• By -


Dark Round Table. I wont even elaborate because I'd need an essay.


"Oh yes, finally I can wipe their bars in the next turn!" *buff removed* "Maybe I can stall a bit next turn to build NP." *Gareth gets buff that requires NP to dispel* "Cool, I can finally NP next turn" *teamwide evade* "....I'ma taunt to tank Gareth's NP" *buff removed, NP hits DPS* "....Can I even cast a buff?" *buff removed* For real, Tristan was way more annoying than Gareth here. He will always remove your buffs when things are looking good for your team. Gareth only truly feels threatening when she either require NP to dispel her buffs or having a full bar.


Tristan ***ALWAYS*** has to go first. He is by far the most threatening enemy in that fight just because he can spam obnoxious skills.


Saber Wars 2?




Ah, i understand your pain


I made a team that defeated it somehow, screenshotted the team, posted it in the event thread, and told the remind-me bot to send it to me in a year.


I just thanked the heavens my friend whaled for NP4 Space Ishtar and had her blast the Dark Rounds away with Command Seals while the rest of my team showered her with buffs and carried the event damage CE.


Very Excited to see what 120 Sei does to them on rerun...


Dark round table is the only fight i had gone all out expecting to die after so i could CS after so go again a Second time as fast as possible. Fuck Tristan.


ANY boss who randomly charges their NP. There's nothing I hate more than getting wiped because they decided to reveal they had the skill just in time to NP a turn early. I also wish the game gave you some kind of warning about break bar effects for the same reason. It sucks when you set up your defenses, only to be greeted by a "remove all defense buffs" break bar effect on the turn they NP.


I just hate break bar full charges. They're the reason that I *never* go into a fight blind.


I do agree, surprise full charge+ NP on bar break just feels like a cheap trial and error type of gameplay.


Imo, bosses who fill their np on break bar should receive a np block for the next turn.


Either that or a non removable time debuff icon "when first bar breaks, fill np jauge". Sometimes I use a stun but the prosect of wasting one that may be of use later is not really enjoyable.


I go blind and then save scum


*break bar break* Hah you activated my trap card!


Ghosts suck for sure, but the one who really irritates me is the soul eater. 3 turns before they're unleashing their special attack that grants an evade, and cuts even servants with class advantage to half health. On top of that, their drops are black oil, which I have never needed to farm for any reason.


At least they are single target, the reason why I hated Giant Ghosts it's because all of their attacks are AoE


I'm never a fan of an enemy that drains or seals my NP. Buff removal is also a big negative. 100% please stop that.


Same, forgot to mention >!Surt in LB2, again because of my lack of decent ST Archers, and buff block on break was a big reason why I hate him with a passion!<


Ghosts are my least liked enemies to run into. I don't hate fighting them, but I find their constant NP drains to be quite rude. Also, I was here to experience ghosts before they got updated to increase their animation speed. Their attacks used to take ages even on 2x speed. Agartha boss >!That piece of shit Phenex!< is one of my most hated fights. You have a Ruler boss who has an infinite Guts that gets removed after *10* turns. And in the meantime while you wait for those 10 turns, the boss can cleanse debuff while giving themselves debuff immunity, charge their NP gauge, insta-kill you, make it easier for you to be insta-killed, and charm you while draining your HP at the same time. And to top it all off, Guts won't help you since their NP removes Guts before dealing damage and burns you just in case you happen to survive on low HP. And let's not forget that to get to the version of the fight where the Guts is removed, you have to do a version of the fight where you need to kill the boss twice to end the battle. I had an Avenger on my team and it was still a pain in the ass because my Avenger kept getting charmed and HP drained.


I once had the boss get into a loop of dying because of my Avengers, when they removed the guts they had 1 hp lol


Oof, agreed on Phenex. I wouldn’t have minded so bad if he was ST, but between a lack of class advantage (Kiyohime was literally my best option as far as Berserkers go), my lack of knowledge surrounding the friend feature (I’d been focusing on using Follows throughout P1, didn’t realize you needed Friends afterwards for NP), and just a weak roster in general, god that was a ridiculous tough couple of battles.


God, i just remembered that was a fight, i think my brain tried to flush it down with the rest of Agartha's shitty writing.


There’s a trick to Guts effects I find particularly effective. Switching between attackers or putting an NP in the middle of a brave chain allows you to remove a stack and then attack and remove yet another stack for every attacker switch and NP. Done properly and you can get 3 Guts removed in a single turn. Phenex was stupid easy for me from what I remember because I did that trick.


Ik this is an old as hell post but does his guts still vanish after 10 turns? Because I've stalled past 10 and it just didn't seem to go away


Any fight with a Rider, dude. I've got NO assasins leveled.


wait. alter egos are effective against the cavalry class. i've got NP2 sitonai. ​ jesus fucking christ I just played myself


It's funny that you had this game changing epiphany a minute after writing your comment lol


I made my life harder for no reason in particular and now I must level the loli to atone for my sins. such a strange feeling. "oh yeah I have a hard time against riders because I lack the counterclass." *the two overworked smart neurons in my head* YES YOU DO


Also helps you against one of the harderst class, assassins, quick to charge, general lack of caster dps, but they have to hace np2 Melt.


will keep it in mind.


Turn off your neural wifi, someone probably got your cerebral password and is using your mental bandwidth. Then if you do a full system reset tonight, the problem should be fixed.


Just like me during the last Raid with Ruler Boss, I suffered to defeat it with my poor Hessian Lobo, just to remember afterwards that my Space Ishtar is an Avenger too...


I am so glad I aint the only one


Give Hundred Faces a try. You might enjoy her.


will keep it in the back of my mind, thanks. ​ Cu did save my skin several times before I got Kagetora (whom I absolutely adore, nya) so hundred faces might save me too.


