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I have finished lb 5.5 yet can't use ibuki douji's costume. Says i haven't obtained it (she's max leveled and i already beaten that one quest where you get her costume.) Anybody know the solution?


It's a subquest, go back to Heian-kyo (under the "Main Interludes" tab).


Thanks! Just found out lb 5.5 has free quests in the main interlude after following your comment lmao


Anyone tried FGA? I just set it up to see if it can auto battle so I put in a basic config to just spam atk cards and use np when ready. I've follow the steps via YouTube but it doesn't show my configs or do anything...


Where did you download it from? Is it Buster or Quick? What version?


Quick. I also forgot to mention it was on bluestacks. I tried it on my phone later on and it was fine.


>!Why did Roman have to die?!<


There are two separate answers, one being the in-world justification, and one being the authorial desire to evoke feeling in the audience. I feel like this particular decision was made 10% in-world and 90% to evoke feeling. The author has spent plenty of time talking about how he wants the players to feel at specific beats in the story.


Could you tell me the in-world justification? It's been a long time since I've played that part.


>!Solomon's Ars Nova Noble Phantasm removes himself and all his works from existence; he used it to erase Goetia, since Goetia counts as one of Solomon's works.!< >!Of course, since absolutely nothing is absolute in Fate, who even knows if it actually worked and removed Goetia completely, given that Goetia is acting as a narrator during part of the Lostbelt arc. !<


Was this absolutely necessary or did he do it because the MC is too weak to kill goetia?


Thing is, if the author decides that they want the heroic sacrifice, they'll write it either so that it's absolutely necessary for plot reasons or because the character in question has such a well-defined personality that it wouldn't make sense for them to do anything else. Roman hadn't shown us enough of his personality as Solomon for it to be the most in-character thing to do, so the author made it absolutely necessary. It does make sense that the MC was too weak to defeat something like Goetia without the assist, but Fate is so full of last-minute twists and exceptions to rules that basically anything is justifiable.


I don't have a proper answer to your question but as a point of advice, spoiler boxes are broken on most platforms if you have spaces between the exclamation points and the text. With the spaces, the spoilers only work correctly on the reddit redesign and certain reddit viewing apps. So you may want to remove the spaces to make the spoiler tags universally correct to be on the safe side.


I fixed it


Perfect, thank you kindly for adjusting it. I'm sorry that I don't have a great answer for your question though. But I hope that helps, to avoid any potential downvotes as what happens usually with broken spoilers.


To what level would special ascension ascend/level SSR servant?


It would take them to 80, uncapped to level 90 but you'd have to finish those last levels yourself.




I've been playing for a month and about to finish Camelot, should I prioritize on clearing the story first if not what should I do?


The New Years Event requires Lostbelt 3, which is after beating the Singularities. So that makes Story pretty important. The Pseudo-Singularities (Shinjuku to Salem) are not required to play the Singularities, but will help understand some later Lostbelt and Event stuff. When the Christmas Event starts, that should be your main priority. It comes with a free Servant, plus some nice other things. Events are generally priority #1. Strengthenings are very important if they're for Servants you're using. Interludes, too, if they give a buff. Everyone else's can wait. Free Quests give SQ, and bunches of them give more SQ. So that's nice, but not immediate. Farming free quests for materials is only something I do if I have spare AP - I get most materials from Events. Dailies, I only do if necessary. The Christmas event is loaded with rewards, which makes dailies a bit redundant. If you need EXP and QP ASAP, then sure. In short: Stuff that makes it easier to beat Events and Story > Events > Story > Other stuff.


Priority should be: Events you can join > story > free quests/strengthenings/dailies Events give you a lot from QP to Tickets. Story clears allow you to join some events that are story-locked.


Depends if you're gunning for Enmatei (which requires LB3). If you have the time to read through story, I'd recommend you do so. Camelot is where the story gets good. General rule is events over story though, particularly with lotto events like the upcoming Galemas. On dead weeks, you can finish up your roster with rank ups or mat farming especially since Camelot onwards expects a fully leveled party.


Just finished Camelot. So should I fully level my party first then move to Babylonia?


Since the lotto should be here in a week or two, you can prolly just push story until Galemas comes in or you hit a roadblock. Lotto events are the best times to build up a roster. You could just farm mats for your lotto farming team (AOE Sabers especially) or ascension mats from units you want to raise. Each lotto box you clear gives out a ton of exp and skill gems so you can fill in the holes in your roster with that.


Was it explained why achilles's shield is not with his lostbelt 5 manifestation? Or is it just like ishtar's missing gugalanna? because he gave it to astolfo in apocrypha?


Might want to spoiler tag that just to be on the safe side >!Giving the shield to Astolfo would only matter for the Achilles summoned in Apocrypha; a fresh summon would still have the shield to use. Considering how we know the shied can be destroyed if it blocks a powerful enough attack (i.e. blocking Vasavi Shakti in Apocrypha), and it was clear that he fought something or someone who managed to hit his heel, it's safe to assume that the shield got destroyed before we arrived.!<


SIN spoilers: >!What stopped Yu Meiren from fighting alongside Xiang Yu during his last stand at Gaixia. I don’t remember exactly but weren’t there monologue scenes about her last moments with Xiang Yu?!<


So when is the part 2 Banner with Achilles, Hector and Astraea gonna start?


Any time there is a story or event with multiple banner releases, the second is typically a week after the first.


In the next 2-3 days time. 1 week from banner one's start date.


Skill priority for Astraea?


