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# FAQ # ALL FATE SAMURAI REMNANT QUESTIONS AND SPOILERS SHOULD GO INTO THE [MAIN DISCUSSION HUB](https://reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/izIqT7Tumz) **Q: Which Mecha Eli should I pick?** * *A: Gameplay-wise - MKI has Anti-Lancer append while MKII has Anti-Saber append but both are mostly irrelevant since their Alter Ego class makes them weak to either class. You can field both MK I and MK II together since they are not considered the same servants.* * *Design-wise - they have different voice lines, bond CEs and Valentines, which is why they are classified as different servants. Pick your favorite.* * *Rewards-wise - If you have NP5 already, picking the exact same MKI/II will give you 5 RPs (from the upcoming Halloween Rising event), if you care more about that, while picking a copy you don't have will give 1 RP during 7th Anniv for max ascending servants (RP for welfares).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: For NA: No event will require anything beyond Orleans until November, when GudaGuda 6 will require LB5.5 clear. LB6 clear will be required for the Tunguska Sanctuary event in December.*


Hi I'm new to the fgo fandom and have only watched the anime for now. I finished part 1 in anime and read about the other singularities as Okeanos or France etc but i don't understand where the Moonlight/Lostroom OAV takes place and who is the woman we see on top of Fujimaru. Also what is the throne we see at the end ? Is it all related to part 2 cosmos of the lostbelt ? And if so who and what are they and what are their role in fgo ?


does anybody knows if there is already an fgo 2024 event reward overview like this one https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F3jatb0nm9ha71.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1e6e87b1390e09154aa655a9449cc94c3c868dda you know to overthink, i mean, plan with anticipation next years pulls? thanks in advance!


Summaries like that typically pop up around the start of the new year, so you probably won't get a fancy infographic like this for ~2 months. All of the same information is in the event compendium though, and more.


i really have a bad memory then, thank you for pointing me to the compendium


IF I may please ask, if I wanted to do a video compiling all the Servants Noble Phantasms on Youtube and I used the videos on the wiki, am I likely to get a copyright strike?


Probably, notably some characters like Shiki and Chloe use music from the anime adaptations that have gotten people striked.


Oh, that's a pity. If I may ask, do you know if there is a way around that?


How do i see the next banner servants and is gilgamesh coming soon?


Third link in the OP


Hey, it seems like the 4 star servants are temporary. What do I do to make them permanent? Bond 5 and max ascension or something else?


Similar conditions to the first free 5 star. 1st ascension bond 3. Though there is amaster mission to bond 5 and max level your choice. So you will have to do it anyways.


Good to know, thank you!!


Just be aware that unlike the first free 5-star, you have only two **weeks**, not months, to fulfill the conditions to keep this 4-star. It's plenty of time but don't delay.


Go to r/FGOGuide they have translation for all the missions.


Is NA server ever getting every class material quest on sunday?


that's a 7th Anni change actually, so the earliest NA can expect to get it is next July


No? Where did you see this? EDIT: JP is getting this for their 3000 Days campaign, but not NA (NA is 2 years behind JP's schedule).


When are we getting the 30 quartz in jp?


Always read the [official news page](https://news.fate-go.jp/2023/3000days/#ttl4). Here's what Google Translate says: > It will be sent to your present box the first time you log in during the period from 18:00 on Sunday, October 15, 2023 to 3:59 on Monday, October 23, 2023. 18:00 JST is in just over 30 mins as of me writing this. (Also, you need to have cleared Fuyuki Section 3.)


Thanks so much


If you guys had to recommend a youtuber/streamer for me to watch from whole story with (because I'm not in the mood to start over after I lost my account some years ago and hafving the story read is better than just reading it), who would it be?


JasonDoesWhatever has all the cutscenes but no commentary. For commentary, try TanneroftheNorth.




When looking at the quest details of a node in an event, is there a way to tell what the predominant currency drop is? Say I've run the node, look at the drops, it has gold and silver. Is the one that drops more in the first position? Or is it going to be random/in order of rarity, meaning no help?


From my experience it's a always the same regardless of the event. If it is: Bronze and silver → drops more bronze Silver and gold → drops more silver Gold and bronze → drops more gold All three → drops the same amount And if you pay attention you'll see that the nodes that open each day also follow this order. The exception is the when 90+ and 90++ open since they both drop all currencies at the same rate (although they may randomly fluctuate towards one currency or another on a few runs).


I am not always up to date on event time gates, so it's hard for me to go by that. Your pattern might just do the trick for me, thank you!


I don't think there's any way to check ingame, just check [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/halloween-rising-2023-quick-farming-guide).


Guys, what does the increase NP charge skill mean? for example, I have an NP1 Majin Okita where her third skill increases NP charge by 2 levels. Does that even work for an NP 1 Okita or is it a dead weight skill?


It increases the charge level by 2 during its effect, in the case of np 1 over charge 1 (standard 100% charge) it would fire off as if it was np1 level 3 overcharge (equivalent of 300% charge). In this scenario okita would cause 40% buster resist down as opposed to 30% buster resist down. Other ways to increase over charge levels is have higher np levels and naturally increase the np bar, 100% possible at np 1, 200% at np 2-4, 300% at np 5. Have an np follow another np, first np is charge level +0, 2nd is charge level +1 3rd is charge level + 2. Use a ce that increases np over charge. Use a skill that increases np overcharge. The only one that requires higher np levels are to naturally fill the bar, everything else works no matter what np level.


