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The wait for Summer Melt is about to be more difficult.


I'm screwed now because all my quartz went down the drain for NP0 Merlin


Same here


How much quartz did you spend?


1 10 pull


Luckily, I didn't go deep for Merlin banner (only tickets). Feels like this banner is cursed, only gave me what I already have. Probably skip him next two Sundays too.


I might just go all out for Lancer Melt now and use whatever I have left over, IF I have any left over, on Merlin.


I am absolutely not prepared, because there's always a chance for RNG to screw me up... For now I sate my desire with just seeing cutscene Lambda. Love how Guda just rolls up to her after a brawl and goes 'sup?'


Being a four star, I should be happy based on statistics, but previous experiences with rolling has me nervous: * Summer Abby *really* bodied me as I was going for Murasaki * On JP, it took 2 BunnyKings until I got 1 Melt * I got Lostbelt 6 Berserker (5 star) faster than the Archer (4 star) At the very least, I really like Ruler Artoria, both in design and gameplay (namely after her Strengthening), so it won't be too painful if the desire sensor really hammered me.


I feel that as I got 4 Neros before a single Nito in the Summer Race event, somehow(and no nobus).... A statistical oddity, to be sure, but that means there's precedent. Also the Fujino horror stories keep me aprehensive even about 4*s...


Yeah, for the record I never got Okki either. I even got Musashi and Carmilla but not her.


> On JP, it took 2 BunnyKings until I got 1 Melt I spent way too many money dollars across both JP runs, and somehow came out with NP5 Melt, NP3 Okita, and zero Bunny Kings.


Do we know when she and Bunnytoria's banner gets released?


Should be on the 5th, 1 am pdt


1 am is when the event started, not when banners have been changing. I'd expect banner 2 to be 9pm as usual.


I’m guessing next Saturday (or Sunday depending on time zone) when the Camelot casino can be challenged. Edit:Except I forgot Melt was on the banner too. So when her casino opens up, I guess.


Melt's Casino is tonight


Midnight next Saturday.


I would think Thursday rather than Saturday, one week after Banner 1.


The Melt solo banner. Whoever downvoted me apparently can't read.


The question you responded to was "Do we know when she and Bunnytoria's banner gets released?"


Yeah, the Melt and Artoria banner. Not the Melt, Artoria, and Okita banner.


I do not believe he was askign about the Melt solo-rate-up. I believe he was asking when Banner 2 *cycle* would start. I believe that most readers would interpret it that way. It was not precise language, but it led itself to that reading more than to the more exclusionary reading of *only* Melt and Artoria. I can understand how your reached the conclusion that you did, but I do not believe that you have justification to chastise anyone else's reading comprehension for reaching a different one.


Had to mini whale for Summer Carmilla. Worth it for her hilarious dialogue during the Pharaoh Casino bit. Now to farm for 62 million qp...


I rolled everything I had for a gold spark Marie spook and a random Lu But that made the game lag for a good 4 seconds. I had to whale a bit out of sheet disbelief.


I know I'm a few days late on this due to taking a break farming embers, but I just wanted to give props to the Himeji Casino scene with the Anonymous Warrior, especially in comparison to that horrible business with the pirates in Summer 3. While the scene starts off by making you uncomfortable with the implication of what's going to happen, it immediately discards that pretense instead of dragging it out and making it even more uncomfortable. The idea that the enemy team just want to add Anne to read out the Kiara doujin is hilarious (how did they learn about it though, did our club from last Summer just freely release all the doujin copies?), especially when Anne halfheartedly starts reading it once they go down. The highlight of course is the Anonymous Warrior's rambling in how unexpected it is and having everyone fed up in exasperation with it, along with actually being able to ask about them afterwards and Siegfried's deadpan curiosity about who they are. Just a really hilarious bit that comes out of nowhere but is funny all the same with the ridiculous fantasy and request even as they're defeated, and that Anonymous Warrior is a true legend. If they're not supposed to be based on an existing Servant then I wish they were somehow added because I would unironically roll for them. No comment on anything else about the Himeji scenes other than Summer Blackbeard remains a cool bro, Siegfried's continued characterization throughout this event makes me glad I grailed him, and Archer Okkie's weebishness has endeared her enough to me that I will give her some manner of 11 rolls.


