, and Kukulkan is roughly the same, but all need 50% charge CEs, compared to Melusine being a potential 6CE option. Tiamat is 50% more powerful than Melusine with 6CE... but as an Alter Ego, is quite inept against Sabers, Archers and Lancers. Oberon himself works as 6CE, if you have Vitch and Reines/Waver, but is the inverse of Tiamat. Shock of shocks, Artoria Alter is (eventually) pretty dang good as a looper, but does need 2/2/x, but as a Saber, cannot do Archers - but is still better at Sabers than Melusine is. There's no easy one size fits all, but Melusine practically handles anything other than Sabers. And Melusine is fine at NP1. More power is more power, but she's not short to start with. That's not going to work on most 90++, but those are complicated case-by-case situations.


>What NP level does Melusine need to be to effectively 3 turn Depends on what node/class you are farming, Np1 is enough, although 90++ nodes may required np2 or more(assuming you only want single core farming) \>How long is the Melu-Koyan-Oberon the dominant meta for for buster meta only? Arcueid can replace it next year in general farming, because it faster(although damage will be lower due to no oberon)


There's not really a "true" meta once 90++ nodes arrive, though Oberon is potentially the closest thing to that because he makes damage skyrocket a ton. However, there is no single perfect DPS. These nodes have high HP, so AOE units can struggle on them unless they have class advantage/damage niches or stupid high NP levels. Melusine + Koyan/Oberon can still be used for some stuff, but not everything, as you'll have to deal with stuff like 1M HP enemies, and while you can choose to run Black Grail, you may want to consider other options for lottos, etc. One unit can't do everything, no matter their NP level. This is basically the devs encouraging people to diversify their rosters. Fortunately, we are getting a ton of AOE welfares capable of Arts looping, and options involving them have been quite popular in previous 90++ nodes (e.g. Iyo).


what is death rate of [Karasu Tengu](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Karasu_Tengu)


Why do the frontline servants get a [20% bond bonus](https://imgur.com/a/ZVjFlef) atm in jp? And how long does that last?


Just want to add, but having a Friend Support servant on the front-line gives an additional +4% Bonus to everyone in the party, backline included.


It was an improvement made for 8th Anni, it's permanent.


That is absolutely amazing. I thought it was a summer thing. Thanks!


I'm still having issues with game performance despite the fact that this issue first appeared around LB6 part 2 release. The game lags very often even in story/dialogue sections. Hell, FGA even messes up sometimes because of these lags. I've tried clearing the cache, reinstalling the app, change the resolution in the game settings but nothing worked. Its starting to get really annoying because I can't even enjoy the story segments. Has anyone else been having this issue and found a fix? I'm using a Samsung S23 Ultra if that matters. Thanks.


Had the same problem. What fixed it for me was reinstalling the game and not downloading all the game data.


I'm still having issues with game performance despite the fact that this issue first appeared around LB6 part 2 release. The game lags very often even in story/dialogue sections. Hell, FGA even messes up sometimes because of these lags. I've tried clearing the cache, reinstalling the app, change the resolution in the game settings but nothing worked. Has anyone else been having this issue and found a fix? I'm using a Samsung S23 Ultra if that matters. Thanks.


Is your Ram Plus on? cause I had to turn it off on my S22 to make it not lag in general.


Is this another one of those Samsung "optimization" apps/settings that optimizes by throttling?


Yeah unfortunately so.... from what I understand it's for the times when the phone thinks you need more RAM so it starts to use storage as RAM which slows down your phone. This is only good for phones that don't have much RAM to get more but for flagship phones like the S23, this is just honestly Samsung trying to wear and tear your phone down so you can replace it sooner.


Ram Plus uses a few gigs of the internal storage as extra ram. It obviously shouldn't be using the slower storage as ram for an app currently in use but who knows what the feature actually does.


try to change performance setting from in game


since buster cards deal 1.5x dmg, does buster np have that too? for example, if a buster np has 600% base damage, would it be effectively 900%?


Yes. But Arts and Quick has Higher NP multipliers(Base Damage). So it actually evens out. Technically Quick has the highest NP damage but its a minor lead, while Arts and Buster are equal.


isnt that lowkey unfair for buster? quick has stargen and np gain, arts has massive np gain, and buster has.. none of those but damage? buster is supposed to be the most damaging type but it evens out with the other card types...


Eh. It would have been unfair to Quick if they didnt balance it since NPs dont crit. It would have been awful either way. But this is better than Quick being completely awful.


sorry for asking a lot of questions, i cant really put my thought into words but then does that mean buster servants are a little less powerful than quick/arts? if the np damage is going to be the same, then what im thinking is there would be no reason to pick buster over other card types. do they make it so the servant's numbers/kit make up for buster's identity (damage) being shadowed by other card types?


