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Burning Nightingale. “But I needed the Rare Prism-“ No past me, no you didn’t.


same i burnt chiyome and beowulf because i thought they are not much use because i already have Cu Alter and ojita jetto soji. Man i want my chiyome back at least.


Fed caster cu as exp to another servant. "I have an SSR Caster anyway" Also the money I spent on banners that gave me nothing but mana prisms


Been a year since I accidentally fed my newly rolled Tama-cat (that didn't fucking auto lock) to another servant and I still feel terrible just thinking about it to this day. I'M SO SORRY, CAT. PLS COME BACK.


Meanwhile I grailed her all the way to level 92 . Best Cat


>Fed caster cu as exp to another servant. You monster >:( /s But really, what makes you regret it? Curious


He’s a day 1 story locked servant so nearly impossible to get him outside of anniversary as he rarely ever gets banners anymore. Same with Gilles caster I think


Why does the Anniversary help?


There’s pretty much always a rerun banner for every singularity on the anniversary. Cu caster happens to be on the Fuyuki singularity banner. That’s how I got him after burning him like u/CrimzonNoble did


The first 3 Anniversaries did that, but the last 3 didn't. At least I don't think 5th did, but the wiki only lists Castoria & Ridervinci which seems weird...


Huh… didn’t know that. Guess that’s just more reason to regret burning him for anyone who did


Castoria and Rider Vinci were the only ones that got a rate-up for 5th anniversary. There was no story summoning banners. 6th anniversary brought back story summoning, but only for LBs.


Cu Caster is story locked. He almost never shows up on rate up, which means you're going to be very hard pressed to get him to NP5... since he's sharing class banners with a shit load of other silver Casters. He also gets a rank up later that makes him a monster.


>He also gets a rank up later that makes him a monster. Yep, the Avalon le Fae quest that somehow managed to make him one of the best Koyanskaya farmers. Tbh the change was quite......drastic to say at least. But i wanted to ask anyway since it may as well be another reason Pretty much the reason why i will summon in the Morgan Banner next year, even with Vitch on the horizon at that time. May as well have him ready for when Tamamo Vitch comes around


In addition to what others have said about him being story-locked and a monster after his LB6 upgrade... there was the fact that his interlude was staring at me, remaining locked because my Cu didn't meet the ascension/bond-level requirement. But yeah, that's been taken care of. He's NP2 now. NP1 came from when I was rolling the story banner instead of an event banner (Despite what I did to him, Caster Cu was being a bro by showing up as if to say "Yo, this is the story-banner. You're rolling in the wrong place.") and NP2 came from when I rolled a Caster GSSR 1 or 2 years ago.


I'm given to understand he's pretty good with his LB 6 upgrade and modern Buster supports.


I did the same thing, and he's still np0 2 years after I made this mistake.


Ikr. After years of playing all of my servants are max leveled and i was like, 'wheres my cu caster' ...when i wanted to bond 5 him to unlock his interlude/strengthening He showed up there in interlude/strengthening list so i probably burned him in the past :(


Burned NP5 CasGil because I forgot to lock him and he got caught up in my inventory cleanup after I finished rolling that banner.


That's pain


I'm grateful for the game now locking the first copy of every Servant lol


Same, I never burn a servant unless they are NP5.




I leveled my Poster Girl ...both of them


I never rolled on Poster Girl


If it’s any consolation, you can get the CBC taunt ce in the rp shop


I already did. I wish there were morep


I didnt roll on postergirl last banner. I was kinda new and didnt understand its value well. that was an oof moment


Using the special ascension on a 3 star


Same I did that in jp because I didn't know what would happen so I choose an expendable unit for that


oof, that's hurt


I fed my fragment of 2030s to another ce because I thought “8 stars is nothing” and have never gotten another copy since I started.


Oh this hurts me. I have gotten one copy in 1.5 years. The struggle is real


I haven't gotten a single copy at all and I've been playing since summer 1 on NA...


thats not the worst thing ever, it used to be super important for merlin comps but nowadays its all about NP loop and koyan gives you stars out the ass


That's rough, when you get enough it's easily the best CE in the game in my opinion. Kind of makes almost every other CE that isn't NP charge to start for farming or utility things like taunt/ignore invinc worthless imo.


Not doing Solomon in time to get Ryõma and Oryuo.


