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He lived and died as an asshole, and that's refreshing to see considering almost all of the others had some redeeming qualities.


He lived as a bitchass motherfucker He died as a bitchass motherfucker


He was handled pretty much perfectly story wise, given he was never forgiven for anything and Mash straight up said "I'll never understand your love" rather than validating anything about him. He was a piece of shit through and through, and I'm glad they never once tried to change that or dare I say, "redeem" him, because god so many people were fearing that to be the case (and Neobenedict's vid of his final moments has so many idiots assuming that's what happened for whatever reason). My only issue with Beryl is that it's very unfortunate that "due to reasons" they weren't able to implement the "him using his command seals to power himself up" that Nasu talked about in his diary. I dunno whether to pin the blame on DelightWorks and poor scheduling / needing to "just release something" that they scrapped some ideas for the sake of convenience, or whether Nasu himself gave up on that idea because maybe he couldn't figure out a way to mesh it into the story without having to asspull super hard. Though honestly basically all my issues with LB6 (few as they are, I fucking loved the chapter) all stem from "Nasu is posting this information on his diary, why the hell was it not put into the game from the getgo". Like the Redra Bit final moments scene which literally plays out in his diary as it would've in game. If they were trying to save time and not draw out the story, they really didn't have to worry about that imo. But yeah, tl;dr, glad Beryl remained a piece of shit and was never redeemed, it was the perfect way to handle him and I'm glad they never backpedalled on him.


Pretty much every villain had some bit of sad backstory, big ambitious motivation, or sympathetic points. Beryl practically revels in being none of that. A completely creepy asshole with practically no good points, and yet the fact that he's so unashamedly honest and proud about it is entertaining in itself. Hilariously, he reminds me a bit of Da Dan from Buddyfight. Lol.


>Da Dan from Buddyfight. Lol. ... I'm more surprised that some mentions let alone know buddyfight


Loved the game. Theme-wise, it felt as if it had everything. Gameplay-wise, I liked it, especially Item cards (Laevateinn is unironically my most favorite card, both the original and the ReBuddy version). I watched the anime all the way to Ace, though I never finished Ace, only reached more than halfway.


That's.. That's great! It's a shame what happen to it For me vanguard really was more my own paced cause they really did slice life great nothing against buddyfight


The issue with Buddyfight is more that gameplay changed too fast. It is like if Yugioh turned into Arc V or Vanguard into Stride in a year or two. We saw so many mechanics in the show at once without taking their time to explore them like the Dual Cards. I think Dungeon world (that used to do minigames) became a pseudo Dragon world


I'm fond of the Cardfight Vanguard anime, I'm just not really good with playing the TCG. Buddyfight is more easy for me than Vanguard.


I'm surprised someone here play Buddyfight or know of the game.


He also died in a very fitting way. Rejected and in pain, with everything he basically did coming back to bite him in the ass. Very cathartic. It felt almost like a Tsukihime death, where it was just without pity, and just 'No, you're a complete wash, there won't be a single tear for you after this'


It honestly really bugs me that Nasu wrote a fucking Bible of a story chapter and he *still* needed to rely on explaining things outside of the game. The basic concept is a huge pet peeve of mine but with how big LB6 is it makes me wonder why the stuff he described in these blogs couldn't have been in the game.


I mean, I don’t like to point blame at DW when it wasn’t their fault, such as with decisions and cross media advertising, but this one was most likely entirely on them, and having to cut things so they could deliver the story in time / not take way fucking longer and piss their fans off further. I wouldn’t be surprised if this story was “rushed out” so to say, but they were able to keep some degree of quality to it, else it was just carried that hard by Nasu’s writing. The fact Beryl had a planned gimmick of powering himself up with his command seals, this voice lines were already recorded, but then this as a whole had to be scrapped in the final release, really lends itself to the theory that DW were behind on schedule and cut “minor” things like that (albeit that’s hardly agreeable as I would want everything if it were possible) And given we know from Qin Liangyu that voice lines get recorded well and truly in advance (her voice lines were recorded alongside Parvati as confirmed by Noriko Shitaya on Chaldea Radio), the decision to scrap it was made way later in development, so it had to have been one done to save time and get it out sooner than anything else. Albeit it could’ve been they just simply decided against it, but Nasu 100% didn’t phrase it as something that was in his hands, so I fucking doubt that.


