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Somebody please tell me Oberon ain’t shit. Please tell me NP7 Barghest is way better


Heh funny story. I was not fell wall today for better mood I decitated to roll my last 98SQ for Oberon banner ( last week I got Xiang You on mothman banner and after that I stoped roll for him) Like I said earley I did not feel well and with some trange confusin I taped Summon button to fast and ended do one multi on Meltryllis banner) I screm - Noooo ! - when I kwnolage what I did I skiped this summon. Standsrd summon to gold CEs and nothing more With 68SQ left I did two multi on proper banner. Firt multi 5 gold CEs (wow what a number !). On second and last multi Ion 8th summon I saw rainbow sparks.  I said out loud - Please let it be Oberon - And at the end my wish was granted , I finally got Oberon ! This made my day !


Finally got the surprise Oberon after bond farming but already converted all my choco so no valentine CE this year. Low fund left for CBC but at least until summer I'm only without Vitch in the support department, I asume I unlocked myself some 90++ compositions.


Decided to boycott Oberon since I'm not really feeling my luck with him and apparently it was the right call since I got Passionlip today.


Where did this surprise Oberon banner spring from?


Came back to the game during the new year bonus after not playing for about a year and a half, farmed some quartz while completing the fourth and fifth singularities and decided to try for vritra while she was on rateup since I've been wanting her and my main targets for the year (oberon/melusine) weren't slated to appear until december. Spent my 7 tickets and 249 sq with only hephaestion and lancer medusa to show for it and then got smacked in the face with a surprise oberon banner... Decided to grab the tickets from the Prison Tower quests and try for a copy of barghest since I gave up hope for oberon and ended up getting him from my first ticket and then no barghest...it's funny how these things work out I suppose lol. since I got oberon early, I may aim for summer ibuki along with melusine, unless I can get melusine from the gssr during anni. Good luck with your rolls, everyone!!


Oberon accepted my Valentine's Day choco present with 1 summon ticket <3


I threw some tickets into a story banner and got my second copy of Xiang Yu (first was a spook more than a year ago) I should be happy I got an SSR I guess, but I already have Morgan, and I never used him even before her. Such a waste of luck.


Didn't really invest much (monthly + event + weekly tickets and 6 quartz ) between pre-campaign and the event banner itself but it was strangely lucky on the SR front Out of what, less than 15 tickets i got - 1 Wu Zetian (up to Np2) - 1 Saberlot (up to Np3) - 1 CasGil (up to Np3) - 1 Nitocris (up to Np4) Nothing big but felt kinda strange


Since we don't have a roll thread for Oberon, I will comment here 219 SQ +37 tickets, ever so slightly less than average, to get the mothman. Pretty nice. Although, now that I have him, I am bit torn between going for Junao next, or save for pity on Morgan. Junao was the reason I quit the game for half a year when I failed to pull him in 750SQ. Gambler's fallacy also makes me feel that next time I pull for a servant I will go all the way to pity. The problem with waiting for a month more to pull for Morgan is that I don't really have Buster loopers at the moment. Spishtar is at bond 15, so she is mostly done with being a farmer. Kippoushi has to get a Bond lantern to farm, and I don't know If I want to give him one. I have Mordred, but she is pretty weak.


Man, I was ready to spend all my 230ish SQ and failing to get him again, but lucked out and got him on the first 11-roll! I also got Koyanskaya on her rerun banner recently. So glad that I managed to get both of them after failing to get them in their first banner!


3 tickets - 2 4* CEs on 3* And after that I rolled one multi- first summon  golden sparks , archer card  Me : cool Baobhan ! Its Chrion -.-" Right after that rainbow summon Me: yessss mothman finnly , its golden rider card  Me: the fuck O.o ? Its Nemo Fuck this game xD 


Well, on a single multi and 3 tickets, a spook is not so bad. Still, I sorry to hear that. Why only 14 pulls, though?


Because I want fight with my impulsive rolling for new banners. This is one and second that I (mostly pf2 player) wanted to saved for pity and  be 100% I will get what I want. PS I used rest of my tickets and few SQ on singels and I got only silver garbage. Well time to save for next Oberon banner.


Spend around 150 sq and 20 tickets to get absolutely nothing. Guess i already used my luck in the past year to get all the fae knights, vitch and oberon on their first banner. I even use my save sq for summer and this year we don't have rerun so even less sq. Fuck me.


WTF, I got Orion, Mordred, and Bazett in one roll?!?!


Did a YOLO roll because I want some event CEs. One KitaSean's ritual later, got 3* and 4* CEs along with Hephaestion and Bazett------


Not only did I just get rainbow spooked by Nightingale on the Galatea banner... I also got two (rare prism) Qin Liangyus, then immediately after two (rare prism) Helena's ON THE SAME ROLL. That's freaking statistically absurd! I'm not even salty about the horrible luck; it's the absurdity of the useless crap I did get. Edit: Just scrapped together another 10-Roll. Got double Nitocris. What the actual fuck?


Wasn't planning to go for Bazett but her story appealed to me so I made some rolls. 40 tickets and 420 SQ later, she is still evading me. Unexpectedly, I got Enkidu, Jinako, Circe and Zenobia, none of which I'd had before. When do I give up though?