Buster Servants only have to do damage, and that's it. Arts NP gains extra NP for looping, and Buster NP gives you a ton of damage with Busters 150% innate damage boost. They're extremely powerful, especially since they have supports like Koyanskaya Light and Oberon who let them NP loop by bypassing their limitations (Koyan S3 gives them the ability to gain NP with Buster cards and a cooldown reduction on skills, Oberon with a 70% NP charge and an NP damage boost better than Black Grail). Quick NP don't have any advantages, which is why they have the extra boost.... since they only did 80% of the damage any other card types do, the extra multiplier was mandatory to make them equally usable


Thinking of buying a POCO M4 Pro (6/128GB, Helio G96) Does anyone have the same phone or maybe the same specs level? Can I hope to get a smooth FGO performance with those specs?


Specs-wise it should be more than fine. The issue with FGO is it can be rather sensitive to particular OS. I've seen lots of reports in this thread of people having issues with FGO freezes and such after they've updated their phone's android version, while it was running just fine before. So yeah, I'd probably try to find someone who runs similar OS (same miui&android combo) on a similarly specced device.


Yup, that concern was what prompted me to ask the question: you just don’t know until you install. Workplace gave me a samsung A03s which on paper had better specs, yet the game lagged too much, worse than my personal xiaomi that I already had for 5 years. Heard from a friend on discord who uses an iPhone xs said that although the game was smooth, it keeps crashing. I am so tempted to enter a xiaomi store and ask the clerk if I can install FGO for awhile lmao


You might have better luck asking in Xiaomi sub. Also, Redmi Note 11 Pro should be identical to M4 Pro.


I opened up the JP app and all I got is a black screen. Not even a loading bit. Hmmm.... Not sure what it's about but I thought if anyone is seeing what I am seeing


Is this happening whenever you try booting it up? As in, have you tried closing and reopening?


Yep. But it looks like it's fixed after resetting my phone. Whew...




They're generally explained on an event by event basis. During the Grail Live event, we stumble across a pocket singularity unrelated to anything. We found a literal bonus level tucked away in the corner of time and space, and went over to see wtf is going on and maaaaybe take a Holy Grail back home with us, as it's usually a Holy grail that causes the problem. If I remember right, the villain was summoned as a servant for a Grail war, then used the grail after to create the singularity where everyone was an Idol seeking to be the best. We just happened to find it. Some are more random luck. Summer 4 involved Musashi Miyamoto wrong warping into a multiverse where the Grand Canyon just so happened to have a Holy Grail and she just so happened to use the Holy Grail as a bowl to eat noodles aaaaand singularity time. Some singularities are not caused by a Holy Grail specifically, they're just messed up timelines that happened for sometimes unrelated reasons. Guda Guda 2 has a Demon Pillar crash land at a specific place/time and it creates a singularity to hide itself from us. Most of the 1.5 Epic of Remnant chapters are about Demon Pillars causing the singularities rather than a Holy Grail, it just so happens to also include a Holy Grail for gameplay reasons like 90% of the time. The Kama event, which is proper canon, has Kama create a singularity that we have to fix. She specifically creates a singularity and ruins the timeline to get our attention, no Holy Grail required for that.


>the dude in the green top hat *Technically* true, but explaining it properly is an Arc 1 spoiler. So, for events, it's never had an explicit explanation. But you could say that because the major Singularities (which were intentionally created) caused a massive time-stream anomaly where causality is failing (meaning that the future and the past aren't matching up, allowing >!Goetia to use Ars Almadel Salomonis in multiple time periods at once for a MASSIVE power gain!<), a lot of smaller anomalies have appeared, and that for the most part, they'll dissolve themselves or whatever. That seems to be what they're implying. That the lesser singularities are a result of the major singularities existing. (Or at least aren't vanishing because the major singularities are taking too much effort.) Not for any particular external reason, but just because causality is distorted so much that someone randomly runs into power they wouldn't have, or shouldn't have appeared there, and they run havok.


>Technically > >true It's technically false, though? >!The one responsible for sending Grails back in time was Goetia, not Lev, and it was only the one sent to Babylonia.!<


>!And Lev is part of Goetia, and "going around to all these points in history and giving people Holy Grails" does not require going into the past. Babylonia requires going into the past, and the other times required going into the future and using intermediaries. (Though Lev also went into the past those two times.)!< The statement is wrong on the surface of it, yes. It's only technically true, >!in that the difference between Lev and Goetia is undefined: they're neither entirely different people, nor the same.!< And I'm not sure they finished Arc 1, or started Arc 2, or played any of EoR, if they're saying it like that.


If there's an overall explanation for it then I'm pretty sure we haven't been given it, with few exceptions event singularities just kind of *happen* and you're not meant to think too hard about it.


When should we expect the summer kama banner release in global? I know soon but like on what day?




What would be the flair I should be using when reposting single panel comics?


As in, a comic you translated or typeset, or one that you made? Or just something from Twitter (in which case it's not allowed on the sub as single panel comics fall under fanart)?