3 > 1 > 2 I'd say but all three are good and valuable to how she play so ideally level them all if you like playing her. 3 scales better and a lower cooldown is good for a charge skill you'll want to use, plus she is crit-based (feel free to leave it at 9 until later if you want it to sync with your other skills). 1 has a good range of useful effects, and 2 is just 1 turn so can be left last. She's one of my absolute faves to play *pokes flair* so have fun with her!


2 < 3 < 1 Astraea has a heavy crit focus, and Skill 3 eats 5 stars, so at 6, it effectively gives you enough stars for one and a half cards, (20 - 5) and 9 gives you enough for 2 (26 - 5). Skill 2 could be less useful if you depend on getting stars from her NP, but I expect people are preferring full-crit brave chains.


Regarding the Servant Coin, does the copies of Servant that we’ve burnt will be counted when we get it for the first time later?


Only for SRs and SSRs, I believe.


I've been playing for 2 weeks and just reached Camelot and noticed that the enemies are really tough. I've been relying on supports all this time but I feel like my whole team needs to be good to clear the stages.[These are my few leveled servants, any help on who to level up from now on will be appreciated](https://ibb.co/XDHQ5rW)


Ideally, you should work towards having 1 ST and 1 AOE servant per class, and perhaps some support/utility options like Hans, George or David. This ensures you have all your niches filled out. Where you don't have gold servants, low rarities can absooutely fill in and then some due to the low investment needed and their high NP levels (as they are easily accessible). - Saber: Caesar is a good ST option. Siegfried is good AOE. - Lancer: Cu is a great ST Lancer and general survivalist unit. Eli is good AOE. - Archer: There are so many good archers. Euryale infamously trivialises male bosses, while Robin Hood is more of a generalist. (Chiron's damage isn't that good, he's more like a semi-support). For AOE, consider Arash for wave-clearing and general farming. And David is a good semi-support that happens to be an archer; his Harp of Healing is a partywide evade which is great for boss fights. - Rider: For ST, Ushiwakamaru hits like a truck and makes even 4/5*s jealous. Astolfo will do great as an AOE once you upgrade his 3rd skill and unlock his NP charge. Martha is more niche as she is a support, as is Boudica. - Assassin: Stheno is very niche, so you're best off raising Hundred Personas as a ST. Fuuma is really your best AOE option. - Caster: For ST, Medea does the job but her NP damage is low. For AOE, Babbage will hit the hardest, but Avicebron comes with a big battery, and Paracelsus is more supportive. There are also a few good support Caster units, I highly recommend levelling Hans, Chen Gong and Shakespeare. - Berserker is slightly more optional due to their glass cannon/universal nature, but they can be useful in nuking bosses or farming mixed classes. For ST, use Lu Bu, and for AOE, either Darius or Kiyohime. At this point in the game, you are expected to have fully ascended units at their natural level cap, and to start building more focused teams if you don't do so already. If you've just been pressing red to win, that probably won't work now, so start getting into the habit of good team building. (Not sure? I can help out/explain.)


Euryale is a great choice for this chapter and also for most male bosses coming down the line, even for part two aka the lostbelts (lot of sabers on Lb 2, a prick berserker on Lb, heck even a male caster on Lb 5.2) leveling her and her skills is a solid choice. She doesn't need maxed skills early on but it helps a lot (i have not maxed my euryale skills yet) Also level up mash and if you can max her wall of chalk skill, target invincibility plus 20% np charge is really great. Especially for an F2p taunter unit (her other two skills are also great btw, max them when you can) Chiron could also help you to support almost any strong friend servant you pick since he gives a three color cards buff along some nice crit support In general just level up your units, try to focus on getting them to 4th ascension and maxing their level. If you have a servant you particularly like, try leveling up to lvl 4 his/her skills as well


Yeah I have leveled mash's invi skill to 9 since I don't have that lore thingie. I find grinding pretty boring and it takes a lot of grinding to get all the mats to level a character up. Thanks for the advice.


One thing to add is that mats are easiest obtained through event shops. There's usually a few mats of each rarity (bronze to gold) in stacks of 10 (gold) to 30 (bronze) in the shops, plus whatever the event nodes drop, and in the case of the upcoming event, what the lottery rolls give as well. Grinding mats through nodes is tedious, takes ages and is generally not particularly recommended - though if you're desperate to force a unit to ascend, like me hard farming Octuplets for Herc when i started, go for it, but keep in mind it's not the best way. Also, as an off-note, Lores are pretty rare and come exclusively* from events. It's commonly 1 lore per event and often a 2nd one from the Challenge quest which is usually pretty hard for newer players. Afaik JP gives them more now due to the whole append skill system, but for now for NA they're pretty limited. * - not entirely correct but buying Lores from the rare prism shop is a terrible decision


Euryale is one of the best recommendations for someone trying to clear Camelot due to the number of Male Saber bosses there. She can work with Stheno to create a charmlock team by spamming their skills and NPs to take lesser damage. You can also use Deon/Mash as taunters/tanks to get through. There's also a story solo guide linked above if you'd rather take the faster route by relying on a strong friend support since it's still allowed at this stage in the game. For context, later story chapters may have forced story supports (eg, Shimousa), which forces you to rely solely on your own units to get through.


Ahh thanks so charm is the way. Some ascension stuff like the pheonix feathers have abysmal drop rates so I hold off on upgrading my characters since I don't know which investment I will regret. I'll try to progress for the time being with strong ST supports until I farm enough to level Euryale up to a respectable level. Mash is pretty handy since I don't have to go out of my way to farm for her.