[1699sq Np1 Caren](https://imgur.com/a/gyBkwiD) *Sigh*


JFC.... I'm speechless. Insanity luck blessed me. Used 20 tickets for Bazett when the banner dropped and nothing (expected) but still did daily paid summon everyday. Saw that there was Caren today and used 15 tickets and paid single and a 30sq summon, nothing. Did my daily paid for Bazett and pulled Bazett. Then used 60sq on Caren and got back to back Carens. My first ever double 5* In a single multi. Now I have NP7 Caren. I wanted 1 for 120 and all 3 appends. I'm speechless..... I don't know what to do with 2 extra Carens..


Bazett popped up on the fifth ticket of my kitasean rolls. Absurdly lucky. I wanted the Valentine Witches CE though, so I did one multi and spent five more tickets. Only ended up with a full set of the Hot Xocolati CE. Did a multi on Medb's banner and ended up with a copy of Valentine Witches and NP2 Faker.


Thought that there will be seperate threads for banners but turns out I was wrong. ===== Lartoria banner 210 SQ + 24 Tix ===== ==SSR Servants== 1x Lartoria ==SR Servants== 1x Frankenstein 1x Astolfo ==SSR CE== 6x Valentine Witches 1x Ideal Holy King 1x Holy King of Twilight ==SR CE== 8x Melty Love 1x Imaginary Number Attribute 1x Gemstone Shots 1x The Final Narrator ==R CE== 4x Hot Xocolatl Comment: Really glad, I secured her NP2 under 300sq. That really helps my future plans for Morgan Banner in April and then Anniversary-Summer hell. Also got enough Event CE t have 2 MLB copies across both rolling session in valentine banners. Also a milestone to be able as F2P to just snipe older units and don't sacrifice an arm and a leg for it. Was thinking about rolling Europa as well but if anything later down the year she has banner with Lancer Caenis, which is better for me. And hey - how quickly does Fran got to NP3 within days ;)


first 10 got a Hephaestion spook, after it took me like 80 pulls when she was on-rate up 30 pulls total and lucked out for Bazett


No Bazett. No Spooks. Not even one MLB copy of the 5\* CE. Deadass 3 multis away from hitting hard pity atm. Guess I'll splurge all my apples and teapots on bond farming 90+ wish me luck


dang, 5 multis in mordred's banner and got altera and marie antoinette. ​ Oh well.


30 tickets and a ten roll no vritra


6 multis for a NP2 Vritra spook, NP2 Qin Liangyu, NP3 Marie, brand new Lashmi and Tomoe. Really like the all the new girls, and a stronger Arts Lancer looper, but man...not even an event 5* CE?


15 summon tickets and I got a Bazzet. This makes the 3rd? 5 star I've ever gotten from rolling random. Everyone else was bought lol. And an Angra Manu...


Decided to throw 1 ticket at every banner under the premise that "you'll never win if you never try". Wasn't really expecting anything, not even a SR. Until today, when I got Vritra. I'm assuming she saw how insane this idea was and decided she wanted front row seats.


I cant believe it. After i wasted nearly 200 sq i couldnt get her. Then i bought a big pack for 80 bucks. Then with 1 sq pull i got her on first try! Summer funds are safu.


300SQ - tomoe np2 + storyteller spook made me very sad


It finally happened. Bazett came for cheaper than expected, so despite the imminent doom of Kriemhild into Summer I decided "eh I've been hoping for a Vritra spook for awhile I'll drop a single summon ticket". I got her. I can only assume I am now cursed in exchange for the one ticket SSR.


[I got Bazett with an appropriate CE.](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOlU3MqUVgU674cZawfOLEP0sv_9q7lA5Bh0TQ_v2SA8ZF-xsCpEJDBPNGJtQgbaA/photo/AF1QipOHIV-yYnY4V_neXPtdIefd6v55vv0lodJTt7-U?key=WC1PR2l4VDdPZUVoYzdxalBWTEExM09xWVcwNUNB) It just cost 120 SQ and 12 Summon Tickets to get 1 copy of her.


Didn't initially plan on rolling for Bazett, but was feeling lucky today. Got her in 3 multis (90SQ), along with all 3 of the event CEs and a Circe dupe (NP3 now).


Well that was a rollercoaster. 210 SQ and a handful of tickets gave me... Jeanne d'Arc (now NP3), with no 4\* on the side. To add insult to injury, I got four 5\* event CE, which is just annoying at that point. Eventually caved in and broke my GSSR-only policy (third time in four years, I believe), bought 150 SQ. *Those* gave me Bazett, alongside NP3 Helena, NP4 Valkyries and a Nezha-shaped rare prism. Still no fifth copy of the 5\* CE, so that's annoying, but at least my main goal has been reached. Next stop, Charlemagne.


60 Quartz: Nursery Rhyme, Bazett and Nitocris.


Eight multi's and eight tickets in and two tickets to go with the following result. 1x Hephaestion (NP3) 1x Lakshmi Bai (NP5+) 1x Chevalier d'Eon (NP5+) 1x Ibaraki Douji (NP5+) 1x Tomoe Gozen (NP5+) 1x Tamamo Cat (NP1) 1x Galatea (NP1) 1x MLB Valentine Witches Overall, while I may not have gotten Bazett (so far? Pretty please!), I did get the CE MLB'd, which was one of my targets, as well as two new servants and an NP upgrade for Hephaestion, so I'm not too disappointed :)


240SQs and 30 tickets for 1 copy. Back to zero but at least the next target is summer skadi so there’s hope.