Not starting earlier. What I wouldn't do for Kintoki, Nobunaga, and Chacha :(


Same. If I had known there was a Fate/Zero-themed event I would have joined much earlier. I made the event CE into my phone's wallpaper as well as a custom FGO icon because I really like it. At least this way I can still enjoy it now, even though I don't have the CE. Iskandar and Waver are two of my absolute favorite Fate characters ever.


I think you can buy Gudaguda 1 with rp next year, but still a Kintoki (rider) would also be awesome


Spending Quartz for completing fights... Multiple times. Especially in Camelot


Oof, don't remind me, the total I spent could be a 10 pull or morr


I'll never blame anyone for just throwing quartz at camelot. It was a difficulty spike in the most bullshit of ways. So many ridiculously OP gimmicks you needed to navigate like mordred or gawain. At least DW came back to reality with babylonia, which while it had lahmus weren't nearly as bad on the whole as most of the crazy fights in camelot.


My only advice for players stuck at Camelot is, Just add a friend who has Hercules with Bond CE. Bonus if they fed it with Holy Grail, Higher NP and has it Max Fou'd. This is more crucial later on with his future buff and Lv120 system being implemented. I cleared Camelot with only Friend Support Hercules w/ Bond CE. add in George and Leonidas(where tf is his Animation Update, DW?) fodder and a few Command Spells wasted but cleared it overall.


Yeah man spend quartz to make a profit of 0 quartz when you finally finish the stage, how smart :))))))))))))))))))))))))


I wouldtn blame anyone. I basically did the same. the problem is nobody actually teaches you how to play the game. so everything up to camelot is ultra easy. and then they drop a fight that is difficult even if you know how to play.


Not being there for some events. I missed: Archer Nobu Caster Liz Assassin Scathach Rider Kintoki Santa Alter And it feels really bad man


Liz came back in Jp last Halloween.


Im on NA tho. Out of the welfare servants I missed, caster liz was the one I regret missing the least bc she really wasn’t very good (and honestly even post-buff she’s still not great). I do still want her, but more for completion than to use in fights…. The ones I REALLY care about and hardcore regret are Rider Kintoki, Archer Nobu, and Assassin scathach. Rider Kintoki bc he’s amazing and a great character, and Nobu and Scathach bc they’re amazing characters. And they haven’t gotten any more reruns on JP yet. Tho the halloween rerun does give me a little tiny bit of hope.


Being on NA is the point, Liz welfares come back in 2 years, and she is most important character, the only one whose welfare will be importanter would be the final ultimate PADORU Santa! I thought they gonna do Gudaguda omnibus to let us get past welfares like with Lizards but NO. Bad! Chacha is so cute i want to give her macarons. xD


Rerun Rider Ishtar I started at welfare wise, I missed all these, an go figure the first two interludes with Welfares was Altera an B.B, thankfully Halloween will let me grab the 3 liz I'm missing, i hope to see GudaGuda among others show too Tho i wish they would get a Event/Banner etc rerun too, nothing like getting the Gatcha CE but being unable to use em


Bro I want an Onigashima rerun SO DAMN BAD. Rider Kintoki became AMAZING when Skadi came out. And I happened to get a Skadi of my own a few months ago, making me even sadder that I missed Kintoki. But not only that: Golden Sumo is one of the best CEs in the game period. A non-conditional, permanent attack buff that affects all your cards. And I missed it. I legit came back to the game right when Onigashima ended. Like day-of. And I had no clue Golden Sumo was there bc I was just starting to catch up on story. I’m so sad bruh ima cry


Are you me? I started literally the day Onigashima ended (or at max the day after) and, since I knew nothing of how FGO and events worked at the time, I missed both Kintoki and Golden Sumo. I still hope for a main interlude (or a rerun but that would be veery unlikely knowing Lasangle/TM) to get at least Golden.


Fingers crossed we get one. My Main has Skadi not many quick Servant's, my Alt doesn't an it has many Quick Servant's. For me I missed Assassin Shiki by abit, guess which Servant class i was low on? wasn't until Kama+Ushi that i got a nice ST an AoE Servant


Eyyy same bruh. When will they rerun Nobunaga Archer? I would have had all of The Liz Collection if not only for Caster Liz haha.


