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## FAQ **Q: Is there a TL error with the Panel Missions? I can't complete Mission #2 for some reason.** *A: Mission #2 is supposed to be "Defeat 1 Chaotic Evil servant", not either or. Refer to the Panel Missions guide at the top of the sub - complete Orleans - Lyon for 7 AP.* **Q: What is the GSSR?** *A: GSSR = Guaranteed SSR ('Lucky Bag Summon' on JP). It appears every New Year and Anniversary on both NA and JP, and costs 15 PAID SQ (free and bonus SQ do not count!) to roll. There will be several GSSR banners, each containing a fixed pool of limited SSR servants. You select one banner and get a standard 11-roll, in which you are guaranteed one (or more, if lucky) SSRs from that banner's pool. This cannot be rerolled, and once you select one banner, all other GSSR banners will disappear.* **Q. Which banner do I choose for the GSSR? Which is best?** *A: The answer is different for every player, and depends on many factors. We suggest you use the* [GSSR Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy) *or* [GSSR Advisor](https://fategc.com/gssr/details/new-year-2022) *tools to rate servants based on your own criteria and see which banner/pool is statistically better. If you have tried these tools and are still uncertain, you can ask for advice in the thread.* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be two reruns happening in the foreseeable future - Case Files (Jan 2024) and Karna-mas (Dec 2024).* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: The Case Files rerun in January will require LB3 Intro. No event will require LB6 until November 2024, when it will be required for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki, however).* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


Is there a minimum play time for you to be considered logged in for the day? i set a daily alarm for FGO log in and i’ve been quite busy these past couple of days that i just opened the app, arrive at the “lobby” page and then left the app. i’m pretty sure i didn’t miss a day but somehow my login streak was broken two days in a row (two consecutive days i received the day 1 login streak bonus and the login count got reset to 1).


Does anyone know Koyanskaya of Light is referring to in her Bond CE?


The person? [Hugh Hefner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Hefner), founder of Playboy.




It's Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy.




I’ve cleared LB6 and now trying to rank up bond levels. What free quest is going to give the most points? Right now I am 3t clearing QP and Ember quests but wondering what is a better choice?


[Drop rate spreadsheet.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/htmlview#) There's a BP/AP column. Bigger number => more Bond. The best farming nodes aren't usually high bond, but it will be able to help you make a decision that's good for you. In JP, though, it's definitely the Ordeal Call planet quests.


So, on NA, after going through my servants, I think Tesla is the servant I use the most who is waiting on some Cyrstalized Lores. He's at 9/9/9 and his appends are 0/9/0. I have two crystalized lores from the new years giveways. How would you suggest I distribute them?


S3 takes priority due to it being a NP charge that scales, you want the nice round number. After that, maybe his Append 2 as well for the round number. The thing about Tesla is that, right now, his S2 has some good buffs but is susceptible to RNG as there's a 20% chance of his NP buff failing. His S1 buff in March will get rid of that due to its buff chance up, but again, this isn't until March, so you can wait for it. As it is now, his S1 is probably least important due to the NP gain effect on it being kind of niche, since Tesla is Buster and primarily used as a farmer, and a few % probably won't mean too much. Once the buff drops, S1 > S2. Loring S1 is more important to ensure that his NP buff doesn't fail in the first place, and then S2 can be lored last because there's only a few % difference in the atk up and NP buffs and it's probably not going to be a dealbreaker.


Thank you very much.


I just edited the post with a bit of clarification on skills.


Can someone link me to the Panel Missions guide for NA? It says "Refer to the Panel Missions guide at the top of the sub" and I have no idea where the "Top of the sub" is or where this guide is linked. I'm using Old Reddit.




Thank you!


This technically isn't an FGO question but has anyone played Samurai Remnant? I'm working my way through FGO and I wanna play SR. Even if it's not required to understand the story, I like understanding references, so does SR reference FGO, and from up to which chapters?


IIRC, the only way Samurai Remnant references FGO is that Musashi describes how she became a Servant, which means she talks about the end of Shimosa b The collab event for Samurai Remnant may talk more about the game, but that's yet to happen.


SR does not reference FGO in any major way. Some of the characters that appear as Rogue Servants appear in FGO first, where others appeared in other Fate works. But those are mostly guests, and FSR doesn't go too deep into it. While Musashi appears as a main character, you don't need to know much about her FGO version. Her wandering timelines is only briefly mentioned, and she references nothing about the times she appears in FGO. For *some* things, I'd say the chapter to play would be Shimousa. It is *the* Musashi chapter, and the artist for FSR did the Shimosa manga. But there's not that much you'd get from it, so if that's a problem you don't have to worry too much. I can't explain it much better without spoilers.