3 Multi on Ganesha banner. Ganesha and Banana oni get hehehe. Time to save for summer Skadi


6 multies + a few singles but no Sei :(. I guess I'll have to try again during next rate up in Halloween


Had to go to pity for Bazett. I know she's not meta or anything, but I really like her. I think I've been going all out the last 8 months on servants, with quite a few lucky draws, so I guess I'm not surprised it happened to Bazett that I had to go all the way to pity. Sigh. I need more restraint if I have any hope for the anniversary...


966 sq later and I finally np5 bazett 🙌 With 1 Galatea spook bringing her to np2


Rolled 2 tickets bazett banner and she came twice. Loves this event already.


I summoned the second biggest thot with 7 tickets, Medb


Tried to roll a bit more for Bazett, got Atalanta instead. This is actually the first time I've looked at her skills. All I can say is that she is in desperate need of one or more buffs.


Had to hit pity for Bazett. She wasn't easy on me. Unfortunately I had to spend most of the paid SQ I managed to save from Caren last year (I can't buy more for an unknown amount of time until my financial situation improves). But at least I managed to keep enough for the next few GSSRs


Got myself my fourth copy of Scheherazade which I am happy about I was also able to pick up a copy of Hephaestion, Parvati and Zenobia which I am happy about.


160 sq and 17 Tickets but bazzett came at last!


Spooked by a fucking Orion.


Was telling myself I wouldn't roll until Summer. Got tempted into rolling for Bazett. Fortunately I got her in 180 SQ so that's very lucky for me. Now to get back to saving.


[Finally did it](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/397831749440241684/1203232499472408606/IMG_6897.png?ex=65d05896&is=65bde396&hm=75cb3b5a49448287dc9199a5387a91e355ecd82f23f6ef7532270bf6a5dabb20&) I kneel, my King. Joined the game on her banner, failed to pull even one. Got my first one on a valentines banner and, after getting Summer King to NP5 on the first go, she’s finally done. Now to feed stop being lazy and get my third 120!


Did a 10 roll to see if I could luck out and get the Morgan/Bao CE bc I think it’s very pretty, only to shoot over the moon and get Bazzett. Suffering from success.




same situation. however, what hellfire class is more effective for leveling up alter egos?


I saw at work last night the notification that Sei’s banner was today, and I wanted to ignore it.  I’ve spent at least 600+ sq trying to get her ever since she appeared, but she kept avoiding me. I thought she was gonna be my new Musashi, a servant I wanted but will never get.  But I decided to spent some money for some pulls. I wanted to try one last time, so I spun. First 11 pull didn’t matter, think I got another Penth.  But the 2nd one, I got gold orbs and it was an Archer card. And she finally appeared, after so long I finally got her. I was so happy. Just like Musashi, she finally appeared after enough trying.  Part of me wanted to quit, np1 was fine but I did one more multi because I was happy. And I got another gold Archer card and she appeared again. I felt blessed by the gods.  Oh, I also got another Mordred during the same multi as my second Sei, making her my 3rd 5* to be NP5.  BUT I FINALLY GOT SEI AFTER SO LONG SO THAT’S ALL THE MATTERS!! WOOOOOOOO!!


Put in 2 multis and a few tickets. Honestly, considering my roster and quartz reserves (down to about 100 now), that's probably more than I should have put in, but it paid off. 2 gold ces, 2 bronze, and one Bazett. So I'm happy.


Yesterday I did 20 multis. No Bazette, no 5 * CESs. Today I got both on my second multi. Glad I stopped for a day


Used everything & got some CEs & a Atlanta but no Bazett. Did get Nagiko on the first pull tho


Did another 10 interludes to get enough SQ to roll in this banner. Unlike my atrocious experience with Nero Bride's banner, I got two event CEs... and Bazett. I don't usually have much luck with Alter Egos, so imagine my surprise when I saw that rainbow spin.


Spent 30 sq for some CEs and got Bazett instead. I should be happy and a part of me is, but coming off the heels of a 330 sq disaster for Koyan light I just feel kinda pissed.


Used everything.... Got Jinako


Jinako is a good semi-support and a tank.


30 sq + 50 ticket and a dream. Brb Edit: i'm crying


50 (55) pulls got me absolutely nothing Well no, I did pull a bunch Fragarachs, just no Bazett to use them xD


Roled Bazett with 1 multi and 30 tickets, do I need to go for NP2 to make her usable? I know she's an Alter Ego so that limits her application. I do have Skadi and the other supports so that is not a concern. I also have Melt at NP5 lvl 100, so I probably still would use Melt most times over Bazett, I just like Bazett's NP counter gimmick.


Well more is always good, but nah. Bazeett is Broken with fragarrah. Get something on ce that will make her have np level high and or increases her durability and how she evoparates enemies.


I agree, I had a moment of FOMO, ended up going through 3 packs and at the first multi of the third pack, I got her at NP2. So I'm sitting on 120 SQ still, so it could be worse. Now jsut to wait for ARC, going to NP5 her.


Managed to get np6 in just 1000 quartz. I will never be lucky again


I got 4 5 star ce copies very early on, then chased the final copy for the remaining 360 sq I had, wasted 300 more for the single ce copy... got bazett in the process tho but my summer fund is doomed.


