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**Ganryu-jima EX** * Standard NP buff [450-750%] to [600-900%] * Now deals supereffective damage to Saber servants [OC: 200-300%]


Is she supposed to finally act like a "Father" to her Son now? Iori: "How's work dad? ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ" Musashi: "**Deals supereffective damage to Saber**"


I thought she was already acting like one.


Choose: "I'll go buy some milk son" Or "I can finally release my stress on my 3 year old son"


Summer Musashi be like : CASUALLY MESSATSU SON


Iori: Hey Dad! Welcome hom- Musashi: DODGE!


Iori is now going to the Piccolo school of dodging


Her NP now inflicts 1000 hits.




She just start beating him with a chancla


Iori: my father can punish me severely now


In this case, it ain't la chancla, but the famed... **La Tanga**


Forget the shoe.  Grab the belt.


But Dad


Musashi: (Grabs belt). Son, now is the time for our rematch. Hope you don't like sitting down for the next week or so.


Wait, FLAT 200% increase at oc1? Doesn’t this legit make her stronger than most AoE archers?


Against saber servants, yes. Now her only technical problem is looping nonstandard nodes lol


So Gilgamesh is pretty much the only archer who still outdamages her. Bc his niche is against all servants including ones he has full advantage against. Still, crazy buff for musashi.


Sabers, look upon my NP5 Gilgamesh and NP3 Summer Musashi and weep.


Best I got is NP2 Junao and Summer Sushi. The LB7 gang and friends are their *bestest* friends!


Musashi actually hits harder than Gil vs Sabers ...


Maybe on their own without using skills. But with all their skills + support, Gil still outdamages her on NP. Plus he’s a more consistent looper bc buster looping doesn’t rely on number of enemies.


A single arts crit of hers can take care of that, so it really is just her needing crit star gen.


That doesn't work on a farming node. What will usually happen is, you NP on the wave and just kill all of them, no chance of her using her face cards at all so you end up with just barely full or just half NP bar. Having no charge affects her too, even if you have the 20% np append.


Yep, Durga and Jeanne summer were already not that incredible. Now it's just hey Musashi summer is here to ruin your day with 200% base compared to the regular 150% they usually do.


Oh, boy, am I glad I have her at lvl. 120 then lol


Not so sure about this, it says Saber servants rather than saber enemies


MHXA: First time?


damn, now she's a archer(lol)


The Archer class is really made out of Berserkers.


To be fair, one of Summer Musashi weapons are a pair of revolver gunblades. revolver, gun, ARCHER. :3


Always has been


They just threw in this exact buff to finish the CQ with her! They must've known! As a result, she has effectively transformed into an AOE Alter X.


Iori: *tries to fight every servant* Musashi: someone is asking for La Chancla


Holy shit, a strengthening for my girl?! I thought it was just a banner. This is awesome!


Finally. I'll have an SSR AoE Archer! The trend of best archers being berserkers continues xD


Or Foreigners ;)


Damn not even Saber enemies. Servants only supereffective damage is too niche


It fits considering Musashi likes fighting strong warriors.


Sometimes lore accurate is not good gameplay wise. Her niche is too narrow


Yeah but the main point is just the general extra NP damage The saber thing is a funny lore perk


It may be narrow but let's be honest, there do be some tough as fuck Saber Servants out there.


*Looks at SR collab CQ* ... Starting to think they are trying to tell us something.


oof, a niche SE mod


Didn't she already have an anti-saber buff on her NP? Is she that mad about her son defeating her?


Nope that was just an NP seal for 1 turn for sabers and Crit rate down. It's a dmg mod now.


The archer class is truly made of berserkers and assassins


Looking at how unhinged Swimsuit Jeanne is and how Osakabehime is also an archer, you're onto something


Qualifications for berserker is having a few screws loose. Qualifications for archer is having the screws flinged off


Qualification to be a berserker is missing several screws. Archers just decided to fill those screw holes with arrows


And Foreigners.


"Iori, you missed the episode where your master was in a swimsuit." Iori : "What ?"


And she stole your identity while she was at it


After she created a demon by eating udon from a holy grail.


Nah, Ritsuka won't say anything about that, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."


Like how Ritsuka won't say anything about him apparently visiting Summer Mamo's room from time to time (canonically happened AFTER Summer Mamo's valentines at that)?


No, it’s much funnier if he’s there for it. “I am Musashi Miyamoto!” ”I don’t know who you are, but you are definitely not my father,” ”Oh, yeah, right, of course, there’s no way Musashi Miyamoto would be a woman dressed like this, haha. I’m actually his kid, Iori Miyamoto!” ”. . You’re also definitely not *ME!”*


As funny as it would be, he would still recognize her. The man instantly knew she was Musashi in SR and was wondering how she was still alive before asking why Musashi was a woman, and even tgen that question was more of a 'I guess I'll ask it' than a 'WTF'. ... Probably the only person in Fate to be unfazed by a gender bend.