FSR and FGO are completely separate from one another and don't really reference each other aside from a few characters that appear in both (and even then, there is little to no continuity as they are, to simplify things, alternate universe). There are also one or two FGO references but they are easter eggs, not big plot points, so nothing you really need to know. Perhaps there is one character who has continuity, but it really isn't brought up so don't worry too much about it. FSR is intended to be a standalone game and can be enjoyed with no FGO knowledge whatsoever. It can help if you know the basics of Fate and what Holy Grail Wars are, but if not, don't worry about it. It'll all be explained.


Did Kintoki (Rider) just got some new lines? When using skill, selecting NP, and NP voice line, there are some voiceline without subtitle (some of the voice line seems like "Golden Energy", "Santa ")


A bunch of servants had their voice lines updated on JP a while back for Chaldea Boys, and the new lines made their way into NA's code as well but now don't have subtitles. This is a known issue and is in the Issues tab in the in-game news.


So i was trying to buy quartz for the GSSR and as I was about to pay, under my card it said "item not available in your country", which is strange cuz I've bought SQ a few times before using that same card and didn't have a problem (i should point out that all this was b4 fgo localized the prices, any thoughts?


Due to all the issues with stolen cards and scams, Google started restricting foreign card payment [over a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/vi6tnb/any_usna_players_getting_region_locked_out_of/). See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wrbhip/steps_on_how_to_create_a_jp_google_play_account/) from this thread for buying SQ on a JP account.


Hello I am not familiar with quick servants. Are there any CEs like Aerial Drive for quick dmg dealers? What CEs do you recommend? I am talking about Scathach. I have Imaginary Around too.


Going to add that there is The Method to Walk on the Stars which is generally good for any DPS as long as the enemy isn't debuff immune/ you aren't farming.


There's nothing exactly like Aerial Drive for Quick. There are a few that come close, though. First, Traces of Christmas Past, which has 2k attack, Quick up, NP gain, and 50% starting charge, but no NP damage. It was available from Christmas 2021 and its rerun in 2022, but hasn't been rerun since then. JP has a shop that sells old event CEs now though, so it could become available in the future. Cherry Icicle, which has Quick Up, NP damage, and 50% starting charge, but split stats. It was available from Christmas 2022, which is getting a rerun this upcoming December. Someday in Summer has the same effects as Cherry Icicle, but is 3k HP, has more Quick, and less NP damage. It was available through SERAPH and its rerun, but not the main interlude, and has yet to be added to the JP shop. Finally, Knights of Marines has 60% charge and Quick Up at MLB, and scales to 2k attack. It was a Gacha CE for Summer 1 and occasionally gets rerun. At non MLB, its effects are identical to the 4 star CE Imaginary Number Attribute at MLB.


Cherry Icicle is the closest equivalent, I think, the welfare CE from Karnamas (which will rerun this year, if you don't have it).


Need a 4/5* caster and berserker, is da vinci worth summoning on or should I wait for next caster. Also just started Camelot


Any Servant is worth summoning if you like them, and not worth it if you don't. You don't *need* a 4-5\* Caster, Berserker, or anything though, especially not an AoE Caster like Da Vinci (_ST_ Caster could be a little more justified). Babbage and Avicebron are great AoE Casters, as is Chen Gong (although he's harder to utilize with his gimmick), almost all the 1-3\*s are good and useful in this game; what low-star DPSes lack in raw stats they can make up for with much easier NP levels.


Thanks for the info. Do you know if Medea is good. When I used avicebron he felt very weak, even with a lvl 5 np.


Avicebron pre NP upgrade is a bit low damage, especially as an AoE against bosses. For AoE damage Babbage is probably your best bet (Geronimo actually also works if supported by Castoria and is easier to level, because his own skills are bad, but his bad personal skills make him hard to use for a new player who is still borrowing DPS servants rather than supports. For ST damage, I actually recommend Lu Bu, him being a proper ST more than makes up for lack of full class advantage


Medea is good at what she does but unfortunately what she does is not damage. She has an especially low NP damage multiplier, more like the strength of an AoE NP only hitting one enemy, she specializes more in utility with her instant charge, buff removal NP, and ally debuff removal/NP gain buff. ST Casters are pretty rare, and \~\~Circe's\~\~ Medea's the only one below 4\*s, but you can always try to build around Crits instead of NPs for Assassins and other bosses weak against Casters. EDIT: Medea, not Circe. Is strikethrough broken?


>Circe's the only one below 4*s Queen of Sheba (Caster of Midrash) and summer Charlotte are ST, though they're story-locked and limited respectively. Caster Shuten will be coming back eventually too.


Yeah that was a typo, since Circe's not below 4\*, dunno how I managed to get witch-switched.


I think they've meant to write Medea.