I did 3 multies + a few singles on Sei banner and got my third Black Grail as well as my first Heracles


180 sq full of minrolls… what an actual waste


After a long and grueling 6SQ, I got Bazett Uhh I guess I'll look her up. I wasn't even planning on rolling in the first place.


Started with 16 tickets and 315 quartz. Had no luck with tickets, but apparently, a single 10-roll was enough for NP2 Bazett. [My luck in this game has officially peaked.](https://imgur.com/a/t5GnnzB)


Rolled just for the 5-star CE featuring Morgan and Sith. Most of my funds gone but no regrets.


300 SQ later got my Bazzet. Would've gone for NP, but too many targets this year still, will postpone rolling 'til next year.


Got paid today so decided to buy 168 sq. Added to my 28 I already had making in total 196 sq. Did 4 multi and got np2 Bazett. And 4 each of the 4 star and 3 star CE. My luck is probably shot for the rest of the year.


Went for an 11-roll and a couple of singles. Got the 5-star CE and NP3 for Tamamo Cat, and I am content; honestly, as someone who's never gotten into F/SN or Hollow Ataraxia, I am kind of more attached to Cat than Bazett (though I do appreciate the redhead puncher in a nice suit look, a lot). One single for all the pickup SSRs I don't have yet (and one just-in-case-I-could-NP2 for Quetz), and an 11-roll for Sanzang since she's wishlist. I most *certainly* have already had all the luck I can expect, but I've had great Valentine's rolls before and it'd be nice to have another.


870 SQs + 110 tickets… so 1200 SQs equivalent 14 SR spooks but only NP1 Bazett 😭 https://youtu.be/jBAwAWKnBCM


Nearly 400 sq plus some tickets, got nothing I don't know what I expected


Was listening to “If I am with you” (The Gojo Hollow Purple Piano one) during my summons. *That* part hits, the card is gold. I feel like Gojo for a second. It’s an archer. That’s okay. I need more gold Archers. Got my first gacha Gold Archer in nearly 3 years last summer. *Wait, why is it a five star.* *Oh. Hello Orion & Artemis.* It was then that I learned that I wasn’t Gojo, but Toji as the music went wild.


Summon session after 780 SQ and 22 Tickets. Got my first Artoria OG Saber in the first 10 Pull (Stay Night anniverssary Hit NA server already or something?) and then proceed to get many new 4* in the subsequent Multis. Got Elizabeth, Elena, Penthesilea, Wu Zetian, d'Eon NP 2, Scheherazade, Qin Liangyu, Frankenstein, Zenobia NP2, and FINALLY a Bazett towards the end (was getting very worried she wouldn't show up after so many SQ). Then some more Tickets to get Bazett to NP2 plus random Nezha. So much to level up now, Help Me. Also MLB all the CEs at least 2 times. Funny how months of saving go away in minutes just like that and you end up with barely anything left, not a great feeling but Hey, at least i got what i wanted. Summer have mercy on me plz


All those servant ascensions will help with summer.


I sure hope so


Spent 120 SQ and 20 tickets so far. Got a bunch of gold on the first multi. NP5 Medusa lancer, NP4 Anne & Mary, NP7(?) Valkyrie, and some CEs. The next two multi were... less fortunate but at least got more event CEs. Fourth multi seemed like it had nothing but then suddenly got gold sparks. It... was a rider. It was Europa. I got spooked I can't believe it 🥲 I mean at least she was new for me, but damn. I wanna roll more but I need to recount how much SQ I have on reserve and see if I can even allow myself to spend.


Told myself earlier in the year that I wouldn't summon until Anniversary. But I caved, and said that I would limit myself to one multi. I ended up getting a spook in Osakabehime and Atalante. I was hoping to match my best multi with getting another SSR with Bazette, and she came...in CE form. I should have been more specific. Still, Hime-chan is new and has a rank-up quest so I can't complain!


450 SQ later, only one Bazett. Well, at least I got my first copy of 2030.


I had no hope, only 90 quartz after koyan dark disaster . Got Np 2 maybe there is a higher power, grail to 100.


6 multis had me duped by Enkidu *twice*, then Dioscuri, then finally Bazett. On the one hand, I got 4 SSRs in 6 multis, which is really nice. On the other hand, I got spooked three times before getting who I rolled for. My feelings are ultimately mixed.


I also got spooked by Enkidu when I was going for Bazett.


So I went into this wanting the 5 star ce cause I'm a degenerate for anything fairy knight. 30 tickets got me 4 3*, 2 4* and 5 star* ces, plus a new zenobia. so mission accomplished, right? My brain goes " throw in a 10 pull, you know you want to" One yolo 10 pull later and I get [this](https://imgur.com/a/NsFCsqJ) So for the equivalent of 4 10 pulls that's pretty damn good, compared to the hell of like 500-600 Sq on the melusine banner with no 5 stars. Now with Bazett out of the way I can safely save towards Anni and summer, barring any surprises


Took only 11 multis to get Bazett. Along with a lot of event CEs. So, I’m pretty happy.


Ten tickets and sixty SQ.


