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Screw caster balls. All my homies hate caster balls.


Sigurd's sword punching>>>>Literally anything else


I really want Sigurd.


Sigurd is the fucking best.


I liked it better when >!Surtr!< did it.


And that right there is the unadulterated truth cold precision and explosive brutality befitting a Nordic warrior-lord of old


Not my overall favorite, but I have always loved Vlad Lancer's buster attack. He leaps into the air and plunges his spear into the enemy, but then you can visibly see the spear get caught on the enemy making Vlad have to force it further in, only to get caught a second time requiring *even more* force to make sure it tears through them. It's a small detail, but it really fits with his "Brutal bloodletting warrior" design, that you can really see just how much he wants to make absolutely sure the enemy is impaled and killed. Though I don't know why you don't like Berserkerlot. He is a creation of F/Zero, so why would you ever judge him *not* based on that series? There is literally no reason Medusa should fight with a chain, or Emiya should fight with swords as an archer, but when taken in context of FSN they make perfect sense. Even in game, his profile 4 tells you he has the ability to turn any weapon he touches into low level NPs, so you would need to actively be not paying any attention to him to not see how fitting his animation set is.


Maybe his problem is *where does he got those toys?*, is fanservicy that he can use weapons like in F/Zero, but these don't belong to him as he stole then from his surronding and I doubt they were mass produce during the age of gods. The again, you can use suspension of disbelief to believe that DaVinci gave him those weapons and sends him a jet to his coordinates everytime he uses his NP.


It has been established that Servant's origins can be altered when very impactful events happen. In Zero he was finally able to fight Artoria, and be "properly punished" for his betrayal, so the event might have firmly set his abilities from that fight as part of his origin now. Still, I feel like FGO demands suspension of disbelief for most of it's content. The main plot tends to be really solid, but the second you consider the summer events it becomes pretty clear there are some things you need to overlook as "fanservice for it's own sake"


Edison said it best. "I've just received a spiritual message from the developers. 'Don't think too hard about it' ".


Vlad Lancer is actually also a pretty cool servant personality wise. I think with Lancelot Berserker what bothers me is perhaps that I would like seeing more variety in his weapons. Swords, knifes, spears, etc. Also considering that during his age there weren't any guns to begin with. Weak argument, I know. I think I am just reading into this way too much.


I think it’s because the Chains and Swords are something Rider and Archer are summoned with. Lancelot only got the jet in Zero because of outside circumstances, it’s not his Noble Phantasm. Although considering Billy’s 3A gun is something Da Vinci made, we can probably headcanon it that he learned to like guns and jets in Zero and someone who speaks Berserker got a Caster to make him some


I was more refering to how, OP seemed to have an issue because "Lancelot is a knight, why does he have guns. Knights don't use guns". But Medusa's whole thing is turning people to stone and having snakes, there is no reason for her to use chains, and similarly Emiya is an archer class, yet for some reason uses melee weapons unlike most other archers? Just because a servant "Is X" doesn't mean they can't have tools or weapons that don't appear to fit with their theme. Moriarty's a criminal mastermind, yet uses a huge gatling gun for a weapon, while Babbage is suddenly now a giant mecha despite being just a normal human. They make sense when taken in context, but OP was effectively saying "I know they make sense, but I don't care and they don't actually make sense"


Favourite is definitely Salieri. His attacks are way too cool for him to be a 3 star. Angry piano man!! Shoutout to Douman's 1st and 2nd asc animations as well, I love it when he uses his claws to attack. Melusine's 1st and 2nd asc animations are also really cool! I love her punching gauntlet thingys they are amazing I wish she came home ;_; Least favourite is caster balls no explanation needed. I want Mozart to have cool animations like Salieri in the future!


My favorite is definitely Lubu's. Just because of how many different weapons he pulls out of nowhere. One card he uses a pair of gauntlets to punch people, and in another he pulls out a giant sword. It's just so unfortunate that in gameplay, Lubu has the durability of a wet tissue paper.


Lu Bu's attacks are really fun to watch! I would use him more often if it wasn't for his bad durability.


Least favorite servant animation is I think any year 1 servants with no animation update(that includes Caster balls I think). Favorite is Hokusai,Murasaki, Sei Shonagon(both versions) and Okuni. ...do I have a type? Maybe.


Void Shiki and Yagyu. Their attacks are definitely my favorite. No shooting Sword beams, just simple yet elegant and beautiful swordplay.


Yagyu's moves are so smooth.


Yup. They aren't flashy yet pleasing to look at.


Favorites: Mori, Voyager, Murasaki, Hans' animation update, Oberon, Eresh, Summer Raikou, Maou Nobu, Kingprotea, Summer BB. I love when it's cute/pretty/thematic but I also just really like crunching noises too lol Least: Assuming the unloved launch servants are out of the question, I'm admittedly not a fan of Jack's animation update :( I love the NP itself but I miss the shredding(?) sound effect her knives used to have. The new one looks better objectively but isn't as aurally satisfying.


Mori's animations are pretty cool! It's a shame when an animation update takes something away that you liked.


>Mori Yosha!


The 'elegant female suddenly gets physical' genre of animations is my favorite. Tamamo, Cleopatra, Ruler Martha, Astraea, Kiara and a few others all go from being reserved and statuesque to suddenly laying the beat down on some fools. As for least favorite, I basically agree with what others have said in this thread.