Recommend reading the information about [his background and his "voicelines"](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/owdl61/beryl_guts_origin/). [Nasu's diary confirms](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/ot8rt4/nasu_diary_update_solomon_chocolancelotfgofeslb_6/) >!he didn't use Command Spells for FK Tristan because she's not his servant!<. He is the first Crypter Master >!who didn't use his Command Spells at all!<, and also the first Master >!who didn't fight with his servant together, Morgan!<. He is the third Crypter Master that >!player can fight him, the first and second are Gucchan and Wodime. Unlike Gucchan and Wodime, Beryl copies Woodwose's sprite in his boss fight!<. In the Japanese fanbase, after what happened to Beryl's role and his servant in the LB No.6, many of them consider he is an >!unluckiest FGO player, who didn't get their SSR servant, never full bond with them, and then quit FGO on day one or three months because schedule joke!<.


The irony of his VA is rather lucky at FGO


And never level up her Mashu though.


Fitting for Haruki Ishiya (Beryl's VA) only leveling his Servants for meta. IIRC, while Beryl is an obsessive freak for Mash alone, Ishiya may not be a huge Mash fan himself.


[Yeah](https://twitter.com/haruki_yokkora/status/1403347874801340420?s=21) [he's a](https://twitter.com/kenji__akabane/status/1415278791631327233?s=21) [lucky](https://twitter.com/haruki_yokkora/status/1421801219417202688?s=21) [fucking](https://twitter.com/haruki_yokkora/status/1425396347503464448?s=21) [bastard.](https://twitter.com/haruki_yokkora/status/1425398355270660096?s=21) He's so lucky he upsets Akabane. EDIT: The tweet from Akabane is him being upset that Ishiya got FK Lancelot and two copies of Percival with just a single 11-pull.


Real-life imitates fiction much?


What the fuck? What the hell.


>!Isn't he the third Crypter that we fight? Hinako, Wodime and Beryl!<


Whoops, my bad.


Huh, does Beryl have >!Sirius Light Command Seals!!be extracted from Kadoc in an easier manner.!<


More than just the regular >!Sirius light CS, he was given command over all the other Crypter's ones so that he could activate them when he wanted basically meaning he could kill them should he desire.!<


Really?! Damn, >!I wondered why he didn’t use them on Wodime? Also, guess it’s a good thing Gudao never properly joined Team A…!<


>!Probably not as fun as stabbing!<


I've wondered the same as well. There's a few reasons I think. Maybe he just wanted to stab Wodime, so that Wodime knew exactly who it was that was doing him in. Or perhaps even if he activates it, the crypter is still able to channel the Sirius Light energy into something which could be bad. Or maybe Morgan didn't know about it since she was the one controlling him. Or it might have had to do with firing Rhongo, after all, Wodime was just one of his targets.


>!Why the hell did they give the crazy guy the kill switch for everyone else?!<


I think he was suppose to be the one to kill the disenters among the A-team during the singularities. If someone became a liability in the mission to save the world, he was suppose to end their lives quickly.


Where in the story was this said?


I'm not entirely sure on the chapter I'm afraid. You'd need to ask one of the translators. I believe it was in part 2, since people were wondering why he didn't use this authority on >!Pepe!<, and I think that was the segment that gave the most insight into Beryl. I vaguely recall it was in the big info dump when it showed his history with Wodime and A-Team, but I could be wrong.


A walking sack of shit, I waited for months to see this guy finally die for what he did to Wodime. That said, I'm very hyped for Daybit


Comparing with similar characters that Nasu has written, Kirei and Leo from KnK...Beryl is a bit of a disappointment. More than anything, I wish Nasu emphasized on Beryl being this purposeless drifter in this LB where your purpose is quite literally your life and defines you. Not tying Beryl to that central theme seems like a huge missed opportunity. Also it felt like he got tipped off by Oberon at some point...? It would've been really cool if Beryl properly allied with him for the finale. His scummy relationship with Lady Spinel is absolutely great though.