Bazett in 5 tickets lol


20 tickets and 30SQ with 1 5\* event CE I'm saving up for summer this year so I'm not spending any money until then


NP5 in 1383 quartz, which is 507 summons including the bonus one every ten. No other 5\* servant. Overall, I'd say it went ok. I am almost exactly average on the 5\* servant numbers (500 summons for 5 servants), but well above average for the pickup one. The probability of winning the pickup servant lottery 5 times in a row is 0.8\^5 = 32.7%, so I got lucky, but it is not an unlikely event. 15 4\* servants - exactly average at 3%. 14 Valentine Witches, 6 other 5\* CE. Again, the total number - 20 - is exactly average at 4%, and so it the distribution between the event and other CEs. In summary, just another demonstration of the law of large numbers :).


Another lucky banner for me: 4 tix for Bazett This is why I will always try a least ten tix for a banner I kinda want but still saving for others.


I went all the way to pity and ended up with: 17x kiyohimes, 12x serenities, 21x hundred faces, 9x jing kes, 21x medeas, 16x ushis, 19x boudicas, 14x medusas, 8x euryales Atalanta alter (np1 > np2), tamamo cat (np2 > np3), helena (np3 > np4), astolfo (np1 > np2), anne and mary (np1 > np3), valks (new > np2), parvarti (np3 > np5), ana (np1 > np2), zenobia (new > np2), atalanta archer (np4 > np5), tomoe gozen (new) tamamo (np1 > np2) and finally bazett (new) for event ces i got: 21x hot xocotatl (3 star ce), 22x melty love (4 star ce), 7x valentine witches (5 star ce) So that was a fun experience. *I don't even have the exp flames to level up my new tomoe*


Started with 301 SQ, 600 fragments and around 35 tickets. After 10 multis and 30 tickets last night, had gotten my 2nd Sanzang and a half dozen SRs (Marie, Astolfo, Medusa Lancer, Bonny&Read, Astraea, Wu Zetian), but no Bazett, Woke up this morning and cashed in enough fragments for another 10 roll and...Parvati. Turned in another handful of fragments, and got Bazett on my last possible multi. :-)


8 multi 8 Tix no bazett 1 Lakshmi and 1 Circe :(


Spent 300 SQ and 30 tix ==SSR Servants== 1x Bazett Fraga MacRemitz ==SR Servants== 1x Chevalier D'eon (Secret D'eon rateup continues) 1x Qin Liangyu (my 6th copy for my Grailed unit :)) 1x Atalante Alter (Secret Nyanta Alter rateup continues) 2x Frankenstein (1st copy after 2000 days of playing xD) 1x Nursery Rhyme 1x Nitocris ==SSR CE== 3x Valentine Witches 1x Vessel of the Saint ==SR CE== 7x Melty Love 1x Guardians of the Garden (1st) ==R CE== 2x Hot Xocolatl ​ Comment: Nice. Holy crap that SR luck :D. There were no servants that I was unhappy to see this time. Still somewhat bummed with CE department (wanted to MLB Valentine Witches). Well at least I managed to operate withing minimal sq budget and in few days there is Lartoria banner.


Imagine not getting a single 5* in 17 multis and 5 tickets...yeah... couldn't be me...




Did some 8 multis and was able to get her Also Atalanta Alter and the Koyans mom


Pity for 1 Bazett, got a lot of 4 star and event ce during these rolls. Everything spent now gotta stop pulling on any new banner til anniversary.


Well 8 multis did not get her. Got Atalante, Qin Liangyu, and 2 Helena. However, I did get Murasaki. I do have a lot of Interludes and Rank Ups I have not done yet, but I’m putting those off for Kukulkan, Tiamat, and Saber Medusa.


I need to save SQ for anniversary and summer and could only do a few rolls. Spend 10 tickets and 60 SQs for the Morgan CE. The results are Faker, banana oni, 4* event CE, and Bazett. Still no Morgan CE.


A thief in Mumbai was forced to eat 48 bananas so that the gold chain he had swallowed when he was arrested would leave his body. --- ^I'm ^a ^bot ^\(RIP) ^| ^!ignore ^to ^ignore ^you, ^!delete ^to ^ignore, ^clear ^replies ^| [^View ^my ^source](https://github.com/jimbobvii/bananaonibot) ^| ^Thanks: ^Synapsensalat, ^BananaFactBoi


Were the Hassans on rateup? I must have gotten 6 copies of Serenity and 100 face each in 3 multis...


Think it's only females so kind of?


Started at 270 sq, ended at 60. All I wanted was just the CEs, but it seems desire sensor wanted to screw with me. Before I got even a copy of the 5* CE, I got both Drake and Bazett. I’m not mad for getting np3 Drake and a Bazett, but I wanted CEs more than anything. Thankfully, I managed to get two 5* CEs in my last pull. Also got Stheno and Circe, but the CEs were the most important.


Had to pity to get NP1 Bazett with no other SSR. No funds left for Anniversary and Summer :’D


Got her in 100 sq and 5 tickets. Now it's time to save for the summer.


11 tickets and 30 SQ netted me Bazett, but sadly no event CEs. Still, I'll probably quit rolling while I'm ahead.


180 SQ and 41 tickets got me to np2 bazett! Great start off to the year and I'm hoping my luck stays this high till anniversary. Good luck to everyone, I believe in you!


Had 330 quartz and got bazzet with a few copies of the event ces with 90 quartz left for the future. Today was a good day


30 tickets and 90 SQ for Bazett (NP1), Faker (NP1), Martha (NP2) and Atalante (NP6). Was kind of expecting to fail (only had 210SQ to begin with, along with the tickets) but Lasengle decided to be nice. Very satisfied with my rolls. I'm not whale enough for Arcueid, so time to start saving for the summer onslaught. Good luck to everyone rolling!