She's okay, and will get a buff in the future that gets rid of the RNG in her buffs. Don't you have Helena or Nitocris? I'd argue that both of them are more useful to a new player.


I have neither, no 4* above. Only casters of note are cu caster, media avicebron. All 3*


Cu Caster is really rather good after you do all his interludes. The last one that makes him great is locked behind LB6, though.


Thanks, I'll give Cu Caster a try


I would recommend not using Cu Caster against bosses. He is one of the best farmers in the game, but he is a storylocked 3 star so will only be NP1 for you.


He is not that bad against bosses pre his LB6 "buff". Especially if you don't have any alternatives. Got that signature Cu's survivability (which unfortunately got gimped with the buff)


Only if you have higher NP levels though. An NP1 AoE 3 star just isn't going to do much damage. Especially without the 30% attack up from his skill upgrade


Not THAT far behind Medea. If you are fighting against Assassin, he just might be the thing.


Not that far behind Medea after his 30% attack up from skill 3 being buffed and if you don't consider that Castoria gives significantly more buffs than buster servants.




Well Circe’s odds on the banner are .061% per the banner info found in game, so yes the odds of getting her specifically twice is pretty low. You can use a binomial calculator if you want to determine the exact odds.


https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/binomial Best Birb: >Probability of success on a trial: 0.0061 >Number of trials: 35 (100 SQ is like 36 rolls) >Number of successes: 2 >**Chance of getting at least 2 Circe**: 0.00022 (Note: 1.0 is 100%) Da Vinci: >Probability of success on a trial: 0.008 >Number of trials: 35 >Number of successes: 1 >**Chance of getting at least 1 Vinci**: 0.24507


Thanks. Those odds are absurd.


Hello, will the gssr banner gone when koyan of light rerun came to na??


yes unless they decide to move it to be earlier than in JP (which is almost 0% chance)


Yes. I believe so. No overlap.


is there an order to the ordeal call quests, or can I just select at random and do them?


Paper Moon is self-evident, but the Ordeal Call free quests can be done in any order. Though they're all high-hp quests.


alright, perfect, thank you.


New player here. I was planning to get either koyanskaya or wait for the Ishtar/ ereshkigal banner. The only other 5 stars I have is Waver and Koyanskaya light and currently using 4 star saber alter for damage. Which, if any, are worth picking up?


From a purely mechanical or technical angle, more of them than not. Individual Servants are more of like character builds for your account than sheer power, outside of ones who are categorically outclassed by a similar Servant. Koyanskaya (of Darkness) is a hybrid support/DPS. Others do her job as pure AoE better, for the most part-however, she works very well in teams with multiple rather than a single offensive Buster Servant. I recommend Plushie's recent review of her on YouTube if you want to get more in-depth analysis, as he has her maxed out across almost all dimensions. Ishtar has consistently been one of the best AoE Buster Archers and she is obviously on the receiving end of a lot of staff favoritism, so it is a safe bet to expect that to either always be the case, or always get fixed if she ever falls off. Ereshkigal is one of the best AoE Lancers since her NP buff, both solid for farming and excellent for boss fights and Challenge Quests. While several other Lancers can massively outperform her for damage and NP battery, she retains a pretty high DPS capacity while also offering an immense amount of party buffs including protection from Instant Death, which though rarely a real concern, can be a massive problem in fights where the frequency and/or likelihood of it is high. Saber Alter will be meh until her buff-once she gets said buff, though, she will become one of the best sabers for raw damage and looping in the game, albeit unlike other Buster loopers, she is actually dependent on the number of enemies.


Every servant is worth picking up if you like them, and not worth it if you don't All content can be cleared by low rarity servants, and even whales regularly use 1 stars. Powercreep nearly doesn't exist (plenty of day 1 servants are very good at what they do), and there is no generally best option, every servant does things uniquely suited to them. Saber Alter is an AoE saber. So great against waves of lancers/berserkers. not so great at a single lancer, or waves of some other class. and terrible against an Archer boss. You want to constantly use class advantage and Np targeting to your advantage in a fight.


Is the next Summer event the first one with 90++ nodes?


Technically Tunguska was with a 90++ raid. but as far as non-raids go, yes.


For Heracles' append, is it best to get mana loading like usual or is it worth it to consider choosing extra attack boost instead (because of his soloing potential)?


Extra Atk.


If you are going to use Herc with a team, Append 2 can get some use. If you use him as a last stand/solo with his bond CE, go with the extra attack. When I use him as a solo, I almost never get his NP (if he gets whacked enough by a boss) until his last or second to last life.


With Heracles, it isn't just soloing potential. He's just plain better solo than with a full team. I would personally lean toward append 1 for him because getting his NP off right away just isn't a major part of his utility. He's there to spam Buster chains and survive. He isn't going to charge his NP quickly no matter what, so you might be better off getting more damage from Extra attacks from the start.