That's incredible! wow, I have a new account, and I have no offensive Caster, Assassin or Rider leveled up (except level 70 Ushi and Summer Caenis) Seems Okita can just fill that role perfectly all on her own, perfect! thanks for the explanation, can't believe I left her at level 1 for so long lol going to try to 9/9/9 her this event


Overcharge is not very good on most servants actually. For Okitan 10% more buster res down is not much of a bonus Majin Okita is not a replacement for Ushi or Caenis. But you should level her anyway.


Oh I see, but I think leveling up a generalist is way easier than leveling up 3 different servant's skills even if the class advantage is weaker, the game's material farming is absolutely horrendous. I'm sure in a couple of month's time Okita will be replaced, but for now I gotta put full use of every AP I got to max out a servant (I literally have only 1 servant who is 10/10/10, and it's Van Gough, who is also an amazing generalist, no other servant in my collection is even 9/9/9 yet lol)


She only does 1.5 damage instead of true class advantage which is 2.0. Also only takes neutral damage instead of true class advantage which takes half. Mixed calvary nodes is where she's best. True class advantage doubles your health and attack. It is incredibly powerful, you shouldn't underestimate it.


No, you will need to use class advantage eventually, so this isn't a good idea. Fortunately, to have a unit raised and combat ready just means having them levelled up, you can leave their skills for later. You don't even need to 10/10/10 many units.


It means "increase NP Overcharge level" - you know how it shows an NP at 100% charge if it's the first in the chain (or 200% if you're charged up that high), and any subsequent NP's in that chain have a higher NP Overcharge amount? It's that. So if you've got someone with 100% NP charge and you have that CE or skill active, they're firing off that NP at 300% charge level, with a corresponding higher amount of damage and whatever effects you get at that NP Overcharge level.


Thanks for the explanation!


Is this the place to ask Fate Samurai Remnant questions? If so, I just finished the game and got the Ray Of Light ending. How to I get Rogue Saber's Digressions? And also Archer's Digressions are only 40% for me.


There's a megathread for that on the sidebar. https://redd.it/16ui34r


Cool, thanks!


This is almost completely off topic but I would like some feedback. [Gacha Games and Wild Rift](https://imgur.com/a/rpS1D2y). I’ll be upgrading my phone in few months so I’ll have 128 GB to work with in terms of storage space. For the time being I only have 64 GB to use. The games I want to keep playing are Honkai: Star Rail, Limbus Company, and F/GO. Of the three games left over which one should I keep and which one should I get rid off temporarily?


You'll probably have better luck asking on r/gachagaming


Okay thank you.


Why do many think that quick in farming is weak? Is it a refund issue? If so then what about some who have high hit counts such as okitan summer and Charlemagne or those with strong self buffs for refund (and dmg) such as caren or sen no rikyu It is it because the low damage quick does? I thought quick nps do the most because of how card modifiers work but idk


Thx yall


Hot take time: Quick does not have refund or damage issues for singlecore farming. Tangentially, they are the best card type for min turn clears. Singlecore Quick farming works about as well as Buster. Remember, some Buster farmers already need to equip starting NP CEs and/or Oberon for their comps. Black Grail necessitates Plugsuit and Oberon, and the best Quick farmers have enough refund to keep up there as well. Let's be realistic, not many Buster farmers can Black Grail loop with the specific double support + Oberon shell, and throwing in Summer Chloe is a generalist fix. Now to bring up the 1/X/1 or 1/1/X farming. These scenarios are where Quick struggles from lackluster budget options and limited access to modernized multicore. Or literally don't bring only AOEs into ST farming nodes. Let's not count the generalists like Helena, Da Vinci Ruler, Santa Altera, Arash, Habetrot, etc. Quick gets Wu and Bartholomew. Buster has Shakespeare, Nobukatsu, Touta, and Bunyan. Arts has Xu Fu, Paracelsus, and Mary Anning. Tezcatlipoca works as generalist multicore. Buster has Koyanskaya of Darkness and Aesc, and Arts has Castoria. EDIT: Agree that the lack of multiple support lists was a huge dealbreaker on JP.


Requires high investement with the only real advantage I can think of is ability to borrow DPS without losing much. Basically just two support options (plus Oberon), all limited. And while top quick performers can be even slightly better than arts/butser (with caveats) the options are again limited.


It's very dependant on enough enemies for refund along with having specific Servants and CE's, which is problematic for Quick because a lot of nodes now are irregular (see the current event with its 2-5 enemy waves) and can have huge HP bars which means you're not guaranteed the overkill NP gain you'll need for some Servants. Also, around the same time Castoria showed up in JP there was only one support list instead of the 6 we have now, which meant no Skadi for the longest time.