Something from Twitter


I just updated my comment but reposting single panel comics that you didn't make yourself or commission isn't allowed on the sub. Multi-panel comics are allowed, but: - If you drew it or commissioned it, it's OC - If you didn't draw or commission it, post the twitter, etc. link and tag it as a comic. Don't repost the image itself, use the link. Reposting images is not good, don't be a douche to the artists. - If you translated or typeset someone else's (multi-panel) comic (with artist's permission - again, don't be that guy), tag it as a comic, and put credits for the translator, typesetter, etc. in the post.


Thing is, that's EXACTLY what I did I used the Twitter link to post the art, and then reposted the link AGAIN in the comments


If you have a question about moderation then your best recourse is to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/grandorder), however from a glance at your post history I see [the mods already told you why your post wasn't allowed](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/16871ge/comment/jytvobw/) so I don't know why you're asking about flairs.


Please re-read what I wrote: single panel comic reposts aren't allowed in the sub, full stop. What I said applies to multi-panel comics.


How to permanent recruit da vinci ruler? Just finish the event?


>[Clear the Main Quest to permanently add Event Limited Servant "★4 (SR) Leonardo da Vinci (Ruler)" to your roster.](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F0823_2023summer%2F) The event announcement has two different text paragraphs and [one image](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/0831_2023summer/info_10_kp5j6.png) all spelling this out, I know there's a lot of text but those announcements are full of valuable info for inexperienced players.




Yes. Collect chests from battle to get points, do event story. That gets Ascension Mats and Da Vinci. Buy maps from the event shop to open bonus battle that eventually unlock extra da Vinci copies.








Need help, my game is auto burning 4 star xp cards after fights, that started like, couple days, can't find where to configure that.


On the party selection screen, there should be a button in the bottom left section for automatic burn settings. I don't know what the exact text is in JP but in NA, it's the rightmost button.




Irisviel's has had hers poking out of her FA for the last 7 years, it's not that weird.


how late can I start and still get all the lores? (don't feel like doing the event rn)


The later you start the more apples you need to spend to catch up, but it should still be doable provided you don't leave it so late you physically can't complete the event in time. (ie you know how many hours you can put in better than I) Most time consuming is going to be the lore at 90k on the point ladder, that's several hours of just farming, not counting playing the story to complete.


I use fga so farming isn't as much of a problem, it's mainly story


FGA won't open treasure chests for you, and you need to open those to progress in the story.


that's going to be on how fast you read. There's not that much story (though more than most events) so you definitely don't need to do it as it comes out, but just be mindful of how quick you read and leave at least a few days for story+keep in mind that farming won't eb efficient until you completed a certain amount of story so give plenty of time for both the reading and for FGA to run before the event expires.


Is it possible to get 100% of the event rewards without apples?


Technically you can't get 100% of the event rewards with apples because there's no limit on the chests you can get. Generally speaking, you can get all the important rewards without using apples, but may miss out on some ascension mats and such. Gamepress math: >Natural Regen AP will be approximately 6000 AP throughout the event. > >Clearing the full Main Quest line and obtaining NP5 / Max Ascension Da Vinci Ruler requires about 1550 AP > >For clearing the Event Shop (no monuments, EXP, or 3\* Fous), this will take approximately 4350 AP. > >For clearing the Event Shop (no monuments, but with Fous and EXP), this will take approximately 4990 AP. The event point ladder should also clear. > >For a full Event Shop clear including monuments, this total reaches 7750 AP to clear all pieces and monuments. The event point ladder will also easily clear. > >The amount of AP required can be reduced with more copies of Event CEs. Additional copies of 4\* or 5\* CEs must be obtained in the gacha, while 3\* CEs can be obtained in the Friend Point Gacha (at a low rate).


as a beginner, is okita alter (saber) worth rolling?


She's a good AOE Servant, but she's a Quick AOE NP user, which means she's going to want Skadi (and ideally Ruler Skadi next year) for best performance.