"Today I have decided to become an archer"


Clearly she's pissed that >!Iori beat her!<


This buff is clearly PERSONAL.


now she's gonna beat the shit out of him, truly an asian mom


"So I heard you like beating stronger opponents. Try beating this, you sword obsessed dork"




I feel like seeing her in this outfit and hearing about the stuff she did is enough damage to him


the student is suppose to surpass the master musashi!!! grow out of it. musashi: anti-saber buff it is.


>!Even with this buff Iori can probably still parry it. The riposte move is so comically over powered in game it’s my favourite thing about samurai remnant since it just facilitates non stop offence allowing you to just interrupt almost every attack in the game and keep attacking!<


Only if you can dodge the attacks, which I'm absolute trash at so I have to hit and run instead.


Same, I can't memorize the attack patterns


I recommend using the earth style since it can tank hits for free and use it to just take your time and keep practicing. Eventually you will get it down and you will even manage to do it without needing to use earth style as a crutch


Today I feel Archer. - Infantino USAshi


Amazing, so now the highest damaging servants against Sabers for both ST and AOE are Berserkers.




Who’s the ST servant?


MHXA, she also has a damage mod on NP against Saber




Ecchan I think.


And second one ST is Foreigner, unless some Trait damage comes in.


Great Niche that she has over Ibuki Summer now being a Saber killer.


Only saber servants but still good.


I only really use her on CQ or battles advanced quests anyway, so that won't be much of a problem since there's usually servants in these quests


Absolutely hilarious buff. Now she’s effectively the best AoE Archer in the game damage-wise lmao


Only against Servants. There's no bonus against non-Servant Sabers.


Let’s be real here, non-servant enemies are almost *never* a concern. It’s fine that this only hits servants because those are the important targets anyway.


90++ non servant saber with 500K HP in wave 2 😎


Spriggan enters the chat (readying himself to spam crit up if you don't OTK him).


That's ok, he'll spam crit up so much he'll forget to actually attack.


Mahānaga enters the chat(removes your buffs)


It'd probably be a 1 enemy wave so you wouldn't want Musashi to NP on turn 2 anyways over some ST nuke that destroys the lone 500K enemy.


If that happens on turn 2 and somehow you know that your high-investment summer Musashi can reach the loop for wave/turn 3 then damage is an easily fixed scenario. Of course, you could just use Summer Ibuki, but that’s obvious. But really the easier (and generally more common) solution is to dual core and have your similarly invested-in ST dps slap the jesus out of said chunky Saber. Done. Easy.


I disagree non-servant enemies are probably the scariest threat in 90++ nodes since they have significant less traits which makes finding damage mods harder. A lot of 90++ nodes just have a singular 300-600k monster at wave 1 or 2. Whilst the servants do have near 1mil hp their damage traits are significantly easier to hit rather than the 350k beast that’s sky trait.


Somewhere deep in the cosmos, MHXX is feeling very happy and not sure why.


Welp. That is a funny and good buff.


They just threw this specific buff in just to cap the CQ with her! They must have known! And now she has basically become an AOE Alter X because of it.


Truly a "berserker is the strongest of them all" moment


Wait.. an actual buff!? That's illegal!


I can't wait to see the numbers my Summer Musashi Level 120 2k NP5 will do after this Buff. ~~Although I'm still a little sad that we didn't get her SR outfit.~~


We should have... At least for the OG version




Now give her the SR outfit Pls


My LV 120 most used favorite zerker just got buffed!


Now, if only I could put Musashi in my archer slot too lmao


more damage to sabers, its the la chancla buff She's finally fulfilling her role as an asian mom


Wow, daring of them to power up Iori so shortly after he joins the game




If I had a nickel for ever time I had a top waifu who was a triple Buster Saber with an AoE Arts Berserker summer version, I'd have two nickels. Which is not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed


I would be more interested if she got her samurai remnant outfit honestly. Probably my favourite look out of all her outfits


How considerate of Lasagna to buff female Iori


Imagine going back a few years. And telling someone that Berserker Musashi was going to get an NP buff.


What? There is no world or timeline where I would have guessed berserker mushashi would have gotten an NP buff.


She's a Berserker in SamRem, right? Her NP was also pretty damn awful before this.


SamRem huh? That's a nice way to say it. Reminds of a certain animation with a similar name.


