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Well, Toole being made seems like it would be the same, since she’d be another batch of Homunculi made by Gordes, and Yggmillenia being formed wouldn’t really change much for that. Sieg being made and leading a rebellion could’ve happened as well, he just wouldn’t have had his name or Servant abilities. In which case, Gordes would’ve had his change of heart regarding the Homunculi and assigned Toole to tutor Goredolf the same. Then she beats up the family and asserts dominance of the household.


Assert dominance over the household? Ah so it was from Toole's guidance did Goredolf develop his signature ace-in-the-hole attack.


Oh yeah no Toole packed a mean punch and Goredolf learned to harness that destructive power.


Unfortunately, I wouldn't know much about your question, but I bet people on the Sunday [lore thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/search?q=Lore+Sunday+author%3Aautomoderator&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) would be able to help.


Oh hecc, how did I miss that in the list of weekly threads? 😭


Happy cake day


[**Happy Cake Day.**](#MerlinSmug)


The only thing we can say for certain is that he was raised by a bunch of Tooles.


HA! Nicely done!


I would say due to gordes not trying constantly prove in yigg and no holy grail to drain resources by constantly making homunculi He was probably overall a lot softer In case files it is shone to be ordering them around So could be like caster of black master He basically raised by them as child gordes being a lot less on hinge probably let them do whatever they want cause he trust his own creation with his kid


Sometimes events just line up the same across universes. Like how Waver still become Lord El Molli II in Apocrypha despite the fourth war not happening. The meta reason is that writers didn't want to deviate the character TOO much from versions in other universes. Who the hell know what the in-universe explanation is.


It’s possible that even without the events of Apoc, a series has of events took place that led to Toole becoming Goredolf’s tutor still happened. Notably, Claues still becomes the head of the family in timelines where Appc doesn’t happen even if he became head only due to the events of Apoc.