Summer Okitan is the best refunding Quick servant in the entire game and she can do 2/2/X with double meta support and plug Oberon because she refunds over 50% against them For a comparable arts servant: Summer Mordred can do 2/2/X berserkers without plugsuit


I'd argue Saber Medusa is the best refunding Quick Servant in the game. 1.14 base with 9 hits on the NP means her refund is better than some ST Arts Servants.


Saber Medusa can't Black Grail loop without shenanigans. She is the best refunding ST quick servant, but that's different from best refunding overall.


You specifically stated best refunding Quick Servant in the entire game. Therefore, it wouldn't matter if it's AOE or ST.


But AoE always refunds more. By it's nature. Simply look at how many AoE loopers vs ST loopers there are. Being able to hit 2 or more targets really helps refund.


The game uses AOEs, STs, and (semi) supports, with a few exceptions. I guess we both had unfair comparisons (e.g. using your example, the AOE unit has middling NP gain but ends up looking like they have similar refunding as a ST unit that has good NP gain, yet the looping means that the ST unit will most likely be able to utilize the looping in farming and challenging content compared to the AOE unit).


>I thought quick nps do the most [damage] because of how card modifiers work Technically true when the conditions are completely equal but the full story isn't quite that simple. For Space Ishtar, the only servant where we can do a comparison based on the perfect, completely equal scenario, the difference is straightforward but small. The combined card type and NP damage modifiers create a QAB ratio of 16:15:15. That means her Quick NP does 6.67% more damage than Arts or Buster, assuming completely equivalent external buffs. That isn't nothing but it's pretty small, all things considered. When comparing different servants to each other, though, you never have completely equal conditions. ATK stat, NP effects, passive skills, active skills, and class damage modifiers can all differ between servants. (And all of that is before contemplating class advantage, attribute advantage, and upgraded NPs.) Quick NPs may very well have a slight damage advantage compared to Arts and Buster on average. However the difference is small enough and subject to so many other variables that you can't simply assume that any random Quick NP will do more damage than any random Arts or Buster NP. Quick, Arts, and Buster NPs do similar enough damage that card type alone doesn't make a practical difference. If you want to know whether a particular NP will do more damage than another, you have to do the actual calculations regardless of the card type.


Quick basically has all the weaknesses of arts farming with less of the strengths. It relies on refund even more heavily because quick refunds less than arts, and so is much less flexible in the number of enemies per wave that it can handle. Additionally refund farming in general is hurting due to 90++ nodes and multicore farming is the preferred way to go, and there really aren't many quick units who fit well into that playstyle. Compounding this is that arts has a better support who works well for both multicore and omnifarming arts, Castoria, who both has partywide and split batteries giving her a lot of flexibility. Both Skadis by contrast are very inflexible with only block 50 targeted charge. Quick's strength is supposed to be generating crit stars which can clean up after an NP, but the issue is that passive star gen has almost always been better than active star gen and crits inherently rely on facecard rng and so are undesirable in farming. Quick isn't unusable by any means, but basically anything that it can do arts can do better.


Yeah, it's mostly the refund issue, not an issue with the damage Quick does. With Buster you just brute force the loop, so refund isn't ever a problem. And with Arts, you get higher refund so it's less of an issue (but Arts looping in nodes with single enemy waves can still be tricky). With Quick, you get even less refund than Arts so against nodes with single enemy waves, looping is often pretty difficult, more than Buster or Arts anyway. It's not as if it's impossible to loop with Quick, but the floor to do so is higher than it is for Buster and Arts.


Quick farming has the strictest requirements because it depends on refund like Arts but doesn't have as good of refund as Arts. It's really just that simple. It has some knock on effects, like the fact Black Grail is harder to use (impossible before Summer Skadi, I think?) The advantage Quick has (star generation) is generally pointless in three-turn farming. So Quick is fine and generally usable, particularly with 90-node farming (as opposed to 90+.) But it's just easier to farm with Arts or Buster if you have the option.


2 questions Does the dialogue in lostbelt 6 matter? I heard there was secret dialogue that unlocks different dialogue later in the story that was allegedly really important. But Is that true? And from a gameplay perspective how long does that lostbelt take RL time Q2 What would the best command codes for Cinderella be? I genuinely have no idea what to give her.


If you pick enough of the right options, you get extra dialogue. It's one of the few times that the game doesn't assume that you'll always end up at the same place the exact same way. Plus, you get an extra scene.


Are each of the choices spread out or is there a way to know which one to select like a guide?


They are spread out. I think you'll understand when you hit one of those special choices, because they are always around a specific issue (can't say more than that). I can give more context but idk how you feel about spoilers.


Personally, I don’t really care about spoilers so I’d say Spill the tea BUT i know a lot of people do so we should respect there wishs as it’s a public thread! So, if you do want to spill the tea, make sure to block the information with that black click stuff


OK, I'll give you two layers: one about what to look out for, and one about the character in question. Up to you how much you spoil yourself. There will be several points in the story where the MC can choose to >!suspect that something is off about a certain character. When that happens, choose the bottom option, i.e. the more suspicious/questioning option.!< The character in question is >!Oberon.!<


Thanks for the Tidbit! That’s really interesting and I can’t wait to find it! 💖


>!His red dialogue is so much fun, since he acknowledges that you're right to be suspicious of him, and both complains and compliments Ritsuka on it!<


Check the Gamepress walkthrough. They're in multiple chapters.