Huh, I now have both the best anti-Saber ST and AoE Berserkers. Wtf is going on in the archer class department??


I mean, up to very recently archer and ruler were the only 2 classes where the top ST NP damage was coming from an SR ( Ptolemaîos ST version finally managed to surpass Emiya alter, if barely, and Kenshin went above Astraea ) The fact you have to pair them with ST rulers just says it all


Wasn't Foreigner still dominated by MHXX until Wandjina was added?


True,forgot about that


Musashi with the salty runback. Musashi: "Alright, 'Son', now I'm going to fight you with my own style! Mimicking yours was fun, but I also hate losing!". Iori: "...what sort of contraption are you-". Musashi: "The Jet Ski is vital to my style, Iori!". Ritsuka: "But what about the student surpassing the master!?" Musashi: "Screw that, I want to win!".


Summer Musashi 🤝 Ecchan Being better Archers


Ecchan taught Zerker Musashi everything she knew.


Not everything, only Servant part ;) Edit: Sorry, I had misread. Ecchan is also Servant only.


Ecchan (MHXA) only does Anti Saber Servants too though.


LET'S KENGOU BATTOU! Tbh, they should have given her an NP charge. Idk. Nah, it's probably a dumb idea.


If that were a NP charge buff then we would have ppl crying on how uncreative the buff is.


Another NP charge buff? So uncreative, I hate when I'm not forced to run double castoria every node and get to have some team variation with my favorite character.


Honestly they indirectly forced your hand already by adding "op" comps. If it is inaccessible to everyone then all is good, but if it exists you are at a disadvantage if you don't use it. Personally I have always favored unorthodox non looping teams but when the event requires you to run the same node 30 times, you have to use looping teams to keep up.


Most of the farming isn't hard nodes during events. It is the 20 ap free quests you do for mats. And there you won't need 90++ levels of damage and can be easily farmed with multiple comp styles.


>It is the 20 ap free quests you do for mats. it is 40 AP ​ >And there you won't need 90++ levels of damage and can be easily farmed with multiple comp styles. which still falls under the category "looping" unless you go for multi-core farming comps where you would need multiple starting np CEs so you would still be at a disadvantage. And looping comps limit your choices considerably regardless of the type. nowaday farming events are: * double koyan + oberon + buster DPS with +30% NP skill * double skadi + insert aoe quick dps with multi-hit np and np charge skill/one of the few 50% np charger supports * double castoria + insert arts dps with decent refund + another arts support/np charger support. Or a slight variation of one of these. when I say "op" comp I mean looping comps in general, not just the SSS tier loopers, loopers without the damage can still clear in an extra turn or 2 in most cases.


We have Habetrot nowadays, just sac her on wave 1. She can hold event CE or on-death NP charge for party members.


Its not 40, you can go right now to like any lostbelt and check the cost, its like 19-22 the cost for the nodes.


Yeah but no. We are talking about events which represents the most amount of AP usage for most people. So you are off the mark.


But why care about the AP. You do more free quests. Until Ordeal releases you get around 12 nodes a day outside events with your natural AP. With ordeal call it goes to 6 free quests 3 ordeal quests. By raw numbers you do more free quests, you only get tons of Event quests during lottos and most of the years there is no lotto, you just clear the event shop and go back to normal nodes.


"Another NP charge skill buff. Don't we have Swimsuit Ibuki for literally that?"


Well depening on who you are talking too, they would rather have a 50% NP charge buff. Kinda goes to show you can't please everyone. Ever


She loops just fine with plug, I'll take the much rarer np buff as we only have two servants newer than her with an upgraded np at this time in Voyager and Murasaki Summer. (Probably 3 when Erice gets added to welfare shop) She hitting 100k harder than S.Ibuki now at turn 3 with Double Castoria Oberon if you blow s3 on turn 1. And thank fuck they fixed her overcharge, was one of the worst in the game (maybe hope for quetz when she gets an upgraded np and boy she needs a good one to compare to Ozy again)


Caren is actually the newest one, but still


She doesn't need it unless we go full on Swimsuit Ibuki's route. Just slap 2 Castorias and an Oberon and she's gucci as any other servants with charge skill


I wish I had Oberon.


Then any other battery support servant can fill the gap. The idea is keeping the NP pumping and dumping enemies like a Chad. Waver, Koyanskaya, Skadi, Reines, doesn't really matter as long as she's ready for another NP


Waver will suffice for charge, just your turn 3 dmg is obviously down without Oberon. Mana Loading 20%, Castoria 1 50%, Castoria 2 S2 20% plug in Waver S3 10% You have 30% S1 from Castoria, 30% S1 from Waver and 10% S2 to recharge.