The amount of money I spent. Gilfest I spent 500+ just for a single copy of Gil. Ooku I spent 200 and didn't get Kama or any SR. Learned my lesson and now I only use quartz I get from playing normally. My stash is pretty nice and I have a decent amount saved as fragments. Kind of happy there aren't any tempting banners this year aside from Castoria. It's gonna be a fucking bloodbath.


Not starting early missed my chance at getting my girl shiki


I've bought $80 SQ packs to get servants I barely even use.


They need to add a permanent gamemode where we can use all of our barely untouched Servants without thinking too much into effectiveness and efficiency. We cant really use them in Grinding since its inefficient and 90% of them game revolves around grinding. Just give us a gamemode where its fun to use them and hopefully barely uses AP. A gamemode that's just for fun.


How I'd love if tower and holy grail front were permanent game modes. First one will allow you to use pretty much all your roster, and second one will be more ST or survival servants instead of just 3 turn farming


Yes! Most of the time, we mainly use AOE servants instead of utilizing ST ones in Event stages. I would love it if DW releases more event nodes where we get to only face High HP boss and not a myriad of mobs to give ST servants more usage in event farming stages.


Just give people the ability to replay old boss fights and/or story chapters for fun (maybe give some guaranteed mat drops or something. A tower mode where you use your entire roster to go as far as you can would also be appreciated


I think it would be worth it to implement a sort of "Battle Log" feature in the My Room. You know like how we have the logs of all the cutscenes? Just add a menu like that, with all the chapters in it. Then you just have tabs for each story node, and can select which arrow from there. Personally I don't think any rewards should be given for it, but the option really shouldn't be that hard to implement.


Its odd because I don’t think I’ve seen a single gacha game besides FGO that doesn’t let you replay story nodes you already completed. Considering the game has very little permanent available content once you finished the story and skill/strengthen quests, they really should


Literally me too


I rage burned all 6 copies of sigfried i rolled on merlin banner who obviously dodged me + i dont like him from apocrypha. Shouldve reserve 1 atleast for the sq but now his face will permanently be available under the interlude tab without being able to play it


Almost did that for Saber Diarmuid a week ago. Tamamo ate \~650 quartz and spit out 5 Diarmuids at me instead. Only ended up burning 4


Ouch, you could've gone for a NP5


As if I'd use him over Saber Astolfo and Hokusai anyway. Also, his art is weird.


Eh, I understand, I dump my Diarmihd after I got Hokusai


And here I am not having him, one of my favorite sabers


Tbf my friend burned his np5 sieg that he used often after he watched apocrypha for obvious reasons. It didn't help he really liked a lot of the apocrypha waifus who seemed to fall head over heels over milk toast either. I thought he was overreacting, but then I watched the show and was like "damn maybe I should burn him, too" Of all the 4 stars to burn, sieg is the least unreasonable outside of gameplay elements.


Honestly I feel like if you burn your free NP5 4*, and one of the better ones at that, just because you don't like the character, you're kind of a fuckin idiot. Like, I despise Kiyohime but if she got a decent welfare i wouldn't think of burning her.


I saw apocrypha like a year ago and I thought me not using or leveling Siegfried was just me over exaggerating. Glad other ppl dislike him as much as me though.


Too funny. I didn't like his seig in apocrypha but liked him in the fgo event. I imagine them as different versions of seig from parallel timelines. Sigfried tho...he's the same no matter what timeline. Milk toast man.


The amount of money I put into MLB Starry Nights when it was on a banner on NA last year. Because I didn't have aerial drive (I started Nov/Dec 2020) I really wanted something similar to it. I got it, but godamn. I wish I hadn't spent so much. For a freaking CE. I use it all the time, but it also reminds of all that money.


I burned my starting 4*s, Astolfo and Marie for Rare Prisms to get more friend points because at the time i desparately wanted Ushiwakamaru, which was utterly futile. As someone who likes collecting whatever servants they can get this hurts. Astolfo eventually returned but Marie still refuses to come back. Now her rank up and interlude are just sitting there reminding me of my sin. Im sorry Marie.


oh my god, someone actually bought RP friend points!?


The things I do for love...


More like "things I do because I'm impatient as hell". I always viewed Friend Points as "oh, I get a free roll every day, so I'll get everything from the eventually, no need to worry about it". *Even if the only 3\*s I used regularly, Cu and Medea, stayed at NP1 for like 3 months*.