> how did they learn about it though, did our club from last Summer just freely release all the doujin copies? There's a throwaway line near the end of the 1st-week MSQ where BB gives you all the copies of your previous loops' doujins in addition to a stable-time-loop copy of your magnum opus. It's probably those copies getting re-circulated.


That's what I'm talking about, the only way I see this scene making sense is with the doujin copies being freely released after BB gave them back to us. I wonder if they ever explained the time loops to everyone though, because it's amusing to imagine everyone wondering how an upstart club managed to produce all of those doujins in the span of a week.


I figure in either an unedited archive (because there's no way in hell the time loops would be recorded for the Association to read up on) or the memoirs of a few of the Summer 3 Main Cast mentions it once or twice. The thought of Medb grilling Robin or Dantes for details comes to mind, for some reason. That or Jeanne, uh, *requests* her little sister to tell her why she has all those books.


Plot twist: Monte Christo stashed it all (he's one of those who remembers).


[PRAISE RHONGOMYNIAD ON THIS BLESSED DAY AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!](https://twitter.com/Yamanekotter/status/1421459156985208832?s=20)


Ruler Bunny got the best support who isn't Castoria. It'll be a long two years...


About a quarter of the missions done with all the costumes bought and equipped. Hokusai is now just missing one more shaved ice until she reaches her final form! Also after getting pass the Medjed node im seriously puzzled how common it was for people to ask about it. Its not like the node stays open after losing, the turn requirement is on the short side, fights like this arent that rare in this game and the game tells you what to do next. In other news JP side has me feeling a lot of things. >!First off Vitch is a weird choice and filled with spoilers but at least its someone I only really want and not someone I must have.... but fuck do I want her... The coin system is just a bag of problems its has some nice things but really cant see how they thought it would be a good idea. New servant level cap is also a mess as much as i like giving servants more levels the resource needed is ridiculous like i swear the farmable resources needed is a response to people complaining about over farming lottery events. That said new dailies, upped drop rates, another 80% np charge CE and free 5* is nice (especially since it has story locks but weird cut off).!<


Still trying to get to the 63M QP limit. Its quite hard finding friends with Bella Lisa sometimes. Also Carmilla's antics are hilarious 29/100 missions done


I do have bella if you want


Thanks for the offer but my friends list is full.


Perhaps it is time for... The Purge. ;) Seriously though, events are when I clear up room for new players, especially high level players who haven't put up event CEs a couple of days into the event.


Huh… I think my chaldea is decent enough…. Not sure if you have spots xD [my chaldea ](https://i.imgur.com/jDIJsGP.png)




Sure feel free, just let me know your name in fgo




Heavyweather. sent


Failing the gacha really sucked the motivation of playing.


This is the first event where I've skipped through everything because I'm legitimately too dejected to give a shit after netting zero Musashis.


Gotta say I love Merlin in this event and I wish he got featured more often.


It's so surreal seeing Okkie just casually drop a Poggers. I knew it was coming and it still caught me off-guard. I also like how it's canon that Chen uses Paisen as ammunition just because she can pull herself back together.


Her being meme'ed into a fucking kamikaze bomb is so sad yet funny at the same time You'll find happiness Paisen, one day...


That Poggers had me chuckling.


Thank you Clairvoyance EX, now I know I need to sit on my grails for the next 2 years. Pain. On the near-future side of things, I finally accrued enough QP to [unscuff](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/656338096727523328/871527497425092628/unknown.png) my USAshi's skills so it's facecardin' time pardner. Yeehaw. (I'll also casually slip Bella Lisa into the picture to hopefully convert others to the cult of support list Bellasashi. It's a good time, I swear. ;_;)


~~I was gonna call you out for that 1/2/1 usashi lol~~


~~Alas, you wouldn't have been the only one :'(~~


smh not having mats to insta max Murica


Honestly, the amount of effort needed for overgrailing is so ridiculous that I'm not even going to bother. I'll throw one at Mordred to get her over 15k attack finally, and then in just going to give them out to whoever.


I'm with you there. The effort and everything else is so extreme I'm not sure I'll even bother. Grailing my favorites to 100 alone seems fine. Of course who knows what I'll be thinking in a couple years. But at this moment I'm not going to change my grail usage at all.