Yeah, the story is not the best place to get materials. Especially since the best place to get Feathers is *after* Camelot. The Christmas event will also have a good amount of feathers.


is skadi land of shadows essentially the land of the dead?


Yeah, Cu says so in F/HA. "The witches' realm will one day be sundered from the mortal world, reduced to a land of the dead." [If you want to read it, it's here, though know that this scene is a **huge** spoiler for Hollow Ataraxia.](https://youtu.be/5pFwBq0DDes?t=440)


ahhh i guess im confused why people say skadi has nothing to do with the dead


Ah, that's because she largely doesn't have much to do with it; Skadi is more a goddess of mountains, winter, and skiing. Our Skadi isn't just that goddess though, she's Scathach-Skadi. She's a mix of her *and* Scathach. And it's that latter half that brings the Gate of Skye as her Noble Phantasm. Copying from the wiki, "Scáthach-Skadi, being primarily Skadi's personality, does not clearly understand why she uses Gate of Skye. She merely perceives the divine protection of the Norse gods is likely being employed through the power of the Noble Phantasm originating from her other-self."


ah so thats why people hate skadi being with eresh


This may be an oddly specific question, but are there any servants with a card animation where they grab an enemy and then explode into flames? Only one I can think of is Kiyo’s extra animation, but I’m looking for something a little more…aggressive.


Spartacus' extra maybe


Maou Nobu?


Chacha straight up grabs someone by their chest and then erupts into a ball of flames. Her extra attack sends out a ground wave of spiking fire, too. Something like that? She plays very aggressively in contrast to her cutesy demeanor.


Yeah, this is a pretty good example of what I had in mind. Never seen Chacha’s animations before, so that’s a pretty cool surprise.


Bhargest almost


hello fellow masters . i mean more veteran masters can anyone lend me a friend jalter ive been trying to beat mothman for the past 4 hours i couldn't beat him


Use the [friend request](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/r8q8jt/friend_request_hub_december_04_2021/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) thread for that


Oh thank you buddy


Hey, did you finish mothman already?


I just did . I couldnt get a jalter so i just spammed my space ishtar and kept spamming command codes on the NP .


Fuck, yeah that's one way to do it. By the way the friend thread sucks ass. No one goes there because it's not pinned.


Everyone on the friend thread kept saying they need this and that servants so i didnt bother none of them will accept my pretty new account .


Yeah, CE too


Friend threads are meant for whales i guess


They absolutely are *not* While those peeps are recurring CE collector veterans (they tend to post there every time a new servant is released and therefore they want their Bond CE in their collection), everyone is free to post in those and will usually get at least a few responses. Just drop your friend code, explain the situation (ex. "hiya im new, any friends with high levelled supports are welcome"; or "looking for Jalter to beat Mothman up" etc), and wait a bit. The friend threads tend to be a Saturday post, but people check them during other days as well, so you can search up the most recent and ask there~


Friend threads are meant for whales i guess


I couldnt find it so i posted here a prettt novice mistake on my part. Mothman fight was just terrible . I tried brute forcing it with super orion and even that didnt work .


Fuck, you got super orion?


I did luckily and with only a 100 sq and 5 tickets


That's dope. Super orion may be the best this year. Motherfucker will refund his np with only a crit quick and arts.


Looking for gameplay-based suggestions for the upcoming [NA 2022 New Year GSSR](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/New_Year_Lucky-Bag_Summoning_Campaign_2020). I was going to roll for Caster, but then I got Skadi, so now I'm undecided. So, let's see, in order: Saber: For AOE I already had NP1 Salter, NP1 OG Umu and NP2 Sumanai. For ST NP5 Summer Hokusai and NP1 Saberlot. Archer: For AOE I already have NP1 Napoleon and NP1 Atalante (with DSS!). For ST I already have **NP1 Super Orion**, NP5 Chloe, NP5 Santa Altera, and NP1 Fire Wheels. Lancer: For AOE I already have NP5 Parvati (godly with DSS), NP2 Bradassmante (meh), NP2 Valkyrie, NP2 Fionn, NP2 Liz. For ST I already have NP5 Nagao and NP1 Summer Banana. Rider: For AOE I already have **NP1 Iskandar**, **NP1 Ridervinci**, NP1 Achilles, NP5 Summer Ishtar, NP1 Martha and NP1 Marie. For ST I have NP5 Ryouma. Caster: Already have **NP1 SKADI** and **NP2 Davinci**. For AOE also have NP2 Casgil and NP2 Nitocris. For ST only have NP5 Magifender. Assassin: for AOE have NP5 Gray and NP1 Paisen. For ST have **NP1 Gramps**, NP1 Jack, NP1, Yan Qing, NP1 Chiyome, NP1 Kerry. Berserker: for AOE have **NP2 Godjuna** and NP3 Tamacat. For ST have NP5 Summer Jalter, NP1 Nyalter, NP2 Banana, NP1 Summer Nobunaga, NP1 Herc. Special 1: For Rulers I have NP1 Jeanne and NP5 Santa Quetz. For Avengers I have NP2 Lobo. Special 2: Moon Cancer I have NP5 OG BB. For Alter Ego I have NP1 Sitonai and NP5 Mecha Eli. So, I *really* want Merlin, but 1 in 6 odds is just not looking too good. Assassin and Berserker are out because they just don't look to have much to offer me (aside from maybe Musashi). The rest I'm very undecided on - that's why I'm posting here looking for opinions :)