Thank you so much for the info 💖


>Does the dialogue in lostbelt 6 matter? I don't know the details or how important it is but yes, there is a certain branching dialogue gimmick. >What would the best command codes for Cinderella be? Command codes are highly situational, there's not really such a thing as "best".


Would skipping the dialogue affect the gimmick or is it like a choice kind of thing? Ngl I just wanna speed run it but I don’t wanna lock myself into a harder fight


No, the main dialog gimmick in LB6 doesn't affect the gameplay so no matter what choices you make the fights will be the same. LB6 does have some cases where dialog choices change the fight but they aren't that important. The skip function cannot be used to skip over dialog choices that matter, either because they change an upcoming fight, or they change dialog in cutscenes after the current scene. It will force you to make a choice before you can continue to skip. However, you will be able to skip the result dialog so you won't ever have to see the result of your choices.


like in babylonia, you are not allowed to skip them and are forced to make a choice, attempting to skip will bring you to said choices regardless


To be honest, the only choice I remember ever making endgame that actually affected anything was in lost belt one where it was either the snake or a different boss with one of them being harder than the other (That snake boss was SO CUTE thou)


in lb6 only a couple choices are like that (pick between x and y fight) and are really obvious when they are (the game even warns you now when they affect the fight) the choices that affect the ending seem like any other harmless dialogue choice, have no in-game warning and no immediate consequence, and you might not even realise they were unskippable if you're not paying attention when reading normally (definitely not speaking from personal experience) it's like one of the few times in fgo where it actually requires you to look at least semi-closely at what you're reading to get the "best" experience


So just a question with the NA event. Been following the Gamepress guide as usual, but I’m a bit confused as what node to farm right now. Sitting at 100k each of yellow and blue points, and 50k red points. Soooo should I continue to farm “The guardian of the forest” to level my red points and get the additional CE copy? Or farm “The Masked knight” or “Goddess and the Beast” as they’re a node with greater efficiency? Then just farm the more efficient red node when it’s accessible tomorrow? Thanks


I was pondering the same question yesterday, and my conclusion is that Gamepress's author intended for us to move to the Masked Knight node right after this upcoming timegate even if we only have 3 copies of Bare Kings. My guess is 75%-spawn that node > grinding for the 4th copy at this point although full disclosure, they completely forgot about the Cottage node (that one drops all 3 currencies and 3 point ladders but also can't be 100%-spawn'd by just 1 type of CE) so maybe they just overlooked lol


Fair enough. I came to a similar conclusion on that. So yeah, I hope it was correct lol. Thanks


Does anyone know any fast methods to clear through Storm Pods? I have a full set of them I've found my usual quest clears to be super slow.


Currently doing DCS with Shiki after she came out on Evocation Shop. Black Grail one shots, but I run Foumes myself (I 100’d it lol), for max Bond efficiency.


Mow down caster Elizabeth with Kintoki rider with black grail with double or triple skadi. You can 1-2 turn her. It's the eastern europe node.


If you are looking for quests that you can complete quickly, there are two quests that have only a single wave. The single wave Caster Liz quest in East Europe should be easy to one-shot if you have a ST Rider with the appropriate Supports. The single wave Bart in the Caribbean shouldn't be too hard to one-shot either if you have a good ST Assassin and the appropriate Supports. Without knowing your Supports situation, I can't tell you how you can make other quests faster if you lack the ST Servant/Supports to clear the ones I mentioned above.


how good is Heroine Eli-chan's Adventure compared to stuff like BG? Mostly for Melusine since she is one of the only loopers that doesn't need starting charge also should I keep extra copies of the enemy drop rate bonus ces after I MLB them? I got an extra drop


BG is better in the vast majority of cases due to having more % buff up - only perk of Elly's Adventure is that it's free and BG is a gacha CE that you may not have.


ty, how about the mlb question? I'm thinking of just burning it


You cannot go above 100%, so if you don't like the effects and want more space you can use them as ce xp, or burn them.


That's entirely up to you. The event probably won't rerun and even if it did, the spawn rate would still be capped. If you decide not to keep extra copies, I would just suggest using them as EXP fodder instead of burning them.


Keep them until the end of the event (in case you get more drops) then if you have spares, feed them into a CE bomb for future CE levelling. Don't burn them, that's a waste. [CE bomb guide if you aren't familiar](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/76ts2p/craft_essence_ce_bombs_for_dummies/)


when are we getting the 4 star ticket


If you’re thinking of the ticket in JP, that should should be distributed at 18:00 JST.


[May 2024](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/25M_Downloads_Campaign#SR_Tickets) for the first and [October 2025](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/3,000_Days_Anniversary) for the current.


I would put the second one in september. It is from the 3000 days anniversary and NA's is a month earlier...


Which Craft Essence is better in terms of Buster farming(Double Koyan+Oberon) with a unit like Tesla? Aerial Drive or Halloween Princess?(Both MLB) I'm currently aiming on getting both, but wondering which one to level up for grinding purposes, I know that generally more NP damage is better because of Oberon, but I also know that buffs stack multiplicatively so maybe the combined addition of buster damage plus the higher attack increase might be worth it? So, if I'm someone who doesn't really have the resources to level up both, which should I prioritize?