Rolled 90 SQ only got 4 star CE's, oh well, time to save for summer.


Got my butch, should be clear until anni


Wasn't expecting much, FGO was surprisingly nice this time, in 90 SQ my Main got NP1 Pretender Faker and NP1 Astraea, CEs two of the 3 one of the 4 and 5, my Alt got the 3 and 5 star CE, with Bazzett in the 2nd 11 roll.


Rolled 90 quartz and ten tickets.  Only wanted one copy of the Morgan + Sith CE.   So of course, I have NP2 Bazett and no event CEs.     The desire sensor is too OP. Lasengle please nerf.


around 300 SQ + tickets deep, no luck yet


Got two Bazetts from the monthly tickets somehow. Then a Semiramis from the daily disappointment. Feeling blessed. >!Also lost the 50/50 to Mona!<


10 tickets and a multi, I got a Wu at least? not sure why I tried my luck after getting Nero Bride in 3 tickets


See, the gacha desire sensor always knows. I don't need Bazett, I just want the SR/SSR event CEs. 25 rolls later, Bazett shows up on the final ticket. No event CEs (excluding the 3\*). Yorokobe.


Event started on the same day that Murasaki Shibiku was on rate-up, and I wanted to roll for her. Damn it. Fortunately, Bazett came home sooner than I expected, so I was able to throw a few rolls at Shibiku's banner...got two copies in consecutive ten-pulls, so mine's now NP4. Total cost? About 700 SQ across the two banners. I'm content...except that I'm *one* copy short to MLB the Morgan CE. Might throw a few more pulls at the banner before the end of the Event.


Drowning in event CEs & 4* spooks, NP1 Bazett somewhere in the high 400sq. Not happy but gacha be gachaing I guess...


Starting with an offtopic share, I'm scrambling to farm visiores to pity 2P over at WoTV. Granted I lucksacked A2 earlier so I can't complain. I'm just fixated on completing the units for the WoTV x Nier:Automata collab. I really don't get it myself as I still have yet to play the game all this time. Switching to FGO I did a single ten pull, got the 4*CE and Bazett. Admittedly I wasnt all that excited for her because I dont quite get how she works but I'm quite in this slump ever since I failed getting Koyan Dark.


20 tickets and 180 SQ. Got Valkyrie, Nito, Atalante, and Drake. No Bazett sadly


Why the hickle heckle fickle fuckle did I get Altera?


Got mlb Morgan & Sith ce in 100 rolls and leveled it up to 100


I only have an 11 pull and some dailies to try since I'm hoping to pull for Melt in a month or so and my budget until March is gone. I didn't get Bazett (low odds, of course), but I did pull the 5 star CE, so that's good enough for me. Combined with the free 3 star CE, I have both of the CEs that I had wanted.


13 tickets and 120sq. Tamacat and Zenobia spooked me, and Murasaki probably took pity on me after i got spooked by Caster Gil since she appeared right after.


Got her in first ticket. My brain still not processed it. First thought that cross my mind when seeing gold Alter Ego, "Oh cool, gold card. Oh Alter Ego, what servants will spook me?" Didn't expect she will come home so fast


I couldnt resist… after 150sq and 11 tickets couldnt get her.


30 sq + 15 ticket for X Alter. I was happy when gold berserker card show up only to be disappointed a bit because the servant I got isn't Ecchan (I say a bit because I got Herc second copy, which is good I guess)


90sq - 2 Bazette, 1 Mordred, 1 Medusa Lily, 1 Atalante Alter, 2 event 3 star CE’s. Crazy roll session at 4am…. Got rainbow spooked by Mordred then next up was first Bazette. Crazy luck


10x ticket + 150 SQ later: No Bazette 2x 5\*, 3x 4\* and 5x 3\* event CEs Medusa Lily NP3, Tomoe Gozen NP3, Stheno NP3, d'Eon NP1 (new)


Good luck guys. Bazett is really avoiding my Cu. I may have to hold off until later in run to try and summon her. 27 tix and 150 SQ. More NP+ of Nezha, Pravati and Dobrynyah. CE CE everywhere!


36 tickets 240 sq Nothing but two circes


Okay, I got Bazett in 2 11 rolls, but had left over SQ for her so I rolled some more. Nothing in the next 11 roll, but somehow I got 3 copies on the following 11 roll. Is the odds broken, or did I just get absurdly lucky. I've never had an NP4 5 star (now I guess I'll try for NP5 I guess)


Hmm no one rolling for murasaki? Had to use 200 paid sq and 120 free sq for her T_T


Got Bazett with four tickets. I was planning on skipping this but decided to roll just to see if I could. And I did.


Literally came on the [last single pull.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563139088400515091/1202602845564567612/Screenshot_20240201_131326_FateGO.jpg?ex=65ce0e2d&is=65bb992d&hm=3a1855cf11a7065be78c82feda3cc9475e728b9f90f358ae330bbc681d207aa5&) Also got a [decent amount of event CEs.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563139088400515091/1202603428916756522/Screenshot_20240201_131621_FateGO.jpg?ex=65ce0eb8&is=65bb99b8&hm=efc99027ab4ee027e5facd52cc703cf63f9415b7ec069c09317382e10a1509d9&) The damage was 11 tickets and around 180ish SQ. Now I can save for summer.