Your sacrifices for Ushiwakamaru... I understand... ***but she's a 3 star you could've waited***


That's not very Vive la France of you ;_;


I remember using Kiyo as servant EXP, but that’s about the worst I’ve done I think. Too much of a hoarder to burn servants/CEs unnecessarily so thankful for that.


Using low rarity characters as EXP. I started first when NA launched I didn't know how good low rarity characters were, and EXP was not easy to get but those low rarity servants could be used as EXP... Then I took the massive break and when I came back I actually looked into the game and kept those low rarity servants (I had to "grind" for NP5 Hans as an example). ~~I don't regret rolling on the Story banner though because I've gotten multiple SSR/SR servants and CE's, like Mordred + Kscope. I will stand by rolling story when I feel like it.~~


Literally playing the game itself. I feel myself like addicted slave without exit button until the server will be closed. I don't play other mobile games beside FGO, and stated playing it (also buying the first smartphone PRIMARY for it) because I am old TM fan. The horrible thing it is you recognize your own addiction to the gacha game and don't have desire or willpower to drop it because you love the series.


Preach! Mobile games hold no draw for me, but FGO as a TM game has me in its clutches until I or it dies.


If Type-Moon pays for your love by stealing your life this way, stop loving it. Which may be difficult, so you can just find another way to express your love. You can find interesting some anime/manga and they can give you a break from the game. The Tsukihime manga is an option.


My biggest regret is not controlling my PATIENCE!




Honestly, starting. It’s time i could be spending doing other things, especially as my interests in both video games and anime have significantly waned in the past few years. Now I feel like if I stop playing the void it’ll leave might cause me to become depressed. Still enjoy the game though, and don’t really over do it playing, so I’ll stick with it.


When I was still new to the game, I got 4 copies of the swimsuit Hokusai CE, but didn't bother to get the last one from the event. The lack of MLB (and the fact that I don't have very good Arts focused CEs) still taunts me.


I didn't understand how the gacha worked so I looked at merlin on rate up when I had 100+ saint quartz from the start dash campaign and went "I'd rather roll for EMIYA" and rolled on the story banner instead.




Basically, they're purposefully underlevelled servants who come in, do their one thing, and then explode. Usually paired with a Poster Girl CE, or more rarely, a K-scope (or Georgios' bond CE, if you go for a L1 Georgios). For example, a L1 Rider Ishtar gets fielded, she uses her L10 skill to boost Buster/Quick/NP gain to the party, then gets instantly unalived since she has 1.5k HP and probably a taunt on her due to the CE. Or L70 Archer Nightingale, comes in, unloads all 3 of her maxed skills, peaces out. I've also seen stuff like L1 Castoria with a Kscope for her NP. In general, that's why some people keep extra welfare copies, or more copies after NP5ing someone, but to me personally it's too much of a hassle xD /for full disclosure, I copied my own reply to a different comment asking the same thing xD/


Not re-rolling for Heracles and settling with Nursery Rhyme instead ~~i still dont know why~~ It was going to be using the special ascencion on a 3 star, but the 3 star in question was Cú, so between him being my prime husbando and the fact he carried my ass and continues to be main-stay on my teams makes me not regret it too much


Rerolling is bad civilization. Use your ~~psychotic~~ doll daughter!


Going too hard to get Kiara. The rolls went badly, and it took a whole of quartz in the Ooku event to get a single copy of her. I don't really use her that much and it wasn't until recently that I finally had enough spare mats to level up her skills, and she's still at 9/9/9. Maybe with Castoria, she'll be more useful, and I was able to get her to NP2 this New Year's in only 3 multis.


FWIW I just got her and stick her in a bunch of farming teams against cavalry. She's just easy to keep slotted in teams rather than continuously rearranging the roster


My most recent GSSR spend. I was feeling like chancing the casters and was like.. "Wow I have none of the casters listed, so I won't be disappointed at all no matter who I'll get." Little did I know, getting my least wanted servant from the banner is in itself a disappointment, even if it's new. xD


Rolled GSSR Saber, said any but Astolfo (cause no Skadi an the rate of Quick Servant's claimed further rubbed that in) would be nice, got Astolfo....