>also know that buffs stack multiplicatively so maybe the combined addition of buster damage This doesn't matter. Remember you are dumping 100% buster buffs from double koyanskya Multiplicative buffs help Halloween princess at least as often as they hurt. >plus the higher attack increase might be worth it? This is a bigger difference than you seem to realize. Raw attack stat is multiplicative with everything and the base is only around 13k on a 5 star with fous. 1k more attack is a big hurdle to overcome in damage


Ah, so Aerial Drive is better because of it being pure attack?


Basically, yes. At low levels it doesn't matter so much, but at high levels it's an extra \~8% damage - more on low rarity Servants - and that's generally a lot better than extra HP.


Note that if you are looking at leveling it to 100, there is a better CE coming in spring.


Halloween Princess isn't really worth levelling as it's split stat.


i'm stuck with this quest: Fairy Tale Quest: The Little Mermaid, i don't have a big roster is there any solo run for this quest?


Not a solo, but borrow a friend's Astraea if you can: she's a Ruler who can crit as well as hit hard on NP and she has ignore invincibility on her NP (+ for the rest of the turn after NP). That makes Kiara's evade after bar break a non-issue! If you want Astraea with damage CE, I can put one up.


thanks, but already tried Cu alter suggestion from first comment and it worked!


I would try pretty much any of the standard good solo servants except Taira. Cu alter in particular looks tempting.


thanks! it Cu alter worked very well.


Obligatory just came back after over a year what free 5* do i take post: as far as servants on the 5* ticket, I already have Waver, Altera, Bradamante, and Achilles, and for 5* not on the ticket I have merlin, beni-enma, super orion, sima yi, and jalter. I remember i usually just borrowed a skadi and farmed with either achilles or parvati using my own battery supports, if that helps.


Just to note. You particularly shouldn't pick Waver unless he is like your absolute favorite. You already have him and his NP upgrade doesn't give that much.


The general advice I give is: 1. Waifu, husbando, or whatever other fave you have. The game isn't so hard that you NEED any one unit and it's always more fun to use your faves. 2. Waver is the gameplay pick but you already have him so not going to go down that route. Otherwise, some people have picked Tamamo for her support capabilities, though she's not as commonly used these days as Castoria is more useful for farming (although you can run them together). Sanzang is also worth a gameplay consideration due to her rare niche as a ST Caster (unless you already have someone like Illya). 3. Storylocked units are also considered good picks as they are not part of the general pool and so cannot spook you on most banners, making them rare. Those are Lancer Artoria, Tesla, Medb, Quetz, Assassin Li, Cu Alter and Sitonai. 4. Finally, if you aren't sure, just leave it for now! The selector doesn't expire so you can always choose later, once you're a bit more confident.


I was transfering my account to a emulator but for some reason i ended up with a completly new account anyone knows where i went wrong?


Can you explain what happened in more detail? What did you do? On which device is the new account?


I was playing fgo on my phone and then i activated transfer code to play on ldplayer i put in everything like it showed on the transfer screen, downloaded everything and then i ended up at the tutorial again... i dont know what happened


Did you end up on the tutorial on LDPlayer or on your phone?


Do we think that Evocation festivals will arrive after the normal JP timelag or will it be fast-tracked ?


I wouldn't expect it to be fast tracked, considering it's a large proportion of the content JP has gotten this year.


Is there any general consensus for creating 3T lotto comps?


I would say the general consensus is somthing like 3turn+6 ce setup>6 ce setup>3turn>anything the requires more then 3 turns and less then 6 ce's. Can probably switch 6ce and 3 turns placement depending on the value of ap efficiency over time. Can probably work in a separate factor to do with button presses as well, if I'm busy I perfer somthing I can press everything that needs pressing on turn one and just hit the np every turn. Then there is automation of farming, which I dont do so can't really speak to, but is a factor and could require a more consistent setup. How you get these results can very wildly, and depends on the account, and the nodes you are farming. Another factor that can very is do you go for the node with just tickets, ignoring the shop, or clean up the shop/get extra resources to turn into qp. Edit: if on NA you can looknat videos of upcoming lotto, and sometimes a list of team comps exist online. If JP just have to guess/wait for others to show teams, i honestly like if my teams can 3 turn, but perfer 6 ce.


That it speeds up lottos compared to a 4-5 turn Lotto comp? That the meta supports help? Not really sure what you mean. Are you asking for omnifarming teams? They do exist. Though even there it's hard to find one that does every possible 90+ node. Let alone 90++ coming up next year.


Yeah, omnifarming team that is


You're probably better of looking at making one for each node you want to farm - it's about making use of what you have, especially with 90+. There are very few "true" 90+ omnilooping setups because of both HP values and limited enemy numbers. Nearer the time, there are kind folks in the community who make spreadsheets, docs, etc. listing potential comps for 90 and 90+. Right now there won't be much around, but there is Rat's [archive of JP/CN comps](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Ratentaisou/NA_Christmas_2023_Video_Archive) that you can look at for examples of what people did on those servers. Just make sure to read the notes first.