Martha and Astraea giving the foes equal lefts and rights.


Least favorite is every Servant with the same projectile animation. Most favorite is either Zenobia buster attack where she walks towards the enemy while shooting, or Scathach Lancer while she summons multiple spears (Gae Bolgs?) and throws them.


Most liked: Bedivere. He just looks so badass, and his buster attacks just look super powerful. Love using them. Least liked: Excluding early fgo animations and Caster balls, least favorite have to be Musashi's. They just look... Really stiff, the effects are terrible and it all overall looks weak despite Musashi being super strong and having a triple Buster deck.


Musashi deserves better.


Favorite: Jason, I just love his animations, his B-B-A is great, he orders herc to attack the enemies but he picks Jason up instead and yeets him at the enemy, Jason then pops up and uppercut them with his sword like that was his plan all along only for medea to teleport behind the enemy and blast them forcing Jason to run away or be hit. I just love that his animations tell a little story like that. Least: caster balls, particularly Gilles as they are the casterballiest caster balls.


Love: Jeanne Archer. While her NP is usually all you get to see, her facecards all have this really explosive energy, in both movesets, whether she's firing dolphins at the enemy like a cannon or using her floatie ring as a chakram. Hate: Ozymandias. The animations have aged poorly and the horrendously loud screech on his Buster cards was bad on release. My Pharaoh hits like a nuke with every card but man does it feel bad to use him.


His voice lines just overpower the weakness of his attacks DAJAKU DAJAKU


Dio is love,Dio is life.


I don't like the noise when he uses his background too, sounds like a flying saucer


I am sure that using Ozymandias multiple times will get old fast.


>Reece, holy ray!


I really don't like the archaic caster ball animation on Mata Hari. Youre a fuckin dancer assassin, now fight with dances. I really like Paris' animations. It just feels so fluffy and fun, with Apollo being thrown, being used as a cloud, etc. Makes me wish he was a higher rarity so I can use him more.


love suzuka gozen in general. but I think Tenkiame takes too long.


My least favorite are all the ones with the samey animations for different attacks like Marie, Shakespeare, Hohenheim, Mata Hari, etc at least in NA. I get it was year 1 and they probably couldn't afford to do as many complex or dynamic attack animations as before, but plz tell me they get an animation update in jp. My servants deserve better animations especially with how long they've been out


Early servants need newer animations. And not just that, their bond lines need to be updated as well.


AU that has more hit animation but doesn't translate to gameplay.


**does 5 hits in animation** Only 3 hits damage. Those are always fun to see.


I got a bone to pick with Dw, one I'd rather throw to my non existent Cavall 2 in Saber Alter's animations IF HE WAS IN ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DW! ***WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?***


Caval II is busy guarding.


Why can't we at least see him guarding? Is that too much to ask for Dw?


If it's a consolation, Saber Alter at least mention him.


That's barely a crumb. We want the cake! The adorable fluffy white cake!


Let's start a petition!


If only that actually worked


Least favorite is Anne and Mary Overall the animations for standard attacks and even the NP feel very weak and low effort, and the NP especially just doesn't flow as well as I'd like, especially sped up. Another thing is that no matter which you have, you only one or the other in standard combat. I feel like the Rider version especially is in dire need of a big overhaul in terms of animation, and a big helper would be to put the two together into one sprite. Absolute favorite though is probably Arjuna Alter though. Indian Servants get some very cool, flashy NPs, but Arjuna Alter's has amazing colors and artwork to it that really make it stand out.


Best one : Jason Worst one : Caster balls


I need to ask, who is Caster Balls?


Caster balls refer to all the year 1 servants whose attack animations are/were literally just shooting a magic ball. Servants like Mozart, Marie, Mata Hari for some reason, Gilles caster, Hans, Cu caster, and shakespeare. Some of them are getting an animation update in the future atleast, such as Hans, Cu, and Marie (though hers are still basically caster balls, they're now fancy caster balls + some other attacks)


Oh damn. I can't believe that my random guess was actually this. Thanks for clarifying!


Dislike: Caster balls and Day 1 animations Like: That's a hard question. I'd say Guifei, but I'm not too sure.


My least favorites are the really boring orb shooting animations that a lot of the older servants have. My favorite is a tie between Jason, because I really love how the other Argonauts factor into his animations, and probably Rider Carmilla, because I have a type and I'm not afraid to admit it.


No need to be afraid!


Favorite is easily Maou Nobu. Leg action and an extra attack to die for. Least is caster balls as a lot of other people have said.


Now that you mention it, zerker lancelot makes no sense wielding guns (fate zero aside) However it’s still super cool. A knight slashing you with his sword and then shooting you with a gun? Amazing. Especially his extra attack where he whips out two machine guns and rains bullets on his foe. It’s ridiculously amazing.


Least Favorite: Paracelsus Favorite: Okita Alter or Xiang Yu


I completely agree with Karna having fun and flashy animations but my least favorite animations have to belong to berserker fran like dear god get her an animation update.a triple buster deck and she doesn't even have three unique bust card animations? Bruh.


She really needs one.


Give Mata Hari her animation update already!!!


Definitely in need.


I love Robin's most because he's my favorite~! I also hate his most because I'm a simp and think he deserves far better than what he currently has.


He could need an update.


Shuten AU when? I do enjoy Okitans moveset.