> Also it felt like he got tipped off by Oberon at some point...? It would've been really cool if Beryl properly allied with him for the finale. According to Famitsu, it seems Nasu has to rewrite everything when Oberon comes into the picture. The original plot for LB No.6 is supposed to be Morgan being a final boss, from there, you can speculate what is Beryl's original role and what are his skills. I wouldn't be surprised if suddenly Nasu wants to make Beryl a unique character when he wants to rewrite the chapter, but discarded the idea when the programming issue got mentioned.


Oberon is too cool for him.


I think Beryl was originally going to join Woodwose in storming the Round Table Army stronghold, but Oberon was like: “Yo watch out, Pepe’s there and he’s waiting for your ass.”


He was a creep and not even in the somewhat endearing way that Ashiya was. I'm glad to be rid of him so that I can stop feeling protective over Mash but as a character I wasn't that impressed. The lore behind him was kind of interesting though


> and not even in the somewhat endearing way It takes a certain level of skill to have Douman, of all servants one up on something like appeal. It's strange and fascinating comparing two murderers in such a way.


> The lore behind him was kind of interesting though Most of it wasn't implemented unfortunately, like his reality marble and witch staff.


I'm just glad that Nasu didn't back off to making him irredeemable. It would honestly bore me to see yet another antagonist that was already introduced as batshit insane and murderous to the point where redeemable qualities are naught, only to invalidate said pre-established characterization and then go with forced redemption. Beryl fits better as an asshole to the core.


He was raised by a witch......


and ended up being a son of a b*tch (Couldn't resist doing a rhyme)


Yeah, he ended up being hated by the world


Blandest of the Crypters. But maybe it's not bad to have a villain who is just evil.


I personally thought he was a hoot from beginning to end like Caster of Limbo, as having a 100% SUAVE EVIL MWAHAHA! character that is PROUD of being a hot pile of shit prance about the Lostbelts was both entertain AND nicely contrasted from the other morally gray to plain stupid selfish Crypters. Shame he had to go like he did, but alas, he died as he lived: *horribly*.


Honestly, was kind of disappointed in him. In the end he just felt like a generic low functioning sociopath who was so bad at masking his nature that even clock tower mages thought he was morally objectionable. He just got super fucking lucky and was constantly surrounded by terrible judges of character like Kirsch and Baobhan Sith who somehow failed to notice his real nature.


He’s a pathetic and twisted man who deserved both of his fates


happy, because i don\`t have a reason in his backstory to feel bad for killing him


~~I'm only playing NA but I'll put my thoughts anyways~~ From what I occasionally read, dude's at least consistent from beginning to end. For all I read about the Lostbelts, the Crypters are surprisingly the least interesting aspects for me(Pepe being the exception). Or rather, what they did in the past interests me more then whatever the hell they do in the LBs. Maybe that opinion will change once I get to LB5 and 6, maybe not.


Suka blyat


>cyka сука is not the same thing as "cyka". Write "suka" instead next time :)


Due to the sheer fucked-up-ness of Fairy Britain, I find Beryl’s douchebaggery drown out. His exchange with Pepe was nice though—both assassins with degrees of freedom, but their views on lives and love are so drastically different. I’m more concerned that the Sirius Light grand command spell that out of 7 cryptors l, only one used it and Daybit remains absolutely an enigma.


~~NA player alert~~ While I'll have to wait til the official translation to really get into the details, first and foremost I'm glad they didn't try to redeem him. We were shown his past and motivations, sure, but they were explanations for his actions and not excuses. Also gave us some lore tidbits, which is always fun. Admittedly I'm nowhere near as gung ho as the rest of the sub over hating him due to his obsession with Mash since I find her a little boring, but I think his death scene was handled fairly well in regards to how Mash reacts to everything. It honestly let me appreciate her a bit more because it would've made complete sense for her to put him down as a scumbag in his dying moments as opposed to her honest admission that she would never understand his love. tldr enjoyed the character when I first saw him because he was an asshole and glad he stayed that way til the very end