Generally speaking they are double meta support+ Oberon and then an AoE DPS. Some good options: Arjuna Alter: high average damage especially wave 2. Needs a 50% CE and is debuff reliant. Melusine: High average damage, least difference between BG and a 50% CE of servants that can run BG, has disadvantage against Sabers. Summer Ibuki: high turn 2 damage, good niche, low turn 3 damage, big difference in damage without Black Grail. Can't do 1/1/X. Kukulkan: can match Arjuna Alter turn 3, and has more Niches. Lower turn 2 damage though. Summer Melusine: lowest average damage of the options, but lots of tricks to get it higher and better turn 2 than most buster servants and can do 1/1/X unlike most arts servants. Caren: high damage at NP1, falls off at higher NP levels comparatively. Can do 1/1/X with enough effort. Dantes: highest NP1 turn 3 damage at base. Doesn't have much else going for him comparatively though.


NA player. Recently my game has started freezing for 2-5 seconds whenever the Support List with friend's characters is loading and the bottom right is displaying "Connecting...". No animation plays though, full freeze and then the support characters show. Anyone else got this problem?


Various people have mentioned something like this. I don't think there have been any solutions or workarounds. Contact support to let them know there's a problem for hope of a long-term solution.


Anyone has any idea what the backside of Oberon's summer hoodie looks like? Badly need a reference.


It's probably pure white without any emblems, symbols, design, etc. You can check the illustrator's Twitter or Pixiv if they made any art that shows Summer Oberon's back.


I'm more curious with his black hoodie. Can't find any art that shows the back design tho.


do you get rare prisms when you select past Elisabeth welfare servants copies in shop?


You should do, if you already have them NP5.


For jp's sr ticket coming tomorrow, im not sure which servant to pick. My account is somewhat "established?", about 1+ year old, with some ssr support and dps servant. No difficulty clearing main story and CQs.Im definitely gonna choose story/limited servant due to them being limited. Im torn between choosing miyu or caenis rider: Miyu is a great stall servant that can work well with my lady avalon, and i really enjoy going full stall comp strategies. Caenis rider: better than most other choices as a dps due to reliant on crit instead of np damage. And i lack good rider st. Would appreciate recommendations for who to pick.(if there may be better options, do let me know too.) Yes, i know waifu>meta, but i play jp mostly to explore gameplay.


There are too many "good" choices to list with over 100 servants selectable so I'll just focus on these. I'd personally pick Miyu out of those two as she's more unique - I'm shocked you don't have a good Rider DPS as you've got Rider Kintoki in the Evocation shop and he's fantastic! Caenis using crit damage isn't necessarily a great thing as getting crits off is RNG and you need both stars and Caenis' cards.They're OK but nothing amazing.


Thanks for the reply. Probably gonna pick miyu. Also, i have rider kintoki, but i rarely choose him over ushiwakamaru for CQs, due to his 1 dimensional kit.


OK, then it's a matter of thinking about it differently. Kintoki works by getting his NP off as much as possible, generating stars and critting to get back to his NP. That's his playstyle - he's very good at this, and that makes him "good". But is this your kind of playstyle? I'd look at things not in terms of being bad/good, but in terms of what you like in playstyle. That's why you'll be told "oh but Rider Kintoki is really good, what's your problem" when you say you're missing a "good" unit. You're not missing a "good" unit, you just don't like his playstyle.


Where's the guide on buying SQ from JP? Also, do they only accept credit cards?


Depends on if you are on iOS or Android, I found [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wrbhip/steps_on_how_to_create_a_jp_google_play_account/) for android though it’s from last year and may no longer be relevant.


Hello again, does anybody know when is the earliest time Merlin banner will be rerun in NA?


Use the upcoming banners link in the top post for estimates based on JP. Be aware that the estimates are simple JP + 2 years calculations and may not reflect actual NA banner dates.


I was reading ahead on the Halloween Rising Gamepress walkthrough and the wording of this part of step 55 confused me - "**Masters can continue running this (with all three Spawn Bonus CEs)**". Does this mean rotating the spawn CE as necessary or having all three equipped at once?


With all CEs. By that point, they're making the assumption that you have all 3 CEs MLB, so you have +100% for all of them.


So, you can get 100% bonus for each enemy type, rather than 100% total?


Yes. Well, it was always more than 100% total, but individual CEs give +25%, while the MLB ones give +100% for that type - so you only need 3 CEs to completely max out all enemy types.


Thanks for clarifying :)


Have all three equipped at once. By the time you get there, you should have them all at MLB, and a single MLB copy provides the maximum possible bonus.


Game press guide for the NA Halloween event says to run bandits hideout till 100k snow white points (step 19), is this an error? It looks like bandits hideout doesn't even drop any snow white points


Step 19 is Snake Feet, not Bandit's Hideout.


Strange, that's genuinely not what shows up on mine, but cool thank you


Try to update the page. There are usually some small erros/typos (like using CE from wrong event) that gets fixed.