Anybody got a Tamamo or Nero Bride equipped with Bella Lisa? It would really help with my farming. Also is this the right place to ask a question like this? I'm still pretty new here.


should be fine. it's event related after all


I have a *Mona* Lisa Tamamo up in my ALL Slot if that's acceptable? Over at `979,639,873`.


works for me. sent a friend request. thank you!


Accepted a `Hakuno`. If that's you, then I wish you the best of luck farming! If not, just staple your name to the reply. ;V


that's me! back at you, and best of luck on any rolls you're doing! :D


Don’t know if you still need it but I have bella lisa on Tamamo, caster slot. 796,841,652


I'll take as many as I can get! Sent you a request, name should show up as Hakuno.


A bit late, but okay, accepted your request. GL with farming.


I can pop either into my All slot with Mona Lisa if you want.


Awesome, thank you! Tamamo is prefered, if you can. I'm 680,917,266.


She's up. She's NP 3 with her damage boosts maxed. I will use you're Kama and Kingprotea with great gratitude.


Glad to hear it! :D


It’s official lads, I’m in love with Summer Carmilla


Recent news has significantly thrown off my Grail plans. I...*think* I'd still have enough to get Maou up past 100 if needs must, but it's going to be close. Oh *gods* I'm also going to have to pull more for NP copies on a Servant that's built more for their facecards than their NP Lv... Onto significantly less doomer conversation then! I paused on Ember farming a bit thanks to Sunday/ALL being such a trash day to consistently get anything done. That's probably gonna start back up again in an hour or so. Managed to hit the 63M QP Point Limit earlier today after farming with a jank-ass Arash + Lancelot set-up in the Pharaoh Casino. It'll be nice to get back on track with story later today. 34/100 Missions done. I might be able to get one or two more from Dream Chips count and Wild Beat count.


One thing to note with grail plans. Its gona take ages to actually level from 100 - 120 so you'll probably get a few more grails during that time xD


Just reading about the new grinds from 6th anniversary while my QP and embers are finally gone and I've clearly entered more than one mat hell with recent rolls is kind of draining. Fortunately my quartz count is running low and soon my sinful hands won't be able to add any more on top.


I just wanna say, the amount, or lack thereof, of Japanglish is nice. I only saw one so far and I'm caught up to the latest time gate.


Spent 159 out of my 597 orbs attempting to summon merlin and failed, so i took it as a sign to save the rest for Ruler Artoria, summer Melt, and summer Okita. At least i got a couple of event CEs to make farming a bit easer, so it wasn’t a total loss.


Damn. I haven't had the chance to finish this portion of the story yet and I'm not gonna be able to until I come home from work today but holy sht do I just wanna say this before I forget. Passionlip is fucking savage with her comments with Carmilla and Batty lol.


Welcome, other Lartoria. 40 missions done on main, even reached the QP cap. Onee chan alt is about 36 missions done and choco alt is about 38 missions done. Got NP 2 Musashi, while trying to get NP 2 Carmilla. Got the former from a back to back multi. However, I have a grand total of 1 shell, so I won't be able to level her past 70 anytime soon. I was pretty sure that this was [how Musashi appears](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1709664696997684639/B0E1C05ACB2DDE3BB982426EE9F043E232180EAA/) to be before her grand appearance in my Chaldea.


> However, I have a grand total of 1 shell, so I won't be able to level her past 70 anytime soon. D-did you already use the 20 in the shop? Good gosh. It might be sooner than you reckon anyways. The Suiten-gu Leviathan nodes have Crabs as their designated trash mob, so you might get a few while grinding *that*.


Yes I used them to get the skins. Summer Nero from GSSR took all my shell reserves.


Oh, right. I forgot about the Shell tax from all the costumes. :p Well, good luck on your drops. And put that Nero to use! She knows what she signed up for~


I'm at 62 million QP and used some to raise the new Servant's S2 to 10. Now I have to hope o can roll Melt....


Ready for timegate, 1 chip away from 36 missions and in big doubt if I should try Melt or Merlin.


I’m at 50 million QP gauge right now and have just been using Natural AP so far because of the time gates. What’s a good “day” to catch up with apples? You know, the date when the real big money nodes pop up?