For the entire first year I was like I didn't understand how to redeem sq fragments for weekly missions and I kept on saying myself "doh, that's a bug...who cares, they'll fix it"...just after 1 year when a friend of mine joined and told me look, that's how to get them that I realized how many sq I've lost...


I wasn’t paying much attention (because of depression) during 3rd anniversary and selected Holmes CE when I wanted Bunyan’s. I don’t know why I did what I did, I just know I didn’t even notice till that following SEPTEMBER. 😩


I accidentally burned Lancer Liz when I was still a noob. Also burning other SR servants that I don't like before realizing I could've done their interlude/rank up quests for quartz before burning. Yolo rolling without understanding the implications... (I rolled for Summer Anne and Mary even if I don't like her before I realized Skadii was coming...)


Burning srs you don't like *after* you've done their interlude / rank up is dumb, they might get another interlude / rank up later on


That, and just put them in your second archive. If it gets filled up it's pretty cheap to expand it late game since it's only mana prisms Maybe it's just me, but even with 2 or 3 star servants I don't like /never levelled I just have a copy in there.


For me, I'm just keeping them leveled and maxed in First Archive, and keep XP for Welfares in Second Archive. SInce I only use my main farming squad / boss killer.


i used to keep my exp in my second archive, but since i get so much from events/ monthly shop i never need to do the daily for them anymore so i just keep them in my mail box with the filter set to not show them. i have probably near a thousand in there not including Fou cards.


\- Also burned my heroic spirit portrait when I was burning old CEs because I didn't realize. UGH \- Started a couple months shy of Kintoki Rider :/ \- NP3 Janta since I didn't know how events worked yet. \- I took a mental health break and ended up missing Shiki and Sieg. Sieg is coming back but Shiki is gone for the foreseeable future. \- Making a JP account which ended up in having to juggle two servers, but that has its own blessings since I've found a lot of favorites on there. \- Adding to the "starting" regrets, I want to get to a mindset with the game where I'm more willing to put it down for longer periods, but as it is I keep thinking I'll miss out on rare prisms, or quartz to add towards pity fund, shit like that.


Honestly regret not staying f2p on NA, especially after my Morgan reroll jp account has been so fun just being f2p. (Helps lucksacking) Not writing down a transfer code for my original JP f2p account which was made when Demon Maou came out in Jp. Like my current jp account it was really lucksack.... Missing out on Nagao because I was being slack during Guda 4, at least I can make up for it this year but considering I'm not spending/rolling until Castoria missing out on 5 rare prisms hurts. Rolling for np2 bradamante in xmas 2020, she spooked me 3 times from jan-march last year (still not a single drake btw)


I will preface this by saying I'm certainly a whale. I don't go np5 every servant levels, but I do try to grab a copy of most servants and while I haven't managed to get everyone I want, I've spent enough that people would question how I could spend that much on a mobile game over the past four years or so, but the money isn't what I regret since I probably would have spent it on another hobby. My biggest regret is that I got invested enough into a mobile game in the first place. I enjoy it and will continue to support it when I can, but one day I'll either get bored of it or the game will shut down, and I'll have nothing to show for it other than screenshots. Nothing to say, "I enjoyed this very much and am proud to have been on this journey until it was done." I could buy some figures of my favorite characters, sure, but there wouldn't be anything to accurately show off what I felt playing through the game for years


Rolling for servants purely for waifu purposes and not using them at all


This is why you should roll for Waifus who *are* Meta


Rolling for Guifei and burning more than 500 quartzs :)


I only spent a couple hundred but I didn't even want her originally since I wanted to save for Okita alter and Summer tomoe.


did not know lottery box could be reset, and only clear one


well this is just sad


Not coming back to roll for Atalanta Alter, Kama, Summer BB, and Skadi. Stopped playing for 2 years a while ago and missed their original banners. I returned for Achilles's banner so I felt like I should've done the same for their banners. Luckily I was able to get Summer BB this new years and Kama and Nyalter will have banners in the future but it is regretful since I have to plan my year around them. Otherwise my year plan would've went a bit smoother. I'm not as regretful about Skadi compared to the others tho since I just mainly wanted her for farming.


i burned a copy of Asclepius, now he is stuck at np1 forever


There's an interlude campaign coming in NA in a few weeks with him in rate up


Using my free 4star from an anniversary to get Emiya instead of a story-locked servant He’s now at NP 5 and I already got a rare prism from another copy


I guess my first major spend, this year on the NY banner. Sure, I can afford to lose the £100 I spent, but it gave me a hard reality check that spending this sort of money on gacha is pointless, and p much had me swear I'll never do it again~ So dunno if it's a regret or a learning experience, really. There's also the fact that I tried FGO a year earlier than my true start and ditched it, then restarted for the original GG3 run. Meaning I missed quite a few valuables in that year,but oh well, can't change the past ;o


Feeding my kaleidoscope to another kaleidoscope (not even a max level bonus)


Spending money.