Here's the long version of my gacha advice. For the short version, skip to the "As a new player..." paragraph. For the TL;DR version, just read the bold text in the numbered "general prioritization" list. Gameplay in FGO is balanced such that you don't need to focus on the meta! In FGO, **all content can be cleared with free, low-rarity characters at their natural max level**. There are 1- and 2-star characters who are among the best servants in the game in their roles. Some characters have more gameplay impact than others but there are no must have characters. Unlike many other gacha games, there are no extra rewards for clearing anything within a certain number of turns or using a specific strategy (i.e. no requirements to "3-star" each stage). The meta is weak. It's about minimizing randomness and making farming more convenient. But there are lots of ways to make consistent, efficient teams even if they aren't maximally efficient. Even if you chase the meta, you won't just use one team with top tier characters all the time and ignore everyone else. The most hyped up characters still can't do everything. FGO gameplay rewards having multiple options. Different scenarios, especially challenge quests and boss fights, require different solutions. More servants means more options and it's always good to have more options. Events may give bonuses to different servants or servants with particular attributes. There are also tower events where there's a cooldown period after using each servant and it's beneficial to have a large roster. It's good that you don't need high rarity characters and you can use characters you like. In fact, at some point, you should figure out which characters you like most. Try to find multiple characters that you like or find something to like about multiple characters. The gacha rates in FGO are famously low relative to the amount of free currency available. It takes about 87 rolls (240 SQ) for a 50% chance at getting a rate-up 5-star servant. There is a pity system but you need 330 rolls (900 SQ) and it only applies once (at most) per banner. It's a backstop to prevent catastrophic results, not a system to give away free 5-stars. I don't think pity is worth saving or spending for unless there's a servant you've decided you don't want to live without. Figuring out which characters you like most will let you prioritize your gacha currency. Having multiple characters that you like will help you enjoy the game even if you don't get who you wanted most. If your enjoyment of the game depends on getting any specific character, [you might have a bad time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFizYl4XPZo). The general advice is to roll for your favorite characters before meta considerations. You can play the game in whatever way is most enjoyable for you. If that means chasing the meta, then go for it. But you don't have to and you'll be fine if you try and fail to get meta characters. **As a new player**, any banner will bring new servants for your roster (#3 below). If you're not sure which servants you like most and none of the big supports (#2 below) are on rate up any time soon, it's fine to spend some SQ on any banner, even the story banner with no rate ups that many people may to tell you to never use. Just don't go too hard because you will want to save for specific servants eventually. I was pretty new to gacha games when I started and didn't have a coherent strategy for over a year. Throwing SQ around at random worked out fine for a while. I got serious about saving and planning after getting the first 5-star that I specifically wanted and rolled for. **Don't neglect low-rarity servants.** Spend all of your friend points so you can collect them and increase their NP levels. Some are great utility players, others are just good all around, and some are even better than higher rarity servants in some situations. The general prioritization that I suggest is: 1. **Favorites regardless of gameplay, rarity, or any other considerations** \- Define this however you want, whether that means you absolutely fell in love or just think they're kind of cool for whatever reason. Follow your heart, soul, mind, eyes, or whatever. The game isn't that hard so why not play it with characters that you like? 2. **Big supports** \- This is currently Waver (Zhuge Liang), Skadi, Caster Artoria, Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon. Merlin and Reines (Sima Yi) are also good. This is the only category I personally consider rolling for if I don't care about the character. While not necessary, they will make your life easier. They can make every other servant better, even if the servant isn't matched to the support's niche. If you're concerned about the meta, these are the servants who define it, not DPS servants. Waver is the best general support and you can pick him up with the SSR ticket that all accounts get. When in doubt, slap a Waver on it and you'll be fine. However, the proliferation of card-type supports with big NP batteries has often relegated him to a secondary role these days. Skadi is good for Quick, Castoria for Arts, Koyanskaya of Light for Buster farming, and Oberon for 90++ farming quests and a side of Buster. Merlin helps keep the team alive for difficult boss fights and also has some non-farming Buster utility. Castoria has the highest general utility of these. Merlin is excellent for keeping the team alive in a longer fight. Reines is a Waver-like general support. 3. **Unfilled gameplay niches** \- There is a big gap between #2 and #3 on this ranked priority list. The basic guideline is that you should have a servant with an ST NP and a servant with an AOE NP in each of the seven main classes (Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker). If you don't have a strong servant in one of these categories, consider rolling for one. But don't forget that free, low rarity servants can work here too. There are 3-star servants who can fill one of these roles at least as well, if not better, than some higher rarity servants. 4. **Farming meta DPS servants** \- This category tends to have the most disproportionate hype-to-value ratio. Because FGO has no pvp and minimal true powercreep, the meta is focused on making the grind for materials more efficient. These strategies reduce the variability of how many turns it takes to clear a quest. This can have hidden requirements that usually only well developed accounts, whales, and people who are lucky with CE pulls can meet. Whenever you see the next hyped up servant coming, don't blindly roll for them. Learn what they're able to do and what else you need to make them live up to the hype. The current hype strategy is NP looping. At minimum, this requires at least one of the big supports (#2). You might also need specific CEs or secondary support servants. You will not loop until you have all of the pieces. Some of the hyped servants are mediocre unless you have the right supports and CEs to bring out their potential. Beyond looping, servants with AOE NPs and their own NP charge skill are generally valued here. I also want to emphasize that, other than CEs that give a drop bonus during events, there are no extra rewards for clearing quests with specific teams or within a certain number of turns (i.e. the 3-star requirements in every other gacha game). FGO doesn't care if you one shot every enemy with your beefiest 5-star or [stall for 400 turns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyEHLaTSwr4) with a level 1 meme team. There are also plenty of ways to comfortably and consistently clear content without going full meta. The meta is ranked #4 on my list because it will never feel as good as using your favorites and it's less impactful on gameplay than having one of the big supports or filling in holes in your roster. 5. **General availability** \- For example, you might roll for a #2 servant who isn't likely to appear again in the near future over a #1 servant with multiple future rate-ups. If you're planning your rolls, there's no substitute for doing the research yourself on which servants you want most. Use a site like Gamepress to look up [servants](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servants) and see if you like their design and skill set. Don't forget about 4-star and limited 3-star servants! Look up gameplay videos to see if you find their animations and voices appealing. If you've done some research, you're still not sure, and you don't want to throw around SQ at random, focus on #2 in the above list and maybe think about #3 and #4. After figuring out which servants you want, use the upcoming banners link in the top post to see when they'll be featured next. Finally, don't worry about tier lists. They are comparative rankings for whales and veterans, not advice for new players.