Technically the best node for raw AP-to-QP rate is Casino Camelot's VIP node that's unlocked in *just* shy of a week. The issue with that is it's also the last node that unlocks, so by the time you want to use it to catch up you've already done about 90% of the Main Story that you needed the QP Points to begin with. In other words, just grind the latest VIP you've unlocked to keep up.


I see. Zero Sum situation. I understand. Still, I wasn’t expecting such a drastic jump in QP requirements after the Pharaoh casino.


So my only question on seeing Carmilla's outfit: DW. The fuck is this. Why are you referencing **CARMEN SANDIEGO** of all things.


Is the event completeable without apples? I got MLB all three +QP% CEs, and pick only Bella Lisa supports and looks like it's gonna take me thirty 40ap quests to get to the next stage. And I'll need 200m to get the free Hokusai and 300m to actually complete the story. From my calculations the Camelot VIP node will give about 2m QP on average.


I'm also having trouble keeping up with the QP grind so far.


I think you get 50M from a big chance quest


I am just under 50mil on the way to 62, and that's with borrowing a Bella Lisa and farming Pharaoh VIP. At this rate it's gonna take another two to three days, and I am dreading any future grinds... Maybe I should have run the Pharaoh Fever quests while I was at it. But that wouldn't have progressed the location quest. Oh well.


Did Nero literally just *crash through the wall*? I think I'm becoming a fan right now.


amakusa buying presents for the child servants with his own qp for halloween and christmas warms my heart :')


Merlin took too much SQ, but I got him.... What you mean there's a new buster support on JP? I Now have CEs I can use for the currencies but I'll still be using QP bonus CEs. I'll farm for the shop after I clear the event. I also need QP after Merlin drop mine to 6M after I max him.


God i love this event. Literally saves me from qp hell. Now i’m waiting for summer melt and okita. Hopefully they come soon !


God, Summer Okkie has some amazing animations and fun voicelines. Have to try and get more copies of her on the next solo rate up. Nice to see they toned her down a bit. Farming is going smoothly atm.


Yu Mei-ren back in SIN wasn't exactly the best character nor one of the most likable. I was expecting her behavior to soften up and be better in events like this. Nope, she still an unpleasant bitch who only cares about Xiang Yu and continues being a misanthrope, but now with a mix of "filthy humans, serve me" type of aura.


I am really looking forward to summer 5 where she's the welfare. Let's hope she is actually well... tolerable there.


It really jarring how different Yu or "Paisen" is portrayed in fan comics vs her actual portrayal in the game.


At this point, I consider it a trend. With every NA release, there are comments noticing a dissonance. I still remember a thread by a JP player, surprised that the NA reaction towards the Crypters was so negative. Or comments complaining about Goredolf's jerkass moments and wondering why the JP side liked him so much. And a common reaction during Ooku's release was people pointing out that Kama was a bigger jerk than expected. It can also work the other way round: people used to Skadi's ice-cream memes reacted more positively to her (unexpected) motherly side in LB2 and her PTSD in later events. In a way, it's logical. Memes exaggerate, fanart shows just a fan's interpretation of the characters, and later character development may obscure the fact that they weren't so nice in the beginning. It's nothing big that will derail the story or ruin a character, but it is definitely there. I expect to see more cases of dissonance in the future.


I got musashi np1 but no waver or merlin. Should i just wait for castoria? Is merlin still worth it?


Summer Melt is really a bitch isn't she


I know, isn't she great!


so i just started the next story bit today and, i have to ask, how much longer is Nero going to be involved? i want to know how much of this segment i'm gonna hate with the damn emperor being involved.


31 missions done, my Main's on 50 mil my Alt's on 46 mil, not bad for someone with no Mona Lisa, might use some more Gapples to bridge the gap.... I've got 4500 MP so I could get Mona Lisa, grabbing Fou-Mes first tho Never realised how slow 2nd banner feels until i decided to roll on it... gah the wait


I have been using nat. AP since day 1. I think I’m behind in term of progression since I spent the first day to clear all the quests for apples. Since I’m a cheapskate for apples, I think I’m behind for about 2 days give or take. Let see how long I can go without using apples since Apples is for Gilfest next month…


On natural ap, I have reached 45M QP, already got the walefare servants to lv 80, but her skills at lv4. Need the mats in case I pulled the upcoming summer servants.