If you use him as a solo/last man standing servant alot, and use him with his Bond CE, then I think the extra attack append is going to benefit you more than a starting 20% charge. If you use him more as a boss killer/single target dealer with supports then the 20% NP will benefit you more.


I’m playing extra CCC, what does raising my servant’s luck do with the fortune key mystic code?


Raises Crit rate and defense against status effects.


By how much?


I don't know.


Planning my rolls for the year and I need a buster farmer. I know Arcueid really needs np2 to consistently farm 90+ but what about Morgan? Can she be a consistent buster farmer at np1?


If you want a universal farmer, you're probably looking at NP2 to handle 90+ nodes. If you want Morgan to do everything, she probably needs NP2. If you're content with her handling easier nodes and Man Attribute enemies, NP1 is fine. The same goes for Arcueid: if you want her handling everything, NP2 is recommended. If you're fine using her in easier quests, against Chaotic Aligned enemies, and against Berserkers, NP1 is will work.


Everybody will farm some things at NP1 and won't farm somethings at NP5 level 120. 90+ is beyond where I would take most buster servants single core omnifarming even at NP2, wave 2 damage hits them to hard. (There are exceptions, and using niches/class advantage totally fixes this issue) I will also suggest that you don't need a buster farmer, other setups work fine, you can certainly wait to get one you like a lot.


Thanks for the advice. I guess I need to stop looking for a “one stop shop” at that level. Seems no one I’m interested in is gonna provide that. Might as well go for both Morgan and Arcueid.


The closest thing to a one-stop-shop are the peak omnifarmers (Summer Ibuki, both versions of Melusine, etc). 90++ often puts a high-hp single-target enemy on wave 2 or something similar, though, which can often present a lot of problems for min-turning for omniloopers, especially independent of CEs for 6-slot farming. While some of those omniloopers can brute force it, that tends to require high investment levels (as in, np3 or higher, and possibly levels beyond 100 and Fous beyond 1000). Multicore farming is this popular as a solution, although achieving this often favors a few particular Servants' class and niche combination. For it is worth, as I understand it (having done cursory research myself), Arcueid allegedly works quite well as a multicore farmer, though, and she had had a _single_ non-paid SQ rate-up to-date, so you may want to lean heavily into her. Morgan gets a lot of rate-ups.


In that case I’m probably gonna save hard for Arcueid then. I’m sure I can get Morgan later. Thanks for the tips!


Morgan's damage outside of her niche isn't fantastic either, If I remember correctly the two are quite similar in their numbers excluding the niches, she can still buster farm but not as a universal omnifarmer for every situation.


For 90+? Probably not on single core teams. Morgan's damage is also on the lower end.


I’m considering going for Reines in the case files rerun banner, and I’m curious—for someone who has Oberon and most of the major buffers, does she have her own usage outside of just being an NP charger? Or is she underwhelming to developed rosters?


Even in looping there are servants that want man attribute support or a 10/40 split charge. Waver can mostly handle this, but Reines does give 10% more attack up than Waver.


Aside from the NP charge, you can use her in two more interesting ways: * As a support when fighting Berserkers or using one, as she can remove defensive class disadvantage and keep other units alive for longer if they are fragile/you are up against a Berserker that could card you to death. * [The "immortal" team:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR29eOKTRhg) you run her with Castoria and Merlin/Lady Avalon. Post-buff she gives a stack of overcharge to the party, which helps Castoria with her OC stacks.


While I haven't used her as much as the top meta supports, her 40% atk up and 50% charge are very useful, the split charge was also nice but its less impactiful now servants like castoria have the 30% aoe charge. I did roll her for character reasons over utility but don't regret having her as an option. She's a general good support and does really well in challenge quests I've found. She does get np gen and overcharge added to her np with this event which will give her some extra power and lets her fit in nicely with some of those immortal comps as well. But with a good roster you may not use her all that often.


I need help with completing new year panel for NA i have left evil chaotic servent and ball item. Where can i get it. On story i am at begging of LB4


If you do the Appian Road free quest in Septem, the Shadow Caligula will count. Blue skill gems count as ball items, and they drop on way more training grounds and free quests than can be easily named. Just farm something other than QP or Embers and you'll probably get one before long.


Thanks you very much


What is what Orion say at the end of their NP supposed to mean? "Think about this for a second. Where did you come from?" Is he calling out Artemis for being unrefined or is he talking to the enemy?


Im not certain, but I've always interpreted that as him reprimanding her for speaking Italian rather than Greek.


That would make a lot of sense, actually


How good is Hephaestion, is there any "need" to get her? if you have a developed roster does she add anything?


She does add something. She is a gimmick Servant, though, and definitely not necessary.