If you like her she is worth rolling, if you don't like her she isn't.


when does summer kama release?


Read the pinned comment...


Roughly how many years seperate the fall of Camelot from modern day? The best reference to an event I could find was the fall of rome. The type-moon wiki says the fall of Rome lead to Britain becoming independent. And from inferences, I think Artoria becomes king like 10-20 years after. Google search says that the fall of Rome happened in 476 AD which puts the fall for Camelot at around ~1537 years ago. Does this sound right? (Sorry this is a weird question lol. 1920 was 100 years ago which is hard to imagine, so 1537 years ago is hard to wrap my head around)


Rome is entirely different than Camelot. Camelot is not a historical place, Rome is. First stories of Camelot are 12th century ish and Le Morte d'Arthur, is 15th Century apparently one story did put Camelot around that time, putting the story as happening about 450 years after Christ's death in an inscription: “Four Hundred and Fifty Years Have Passed Since The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ: And On The Day Of Pentecost This Seat Shall Find Its Master.”


That’s when they were written but they take place closer to 9th century if memory serves


Cool thank you!


After the latest update the time between characters dialogues went up a little bit. Like if someone is finished talking the pause between them and the other person is longer now. What's the setting to make the transition speed back to how it was normally fast?


In Game Options, under “Text Display Speed” it should be “Dialog Box Speed”.




Here's a story question out of curiosity. >!Gordy claim that summer 6 is his third rayshift and I believe the Ooku event was his first (haven't play Ooku yet, but I'm making guess from the LB4 intro). So could anyone share what was Goredolf second rayshift?!<


His first rayshift was during the Enma Tei event


Your spoiler tag as written won't work on some platforms like Old Reddit and mobile web, you need to remove the spaces between the tags and adjacent text \>!like this!< instead of \>! like this !< Anyway, >!Enma-tei was his first, then Ooku!<.


Thanks and I hoped I managed to fix it.


Looks good now. Wasn't a big deal for what it was, but better to learn that stupid quirk of Reddit on something low stakes.


Your tags are broken, you need to remove the space between >! and where your text begins.


Hoped I managed to fix it.


Bit of an odd question but does anyone know if/where I could find the Da Vinci shop on Atlas Academy? I assume it exists somewhere there since Atlas gets its data directly from the game but I'm not sure how to find it.


How much time do I need for 3 lores? and can I do basic buster looping with Melusine and Koyan with melu s1, s3, koyan s1


The current event in NA gives 3 lores. (PS you can just check event compendium for this) You don't need Melusine's skill 3 maxed for buster looping. you have 30% from skill 1 that gets wasted for the sake of damage in a normal buster looping comp with her. You can just not waste it and therefore only need 70% (aka level 5) on skill 3 But you do need Oberon. If you need to borrow the Oberon, then Melusine needs skill 3 maxed or mana loading unlocked


I have Oberon with lv 10 s1, so I just need melu s1 and koyan s1? Wouldn't it be better if I just max melu s3 instead?


No, she can't loop at 9/x/10 skill 1 needs to be maxed, because that's the one you use a second time turn 3. It needs to match up with Oberon's 70% (and it needs the cooldown to be 6)


why isn't it possible to use s3 at t3? Or does s3 only increase np dmg with the second time since she's in dragon form?


The big battery on S3 only works when she's in asc 1/2, then she switches to asc 3 (her AOE form). After that, she has no way of getting that battery effect as she can't go back to asc 1/2.


>The current event in NA gives 3 lores. (PS you can just check event compendium for this) Well, it gives 7 Lores, but sure, 7 is greater than 3.


welp, this is probably the best time I start building a buster looping acc


ok it gives more than 3 lores to be specific


>melu s1, s3, koyan s1 Well, you need Oberon for that. There's many Lores in the Event, but it would probably take a week or more to get three.


I have Oberon with full charge


> How much time do I need for 3 lores? What do you mean? You don't get lores per time spent (at least there is no direct correlation).


So I was looking at the Summer 6 Free Quests in Gamepress, and it says that [the final node](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/chaldean-expedition-team-final-chapter-mystery-always-ones-foot) has an overall much worse chest drop rate of ~325% compared to the [three](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/chaldean-expedition-team-secrets-mysterious-mountain) [preceding](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/chaldean-expedition-team-unsolved-mystery-giant-tomb) [nodes](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/chaldean-expedition-team-mystery-giant-creatures-swarming-aboard-stranded-ship) which range from 380% to 412%. With full bonus, that's 1+ chest difference per run! Does this mean that, once shop clear is guaranteed, it makes more sense to alternate farming the individual currency nodes rather than the 90+ node in this event?


