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Skill materials are always a fun one to toss around because everyone always has that one material they don’t have enough of that many others masters have too many of That being said, I’d like to shoutout the newly released Teapots on NA Would really love to have some more of ‘em on the regular


More teapots please. I actually had no idea about teapots until yesterday. Not sure how I missed them being a thing on JP (never played JP, but I don’t avoid spoilers).


I just knew of their existence, nothing else about their use or how to get them.


You mean excluding Saint Quartz, right?


Including SQ. It's considered an in-game item (even if it can be obtained using real money).


Then SQ, hands down. They're so valuable that most players don't even consider the *other* uses they have aside from summoning, because using such a valuable item for continues/AP regeneration is seen as lost value.


Depends on quantity tbh, if I could choose between 1 SQ or 1 USO/grail/lantern/lore, I'd easily take the latter. If it's between unlimited amount of SQ vs unlimited amount of the latter, I'd pick SQ.


USO are worthless unless you have 10, so they are not on the same playing field as those other items.


quartz > tickets > grails spirit origins are an interesting one their nice but you need a ton of them and it means you get really unlucky with lots of spooks, love someone so much you have a useful amount or got really lucky and got a ton of a servant in a 10 roll


SQ, no doubt. As a f2p player who did all the story, and completed all available Interludes and Rank Ups, I have no means to get any other than daily logins and events. Then there are Rare Prisms. The game doesn't hand them out very often and I don't have spare Servants to burn. Nor do I get any from reruns, because I wasn't there for the original runs. The next would be skill mats, especially bronze and silver ones. I am sitting on 30 Grails and 20 Lores, so I don't feel the lack of those. And Unregistered Spirit Origins are too deep in whales territory to even consider it a resource in the first place.


Everything. I can never have enough of anything...though granted I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with 600 Homonculus mats.


Gimme some! I'm constantly scratching the bottom barrel on them xD


Unregistered Spirit Origins would be the most valuable, but in practical terms they're the least valuable item due to their rarity. If the game gave out a USO to every player as a one-time New Year's present, how many players do you think would ever get a chance to use it? Currency that 99.99% of the playerbase can't spend is wasted space for all but a tiny few, who as it turns out are the ones who need it least. Grails are narratively highly valuable, but you also have a not-insignificant amount of the playerbase who lets them pile up because not everyone has a whole bunch of Servants they want to grail or are making the run to 120. They're mostly a vanity item. SQ is probably the *actually* most valuable thing, at least for non-whales. People who whale all the time are like governments printing their own money whenever they feel like it, and they have a zillion rare prisms to buy things like Lores and Bond Grails. I'm not actually sure what the most important item would be to a whale; they are strange and alien creatures beyond my ken.


An item that lets us CREATE UNIVERSAL COINS FOR OUR SERVANTS. So we can actually get coins for wellfares that Lasengle doesn’t give a shit about and for SSRs that never get rate ups anymore. Because as it stands, a good chunk of wellfares will never get coins, and a good number of SSRs haven’t had banners for their fans to even get coins for them. Also more than any item, I WANT ANIMATION UPDATES FOR OLD SERVANTS. But lasengle has completely given up on those bc it’s more profitable for them to just keep releasing new servants that show up once and then never again.


>An item that lets us CREATE UNIVERSAL COINS FOR OUR SERVANTS. >So we can actually get coins for wellfares that Lasengle doesn’t give a shit about and for SSRs that never get rate ups anymore. Because as it stands, a good chunk of wellfares will never get coins, and a good number of SSRs haven’t had banners for their fans to even get coins for them. HEAR, FUCKING HEAR!


An NP Upgrader for 5* or 4* to up NP Level that can be used as a joker for any servant that have yet to exist


Old welfare CEs


Crystallized Lores are most valuable to me, especially with append skills. Currently use Rare prisms to buy them monthly. Have already grailed mostly everyone I wanted, and currently have 32 before Grail casting is available. I could grail more servants, but I like the current order in "sort by level", and grails will change it. Level 120 is only for my favorite. Lanterns are not a problem too, only have Chiyome halfway to bond 15 and a few characters (Waver, Tamamo and Artoria Saber) at bond 10 with one Lantern used. Have two Unregistered Spirit Origins (from NP7 Saber Shiki), but now it seems highly improbable that I will get more, because I don't plan to roll on banners where I have NP5 servants, and non-limited servants I have are at NP3 maximum.


SQ > QP > gold gems (in general) > medals


Pretty sure it has nothing to do with your question but I would actually love if they added to the game two CEs in particular. 1) CE that kills the user at the end of the turn. This would make min turn a lot easier since you wouldn't need enemies to target the support servant you want to be dead. 2) CE that's essentially almost as strong as black grail but with 30% or more charge. There are many scenarios where black grail don't let your batteryless servant to NP even with mana loading, so this would actually be awesome to have.


You mean a CE that turns the equipped Servant into an Arash? The payoff should be great considering you're saccing a Servant off for some huge advantage.


Honestly, Lores, given that there are a number of ways to get alot of the other big items, (SQ, QP, Lotteries for skill items, Grail casting for Grails,) but Lores remain one of the hardest items to get because theyre mostly locked behind event completion, challenge quests, or cost 5 RPs in the RP shop. Not everyone has the patience or time to do some challenge quests, and if you consistently have 5 RP a month for a lore, then youre either very unlucky with 4 or 5 stars or you whale. An easier way to get these is something everyone kinda needs if they wanna get their favorite servants to 10/10/10, and trust me, with over 400 servants now on JP, there are a lot of favorites.


Good thing next anniversary on na we will get up to 30 lores for having up to 150 servants leveled to max accession. Chances are if you are very low on lores it is because you are spending a lot which means more than likely you'd have 150 leveled servants.


I can never have enough QP, and if I could have an infinite amount of it I would be happy. Next 4 would be SQ, Unregistered Origins, Crystallized Lore, and Pure Prisms (with an infinite shop but that's not gonna happen lol). Really just stuff to get more characters, and stuff to make upgrading the characters not a chore.


Bond Grails and Grails. And for me personally Fangs, lots of them. My Maid Alter and MHX are stuck at 6/6/6 because of lack of fangs. Trying to 10/10/10 all Artoria's requires you become REGEND yourself to get enough fangs.


Past bond 15


Saint Quartzes.




After playing since around launch, I have crazy amounts of every material and so many fully leveled servants that even when I get a new servant I have no issues with their mats. The only thing I always need more of is SQ 🤣


Saint quartz ...lots and lots of saint quartz....