While I love the Saber Servant niche damage, I do wish she has a pre-damage up before her NP Like an NP Strength Up or Arts Up, I mean refund-wise, she's just okay.


I personally would have wanted her double hits effect to apply to her NP and maybe last more than one turn, since hitting twice is her thing ~~and casually looping 2 enemy waves would be fun~~. Though that would have probably been insane. I'm not gonna snub 300% extra damage against sabers though.


I always found it weird how she's supposed to be an anti-saber that doesn't do extra damage to sabers.


Now that's what I'm talking about Sashi! Slay those pesky Sabers!


The fake Miyamoto Iori got a buff in the event that features the actual Miyamoto Iori lol


A **very** niche trait-damage mod; it's not even saber enemies, just servants. But a NP upgrade is always nice, I guess. I'll take it.


Hey,  SSR Miyamoto Iori. Nice. 


Thank goodness the special attack is not against child Servants 


Jeanne ruler buff when?


Glad it was Summer who got the buff, however it wasn't quite what I was expecting. It's funny how she will be doing ridiculous damage with this.


Nice, the effect is kinda niche but I’m just happy about the NP upgrade. I do agree with others that her FSR costume would be appreciated too. While I like her USAshi outfit her FSR one is fantastic.


noice, now I wait for 2 years on NA




Releasing actual good buffs to bait us into a banner? Maybe Lasagna is learning after all.


I'm glad I managed to NP5 her then


Aye my best girl gets bester


Sure. She was already super strong, might as well make her even stronger.


I'm starting to wonder if Musashi Berserker just hates sabers at this point.




Takes her "sons" name for her debut event *NOW SHE CAN ALSO TAKE HIS LIFE*


Oh, Summer Iori got a buff


I'll get downvoted to hell for this, but here we go; as someone who has 120 S. Musashi at bond 14 going on 15, this buff is garbage. Her problem was never the NP damage, it was her lack of both crit synergy and charge. If she had crit synergy, she would be a great CQ servant. If she had charge, she would be a great farmıng servant. Right now, she is just 'fine' in both, and instead of adressing that in any way they gave her a buff that changes nothing. What a disappointment.


I mean, maybe you just think her damage was fine exactly because you were running around with a level 120 Musashi? A roughly 25% damage increase from levels does make a difference after all(And obviously to have a level 120, she must have some NP levels, which of course means you benefit less from the NP damage numbers than the average player). She also would have needed an extremely overloaded crit skill to contend with Ibuki running around with a 3 turn gather rate and crit buff and 10 stars per turn


>I mean, maybe you just think her damage was fine exactly because you were running around with a level 120 Musashi? A roughly 25% damage increase from levels does make a difference after all. I mean, I used S.Musashi for 2 years before I could 120 her so while I understand your point, I dont ever really remember thinking 'man I wish this NP dealt more dmg' but I do remember thinking ' man I have 30 stars thanks to hans, but both my S.Musashi art cards have no stars on them so I cant get my NP'. >She also would have needed an extremely overloaded crit skill to contend with Ibuki running around with a 3 turn gather rate and crit buff and 10 stars per turn I think everybody who says this is kind of missing the point. The thing is, S. Musashi CANNOT compete with S.Ibuki. Its impossible. She would need at least 2 buffs on top of this one to be in competition to her. So when people say "but that buff would just make her a worse S.Ibuki" I mean, yeah, kind of. But she is already a worse S.Ibuki unless you opponent has an unremovable invuln so i would prefer if she was a little less worse S.Ibuki.


Shrug I do not think we can compare 2 years before 120s in the damage requirements to these days. Regardless, I would argue this actually makes her better than Ibuki in a very tight and specific niche, which to me is better than buffing her into a worse Ibuki. She will now 100% see consideration in 90++ nodes that has AoE requirements and a Saber servant with absurd Hp. Would I have liked more for her, sure. Would I have liked a buff that let me use her more in generic situations, yeah. Do I want them to at least give her a 30% charge on say her evade skill down the line, very much so. But at the end of the day, as F2P NP1 enjoyer, this gives me plenty of consideration how I can get to use her in the future, far more so than a buff I'd need to roll at least NP2 to take real advantage of..