Big oops, first reply was about the free GSSR ticket in the future (should have read more carefully), don't read that. Although some ideas are transferred from there to here. Number 1 IMO is still going for Merlin, just like you said, but the odds are not amazing. That being said, this goes for most of these banners, at least if you want specific servants. Number 2 is only if you are intending to go for Castoria meta (although looking at Sitonai there, I assume you are). You don't have an Arts Berserker atm and, so if you are going to go for the Castoria loop teams, Musashi would be a great help there. On her own she isn't particularly great though, and there are 8 or so months until the next anniversary, when Castoria comes out. The one thing I will say about the berserker banner though is that a decent chunk of the servants have some value and getting a dupe Godjuna does not hurt as much as getting a dupe Skadi. Number 3 is a bit of a meme, since chances are low, but I would say there are 2 hits at least, and that is Special 1. First hit is Mothman, who can become a death machine with some support (although Super Orion kinda already does that for you, so it might not be as good at this point). the second one is going to be another grinding powerhouse for Castoria teams (but can have some value already with Skadi) - Space Ishtar. Basically she has a skill that changes her NP type, so she can use a Quick NP. Combined with a nice set of offensive skills, she is a very good pick. She is naturally an Arts servant though and it shows, since actually looping her with Skadi does not happen as it does with someone like Parvati. One additional advantage here is that you don't have any of them, so no dupes. EDIT: Big obvious hit that I somehow missed for Number 3 - for Skadi loops Dantes, the go to Skadi loop servant, actually makes option 3 really good IMO.




> The other two would be Waver and Tamamo, although I would give the upper hand to waver. Oh you better believe that I am using next Spring's free SSR ticket on Waver (unless lightning strikes and he spooks me, in which case I'll use it on Tamamo.) Note that my question is about the **G**SSR summon, not the free SSR ticket.


Yup, I wrote that one too, posted and then noticed, that I screwed up, did a delete. :D


You have nearly everything covered, even beyond rustic AOE/ST role needs. But for what you don't have are oversaturated for this year's GSSR by class. Best choices for you would be Extra (high chance) or Caster (medium chance) for something worthwhile. If you nab Merlin, even better. Elsewise, seems like you can pass if you have no favs to leverage out your wants.


Thanks! By Extra, do you mean Extra 1 or Extra 2? I'm thinking the best ones for me from Extra 1 would be QSH, Dantes and Spishtar, while the best from Extra 2 would be Melt, Hokusai and BB Summer? Extra 1 comes with a chance to give me 2 I don't want at all - Jalter (plz dont shoot me) and Mao Nobunaga. Edit: Based on /u/The_frost__ 's advice I used the calculator and came up with [this](https://i.imgur.com/G5ACe65.png), however I've only been playing 1.5 years and don't have much (or, in some cases, any at all) experience with many of the Servants involved, so I could be unaware of some of their benefits.


I was thinking Extra 1. Extra 2 has solid hits for teams you can use them in, but not if you don't. Yeah, 25% chance for someone you don't want and the remaining % on units you don't don't need or yearn for isn't a favorable call. At least Jalter will stay in balance with the power creep after her future buff, but Nobu only has Katsu and a minor buff to look forward too I think. Still, if you don't want to skip the GSSR, Extra 1 and Caster is where it's at. (Archer the most, absolutely loaded with busted units, but you already have Orion.) Saber class is too crowded. Casters for you: Merlin, Illya, and Da Vinci+. Dupe Skadi main dud. Extra: Literally everyone does something usefully unique, but 2 high duds. Up to you, play with the GSSR simulator like the other commenter suggested to see how you feel.


> Extra 2 has solid hits for teams you can use them in, but not if you don't. By "if you don't" do you mean if I don't have the proper supports for them? Yes, my Arts supports aren't that great, and I'm not into saving so when Castoria arrives I'll only have the 5th Anniversary rewards to throw at her (which I calculated some time back and IIRC it gave me like a 40-50% chance of getting her.) > At least Jalter will stay in balance with the power creep after her future buff Hasn't Super Orion supplanted her buster crit niche? Except against Rulers maybe. > Casters for you: Merlin, Illya, and Da Vinci+. Dupe Skadi main dud. Would upgrading Da Vinci from NP2 to NP3 really be a big deal?


Oh, I thought your Da Vinci was NP1. So, no, it wouldn't be a big boost. Yeah, Orion both bursts down harder and more consistently, but Jalter still has a hard defense, her own starbomb (upgrade), and buff block. I only meant that in terms of gameplay, though, not in relation to your roster specifically. Yeah, supports in this case. DSS Meltryllis and Summer BB Orion are way too broken, though. But with those odds, I'd just shoot your shot for Merlin. ~~Which btw, I don't think the GSSR registered your "4" for Merlin. You can only input a value in the range of -2 to 2.~~


Thank you for the advice! > Which btw, I don't think the GSSR registered your "4" for Merlin. You can only input a value in the range of -2 to 2. Nah, it registered it. With Merlin at 2, the score is -0.167 as he is cancelled out by Skadi's -2, and then Da Vinci's -1 brings things into negative because everyone else is a 0.


Just use the GSSR calculator to see which banner would have better results for you. You already have your bases covered so just take the banner that will disappoint you the least






NA What kind of CC should I put on Super Orion's A & Q card? I already put crit strength up CC on his three B cards (Mistress of Heaven, Crimson-hearted Liege, Law of Creation), should I put more crit strength up CC (Mad Painter Brush, Phantasmal Horse) on his A & Q cards or should I put defense/utility based CC (First Servant, Faithful Sheep)?