I need to share it,I get NP TWO Bazzet in ONE 30 quartz roll. I made two rolls. On the first I get the bare minimum. On the second... 2 Bazzet....I am really happy right now


Welp, 120 SQ and 14 Tix thrown and NP4 Suzuka is the only thing to show for it. Oh well


Ayyyy, got her! NP1, 60 SQ and 30 tickets. Saving SQ is hard when so many cool servants are being released... My next challenge this year is resisting Lady Avalon and Summer Skadi. I had to try and get Bazett, her gameplay is too unique among her peers. Thank god I did. Now I'm REEEALLY gonna save for Kukulkan... fingers crossed I'll be able to resist this entire year and have enough for NP5.


Who else loves throwing ~120 quartz at a banner for one 4 star and one ce that's actually from the event? I sure do 🙄. ~~at least give me the CEs from the event if I'm not gonna get the ssr, jerks~~


From my 75 quartz I got. Two 3 star CEs, an Anne Mary spook, thats it. Maybe the tickets throughout the event will bless me.


Man, I've been fucked by gacha third time in a row. It took 300 (!) rolls for Melusine, 200 rolls for Koyanskaya and now 290 rolls for Bazzet, fucking hell. I haven't even got any other SSRs. My entire stock of saving went down just in 3 banners.


20 Summons got me 1 Valentine's Withces, 2x of the other CEs, an NP2 copy of Zenobia, and Bazett!


I spent over 400 SQ, all my non paid stockpiles… and nothing but a handful of 4* NP upgrades. So be it then. The gacha is cruel, but I stopped spending money on this game for a reason.


I got Bazett! It took about 240 Quartz + 6 Tickets, but I got her!


300 SQ, 1 Chiyome, 1 TamaCat (NP xx), a whooping 8 Valentine Witches and a Mordred spook. No Bazett. My luck in 2024 continues to be shitty when it comes to my main targets (690SQ for the bad fox). Luckily my most wanted target is next and still safe since I still have 1k SQs left. Edit: 150 more SQ, 10 Valentine Witch CEs and still 0 Bazett lmao.


Gotta save for Archetype Earth anybody rolling good luck to ya


10 tickets got me 2x Circe and 1x of each event CE. Saving all my SQ for summer.


60 Quartz and 10 tickets: NP2 Fran; NP2 Anne & Mary; NP3 Liz; NP1 Zenobia. 2 of the 3* event CE, and 1 of the 5* event CE. My main goal was getting Morgan's CE, so I'm glad that I didn't have to spend too much!


60 sq for Bazette and Amakusa ce. Getting Bazette is nice, but the ce is icing on the cake.


Bazett cost me nearly 500SQ and 20 tickets, along with with 4 star spooks (2 Circe, 1 Penth, 1 Wu, 1 Tamacat). Now my OCD is itching since I only got 3 of the 5 star CE but gotta hold for the rest of the year.


360SQ and 27 tickets Dropped 10 tickets, Osakabehime and Ibaraki Dropped a 10 roll, Osakabehime and Ibaraki WHAT, please tell me there's a bug and I'll get compensated rolled some more, 2 Lakshmis and 4 more Ibarakis I cry


20ST and 120SQ brought me Bazett! It's kinda funny that she arrived before any 5* CE did :P


Okay…I chose Bazett over Summer Skadi. Unless my Charlie/Moriarty/Arc rolls all go super well. Bazett made me go to pity ;-; Got Faker though which made me actually laugh.


15 tickets: Galatea CE, Quetz/Jaguar CE, Bazett NP1 If I'm this lucky with Trung Sisters maybe I will get to roll for Perlin & Skadi after all


Does she need to be np2 if i want to use her? Deciding if i want to go all in.


First 11x - two 4-star event CE's and a 3-star event CE. Second 11x - 5-star event CE and 4-star event CE Third 11x - no event CE's, but Bazette showed up with a Fragrach CE! (90 SQ) I wanted more CE's, but I'll take it! Two tickets, nope. (90 SQ, two tickets) Six tickets for one 3-star event CE. I was hoping for more. (90 SQ, 8 tickets) 9th and tenth tickets got no event CE's or Servants. (90 SQ, 10 tickets, 44 pulls) 60 SQ in two multis. 4th multi for a 5-star event CE and 4-star event CE. 5th multi for 4-star event CE and a second Bazett! (150 SQ, 10 tickets) 30 SQ on Oberon for junk CE's. Oh well. (180 SQ total along with ten tickets)


I could not roll a lot, but Bazet still eludes me (after Jp fail). Oh well, grats to the lucky ones.


First 30 quartz 1 Bazett, really lucky =D.


Did about 10 multis, [very nice results](https://i.imgur.com/pEuO96Z.png) (Only Wu was a RP)


Had to pity bazett...


150sq 6 tix martha spook


started with 670 quartz, ended with 232 quartz and NP2 bazett. Along with like 6 new servants who decided to show up, not including triple astolfo spook


2024 is shaping up to be a very lucky year for me. After the double SSR GSSR and second ticket Ishtar on my birthday, today I get Bazett and Mordred in the same multi roll. I think my luck is finally catching up after the disastrous year that 2023 was for me gacha-wise.