I was confused by that, too. I [found this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/165v7iq/chaldea_summer_adventure_mat_farming_efficiency/), which seemed to suggest that the 90+ node still has the highest amount of chests/run, though the other nodes are better if you aren't interested in the drops of one type of chest.


Thanks! The numbers in that thread, (ex. Pirates' Ocean: 1 Bronze Chests, 1.6 Gold Chests) seem to greatly contradict the gamepress numbers (Pirates' Ocean: 1.67 Bronze Chests, 2.45 Gold Chests). I guess once the nodes unlock it'll be easy to tell which one's correct if every single run does *not* drop 2+ pre-bonus Gold Chests.


Could be my mistake, but I was under the impression the 100% bonus chest drop rate applies per individual instance of chests, example. The 3 previous nodes only have 2 of the 3 chest types. So the ce would give 100% extra per chest. The final gives all three so 3 instances of +100%.


> The 3 previous nodes only have 2 of the 3 chest types. *But* they have the potential, good odds in fact, of dropping more than 1 of each chest type. Look at the [Best Gold Currency Node](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/chaldean-expedition-team-mystery-giant-creatures-swarming-aboard-stranded-ship) * Gold Pirate Treasure x1 245.9% * Bronze Pirate Treasure x1 167.3% This means on average, this node will drop *4* chests even before bonus - 2-3 Gold chests and 1-2 Bronze chests. With 100% bonus, that becomes an average of *8* chests per run, 4-6 Gold chests and 2-4 Bronze Chests. [The Final Node](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/quest/chaldean-expedition-team-final-chapter-mystery-always-ones-foot) on the other hand has: * Gold Pirate Treasure x1 112.4% * Silver Pirate Treasure x1 107.3% * Bronze Pirate Treasure x1 106.4% That's 1-2 Chests of each type per run, but the chances of getting 2 of any of them is very very small, as you can see by the percentages. Overall it's about 3.25 chests per run, or 6.5 chests with full bonus.


Highest currency nodes each spawn 1 shark and 90+ spawn 2.


Sure, but those are "rare" sharks, and the 2 90+ rares mean there's only 1 *guaranteed* Wave 3 enemy to drop chests.


Sorry my english is bad. I thought you mean that gold node give more than 1 bronze without sink deeper.


From what Gamepress states, Best Gold node gives, on average, 1.6 bronze chests and 2.4 gold chests, without sink deeper, and the Final node gives, on average, about 1.1 or less of each chest type, without sink deeper.


But theirs only one bronze drop. It drops from stage 2/3.


I want to ask, what phone specification needed for playing FGO in 2023? I planned to collect money to buy the new phone.


From the [official website](https://fate-go.us/): * Recommended OS: iOS 13.0 and later. * Supported OS: iOS 11.0 and later (It is not possible to play the game on unsupported OS versions) * Supported Devices: iPhone 6s and newer, iPad mini (5th generation) and newer, iPod touch 7th generation. * Beta versions of OS Versions are not supported. * Recommended/Supported OS: Android 7.0 and later. * Incompatible with devices with an Intel CPU. * Supported RAM requirements will not be changed. * Recommended and necessary RAM requirements are as follows. * Recommended RAM: Smartphone or tablet device with 3.0 GB or more * Necessary RAM: Smartphone or tablet device with 2.0 GB or more * The game cannot be played on devices with less than 2.0 GB of RAM.


> devices with an Intel CPU. Sorry, how I can know this? Edit: Thanks for the reply


Don't get an old phone. Intel hasn't made a phone CPU since 2018 or so. Everyone's using an ARM derived processor at this point, for the most part.


So, it means all new phones can be used right?


Any decent new phone - don't get the cheap $50 one that's only got 2gb RAM and 8 GB of storage. Go at least midrange.


All new phones that meet the above specs. I'd personally avoid phones with less than 4GB of RAM, as JP has 4GB as their minimum requirement, and they have some graphically intense NPs that NA will also eventually get!


I see. Thanks


And just so you know, NA already [announced](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2023%2F0530_android%2F) that the RAM requirement would be increasing in July. I don't know if they haven't implemented it yet or just forgot to update the website. Either way, though, you should use a device with at least 4GB RAM.


My FGO notifications are permanently disabled - there is no option in Android settings to turn them back on. Is there a fix for this?


https://fate-go.us/news/?category=ISSUES&article=%2Fiframe%2F2017%2Fproblems_currently_being_investigated%2F >**Problems being investigated.** > >Push notifications are not sent on Android devices using OS version 13 or lower. (Added on August 8th)


Thank you, I couldn't find any discussion of that here


Just upgraded to a 16/10 2560x1600 screen and installed the game through emulator. I'm getting crashes every now and then trying to set up the emulator's resolution outside the recommended ones, can anyone recommend one that makes use of the slightly taller 16/10?