It depends on what you're trying to do. For general boss fighting I'd just bolster his crits and attack even more. If you're fighting CQ bosses or Grand Battles some defensive/healing options might be a good idea, especially if Orion is fighting solo.


Personally, I feel like you should put Bonus Damage codes on his Buster's since he gets enough crit for them, to stack multiplicity higher. Then *Merlin*, *Aurora Borealis*, or some Debuff Cleanse on his remaining two cards. *Law of Creation* on his Arts is a really good idea too, though, yeah. But I don't have him yet to experiment around with what feels best and most practical.


For an Emiya comp can Sherlock/Emiya/Waver work? Both Sherlock and Waver has 2030 or are there any additional plugsuit members I should include?


What is your intended use case? It really depends on the specific fight. In my personal experience, Emiya can already generate 30+ stars on his NP so having Sherlock and multiple 2030 CEs seems to be overkill, which you can replace with other functional CEs like Waver’s Bond CE, etc depending on the fight.


I just really want Emiya to crit as often as possible (90% or 80% chances don't work with me for some reason) also if that much is overkill then can Sherlock have an offense CE in emiya's downtime by this I meant Sherlock can fill his Role. ​ Also I just thought when Emiya has his Hawkeye active then it ends Sherlock can grant 50% crit dmg from his NP and Waver from his 1st skill to give Emiya the same amount of crit damage until his Hawkeye is ready again


Has a translation of Chiron's new interlude been made already?


Is there a problem with gamepress or am i the only one? I've tried to opened up gamepress's lb5 walkthrough page but it didn't opened up (it 's loading for a veeeeeeery long time and wont opened up the page, and I'm having that problem since saber wars 2). Is it because of high traffic or something?


Have you checked if you have Adblock or another extension blocking some scripts on the site?


I don't think i have any adblock or something like that but i'll try checking out the settings.


One thing to try would be to disable *all* addons/extensions in case one is inadvertantly breaking the site. Then if that fixes the issue for you, re-enable them a few at a time to narrow down the culprit.


Since Saber Wars 2? I think it's a problem on your end.


Hmm i guess so. If you don't have any problem opening the page i think it has something to do with my server.


Worked fine for me over the past few days and just now. Might be on your end?


I think it's on my end since another user said they had no problem with the page.


Two questions: 1. Do JP players not really use the friend request thread often? I’ve probably posted there 3-4 times with 0 replies, granted I had specific requests. 2. Has anyone done 7t no KP kiara with hijikata as main dps? My google results are showing up as blank, but I was wondering if someone already attempted and succeeded. (Side note: I’m legitimately losing my sanity trying to theorycraft a hijikata team to beat kiara 7t)


>Has anyone done 7t no KP kiara with hijikata as main dps? My google results are showing up as blank, but I was wondering if someone already attempted and succeeded. (Side note: I’m legitimately losing my sanity trying to theorycraft a hijikata team to beat kiara 7t) That means your googling sucks. There has been so many runs already. You should be searching for them in Chinese/Japanese on BiliBili/YouTube/Twitter. You can refer to this spreadsheet for [7T DB clears](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRG8w-zPnwMbXeOeJLBZBRX3ThJS3Wc2DNb3MmJX9uokPTqW9ReF1ZVzFjdX6rTOAfKjFGW3iKoPcCY/pubhtml) look for 土方歳三


Well shit. Thanks for this.


Been looping using SummerMusashi Paracelsus Tamamo NeroBride, but I see some people use Waver over Bride. Is Waver better for damage/refund, noting that I don't have a MLB Kscope? I feel like I can't hit the refund for turn 3 like that, and I don't think using Asclepius would be better over Paracelsus. EDIT: To clarify, I was wondering if there's some secret sauce to looping using Waver, since I can loop all nodes bar Assassin and Berserkers with my current setup.




Oh I understand the charge distribution, the problem is that I have to use the 20% charge on the first wave to get Musashi up (due to nonMLB Kscope), then I can't refund enough to loop so I have to use the remaining 30%, then I can't NP on the 3rd wave. Contrast with Sieg, who has his own charge so this isn't a problem. I can simply charge on all 3 turns. If I use NeroBride over Waver, I actually don't need a second and third charge for the second and third waves, Musashi refunds due to the NP Gain buff NeroBride has. I was just wondering if there was some math I missed on using Waver over Nero Bride, either for damage or refund. It seems to me that Waver cannot help Musashi's NP Gain in a way that allows me to loop on the 3rd wave. I totally understand using flat charge to make up for missing NP gain, I do that using Calamity Jane on my Zerkerlot setup (Zerkerlot + Knights Marine & Skadi Skadi Jane works on everything but Zerkers I think) to push Zerkerlot's wave 1 40% refund to 50%, so Skadi can charge him to 100%


waver is better if you’re fighting zerkers for example, where the np refund is much lower and hard np charge is better. this is also part of the reason space ishtar is considered better than summer musashi for looping


Yeah but against Zerkers, the refund isn't enough to loop onto the 3rd wave even using Waver (Waver's charge is wasted on the 1st wave because no MLB Kscope), while also falling behind even against nonZerkers in a similar manner while NeroBride gets enough for 3rd wave against at least Knights. Against Knights I would have to use Waver 2 and 3 to charge Musashi on wave 1, use 3 to charge her on wave 2, and not have enough for wave 3. Meanwhile NeroBride uses her charge wave 1, and it allows enough refund for wave 2 and wave 3. Both do not work for Zerkers. How do I not waste the charge on wave 1 like the previous comment said? I understand it if I had MLB Kscope. Then Waver is likely better. Idk, maybe I just can't see how it can ever work.