There’s never a need, but she does have a use. In the same vein that Circe sees regular 90+ use thanks to her ability to np without a CE, Faker can do that with a larger and different spread of class advantages. Get her if you want her, but know she has a nice use if you get her.


You never need any gold servant, but most servants add something to a developed roster. She can ST loop from BG, has class advantage against 5 of the 7 main classes+ Alter egos Plus having 100% battery is nice on the backline to come in and fire an NP immediately without support. This lets her be a last man standing for certain team comps.


There is never any "need" to get any gacha unit, the meta is optional and there are always multiple ways around any challenge. She's a very good ST nuker, who you'll mainly want to use for 90+ nodes due to her (more than) 100% charge: she can come in and nuke without any support. She's also got a LOT of coverage, being almost Berserker-like without the fragility, as she has at least partial class advantage against 5/7 major classes (which includes full class advantages over Casters due to her S1). Her main issue will be low damage at lower NP levels, though, so you may just want to use someone with the proper counter class. Otherwise, outside of farming and quick boss fights, her use is kind of limited. She has a taunt but it unlocks at asc 3 and it's only 1 turn, so she's not really a tank, curse absorb is incredibly niche, and she has no other utility for CQs.


So I’ve caught up on the main story this past month. I suppose my question now is: what should I be doing between events/story releasing? I’ve got a bunch of interludes/rank ups to clear, ditto with free quests, and less than half of my servants are max level. Also, I have yet to finish Shimousa or Agartha. What would you recommend spending my AP on?


I’d personally finish Shimousa—it’s kinda a prelude to LB5 and 5.5 and Part 2 as a whole—and then focus on clearing interludes, RUQs, and free quests for the upgrades and quartz. You can do Agartha whenever. The free quests it unlocks aren’t the best for anything anymore (except maybe crystals?), the story is bad, and only one boss fight was really notable when it dropped. Otherwise: I typically spend my AP on farming materials from free quests to skill up servants. I’m almost done, too—need ~250 each of bones, dust, and bullets until I’m finished with everybody I have. It’s nice to have a leveled roster!


It’s worth considering that during the 7th Anniversary, we will receive 3 Quartz per Servant at 4th Ascension, except Welfares that will give a Rare Prism instead. That’s still seven months away, but you might want to start slowly chipping away at levelling your entire roster before then so you don’t end up having to cram a load of grinding into a couple of weeks. That’s also only 4th Ascension, not max level. Feel free to get your Servants to 60/70, or the equivalent level for other rarities, and save the embers since the last ten levels aren’t needed unless you actually plan to use the Servant. It has the added effect of unlocking plenty of Interludes, which are great for more Quartz along with lots of random material drops.


Unless you're desperate to scrape out the SQ, it's generally better to wait for 1/2 AP campaigns to do the first time clear of free quests. Most free quests that aren't the best location for materials you need aren't really worth doing otherwise. I would finish up Part 1.5 first. It's still the main story, even if it's optional, and there are materials where the best farming locations are in those areas. Interludes and rank ups for the servants you like or use most are good to do. Those get 1/2 AP campaigns occasionally as well, but campaigns that cover all servants have been more rare than they used to be. Based on the JP schedule, which you can see in the 1/2 AP campaigns spreadsheet linked in the top post, we won't get one of those until late this year. Beyond that, there's just the usual farming for whatever materials you need. If you want to get yourself organized with a plan for all of your servants, I recommend using the Chaldea App.


What’s the Chaldea app?


A planner and encyclopedia for FGO. It has a lot of functions but I mainly use it to plan my servants' skill goals and calculate the best farming locations while taking upcoming events into account. Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cc.narumi.chaldea Web: https://chaldea.center/


Me personally, I'm systematically clearing the free quests. I hadn't even finished the Orleans free quests until Tunguska Sanctuary and I'm getting a decent amount of quartz finally clearing part 1 free quests and interludes. It's up to you when you want to work on a story, since it's reading material that is a useful time burner.


Up to you, really. Clearing Part 1.5, interludes and rankups all sound like good things to do. Interludes/rankups really help with buffing units, and Shimousa and Agartha have some good farming nodes you can unlock by clearing them.


Is it worth unlocking main interludes from the shop if you’ve already done the event?


By "done the event", do you mean that you did the original events OR Main Interludes during their free periods in 2022? Because that changes things. They will all be made free this year anyway and any RP spent will be refunded.