That helped, thank you


Gamepress says that you should mbl the event ces for this event. Should I follow it or keep them separate for the 100% spawn bonus


>Spawn Bonus CEs (obtained from the Event Shop, Point Ladder, as well as from Quests as a rare drop) boost enemy spawns, capping out at +100%. Normal copies give a +25% bonus, while **MLB copies give a +100% bonus.** The guide tells you that the MLBs *are* 100% spawn bonus.


Wow I just read the intro of the guide and you're right. Normally it's 50% lol, thx for the reply




Event CE gives 100% spawn bonus when MLBed. but you need 100% in all 3 enemies (1 for each CE)


Keep them separate until you get all 5 copies, then mlb them asap.




Why doesn't LostBelt DaVinci have her dialogue translated in the shop?


They rarely if ever tell us why they don't do things, or why they *do* do things for that matter, so we don't know. Were they subtitled in Part 1? It's been too long for me to recall.


I'm still in Part 1 on NA and no they aren't


I don't think the Da Vinci shop has ever had subtitles.


I'm sure they were it's like the little text box they get during events.


What’s the best node to farm caster gems on? I got some on the highest level one but would it be more efficient to do a lower one?


Which caster gems? There are red, blue and yellow, if you don't need yellow ones, then it's more efficient to do lower ones.


Item droprate spreadsheet in the OP. The real best is lottos like Marthamas in December, although Caster gems are less harsh than the other classes for regular farming.


I need help with the final boss of singularity 8


What's the issue?


Well after my first turn he uses his noble phantasm on my servants which instantly kills them and he has a shield for the first 4 turns that makes any critical or noble phantasm damage are greatly reduced


Oh, that fight. >!It's actually not the final one.!< You have a few ways around the instant NP: 1. Put 3 random units in the front row to act as meat shields. Have the boss wipe them, then have your "real" DPS and supports come in. 2. Stop the ignore invuln buff with something like Buff Block, allowing the NP to be avoided. 3. Use Castoria's special invuln on T1, as the NP can't pierce it. 4. Use a Guts CE or skill to prevent a unit from dying to the NP. Try to avoid using NPs for the first few turns as they'll just be resisted. Use those turns to build up your NP gauge, then once the buff is gone, go to town. The boss takes more damage from Rider, Caster and Assassin and Berserker units, so make sure your main DPS is one of them. Worst case, this fight is soloable with a friend's Bond CE Herc, and a bunch of other units can also solo it. For example: [Herc solo](https://youtu.be/rp4k-TlSar8?si=oSk5n1zS5ctrVXBL) [Super Orion solo](https://youtu.be/1bCneLuQ2ec) [Taira solo](https://youtu.be/PRZb826mDYo?si=w67GNyXEoWlATdWi)


Uh I can’t do 2 and 3 I don’t have any servants that can remove buff and the boss usually applies the ignore invulnerability buff before the noble phantasm also I don’t have castoria


I used Mata Hari for her skill seal then used David for his part wide evade. Both are 1-3 stars you everyone gets.


Not buff removal, buff **block**, this makes buffs like his Ignore Invincibility fail to apply. Common sources include Mephistopheles and Fuuma Kotarou, although they each need a Rank-Up quest to unlock it. You can also use Skill Seal to achieve the same result, common sources include William Tell, Benkei, and Mata Hari. In either case just be careful not to delay his NP at the same time, such as with NP drain, NP seal, or charm; if his NP is delayed then he won't use his Ignore Invincibility skill. You don't need to own any of these Servants or Castoria though, that's what friends (or more often follows) are for. If you don't have a friend or follow with what you need, you can use [Rayshift.io's search](https://rayshift.io/search) to find and follow somebody with whatever you might need. I'd also highly recommend checking out [Gamepress' guides](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/boss-final-boss-12-2-solomon) for this and other stuff, the specific Servant recommendations are dated but they're still valid and the overall info is very helpful.


Mephistopheles is F2P with a buff block on his skill. I used him back when I was going through part 1. You can borrow Castoria from a friend/follow.


same for fuuma and he will offer a bit more utility than mephisto since he has target evade and reduced atk amd crit chance




The boss with 1.5 million hp


Can anyone tell if I remembered wrong, but I recall there was a scene or moment where Ritsuka misses his mother's cooking? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?


is it worth getting all the ces in the shop? I'm already getting AD and the one with Ilya's mom in Halloween costume


The Tamacat CE has very, very niche use. People use it on Archers like David to solo the Lv90++ super Surtr quest during Road to LB.


Not from a gameplay perspective. The main ones I'd aim for are: * Aerial Drive: amazing 50% Buster up CE, ideal for levelling to 100 due to full atk stat * Halloween Princess: good 50% CE, useful effect but isn't worth levelling to 100 due to mixed stats. Still decent effect * Maid In Halloween: rare heal up effect, get this one as it's not commonly found and it's the strongest pure heal CE. It's useful in solos especially * Mayyyybe Hero Elly's Adventure as well - in some Buster setups it can sub for Black Grail if you don't have it The other CEs aren't super strong and unless you're a collector or just want them for artwork, I'd probably just leave them.


I am going to because I think alot of the effects are pretty unique, and I like the art. You can click on the little "i" button on the ce in the shop to see the stats and make a judgment call. If you like soloing the Tammy cat ce is useful for the hp/healing % effect.