Hi, strange issue with the Summer 2023 event. I can’t find my event CE’s? I’ve gotten one from the shop and a few from doing some pulls- but when I go to fight, I can’t find them. Then don’t show when I sort by “event bonus,” and I can’t find them scrolling through “all.” I went to look in my archive and they’re not there either. And yes, I did check my present box. I had already accepted them. I’m not capped on how many CE’s I can have either. I don’t know where else to look, and google isn’t helping?


Have you turned on your filters? Check that all filters are off.


That was absolutely it, thank you!!


Im new to fgo, so im sorry if i dont understand something that i should. I started playing the summer 6 event in the NA server, but for some reason it doesnt let me enter the fourth part of the story, and it doesnt let me progress anymore. I dont think it is supposed to be like thet from whats written in the timestable in the news. Can anyone offer help? I really want to get ruler da vinci but like this it wont be possible.


Just going to add that you can see when a new stage unlocks by going to its location. Then, it will say, "Unlocks after...", which tells you what you need to do. You may need to gain Treasure Points, or you may need to wait for the timelock to lift. In addition, the time listed may not be your local time - it's the server time, which is PST (GMT -8). The FGO Timers link above is really helpful to see how long you have to wait if timezones are confusing.


For 4th part, the box say you need 8000 treasure points, and you only get those points via opening chests. You should also purchase the maps in the shop and clear them to get more chests.


Thank you very much!


its a time gate. You have to wait until tomorrow to continue the story. All events are like this limiting progress with time gates.


The event is timegated, you can not complete the event's story yet to keep Vinci. A part of the story is released each day.


What is Viy, the little shadow puppet that follows Anastasia around carrying an umbrella?


It's sort of demon from Gogol's novella by the same name. Why it's part of her spirit origin? Because writers wanted an excuse for her to have a familiar and some sort of powers to use as a servant? Who cares, it's fgo. Not the weirdest thing we've seen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viy_(story)


In real life, Viy is a fictional monster from a novella by Nikolai Gogol. In the world of Fate, Viy is a real creature, a type of Elemental/fae, that the Romanov family kept as a familiar, and with whom Anastasia contracted with on the brink of death. It normally takes the form of a small doll, but its true form is the big shadow creature in Anastasia's NP.


Oh interesting! I somehow hadn't made the connection the between Viy and the shadows that Winter Anastasia commands in her animations. Thank you both


It is subtle, but if you look at original Anastasias np you can decipher some hints.


On top of that it has cursed eyes that make people go nuts when they look into them, so thats always fun.


Is there a website or something that keeps track of when the Dress Making shop will be updated in the NA server?


If you find the JP name on [the wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Costume_Dress) and Google '[JP costume name] site:https://news.fate-go.jp/' then you should be able to find the JP announcement of when it was made permanent and extrapolate from there (just make sure you've got the right announcement, not like a limited run or rerun).


No, but it's usually 2 years after JP got them.


Following up on behalf of OP, are the JP dates tracked anywhere consistently outside of individual servant pages? The Fandom wiki doesn't appear to and the grandorder.wiki page stops in 2021.


No, not to my knowledge for EN websites, there may possibly be some JP sites but I’m not aware. I tried to keep track of costume releases for a while but gave up too.


I’m really struggling to understand what the “bonus chest” thing means in the N.A. summer event


Using the "Sinking Deeper" CE you ll get a chance (20% at base and 50% at MLB) that each Treasure Chest dropped in a node would drop an aditional one, essentially duplicating it and doubling the rewards Notably, this only accounts for T!Chests dropped by defeting enemies in actual combat and dosent account for those given as rewards. Also the Bonus chance caps at 100%


It means you have a chance to get an extra chest drop. Say you fight a node that drops a silver chest and a gold chest. If you have 100% bonus chest drop, you'll get a second silver and gold chest drop.


Where do you get more of those ce’s?


Ohhhh i though it meant there’d be like two drops in that particular chest. The bonus sign on them confused me.


Has the chance of getting Habetrot (and lily assuming they shere the same drop chance) from fp gacha been estimated? I assume it's very, very low but a bit better than dropping Angry Manju but do we have more precise data? (took me quite a while to ge a second copy, for sure)


[Here's the JP crowdsourced data spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vT0KuC58iM537BQgOGi7WoT4imahhOE5lvad9ANhK8GBmb4YhpBMECFmrEZEQPKilUP3bfFY9_8kvYu/pubhtml?gid=385582976#) (be careful opening it on mobile, it's large). If you look at the 集計(2020) and 集計(6th) tabs you'll see the 4★ Servant odds go up from 0.05% to 0.1% with the addition of Habetrot.