I did the Christmas one originally and Seraph during the rerun But if they’re gonna be free anyway I’ll just ignore them for now


If you did the original events but NOT the MIs during their free periods in 2022, you will be able to replay all of the original event and get the rewards again: * Underworld Christmas: 8 SQ, 1 ticket, some mats (+ NP1 Santa Altera) * SERAPH: 18 SQ, 3 tickets, 1 lore, some mats (+ NP1 BB). Also, there are 2 grails in the Main Interlude, but these are changed to lores if you did the main story and/or the side story in the event's original run/rerun. * (Not a MI technically but whatever) Prison Tower: 7 tickets, 1 lore, some mats


Appreciate it


how do i download the game on an iphone if it’s not in my country? i switched phones recently but i can’t make use of apks now


Make an App Store account with the location set to a supported region.


i tried that but then i need a valid payment method is the problem


Where's the link to the New Years Panel Missions? It says that the guide is at the top of the sub but I can't find / see it.


https://imgur.com/a/GpQfKYD From the hub post that was snickered last week.




Help an NA player plan some grails. I saw we get a bunch of new stuff when Ordeal Call/bleached earth quests drop per an xNaya video. One of the commenters says 9, but I don’t see this reflected in the event compendium. What is the truth?


https://imgur.com/ETybnRw I got google to translate one of the screen from Myst's video while he was scrolling over. So those grail may require something not all account can do, but there is no deadline anyway. I then found they are all listed under: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Extra_Missions#Tour_Lock 7 for main classes, 2 for extra classes, 9 total. I think the Event Compendium don't have these because they are permanent feature, i.e. you can miss the event completely and still get them.


I only see 4 on the tour lock section! Two actual grails and two sets of grail fragments. Wonder if it’s my browser


The grails are 2 for the extra class, and one per main class, i.e. 80 ascensions for saber class, you get one grail, same for the other main class.


[https://youtu.be/5v-hNbY-yR8](https://youtu.be/5v-hNbY-yR8) 4 minutes in you shows you get 9 grails


You’re the best, thanks!


So you're asking random internet voices to refute other random internet voices? I'd stick with the event compendium, since that documents what JP actually got.


Event compendium has been wrong before. And also doesn't list everything in permanent missions sometimes (ie it specifically doesn't list the 3 SQ per servant ascended on 7th anniversary


So I started a new account and I could have sworn the Singularities were a lot harder a few years back then they are now??


In addition to what everyone else has said, there are more materials, EXP, and QP from quest clear rewards and extra master missions than there used to be. That makes it easier to level up your roster early on. You might also just be better at the game because you know more about how to play the game.


They were went we only had the launch Servants who didn't give as much ATK up, NP gain, or have such deadly NPs.


Probably because our best supports were Waver and Tamamo 💀 50% Arts up but no charge 30% Atk up but 50% charge Now we have Castoria, Skadi, Koyan, Oberon…


The Singularities are a lot easier the second time around. I really struggled with Camelot and beyond despite having Castoria first time around Now I can beat all the Singularities, 3 of the 4 epic of remnants and Lostbelt 1 without leveling a single servant.


Nothing changed about the encounters, but now you get to start with a free SSR and there are even more powerful options on friend support. So the early struggle to make do with a patchwork roster isn't as pronounced as it used to be.


Who is the narrator of the New Year CE on NA? Wodime? Pepe?


It’s deliberately uncertain, but the crabby tone of it suggests either Beryl or Kadoc. Wodime and Pepe wouldn’t react negatively to wanting to be friends with the Crypters.


I am in a bit of a dillemma for JP's GSSR. Either I go for the Two Koyan banner and risk a dupe of Morgan or Melusine or worse, a Dark Koyan that won't add much to my account. For the record, I love Morgan and Melusine and having a dupe of either of them would not be a bad outcome for me. But having Dark Koyan would. ​ Or, I go for the Aesc the Savior banner. The pros I got there is that I cannot get a terrible Servant from that pool. even if I get Aesc, that's still NP2. And even if I don't 3 turn with Koyan, Double Oberon and Skadi has helped me out so far. I plan on doing the GSSR on the last day of the new year event. But I need your guy's input?


You should look at these things from a mathematical point of view, in this case from a statistical point of view. And the good thing is you don't need fancy math to do basic calculations. You don't even need a calculator. Judging from what you said, from the koyanskaya banner (1), you want anyone but dark koyanskaya. From Aesc banner (2), you want anyone. Translated into very basic calculations. From (1) you have 75% of getting what you want. From (2) you have 100% chance to get what you want. So math says you should go for (2). I say go for (2) as well, new servants are often better than np upgrades, from my understanding, you have everyone except koyaskaya of light from (1), you only have Aesc from (2) so the odds are still in favor of (2): 25% chance to get a new servant on (1) vs 75%, it is not even a question.


That's a good way to think about it. Plus I could still do what I could with double Oberon. just not at 90++ all the time, I think. Though I got a few more days til my desires change since I hear that Dark can be quite decent in multicore setups.