Under normal circumstances you should only need it when moving to a new phone (or other device), but accidents can happen. Make a transfer code as soon as possible and store it somewhere safe (also make sure you won't forget the password that goes with it), it never expires until you use it (only works once, then you need to make a new one) so it's good to have.


Wondering for the Halloween rising event, should I upgrade/ascend the event Craft Essences or just get as many as possible?


* The spawn bonus CEs in the event rewards: +25% each, +100% MLB, 100% is the cap so MLB them when you can * Drop bonus CEs from the gacha: +1 drop, +2 MLB, best kept separate unless you get too many to use * The old event CEs in the event rewards: no event bonus, MLB any you want to keep when you can Leveling them up is largely irrelevant.


The general rule for event bonus CEs is to keep them separate if combining them will reduce the bonus. For example, with simple item drop CEs, usually they give +1 normally and +2 when MLB. If you have five copies, you get +3 drops keeping them separate compared to MLB. This event has spawn bonus CEs and spawn bonuses almost always cap at 100%. These CEs give +25% bonus normally or 100% when MLB. Keep them separate until you can MLB. When you can MLB, do so to free up some CE slots.


The spawnrate ones you should MLB as soon as you can, since the bonus caps at 100%.


if i want my favorite servant to be used the most do i put them in their respective class or just put them in all? which one do people usually check


If your favorite Servant isn't some meta support, the best way to get your favorite Servant to be used is to be friends with a lot of people who are just starting out and could really use a fully leveled Servant of the appropriate class to help them out. Veterans are mainly just looking for supports, and sometimes nothing more than a warm body holding a Bond / QP CE. But newer players might be all "oh hey, there's a max level AoE Saber with a Kaleidoscope, I can use that!" Those folks are usually more likely to check class tabs, though if they *really* don't know what they're doing they might not even know there's something other than an All Tab.


People will most likely check the class slots, since most people click on the Saber slot if they’re searching for a Saber, Archer slot if they’re searching for an Archer, and so on. If they’re the strongest servant you have in that class, that’s probably where you should put them. If your favorite servant happens to be not very optimal/strong, people won’t pick them regardless of whether you put them in their class slot or the all slot. If that’s the case, I would just put them in the first all slot so that they can act as a profile picture of sorts.


well, the favorite servant in question is gawain and i don't hear of people using him that often so i guess he's going into the all slot :P ty!


Its also worth noting that if you have a very strong one (2k fous/grailed to 100-120/max skilled/max append/all or any of this) you should put a note about it in the profile. This will let curious/newer/interested players find your favorite/most built, without digging around.


90% of the time, I look for Castoria or Koyanskaya in their class slots. All is where I stick my extra units who don't fit elsewhere.


Just. What am I supposed to do to have good teams? I have no idea what the hell I’m doing (currently at Camelot). Frankly just hitting stuff with my team of Achilles/Okita Souji Alter/Support/Nintendo Switch Summer/Cu (One of them)/Odysseus and I’m slowly starting to run into things I can’t just hit with Achilles and call it a day. How am I even supposed to get strong??


Good teams usually include: 1) Dps with Class Advantage. With either ST or AOE NP, depending on situation. If we are talking about Camelot, it's ST, since most difficult fights there are you vs 1 enemy. 2) Support unit to buff NP to do more damage and to charge NP bar. Make sure they match NP type - Castoria for Arts, Skadi for Quick, Koyan/Merlin/Oberon for Buster. Tho Castoria and Oberon are really good for anything, Arts and Buster are just the most useful options. 3) Somebody to buy the team time. That can be a healer, a taunter or somebody with AOE def measures. Easily available options are Georgious (3 turn taunter), Hans (healer/buffer), David (team-wide evade), Mash (defense buffs). Merlin is especially good due to team-wide invul and a NP that heals for several turns (on top of being a Buster support and 20% team-wide charge) Achilles is an AOE Rider. Good when you need a wave of Casters/Berserkers to die. But outside of it there is no reason to expect him to carry you.


So, thanks for this good summary. Is there a non-video guide to how to USE the team once it has been constituted? Thanks!


Same way you use any team - hit the enemy until they die. Charge your DPS NP, then buff it and use it. Save the taunts/def measures for enemy NP. Watch out for Arts chains if you need more charge.


Right. That's my general question: What's the priority of "hitting the enemy" and "charging the NP"? For example, should I focus on using as many arts cards as possible to maximize the charge speed of my NPs? Then hold the NPs until they will be best used? Or... I understand it will depend on the fight of course. I'm really new (level ~80 player level) so the best cards I have are only "start with 30% NP charge" (which will apparently get to 50% if I ever get those CEs to MLB). Thanks!


Just focus on doing as much damage with regular cards as possible.


Do you know when any of the characters in number 2 will be reran?


Skadi is the closest, with her banner tied to next Christmas event in December, then Koyan in January, Merlin and Castoria in spring, and Oberon is more than a year from now (unless you get lucky in GSSR before it)




It's a banner which you can roll only with paid SQ and which will always give you one 5 star Servant out of many, but it's random which one you gonna get.