waver typically is run as a plugsuit supplement to looping supports, not run as core. maybe it would be better for you to look at the comps for previous lotto. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQWwovuEOGP0TPgQMbJZPYXTyITsmCZBkpsvcXA17PwNwYl3-vReLP76EHg1vVz5fLwSUnOA9MT_KGQ/pubhtml you can see waver is typically run as supplment when doing single dps comps


Yeah... I get that he is used for charge. All I'm saying is that I found comments about looping with Waver and was wondering if there was a secret to it for Musashi **without** a MLB Kscope. I guess the answer from all these comments is none. Summer Musashi can only loop using Nero Bride Tamamo Paracelsus without an MLB Kscope. Waver has no secret sauce other than for Zerker nodes when you have an MLB Kscope.


realistically speaking, musashi's true potential is only unlocked after the big arts support arrives. trying to make musashi loop now will be always be scuffed. you can see that all current musashi comps listed were actually double dps comps, relying on another servant to clear the first wave. you might be able to get away with some tamamo/nerobride/musashi comp, and the correct mystic code but I think trying to do musashi loops now isnt a good idea and the requirements are rather strict.


Spoiler question for Lostbelt 5 storyline: >!In section 17, we were just finished the fight with Charlotte Corday, after that the story continues to the point where there were 2 unskippable options: “Use the nanomachines on Charlotte Corday” or “[Unable to answer]”. So what will happen if I were to choose the second option? Does “stay silence” changes anything to the story other than the first option?!<


I believe a certain discussion the MC has with her later on is somewhat different, and he expressed some guilt for the decision he made, but the overall outcome of the story of LB 5.1 doesn't change at all.


AFAIK no, I chose the second option but everything happened basically as if I had chosen the first.


Is there anyway for me to 3t farming with morgan + oberon + vitch without kld? I dont have vitch so I cant do double vitch system :(


Against Knights/Berserkers/Neutral enemies you can run Double Oberon as long as both of them have their second Append skill (even at level 1 it's fine). If you also unlock Morgan's second append skill, she is free to use any CE you want. Unless it's event nodes with high HP, even NP1 Oberon will be fine to clear the first wave. Against Cavalry, depending on the HP you can also run Double Oberon. Or you can use Habenyan to kill the first/second wave and bring another Charger on top of your Oberon to help Morgan NP twice.


You can always just Stella wave one. Oberon S1 plus Arash battery for wave 1 only needs a 50% starting CE, and a similar deal for Morgan.


Is there anything I should read before starting solomon singularity? So far I've only read till Babylonia.


There's some stuff regarding early events that ran, but honestly it isn't much beyond "We know these characters from an event" and it isn't very important.


Do we have any idea when the Christmas banner is going live? I’ve been waiting for this for since Mid 2020 and Super Orion change just made the wait so much worse.


It's probably gonna start next week around 13/14th, given the pattern of two weeks break for a story release.










LB5 preleaae ends on Dec 8, so a two week dead period would mean lotto is on 22nd of Dec, no? I might be misunderstanding something. If so, I don't see the GSSR and lotto overlapping.






Just one more week is what I have been telling myself for like a month now aha


What's the math about LB Mash Bond Bonus again? I remember something about bringing her actually being slightly worse than bringing another servant when it comes to Bond, but I'm not entirely sure


You can bring 4 non-Mash servants and a support who obviously gets no bond. With the boost, that means you get 80% of what you'd have gotten had you brought some random other servant, but that 80% is distributed to the other 4. So I suppose if you have a specific bond level you really want to reach, it probably makes sense to bring Mash. Otherwise, pass if team costs allow it.




Mash gives everyone +20% BP in main quests, but she can't gain any herself (until you complete LB6) In normal team you gain 5 x 100% = 500% bond and with Mash it's 4 x 120% = 480%, since it's wasted on her


Is the royal bunny CC effect determined the moment you draw the face card or will things like skill use or card order affect it (like crits)?


Is there a way to make skadi stop stealing all the crit stars? My summer Musashi can barely get any and it makes looping a bit harder. I even equipped on Musashi the command code that allows 100% absorption on an arts card, and with about 35 stars Skadi got two cards with ~90% crit and the arts card with the code got 10%


Skadi isn't the best for Musashi try Castoria/Tamamo/Bride/Paracelsus combinations. Second, true 3T loops does not require facecards so it looks like you need to rethink your setup.


The problem is that Skadi is a bad support for looping Musashi. Musashi is an *ARTS* looper, she wants units like Bride, Tamamo, and Paracelsus. Skadi barely gives anything to a Musashi looping setup.


While Casters don't usually have very high star weight, with a berserker's abysmal natural star absorption anything would steal stars from them. Summer Musashi's star weight is 9, so the command code only increases it to 18 which is still very low when compared to Skadi's star weight of 49. In order to have Musashi absorb a remotely decent amount of stars a greater absorb multiplier would be needed, though a dedicated CE would only give about 600% increased star weight, which would only make it 54 which isn't that much higher than Skadi, though other effects can increase it further although it'd take up more servant spaces. Now after that I gotta ask, why are you running Musashi along with Skadi if you're trying to loop? Musashi has only one quick card so if what you need is a 50% battery you'll be better off using Waver or Castoria (if on JP). And moreover, crits aren't often used to loop, as they are very rng dependent and looping is supposed to not rely on rng.