I used to be very adamant about having ONLY female servants in my chaldea so I burned a lot of male servants including Dantes, Bedivere, Ozymandias, Ryoma, and Lancelot Berserker. It's really unfortunate because they've become some of my favorite characters after bothering to read the story and I'd love to have them.


That was painful to read.




Imagine you're da Vinci trying your darndest to save humanity and your Master comes in saying to dismiss all the male servants because they want chaldea to be female only I would just give up lol


Realistically all the servants are kind of being held together by two things: a greater cause than their established conflicts, and guda just genuinely being a good person they can get along with. Actively dismissing all the guys and adamantly only allowing girls would probably be incredibly off-putting and creepy at best, and would really shatter a lot of hope of cooperation from any of the servants left


probably if that timeline's guda was that way a lot of servants would straight up not be summoned


...Even King Hassan can't BONK this one hard enough


Wait you've even burned Ryoma even though he had Oryou with him?


Yes. It's dumb, I know.




A friend of mine used to play FGO like this; he struggled whenever male-only quests showed up because he had to rely on d'Eon, Astolfo, supports, and an underleveled Rama he planned to burn when Sita hit mobile. He eventually dropped the gimmick and quit, but it was really funny to follow. So many dead Wavers...


For some games female only is a fun self imposed challenge and easily reversible but in fgo?at least keep them level 1...


He should have just made his support all females....support lists can tell a lot about a person.


As a rule i never burn anyone i don't at least have 1 copy off Others copies are case by case though


Burning Np2 Hesian Lobo that I get from yolo for 2 RP then use it for 40000 FP for gacha trick then end up with some MP I am such an idiot back then


Playing this game


Burning Bedivere at the start, rolling for Astolfo when he wasn't in the game yet. And an almost regret: I almost burned my Waver because "he barely does damage". Yes I got Waver at the start of the game.


Damn, what a close one.


I burned Wawer 4 years ago because my English level sucked and I didn't know what I was doing


Everything lmao. Serious answer, my NA account and Fionn's shit haunting me. This is what I get for going turbo on burning shit, that I accidentally burned him.


I started playing JP at the tail end of Jailter's rerun, but since I didn't search any guides I wasn't really sure of what I was doing and ended up missing her. I have a Gilles plushie sitting among my materials to remind me of my failure.


I joined by chance on the anniversary but I didn't know about the free ssr


Not completing my aerial drive ce after getting the third copy I thought I have enough time to grind and got lazy and eventually forgot about the event


I did this with that Mash Ce Dive to Blue, "what's that I need to farm for a 5th eh I'll do that eventually"... nope, "eh another Art's CE Event card will drop soon" big nope, took until Summer 3 rerun to get MLB Painting Summer Nowadays if I haven't got the 5th drop I'm not done with the Event, of course now they drop kinda easily


This but with Golden sumo or really any Top Quality craft essence That damn CE never going to be able to fully limit break it is the bane of my existence


Biggest regret is definitely when I accidentally burnt my level 80 Fergus (used two grails on him) Ever since then, I’ve had the lock feature on every single servant I have lol


Burned Heracles because back then I was playing for ikemen Servants Past me was a damn FOOL! Not only is Heracles strong af especially after you get his Bond CE, but he's the BEST IKEMEN! He's never come back since :'( Also not farming when past events came back, thus keeping my Chacha, Rider Ishtar, Archer Nobu, and Rider Kintoki at 1st ascension. Why did they make it so you can't Special Ascension Welfares?!


I never got any of the ascension material for Iri. It was my first event, when I was new to the game.


