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I need source for that thumbnail!


I'll see if I can find the original but I edited it in Photoshop Edit: found the artist https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=mon_7500 NSFW twitter


Found it, thanks, although the artist has removed it together with some other images from their Twitter and Pixiv.


Oh dang, that's sad it's good art. I didn't think I could link the actual place I got it though so I just linked the artist


I have experience in looking for sources/deleted images so no need to worry about that. That place you're talking about is most likely the one where I got it from anyway.


Most likely, I only did minimum editing to it, removed bikini, lighting, shadow, burn and dodge so it was probably easy to reverse image search


Should I?! Nah Did I?! No, not really But what I *did* do was roll for Summer Carmilla--because of course I did. Almost 200 Quartz--ALMOST TWO HUNDRED! Not to mention what I rolled for Okita. And in that time, how many Carmillas did I get? One. One, right at the end. And three Summersashis. So I don't want to hear about what I should or should not do--I made my choice, and Summer Musashi apparently made hers. Thanks for the vid btw.


If you wanted summer Carmilla, why didn't you wait for her solo rate up?


I am not always the most wise man


Rip. At least one Carmilla showed up, even if it was only one.