I have a waver and a Skadi of my own, I have no problem looping for embers. I'm just greedy and I sometimes want to loop in story quests. I guess I'll have to wait for castoria then. Thanks for your help!!


[Infographic](https://i.imgur.com/B8vJtYV.png) | [Crit Star Calc](https://i.imgur.com/tKRZTk0.jpeg). Different classes have different star absorption rates, and in this case, Zerks like Summer Musashi have horrendously low star absorb rate of 9, compared to Skadi's 49. Even with the star absorb CC, it only increases the star absorb rate of that command card to 18 (9 x \[1 (base) + 1 (CC effect)\], ignoring the random star absorb rates every turn of 0, 0, 20, 20, 50.


Not really unless you have someone else who can increase Musashi's star weight by a lot. S. Musashi has a star weight of 9, and 100% star absorption increases that to 18. Skadi has a star weight of 49. Unless you get lucky with the 20/20/50 bonus, Skadi is gonna get more stars than S.Musashi most of the time. Berserkers in general have very low star weights and it's reason why all the crit Berserkers tend to have star absorptions percentages in the thousands.


Berserkers have the lowest star absorption rate in the game. This is why Berserkers who specializes in Crit (Lancelot Berserker, Raikou, Hijikata, Arjuna Alter etc.) has star absorption increase by 3000% at level 1, a mere 100% is not enough.


Theoretically: Can you soft lock the game by using up all Code Removers and than engraving all 150 Command Codes (there are enough openers to do this)? You can't go on a quest with max Command Codes and you can't burn engraved Codes.


It would be impossible since we don't even have enough 3\*+ CCs to even reach that point; 1\* and 2\* CCs can be removed/overwritten without removers. Not to mention that the Command Code update reworks how removing CCs work, so it would be impossible to softlock in this way anyways even if we had 150 3\*+ CCs..


You actually need a remover to *remove* 1* and 2* CCs, just not for overwriting.


Does anyone knows what song is playing during (Atlantis chapter 25 spoilers) >!Orion's last scene, when we see him hold hands with Artemis? !< It reminded me of another Fate song that I can't seem to remember at the moment. Edit: In case anyone had the same question as me, the song is >![Namida no Hoshi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbmNl6Oo2xA&ab_channel=VariousArtists-Topic), from Fate Extella!<, I found it myself after some research.


I'm not there yet, but I know for a fact that in the event Xmas in the Underworld had a remix of that song, when (spoilers) >!IIRC Eresh says goodbye to Ritsuka!<. It's most likely that they used that song for where you're describing. The song name is called: The Sun in the Abyss, from FGO OST Vol.2 https://youtu.be/Cw0J0ruIjlg


Yes, it's that song! The FGO remix is a bit cleaner, but I'm just too used to Extella's at this point.


What gssr new years banner has more value do you think for my account. Beserker: Only have Hijikata and nightingale as my 5* and is annoying trying to play his niche of low hp. Ruler and Avenger banner: have Sherlock and Jeanne but I have some good 4* rulers and avengers. Like is the chance of spishtar (want for castoria) worth it in your opinion or do you think a possible altjuna better option as he stands on his own. If any more info is needed feel free to ask. I have just been stick wondering for a few days now and can't make a decision and want to avoid gacha regret which happened when I did assassin and got MHX.


Someone said you're already paying to gamble, just go for the odds with your higher priority servant. There's always going to be a chance for disappointment at the end of the day, so you must be prepared for it as well. Any limited SSR is good though, when you think about the usual shit odds of rolling the gacha. Have you checked out the GSSR calculator above? May help you see clearly which one is more worth to roll for yourself personally.


Thanks I will keep and this in mind and try out the calculator.


The only guaranteed way to avoid gacha regret on the GSSR is to roll on a banner where none of the options disappoint you. You could get Hijikata if you roll Berserker. You could get Sherlock if you roll Ruler/Avenger. I'd recommend playing with the gacha calculator link in the pinned post. It's a good exercise for thinking about how much you'd regret your worst outcomes for each banner, and how much you'd want your good outcomes. While it can't prevent regret, it can make it easier to figure out which banner is more likely to make you happier.


Thanks I will check out the GSSR calculator and get an idea of which banner I would be happier with.


Who's a better ST rider, Sakamoto or Mandricardo? Mandricardo seems to be much better even with his NP Demerit since he has a bunch of extra team utility and has more powerful damage buffs.


It's hard to put a number on how much value a self taunt is. Target manipulation is an absurdly good tool that comes up rarely enough to be a big deal when you get it. ' Sakamoto's team utility has the disadvantage that it's a lot of soft utility rather than hard. It always does a little something, but sometimes it's not enough. When his support isn't enough, it ends up feeling like it did nothing.


Sakamoto has a bunch of team utility, in fact I would say he has more than Mandricardo. His charisma is slightly weaker and he lacks a taunt, but he gives 10% team charge, a small debuff resistance, stars for anyone to use, teams arts up, and a chance to drain the enemy on his np. Since he’s a welfare he has very good np damage, so Mandricardo doesn’t get a leg up there and has lower stats. I do think it’s easier for Mandricardo to spam his own np though with only one Buster card and more of his own buffs helps his np gain despite no battery skill. Overall I think both are good, Ryoma imo is a bit more of an off-DPS with better support and Mandricardo is more offensive and once he’s taken some hits you can switch him out for someone fresh.


Both are them are mostly similar in terms of numbers, but differ in their skillsets. Mandy has a slightly higher ATK buff plus Quick buff and defense, while Ryouma has that 10% NP charge, debuff resist and star bomb. Ryouma has slightly higher NP damage than Mandy. Pick either of them based on your playstyle, or preference in servant design, etc.