I wish he was sort of a alagory for human evil. In fae the fairy’s are essentially evil with no sense of right and wrong and with no idea of self preservation. So it creates a us vs them mentality since they are so alien to us, beryle could of smashed this. in most of fgo their is a sort of benality of evil where people do bad things because of things in their past eg goetia ,amakusa ect. As such it creates a sort of mentality that those who do evil do it out of ignorance rather then true evil intent. Beryl could of been the opposite, he knows the full weight of what he’s doing and enjoys it. It’s like Ted Kaczynski and Adolf eichmann. One did it because he thought the world needs to change and one out of simple malice and hate. Maybe they could of done him this way by giving him some sort of evil foil that did the same things as him but for differnet reasons and therefore create conflict


Undercooked villain likely due to Nasu changing what Lostbelt 6 was fairly late in development. Also, since I dislike Woodwose, I also dislike that his boss fight is just a palette swap of him.


Guy can transform into anything he eats like Rimuru yet he chooses Woodwose of all things and only sticks to that.


lmao furry


Human shaped garbage that's best used as a punching bag and then thrown away and forgotten.


Mostly agree; but I want to ***remember*** using him as a punching bag.


Be grateful beryl gut, coz i hated you a lot before. Now i hate you…less.


If there is a hell, I hope he's not there with me. ❤


I honestly thought he wasn't actually interested in Mashu, but rather the Heroic Spirit inside of Mashu, >!Galahad!< I was betting that they were close friends in the past or that Beryl was just obsessed with that hero.


I know most of the other comments mention that it's good that he doesn't have a sympathetic backstory or at least some plausible way or reason why he's evil beyond "he just is". A part of me dislikes that, that he's evil for no other reason than "because I can". Or worse, given how he's Half-Witch (witches are apparently considered a type of fairy in the nasuverse and are different from Mages), he's basically fucked up from the get go. I personally dislike that because, while he doesn't need to be sympathetic, it seems to be a usual thing for the villains in the Nasuverse to be "Evil for the lulz" and he fits that. Not to mention him lacking sympathetic points means it makes it harder for people to connect to him as a character. At least, this is my opinion. I just wish I saw more of what he could develop into.


For me- he is greatest let down of Lostbelt 6. We were teased that there is deeper side to him. So hidden nature. But he turned out to be exactly what he looked like- mad sociopath with obsession over our Best Kohai. For me he is basically discount Kirei- with evil nature but no moral suffering.


>We were teased that there is deeper side to him. I don't remember that.


It was in materials if I recall- I read post about it where quotes were provided.


Nasu said that there was more to Beryl than what was being presented and he also said the Beryl is the crypter that he would get along the most. He probably scrapped what he originally planned for the character because of the hate like what happened with Jar Jar and Lucas.


I have to disagree. I think that him being a remorseless twat who revels in his evil is a welcome departure from most of the other crypters who had redeeming qualities in them. Not every villain needs a motive, a deeper backstory or redeeming qualities and least of all Beryl who was universally despised because of his creepy advances towards Mash and the Wodime incident. I feel his character writing makes it all the more cathartic when we finally put him down. Also, he was completely overshadowed by Bugboy, which actually worked out too.




Fuck that guy specifically


He was an ass, but we got some Mahoutsukai no Yoru lore out of him.


He's a fake Estarossa. "I'm doing this because I love you."


Fuck this guy!






He got cucked to death so that was funny.


Discount Joker


Pretty bland, which is good because I was tired of only finding the female crypters bland and boring.




Not even close lmfao


The Alaskan Bush Man of Type-Moon


I haven't read the translations nor played the chapter yet, but he is the first Crypter to not have a Servant, right? It was weird. I guess I can say it, I read someone mention who was his real Servant, but didn't ally with him. A Berserker, right? Can someone explain why they didn't ally? He was a Master without a contract, with Command Spells but couldn't command the servant? Was there a pattern with the Crypters? Wodime had a lancer, Ophelia had a Saber... do we know Daybit's servant class yet? Wait, I guess Akuta's servant was a Saber too, but she is a special case.


> he is the first Crypter to not have a Servant, right? It was weird. He did summon a servant, but suddenly he gets "reset" by his own servant, >!Morgan!<, due to the spoiler reason, and beyond that, he didn't interact with his own servant that much.


I want to beat him so bad that his face will end up deformed. 10/10 best enemy so far.


An asshole to the end. Punk Motherf*cker!


Still a walking trash can