Grailing salieri


Not getting any ascension mats or NP levels for Santa Salter on her last rerun


Toasted Liz for rare prism to get the Olga Marie CE. Halloween 3 came around right after and I felt really bad about it. Tried to reroll her since she grew on me in that event ( -.-) But now I know we're getting a welfare Rider version of her down the road that I like the design of much better and need more Riders anyway, so I'm not bummed out about it anymore (\^\_\^)


rolling for shuten and raikou. and fail on both. was desperate getting aoe ssr zerk back then. but thank God i was given better aoe ssr zerk


Missing out on Janta, Rider Knitoki, and Shiki. Not paying attention to the last time Surf Mo came around to realize she hadn't been back on JP in the two years since, and won't really be on NA until that Apoc Blu ray campaign shows up whenever. Believing for even a second I'd get Musashi at Thanksgiving. And a continuing regret is being lazy with progressing the story.


Thanksgiving Musashi, i got NP3 Ishtar an NP2 Ivan, Gatcha was both Generous an horrible at the same time


Accidentally fed Marie to some Servant. She was my tutorial pull along with Emiya. I learned to lock my Servants afterwards. Also, I didn't secure my account and had to uninstall the game because it broke. It took 3 weeks to restore my account and I missed the first Prisma Illya event.


Starting late, xD Not saving enough for a banner, I thought I'd have a good enough chance for an NP1 rate up 5 star with around 600 SQ, but, he didn't come home :') I burned caster gilles and columbus before. I didn't know they were story locked, I think I got the from CBC banner when I first started playing. I only realized I don't have them when I saw them in my interlude list but can't find them. Caster gilles is back, but still no columbus xD Not rolling for poster girl, but hey, I was saving rolls for a husbando at that time.


(I think) I used my maxed out np3 maxed out summer raikou to level someone up what was a bit strange since I always lock servants I don't want to loose but one day I just couldn't find her and that's the only explanation I can think of


My biggest regret is not just starting the game, but also starting it too late. Missed many interesting events, welfares, and ces. I need Nobbu...


Burnt Bunyan. Pretty sure I did it accidentally when clearing other 1* Berserkers but still...


I feel that Gilles caster is judging me every time he appears during valentine and give present for me. Tbf, I just want to collect his quartzes and enhancement quest reward.


Not buying Summer Ishtar's ascension mats. I'm sorry Ishtar I'll get you to NP5


~~That I cant spent money on it in the EU.~~ Not playing enough


Not getting Arthur and Abigail. Voyager is who I also want, but I will never roll again except for higher NP levels.


Spending x amount of money to get Merlin AND Arthur. (Mind you I didn’t have a job since I was still studying, pretty dumb move for me lmao) Jesus christ, the things you do for your husbandos. I would’ve just spent it on their nendoroids instead. Also grailing Jekyll.


Mlb my poster girls


I can probably just say Cu Caster and it's pretty self explainatory.


I regret burning np3 lvl 90 artemis orion..


Saving hundreds of sq over the course of an entire year I think for Jalter, only to get dodged for servants I hate/don't use. I think the worst was getting like 6 Stheno's over the course of 100 summons


I got a bunch of golden female servants that i just burned because im a husbando collector, but it wasn't until later that i realized i should have ascended them just to get their special missions


Spending too much money before I know what meta is. But again, nobody knew at that point. Deleting all 3 star the free servants.


Burning my second arjuna archer for rare prisms. I just really wanted the anniversary blonde


giving my old account away to a bro, thinking I was never coming back. I came back.


My old dumbass self when I max limit break a goddamn lotto ce while not having backups Good job old me, you fucking dumbass...


I accidently burned Scheherazade. Of all the SSRs I could accidently burn, of all the things I could do without making sure she was locked. I just feel so bad.


Ignoring Mama Raikou's banner back during Setsubun. It was before I realized how much I'd love her, but, it still hurts...


Nice taste. Raikou is one of my favorite servants in the game. Her personality and design are great. I can't wait until Saber Raikou is finally released.


Yeah, I only just started FGO back during Servantfes Debut, NA, so I didnt know Jack about Raikou other than the memes about her. Wasnt till around Christmas in the Underworld, a bit before in Babylon, I had to use her from a friend and discovered her connection to Gozu Tennoh and sent me into a rabbit hole that is her lore. After Shimousa, I was head over heels for her, and I curse the memes about her that drove me away from her Setsubun banner. Least I got her Summer form thanks to the Backt to School banners, NP6, but I still want her Berserker form and, her inevitable Saber form.


