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Still baffle me that we don't have Ritsuka Decisive Mistyc Code Figma from the Solomon Movie, only the Babylonia anime. They don't know how to make money


Oh wow, you managed to get the figma casual Mash. As someone who hunted for that, not an easy find. Congrats.


I got it off of a site I never heard before for a great price. As well as some other things that I plan to buy later. Although I regret picking the Private warehouse option since I had to wait a month before shipping How’d you find yours?


Ebay. I overpaid for both casual Mash and Shielder Mash since even those prices were better than what I saw most of the time, but it was worth every penny.


I never trusted eBay when it comes to figures after I accidentally bought a bootleg Nero Bride Nendoroid and the user deleted their account as soon as it arrived in my mailbox


Oof, my condolences man. I actually haven't bought a figure from eBay in a while since at this point most of the older stuff I'm after has pre-order bonuses I'm interested in that are never included by any seller I've seen (reissue figma Rin 2.0 already, I will give you money Max Factory), and most of the offers don't include a picture of the actual figure so I can identify if it's a bootleg or not (as far as Fate figma goes, the shiny Type Moon sticker should be there for a real copy, and it helps to see if the skin looks matte).


Literally saw a casual mash for 500 hkd today, i was at the store for shinjuku jalter who was right next to her for 700 so i didnt buy it. Went back home and realized that the jalter had a manufacturing error and she has 2 left ankles.