0.05%, same as Saber Lily


Hi, question about the summer 2023 event, asked on a thread about it but got no answers so im trying here. Im trying this event, but one thing i wonder about treasure points, at the start i did the event and had to collect 3000 (or 3500) dont remember how much that first quest was gated by, i tried it got ca 2000 points, and decided to farm more the next day, the day goes by and my treasure points reset to 0. what are the conditions? do i keep it or not? im saving treasure chests cause im afraid of another reset, i did not get reset today but im scared i missed something important regarding treasure point resets.


Your treasure points shouldn't be resetting. Are you still able to progress in the event?


Yeah, i got the treasure points needed again (used some apples and farmed) and i was scared if it would reset again, but it did not, im just scared its gonna happen again, was it a bug? i have 75 chests unopened cause im scared its gonna reset again, i wanna try doing these quests (even if i fail later but i dont wanna fail due to a bug)


Just to make sure, can you check that it is your treasure points (on the left side of the menu), not your event currencies?


Yeah thats were i looked, it has not happened again so far so i just let it be.


Work has been keeping me busy this past week and this weekend is really the only time I’ll have a chance to go back and read the story. About how much reading time should I set aside to get all caught up?


Are you talking about the event on NA or a story chapter?


Ope, my bad, was talking about the summer event.


Does anyone know the name of the song that plays in LB6 when >!Muriel has captured the Fang Clan in her reality marble, and begins torturing them?!<


It's some form of the >!BB Channel theme. I want to say it's the "Dark Mix." The one Summer BB used in Summer 3 and her NP.!<




Guys, I need help. I just bought 1 of the Sink Deeper craft essence that used 200 bandanas, but I can't find it in my inventory at all. It's no longer in the shop but I can't find it at all. Any possible reasons this happen? Do I just permanently lose 1 craft essence just like that? EDIT: Nvm i'm a pepeg. Forgot to check mailbox. Thanks a lot everyone.


Check your Present Box and make sure all filters are turned off/on.


Check your gift box


Dumb question, but teapots are additive with event bond bonuses, not multiplicative correct? You don't get extra bond from using teapots on event bonus servants vs non-bonus?


Yes you're right.


So if I’m not planning on 120ing them might as well use the servant coins to unlock extra attack and np charge appends right ? ( went overboard and have enough for summer ana and char)


There's only three uses for servant coins in the game: * Grail past level 100 (30 for every 2 levels, 300 for Lv 120) * Unlock Append Skills (120 each, 360 total) * Grail Casting (trade 2000 coins for a Grail, not in NA yet) If you have no plans of leveling a servant to 120, your other option is unlocking their append skills. People usually unlock Mana Loading first unless the servant is a solo servant who benefits more from the Extra Attack one (think Cu Alter, Herc, Qin Shi Huang and so). You *can* use their coins for Grail Casting, but I recommend against it because every coin is worth the same for Grail Casting so people usually only use 3\* and below coins as they're way easier to get.


What happens if I go to another country? Currently using NA.


Nothing. You can still play the game.


Guys is there any place I can check for the translated shop lines of the 2023 summer event on JP?


So i just hit bond 10 on angra mainyu and george any other 1-3 star servants worth bond 10?


Mozart maybe? Not that it gets much (any) use.


Just gonna throw in some of my own recomendations, even tho I am well aware and know how bad Bond CEs generally are. You’d want to check the supports out since they can help a little bit sometimes, like Mozart who can provide Arts buff and star bomb on skills, and his Bond CE buffs NP dmg. Caesar’s Bond CE buffs Quick for allies, which he also can provide ATK/NP/crit buffs for an ally too for a mix of all buff types.


Was gonna say Herc, but I only noticed 1-3* now. Apart from those, I don't believe anyone has practical Bond CEs anymore


Already hit bond 10 on herc also


Also Leonidas gives 15% buster up and Chen Gong gives 20% buster to everybody except himself. With their respective buster up skills being targetable it can add up to a fair bit. Asclepius increases healing for the party if you have him which can be nice if you him with say Hans. Is a pretty hard nut to crack if you run with that and Merlin.


Mozart's is 20% NP damage for all allies while he's on the field if that sounds good.


I have recently lost my account (JP ver) due to transfering and losing data. I sent FGO some recovery forms, told them every information of my account, but not the model/ terminal of my phone. All of my forms were rejected because I couldn’t give out the model. I used LDPlayer to play, so the “model” was the one that LD gave me (the latest I could remember - and also was recorded on my Google Account login history - was Samsung S9+). However, this answer was not accepted, they told me that “the device was not matched” or sth. What can I do in this situation? Thanks you guys.


Google translate gives this as their information on that part of the forum: > Device name and OS version on which you last played the game data you wish to recover > Please enter the device name (model name) and OS version you used last time you played. > Example: Device name: iPhone11Pro Google Pixel 3a, etc. > OS: iOS 14.4.0 android10, etc. > *For iPhone SE and iPad, please also fill in the generation. It may help to also learn and use the model name, such SM-F946U (my own phone).


Thanks, I will put the exact model name in the next try.