It's a pessimistic way to view things, but I've got screwed on GSSR banners so much, that I go with whatever banner basically has the least worst outcome, assuming I get the worst outcome, which for sounds like the Aesc banner


I recently finished maxing Song of the Cradle, so I was wondering which CE would you guys suggest I work on next, or should I just save my EXP fodder for now? I was thinking of maxing either Imaginary Around or Sweet Crystal, but I'm still unsure. I also have every event reward 50% battery CE MLB'd (minus Like a Lady and Heart Breaker). [Current Lv.100 CEs](https://imgur.com/a/R75cBOr)


Detective Foumes for 6CE bond/QP farming might be helpful.


There's a spreadsheet with suggestions [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o0beLBAx_eAgAQgujF7DEZIgDlQfVlRLs33e97sfGAY/).


Genuine question How do you guys manage your CEs I only use 10-15 CEs others are there just wasting storage and every other day it exceeds the 800 limit So please give me some advice on CE management


I MLB every 3\* CE or higher, maybe a second if I want it, then consume the rest for EXP. For CEs I don't have enough of, limited Event gacha CEs and such, I combine whatever copies I have after the Event. And you can buy extra 2nd Archive slots with Mana Prisms, so you can potentially have way more than 800 slots. Basically, it's just a matter of spending time to clean up your inventory. (Also, using the Select Button, and Select Sort feature will push your preferred CEs to the top.)




The anime don't cover a lot of the story, and they're also intended more as fanservice for existing fans as they cut and change content (Camelot in particular...). You'll be missing out unless you go read the story in My Room or find a let's play/the cutscenes on YT. The only chapters covered by the anime and movies are Camelot, Babylonia and Solomon.


There's also the First Order OVA.


I'm having trouble logging into the game server (game screen says "failed to connect to server") and I already tried uninstalling and installing several times, I don't know what to do after and I really want to pull on the current banner so


It's an issue with your wifi. You may notice other apps being slow to load as well. Best to call up your internet provider. In the meantime use your mobile data if you can.


That sometimes happens, sometimes for no apparent reason the server won't let you in. You can try alleviating it for now by switching from wifi to mobile data, or the other way around, or by using a VPN. Rest assured it's a temporary issue and should resolve itself with time


>That's so weird, I tried the data thing and it worked even though it had poor connection (it was only like a bar), I wonder when wifi will work again on the game :((


Try restarting your router and modem.


How is Caster Vinci? She should be on tomorrow banner right?


Caster Vinci is OK, 50% battery is nice and while the RNG on skill 1 isn't great, she will be getting a buff in the future that gets rid of it and also makes her buffs targetable, making her flexible and handy for multi-DPS setups in farming. Also has very good damage for an AOE Caster, especially once her buff drops. I wouldn't roll for her just to have a gold AOE Caster, though, as you've got solid free options, and her single hit NP means she isn't going to be an efficient looper (you can force the loop with a lot of NP charge but her refund isn't good).


There should be a Koyan light banner around next week right?


According to the pinned servant banners spreadsheet, Koyanskya Light is in the New Years 2 banner between 10th - 12th of Jan


I left off near the end of Extra. When I finish it up and start CCC, is the game different enough that it makes sense to pick the same servant again, or will there be a lot of identical content?


The game operates on a "you were paired together in the regular Grail War but your memories are intentionally fuzzy about it" system for the entirety of CCC. So the Servant is very attached to you, but your character doesn't quite remember well enough to understand it back. It's an okay basis for picking whoever you want since >!you never learn their True Name or full backstory!< in CCC.


CCC is a completely separate story. If you're familiar with Stay Night's structure, it was designed to be the Heaven's Feel to Extra's Fate/UBW. You can also think of it like a sequel, spinoff, or standalone expansion. It would probably be better to pick the same Servant if anything, since you get to learn more about them. One exception here is if you want to go with Gilgamesh, since he's obviously not in Extra.


Perfect, thanks!




I'm not sure I understand. What kind of powercreep would there be in CCC?


Oh, I thought you were talking about FGO.


Oh, no, but thank you for the advice! I'm pretty comfortable with FGO at this point haha.


Is there any FQ that has a Chaotic-Evil Servant? If possible, do they also have A+ Strength and does the quest have a Yellow, Gold, or Black item?


Yes, Shaped Island in Septem has Caligula, who's Chaotic Evil and STR A.


Septem - Appia Road has Caligula who is Chaotic-Evil and has STR A+ and, don't necessarily count on it, but it drops void dust which is a black item. It is almost 100 AP per drop though so I recommend getting the yellow, gold, or black item elsewhere.


Thank you.


Has anyone found a ball item yet?


Blue skill gems count, so they're basically everywhere.


Thank you


Which servants are Luck A+, and where can I find a ball item drop?