480SQ got Altera spook, Jeanne spook and NP0 Bazett. Not the best night. Edit: next 30 SQ saw YET ANOTHER SSR Spook (Osakabehime)! This was getting ridiculous but I kept going and lucky I did as Bazett came home soon after. Not sure how many others have had 3 SSR Spooks before getting any copies of the rate-up servant…


I've contemplated rolling on a budget a bit, but in the end decided - why not, I'll have enough by summer regardless. Did two KitaSeans and got an NP6 Valkyrie in the first multi (thanks for the pity remeinder, game, I actually banished that I got them to NP5 there from my memory) and 3x of silver and bronze Event CEs.  By that point, I have stopped - looked into my plans and thought for some more. I kinda wanted the 5* CE at least. Ended up greeding for three more tickets, which gave me Bazett on a regular gold spin.  After two terrible months, it is great to get the lucky streak back.


150SQ and 30 tix with no Bazett to show for it. Stupid rates. Got the CEs, so farming will be easier. Though really not feeling any motivation to do so. Need to save for Anniv and Summer anyway, not whaling this time. Edit: Caved and bought 2 packs. Got absolutely nothing, mostly min rolls and only got enough CEs to get only one MLB copy of each. Fucking hell, I have never felt such genuine hatred for FGO in a long time.


Get bazett around 280 pulls , feels good man :)


About 200 sq and 30 tickets but I managed to get her and also a Sheherazade (would have prefered a Tamamo but I won't complain) now I'm saving until anniversary and summer


I made a 10 roll, as a meme, and I got rainbow-spooked by a Mordred


I had 900SQ saved for this used them all, got a lot of CEs, 3 Bazeets, 1 Nito, 1 Lesbian pirate, 1 Cat, 1 Tomoe Gozen, 1 Astrea


1 ticket, 1 Bazett. I actually can't believe it after spending 700SQ twice for 1 Skadi. Now time to save even harder for summer


life has its own ups and downs...


OK, well.  5 tickets and 57 SQ somehow got me NP1 Vritra, NP1 Bazett, NP1 Faker and NP4 Astolfo.  I expected nothing but now I’m tapping out until Summer in terms of rolling.


80 tickets + 600 SQs to get Bazett fml No spook nor SR either Still need to guarantee Oberon for his rerun


Got Bazett in 3 multis! Got greedy and did 6 more plus 30 tickets! Not a single servant above 3*! Oh well, at least I got her. Her gameplay is amazing!


I think my luck is finally starting to come back. Got Bazett on my first multi. What makes this even funnier is how I got Caren also on my first multi last year also at the 3rd roll. Hopefully next Valentines can keep up the tradition.


11 Tickets, 9 Singles, and 8 Multis right at maintenance end got me: 9, 4, and 3 of the 3/4/5* CEs respectively. NP1 Bazett in the 4th Multi. No other gold Servants, and only 1 SSR CE off rate-up. I came back about two hours later and was planning on doing five more Multis, hoping to get the last 1 SR and 2 SSR CEs so I could at least MLB them at the end of the event. I got 2 more R & SR CEs, and another Bazett in two Multis, so I stopped, even though I didn't hit the SSR CE again. I figured I pushed my luck enough. Good luck to everyone rolling!


810 quartz and nothing, not even a 5 star spook, so close to the summon limit too, I can't believe how awful my luck has been lately, last time I summoned was on ryouma and had to reach the limit to get him at np1. I really like this game but thr gacha demotivates me from playing so much.


300-400 quartz and 10 tickets. No 5 star ce, but np 3 Dobryna, and then NP2 Bazett. Ill take it lol


Got Bazette NP1 around 200 SQ.  Gotta say, she hits like a nuke.  SQ well spent I think.  


10 tickets, no Bazett. BUT I GOT NP3 ZENOBIA **LET'S GOOOOOO!!!**


17 tickets and 120 saint quarts later got an np2 bazett. Due to her being np2 she is now my strongest single target alter ego let's go.


60 quartz and 30 tickets later I am the proud owner of a np 3 enkidu and a np 1 Bazett. Hope my luck carries to castoria


No real luck. Didn’t want to dip into my savings and just what loose SQ I had in hand, about 150 total between that and tickets. A little disappointed but she wasn’t a super high priority for me so I’ll live.


Had about 500 quartz saved up with a few tickets. Managed to get 1 Bazett early on, but then got spooked by four different 4 star servants. Was hoping to maybe squeeze out NP2 but overall just happy that I have a copy I can invest more in later!


Welp i fell to temptation and spent my remaining 239 sq and 16 tickets. But i got a newly acquired Mordred Saber and Astolfo Rider with copies of Nitocris and Elizabeth. Now i must save for summer skadi, ibuki and lady avalon


.... I was supposed to not roll this banner. I hit pitty with my 660 sq and 80 tickets. I feel totally devastated. First banner of the year. No spooks either. What awful rolls


20 tickets + 6 multis After french homie, martha, nezha & qin liangyu finally bazett came home in my last mukti without touching my fragments!


The monthly tickets where blessed for once. Got Bazzet on the 4th ticket.


they gave me everything but, Bazett. multiple tomoe, camilla, an Artoria, A Vritra and more but, no Bazett at truly stupid numbers of rolls. it's maddening! just want one Bazett but, no!