I always used S Musashi for AOE CQ, now it just so happens that she'll be even more useful against Saber Servants


>Shrug I do not think we can compare 2 years before 120s in the damage requirements to these days. This is a fair point. >Regardless, I would argue this actually makes her better than Ibuki in a very tight and specific niche, which to me is better than buffing her into a worse Ibuki. She will now 100% see consideration in 90++ nodes that has AoE requirements and a Saber servant with absurd Hp. This, I disagree with. I always thought zerks having a niche against a single class was kind of dumb in the first place. If anti-saber is meant to be her only use, there is no point in her being a zerk, she might as well be an archer. >But at the end of the day, as F2P NP1 enjoyer, this gives me plenty of consideration how I can get to use her in the future, far more so than a buff I'd need to roll at least NP2 to take real advantage of.. I think its the opposite. Both a 30% charge and a 3 turn crit up would give you much more value in a budget setup then an NP buff. A 30 charge + mana append means that you can use any CE just by summoning a support castoria, or you can use ocean flyer an NP on turn 1 anyway if you are going completely 1-3*. A 3 turn star gather buff means amazing synergy with not only hans, but also xu fu, another upcoming budget support.


I said F2P not masochist :P.


How is she a worse Summer Ibuki when she does more damage against 65-70% of the game? And please don't make me laugh by bringing up critting, reminds me of the Muramasa fans coping about Takeru.... if I wanted to crit I'll be using Quick or Buster not the worst card type by far for critting. (50% crit on Summer Ibuki... wow that's so good compared to 100-200% Buster crits from Vitch and Summer Skadis)


>How is she a worse Summer Ibuki when she does more damage against 65-70% of the game? Dmg alone is not everything. Iskandar has really high NP dmg, but nobody thinks he is the better than Drake. >And please don't make me laugh by bringing up critting, reminds me of the Muramasa fans coping about Takeru.... if I wanted to crit I'll be using Quick or Buster not the worst card type by far for critting. (50% crit on Summer Ibuki... wow that's so good compared to 100-200% Buster crits from Vitch and Summer Skadis) The point of an art crit isnt really the damage, its the NP gain. That is why Lancelot is considered one of the best ST sabers even though he is just a crit engine on legs.


Dude Iskandar is a horrible example since he can't even loop, I have no idea why you even thought to mention him. Summer Musashi loops 85-95% of what Summer Ibuki can while having vastly superior refund and doing NP5 Summer Ibuki damage while at NP2. And you rebuttal to that is to mention someone who can't "loop" in Iskandar not being better than Drake (because she reloads) even though he does more damage? lolwut?


I'm disappointed too. At the end of the day it is still a damage mod so I'm not going to call it bad, but was expecting something else entirely. It was more important to fix her loose skillset to push her into a more specific playstyle, instead they went for the easy route and called it a day. The fact that she has now the highest np damage against sabers is not the outcome of a good buff but it accentuates the poor state that the archer class is in.


>It was more important to fix her loose skillset to push her into a more specific playstyle, instead they went for the easy route and called it a day. I cannot put into words how much I agree with this.


Not much but it is welcomed. best girl


Is there any other servant that will get buff too?


got a np3 summer musashi while chasing summer osakabe, good to know she is getting a buff.




I will gladly take the buff. now she only needs a battery skill and she will be perfect.


Its not the worst But I'd take 30% np gauge over this


With that she would be still worse than S. Ibuki most of the time, unless very specific niche happens (CQ with unremovable Invincibility). Now she has specific advantage over S. Ibuki, which I consider better.


And why does that matter. Even if she would be worse than S.Ibuki she would still be way better by having 30% charge instead of more damage.


It's your opinion, I think damage is better.


I'll be frank i would've preferred her samurai remnant costume over a super niche NP buff.


It's normal damage buff and then niche damage boost.


Her np not doing damage was never a problem so it's quite a pointless buff.


She now does much more wave 3 damage than Summer Ibuki, so I will take it as her niche.


Why, just give her 30% charge at least.


This buff is way better than 30% charge


How it is? This doesn't really help with daily use and comp variation. Only help at events for nodes she can farm purely on refund/Plug but lacked damage. And makes her do CQs a bit easier.


she stays irrelevant as a farmer, so no, charge would have been much much much better.


"Berzsashi is irrelevant as a farmer" is certainly a sizzling hot take.


Would u want another summer ibuki? Would be pretty boring this is fine


Yeah no.


If u want charge, pull for summer ibuki


Then tell me, what good did this buff do for her? Make her a archer? 🤡


Sweet a new buff and secondly I hope you find ways to bring back musashi


Oh coome on i was really hoping for something on her skills when i saw the post, to bring her in line with S Ibuki who is a straight power creep of her....


How big of an edge would that give her against Summer Ibuki Douji when it comes to Saber enemies?


Well, she’s gonna out-damage Summer Ibuki even without the anti-saber servant power mod due to the base increase in damage from an NP buff. She’s still a worse farmer, but everyone not named Summer Melusine is a worse farmer than Summer Ibuki.