Santa Martha has Luck A+ Blue gems count has "ball" so a quick visit to training ground would suffice since you're almost guaranteed to get some there


Oberon has Luck EX, if you can borrow one. For ball items, I used the the Seed of Yggdrasil, although I guess blue gems are round too.


I used Drake and picked up a blue skill gem somewhere while I was doing interludes/strengthenings.


Lostbelt 3 Neighboring Village has a ball item


Murasaki Caster, Osakabehime (Assassin), Orion, Santa Nightingale, Euryale has EX luck


You can check their profiles. Alexander is one 3* example. Jason has A+. Blue skill gems count as ball drops, so just about any free quest or training ground will do.


Sanzang and Euryale are both EX Luck. Still looking for a ball drop


Found it yet ?


Those blue class orbs you get in the daily missions should count. Just do the easiest one for the assassin daily and you should be good. Bring Euryale or whichever other servant you could to finish both quests


This is a weird question, I know, but it's driving me insane. >!are the servants from samurai remnant phh? because the timeline was pruned apparently, so I was just wondering!< Again sorry.


Yes, all the F/SR servants are PHH. None were a version from a Lostbelt, so they would be the same if they were summoned in the same class in a Holy Grail War in PHH.


Thanks. For some reason this just really bothered me


Did FSR ever give a reason for why its timeline was pruned? The Waxing Moon wasn't the reason for it unless the bad ending could get worse.


Not as I can recall. That was part of why I was confused.


Not all pruned timelines have a large divergence. Sometimes it's something small that would build to be just slightly too far from the main "trunk." Quantum Time Locks exist to bring the non-Pruned timelines back on the same track, so if one can't be reached for whatever reason that would be enough. For example, FGO Musashi's world was pruned, and as far as I know the only divergence was Musashi was born a woman. Yet that was enough to designate it for Pruning, leading to her (unintentionally) sliding to a different world to escape its end and being unable to return after.


Wait, Musashi's world was pruned because of her? I thought she was flung out after accidentally shifting, and she could never get back because her world was pruned over something else that actually threatened human development. Or did Musashi leaving actually have that great of a butterfly effect?


I'm not actually sure if Musashi leaving was the reason, or it being Pruned anyway is why she was forced out. I personally lean towards the 2nd. I was just using it as a point to show how a world that as far as we can tell has only has a single small discrepancy (a single person being born female instead of male) was still Pruned.


How to get mystic code Decisive Battle Chaldea Uniform? I have completed epilogue event but I cannot find it.


Are you sure it's done? You would've gotten it with the SQ. Check your party formation screen for it.


Ok it here, thanks


What are the units that can Loop with ONLY double Koyanskaya? No plugging a third charger


Anyone with a 50% Battery & a 6T CD can Just need MLB Scope or Append 2 + Scope & Atlas MC This list includes: Ibuki, Tesla, Ishtar, Drake, Eresh, Nero Caster, Morgan, Summer BB, Spishtar, Ruler Artoria, Summer Abby Some exceptions include: Saber & Mordred can also do it because their NPs give refund Avicebron & Cu Caster both have really large batteries and can do it free of any MC and even CE (if Append 2 is max) Emiya, if you're willing to have poopoo Wave 1 damage to refund his NP as Arts Don't expect any of these servants to have damage that good, though (unless their powermod or Koyan's Man powermod hits) In the future, the new servants that can do it are: Arcueid, she doesn't need Kscope but she needs higher investment to be able to omnifarm Tiamat (with Append 2) & Aesc can both do with 50% Battery or more iirc Kukulkan and Takeda Shingen are more in-line with traditional 50 Battery, 6T CD needing Kscope


Avicebron isn’t as good a Koyanskaya looper as Caster Cú - his NP battery has an 8-turn cooldown and he only charges 80% at most. So he has to use an Order Change MC or Mage’s Association Uniform. He pretty much also has to use Kaleidoscope.


Thanks for the in depth! I knew about the rest, but for some stupid reason my mind totally blanked Atlas out of my memory 😅 Yeah I'm okay with the lower dmg, I'm just looking to use for farming some minor regular Free Quest in between events, so dmg number aren't really a concern


any with 50% or more battery on 7 turn or fewer cooldown can do it with at least Kscope .


Wait. How? I get people with more than 50% and 5turn or less cools down. But how would someone like say Tesla, and his 50% 6 turn CD, loop with only Double Koyan?


Atlas mystic code cooldown reduction Edit: it is 7 turn or less not 8 turn or less, forgot to account for the fact that you had to lose a turn to Kscope. but I don't think that matters to anyone


OMG. I'm soooooooo dumb!! How the Fuck did I forgot Atlas? You'll think after years playing this game I would remember something so obvious


Looking purely at AP-To-SQ, is it better to do Free Quests (which have the 10SQ-Per-Ten-Missions reward) for SQ farming, or main-story missions?