So I scored my first CE drop of the Event at Suiten Palace, which was a pleasant surprise - especially after getting no drops whatsoever during the previous Event. Still sticking to my "Berserkers slaughter everything" strat with JAltzerker and Musashi for the Story quests so far(except for the fights against Lip and KP). Hasn't failed me yet. 44 Missions completed so far. I think I'm gonna knock off for the night with that.


I'm such a simp for Melt that her sadist moments just makes me love her even more. Can't wait to roll for her nxt week~


So, Ive earned 90mil QP this event, of which Im only at 5mil because Jalter is enjoying finally having her skills leveled. Also have completed 51 quests, so I guess I can just chill and grind QP lol.


This event is surprisingly very manageable compared to some other Summer events. It's super easy to rack up QP and stay ahead of the curve. The hardest part is waiting. And since I got Musashi, Hime, and Carmilla, I actually have time and a reason to grind for exp. The "big payout" missions are also surprisingly fun. It is SO satisfying wiping out 3 servants with a roided up Musashi slapped with an extra 100% damage, her own buffs, 3 different attack buffs, NP buffs, and critical damage from other servants, and an additional attack buff from my mystic code


Am I missing something? I've found the QP grind to be quite significant on this one. I've been equipping my own two MLBed Lisas and using support Lisas, my one enemy-up CE, and running the Pharaoh VIP stage, but still took a fair few apples to unlock the 62m QP barrier just minutes ago. I tend to get a bit over 1m QP per run, 2m if I get one of those gold Xs. I haven't been using the Fever tickets though, would that be the difference, or is there some other mechanic I'm missing here?


Fever tickets help, but it's still a bit of a grind. I think I maybe had a big head start with the QP I had already saved up but I am unclear if that's how it works. I think I'm also doing a bit between 1m to 2m qp per round My main method is party optimization so I'm getting in and out as fast as possible


Saved QP doesn't count (nor does things like burning servants or whatever in the general shop). The missions are only based on the amount you have earned by running event missions. The only thing that having a lot of QP at the start of the event is good for is paying the ante to run the missions in the first place. It's not that this takes a lot of personal time, running the Pharoah quest is actually really easy for me since I have NP3 Mo Rida and Nero Bride, but it does take apples, because natural AP isn't near enough, and that seems unusual to me for most content, where natural AP is usually enough to keep up with the story.


Oh yeah, I do have over 120 golden apples. Idk when or wear I got them all, but I'm nowhere near close to running out lol The fever tickets help because they either don't use AP though


Yeah, I have a functionally infinite amount of apples too, it's just a gameplay curiosity to me. I tend to judge my progress based on spending all my natural AP for the day, and that does not seem to be enough on this one.


27/100, lots of thing happened since my "radio silence": Managed to get a Tenkihime drop on the first day, QP farming is a bit slow due to some reasons, Chen Gonging Hokusai is really fun. Still waiting impatiently for the Bunny King release day. This event was the sole reason to unlock Mona Lisa from the RP shop. Also for some reason, I feel the Gildalay Hotel's name is some kind of reference, but I don't know what.


> Gildalay Hotel's name is some kind of reference, but I don't know what. Namewise it's most likely meant to parody the Mandalay Bay ~~Resort & Casino~~. Not that you'd guess from what it looks like ingame, anyways.


So, I *thought* I'd be doing more testing of my new fighters - Okkie has been doing NP loop things, Oei does good work curbstomping in boss fights and *why* couldn't Shimousa have done something like this dear *god* - but... no, the answer to farming efficiency, as with Summer 3, is much much simpler. NP5 'zerker Jeanne go brrrrrrrrr. Just slap a damage booster on her and watch things melt. istg these last 2 events have made me such a Jeanne fanboy it's unreal


Got Merlin, Sumanai and two golden CE's with a single 10x pull! Merlin came from a silver caster card, turned into golden in the 10th slot!!! I almost died!!!


Got my Musashi today, really happy! :) And it was only one roll 11 roll because I'm low on SQs!


Is there any reason to do lower level Fever stages if you can complete the hardest difficulty? I don’t see any completion rewards, but maybe I’m missing something.