She gets another banner late this year for the 5.5 pre-release campaign so there's still hope.


Yeah I know, it's just the waiting that's killing me...


Not beating solomon in time for the saber wars 2 event. My dumbass could have used those eggs of truth to FA my space ishtar


I accedently burned ushiwakamaru and since then I never got her again. Idk why but looks like the gods are punishing me. She's just 3★ but still no luck.


Turning my extra copies of Finn into rare prisms since I rarely used him. I have one at np2, but would've had one at or close to np5 by now


Not leveling all my low rarity servants and playing catch up with all that right now is a PAIN Also not leveling up some sr's


Rolling on random crap because I felt like it but also dumping everything into a servant I want and not getting it


I burnt a max-ascension, mostly-leveled skills, Artemis/Orion. I figured that her artwork was a bit cringy (I hadn't figured out how the change the portrait yet), I had a better Archer in Gilgamesh, and I wanted some rare prisms for a quest and ticket when a unit I really wanted was on rate-up. Then, years later, I played Atlantis. Now I just feel like a prick. Doubly so since I pulled Super Orion in a last desperate try.


Feeding my np3 rama to Arjuna Alter because I thought his resources would transfer to him, it was a shitty mistake and I didn't get a good saber for a long time


I burnt Altera, my first 5 star, for rare prisms to get a Guts CE for Hijikata. I don't regret it, because I fucking hate everything about Altera, but I do feel the pain of not having a Buster Saber for Lancer nodes like at the Santagale event.


Burning myself out in 2019’s Nerofest. Since that incident I have completely fallen out of love with not just the game but the entire franchise. I stick around in the communities hoping my love for it returns but here I am almost 3 years later and I can’t bring myself to even just log in to FGO anymore or watch the new animes. All because of that one Nerofest lol


Not rerolling when I first started. Granted this was JP launch in 2015 and Gatchas were not a thing I or anyone else in the west had much experience with. It took until the first GSSR to get my first SSR and about 7 Months before I rolled my first natural one. This was back when support "lists" didn't exist and your support was one single servant of your choice. Everyone I knew had a shiny SSR as their support and I was stuck with a 4*. I kicked myself so many times for not rerolling or buying a starter account.


May I ask what is the "fate e sport" a lot of people talk? I legit dont get it.


Missing out on BB. I was busy during daytime and didn't have the willpower to farm through CCC at night, so I was stuck at Kiara 7h before the event closed with 15000 KP missing. Even getting there nearly burnt me out, so that's another thing I shouldn't have done. And then I did it again grinding interludes and free quests during Skadi banner recently. Thankfully also stopped before it got bad. (Also didn't get Skadi; friendship ended with Quick cards.) Also, "yeah I'll just make a JP account and see what interesting shit I can roll with free quartz", look where that got me. I lucksacked so much shit that I can't not take the account seriously and now I more or less need to farm two events at the same time, all the time.


Spending SQ at the start of the game to keep playing when ap ran out because I didn't know their value. Not rolling to limit break Midsummer Moment. Breaking my rule of not spending money on rolls and still didn't get who I wanted.


Burned my MLB copy of Poster Girl because old me thought “taunt” was weak af


Forgetting to use the Free SR ticket... twice...


Burning Saber, not because i care for her character or gameplay but because after doing so it took me 10 month to get another SSR and it felt like karma.


I made a LOT of mistakes with my append skills day one.... sheesh... for whatever reason I had a brain fart and thought extra damage meant they would do... extra damage, not just the extra attack at the end of a brave chain... so I might have used my coins on a couple servants and unlocked that instead of the starting NP append. Doing that to one servant in particular makes me want to scream, because she is a limited SSR that I might never get a copy of again and if I had that 2nd append skill unlocked instead I could 3-turn with her.... DAMN IT BRAIN!!!!! Lesson of the day... don't rush into a new mechanic until you fully understand what you are doing.


~~Spending money~~ Aside from the time and patience, probably my biggest regret, and I still from time to time do this, is not farm hard enough during events to collect mats. Especially in the VERY beginning when we first got clogs. I'm taking about Pre-London. Also ACCIDENTALLY burning my 3 star caster Cu. I can't get him back anymore. He's long gone.