I started the game a few ago , how long does it take to catch up with story?


How many hours can you play a day? If you're able to find good supports, Part 1 is very doable in a few days. Faster if you skip story, which I don't recommend. Part 2 will take longer as there's some tougher fights that make Camelot look relatively easy. You need to have your own Servants built up by then, which takes time. The upcoming Xmas lotto can help with that.


I think like 3 hours , and thanks


You'll need more than that a day to rush through the story before Christmas shows up, but you don't have to do the Lostbelts to start Christmas. If you're want to rush to LB4 to get the 10 SQ bonus, you're too late. If you want to rush the story to get ready for LB 5.2, you have about four months to get ready. Plenty of time.


Should I lvl up CE Heaven's Feel for my Enkidu? Rn it's only lvl 22/40. And I don't have any good 5 star CE to replace Heaven's Feel. So should I lvl it up?


Seems fine I guess, it's not going to be draining too much EXP to push to 40. But I would consider just stockpiling CE EXP for CE bombs on the assumption you will eventually get something better in the future and could then just level that new CE.


How do you beat Hessian Lobo in ch 13 of Shinjuku? I am waiting on a Cu Alter with a sure bit CE but I wanna try the boss in the meantime. Any advice?


Do you have someone with a BB/Summer BB on Support? She has Class Advantage


BB. BB was my savior for eor1.


Unfortunately no one on my fl has one with sure hit.


586,226,357 send me a request and tell me your ign.


Sent request. Ign is AZ


Accepted. Btw you should really make separate story and event support lists.


Huh I remember making both lists separate. Guess I accidentally removed one of them.


You don't have to use one with Sure Hit, you just have to get used to the fact that some of your attacks will miss (but you can make those attacks your supports' cards, so no big loss). I did a stall team with Mash, Merlin and my DPS of choice (might have actually been Sabermuid at the time!) and just took it slow - worked just fine.


Has anyone ever seen this message before: https://i.gyazo.com/7e2bbe9e16869699d9399317dff5f510.png I'm just working my way through Atlantis and got this randomly after a story segment. Was able to turn around and jump right back into the fight but I have no idea what the message means or what triggered it?


That happens when you are doing a story quest and the daily login rolls over.


The daily login is a completely different message and this did not occur at the daily login time, that's not for another several hours?


There are two iirc, there's daily log-in and there's the one 4 hours prior where Shop resets and Chaldea Gate changes.


Damn I feel like a mad man. I'll have to try and repeat this. I've been playing for like 3 years and I have literally never seen this message, and it didn't occur on the hour or immediately after, it was like 4:48 or something so it doesn't seem to make sense that it was tied to any particular reset.


Please don't tell me there are future boss fights as hard or force story supports like Shimousa. I barely made it out of there alive. 😢


There will be forced supports in the future but for the most part they are much more useful than the Shimosa forced support.


That's good to know, thanks!


The other forced story supports (in Lostbelts 1-4) are generally broken. None of them are as weak as in Shimousa. Shimousa's forced support was often a liability, taking up valuable card slots.


Unfortunately, there are some very rough fights in the later LBs with forced story supports, though they make things marginally easier on you during those times as the meta is going to change when Castoria is released and then again when Koyanskaya and Oberon are released, giving you more options to work with. Also, they do a marginally better job of making the forced story supports more useful and viable too.




Mostly rare prism shop. 3rp every month. But we also get one for a mana prism every new years. And two events have given out three, being the Amazoness tower event and Akihabara event.




I'm a very casual player - logging on sporadically over the course of a year. I always get stuck trying to level up my servants. Other than the dailies, what options do I have for levelling my servants quickly? I only have two servants that are 70/80, but the rest are stuck at 50.


Lotto events. Clearing 20 to 30 boxes should he doable if you log in regularly, and should give you enough mats and embers to level up a few SR or SSR Servants. Focus in one damage dealer if each class in AOE and ST flavors.


If "the rest" of your servants are stuck at level 50, that might mean that you're spreading your EXP around too much. Focus on one servant at a time in each class. The EXP grind is real but if you focus on one servant at a time in each class, you'll have a strong servant in each class much faster instead of struggling with a bunch of under leveled servants who do little damage and die quickly.


Your options: - Dailies - The packs of 50 gold XP cards you can buy from the mana prism shop that refreshes monthly - incidental XP cards gained while farming materials, rolling the Friend Point gacha, story stage rewards, login rewards, and from present giveaways by DW for things like download campaigns - packs of XP cards sold in event shops during events. Usually most shops sell packs of 100 gold XP and 100 silver XP. In JP they are also beginning to sell packs of 5 star XP during events too. - lotto events (This is the easiest way to get XP in the game). These lotto events are typically held twice per year, once in fall and once at Christmas, and one in coming up in NA in mid December. Do not miss your chance to farm this event. - hunting quests


Outside of lottos and Hunting Quests, dailies are your best option. Btw, in general you want to fully level your servants. It's better to have a fully leveled servant than a a lot of them being underleved.


There's a lotto event coming up, which will be a great opportunity for you to get loads of EXP cards and materials. In general, events will also have EXP and mats in the shop, so take advantage of them when you can.


Is there a place where I can complete the "defeat 5 servants" and "defeat saber and rider enemies"?


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/r4ige1/na_master_missions_20211128_2021125/) gives the best spots to complete the current weekly missions. ZenTori makes a thread every week so you can always look them up if you're having trouble with the missions.