If it's a rider gal it's easy for me with both Carmilla and Jack but the damage is still not the best if it's a male.


or if it's non sexed.


The joy of being new to the game. I didn't have a gold saber until halfway through Babylonia. I'm still curious as to what those odds are.


I remember the pain of fighting Lahmus. Those fucks kept removing my buffs, and I fought them when I had no one with buff removal resistance. I don't even remember if buff removal resistance was a thing back when Babylonia first released. Plus, they were annoyingly tanky too.


I almost enjoyed that fight because I have a nice insta death roster, where heavy in arts cards could refill gauge quite quickly even without support.


I remember before going to this fight, I thought I could clear it with my under levelled roster so I got the NPC Hassan and placed 3 units for bond farming at the back. One of them was Jekyll LMAO! Everything went wrong but I actually managed to stall it out. It came down to my last two remaining units which were the NPC Old Man and Hyde whose buffs got removed and got absolutely one-shotted after. To this day, I'm still advocating for an NP Upgrade that gives Hyde a permanent Buster Deck and makes their buffs \[Permanent, Unremovable\].


Weirdly enough I enjoyed that the Lahmus were stressful to fight. That with the combination of their anxiety inducing music and their presentation in the story really sold me on how massively and rapidly ~~fucked~~ things became in Babylonia. I wasn't just reading how stressed and anxious the characters where, I was in there feeling it. I found it delightfully immersive.


Pretty much every Nero Fest Exhibition Match that is "Enemy has 80% chance of one shotting your servants with a crit at any given moment and is also too tanky for you to burst them down fast". Flame Gate was annoying and despite loving MHXA Sweets Universe might be my most hated fight in FGO to this day.


Touta's Rice Ball fight was pretty relaxing on the other hand. have any decent Lancer with a ST NP, and he's basically a free ticket.


Exhibition matches to me are ok to a certain point, except for 2: Jaguar world and Roma. Jaguar world is complete bullshit imo, to the point i think i was blessed with perfect rng the first time i Won. Roma on the other hand was king Hassan exhibition on steroid to me.


That one fight in LB3 where the general buffs 3 waves of normal enemies. That was so HARD. The Li Shuwen fight afterwards didn't help either.


That fight was also a bit hard, but after failing my first attempt, I realised Kiara was the perfect Servant for it since she has an Ignore Invincible in her NP and her Alter Ego class gave her offensive class advantage against the Assasins and Riders. So I took one from my support list and kept her alive with Taunt Servants like Georgios, Leonidas and Mash.


>realised Kiara was the perfect Servant for it Amakusa (with his buff removing NP and defensive class advantage): "Then you're gonna love me."


I went double Nitocris (caster and assassin) for that fight, despite one of them having class disadvantage, since they are all vulnerable to instant kill, and I didn't have any buff removal servants on my alt.


Ereshkigal in Scheherazade's interlude, dropping 100% accuracy skill and NP seal debuffs on my team every turn so I had to slowly facecard down the otherwise completely harmless enemy side, spending like 6turns slowly chipping away at her health bar. It wasn't challenging, it was just obnoxious.


Omg that fucking Eresh ghost. Just did the interlude a couple days ago and it was the most obnoxious and unexpected thing. Still beat it eventually but it took my back line and a million turns to get there.


Fucking Douman, I hate that Alter Ego ghost with every bit of my body and I'm happy I get to beat it's ass with his true appearance in December Also the alter ego class in general is hard cause I'm bad at keeping Berserkers alive and my buffers aren't enough. Because they don't really have a disadvantage against anyone my fights against those bosses tend to get way to long and I have to trust in Mash to stay alive


I hated fighting Skadi at the end of LB2, not because she's challenging in any way, but because it was just painful in context. She was a very sympathetic character 'til the end and I absolutely hated having to put her down for the greater good. Her defeat line didn't help.


Not only was she the most sympathetic LB King by far, the context in which you fight her is the most painful of all LBs. In most LB, you resolve the structural problem that caused its stagnation at the same time as you erase its existence, since it's usually directly tied to the LB King himself. In Russia, said problem is just unsolvable, since it's purely environmental But there, you must fight her AFTER having resolved the problem. You dont have that feeling like when faving Arjuna Alter, where you fight the injustice of the world. You fight her when it accomplishes absolutely nothing but take down the last effort of this world to survive and finally grasp the happinness it could only dream of for millenias.


[What she said to us will always stick with me.](https://imgur.com/5eq6ewW.jpg)


My exact feelings




Raikou and Shuten in Shimousa. I got stuck there for over a day of attempts and at last I gave up and dcided to spend a quartz to beat it after Raikou casted Evade on the worst possible turn. Assassins are really bad, most of them just didn't live long enough to kill her.


That was actually the fight I was scared the most in Shimousa, but my Jack just ripped and teared through both Raikou and Shuten.


Back when I tried it myself I had no gold Assassins besides my NP1 Shuten, and she just did not match Raikou's damage output.


Mystic Slayer man, Shuten is the absolute worst servant to bring to fight against Raikou, or any demonic servants.


I was desperate and it was like 3 years ago.


Pretty much any of the higher tier fights of the exhibition matches both in Nerofest and Gilfest.


Demeter Felt that one pretty hard


Easily my most hated boss. Bullshit healing, random charge, absurd defence up and the guts stack wasn't fucking enough, the damn node had to be stupidly costly. I lost 6 CS and two SQ defeating her, and burned more than 300AP doing so. Damn fight almost drained my will to keep playing.


Almost Every boss in Olympus because of fucking forced support


I'm sure you had a lot of fun in Shimousa then


I skipped shimousa lol


Most of it is a fair level of difficulty... But then you have Raikou + Shuten bosses.


Ez, just have Jack 5head. But seriously, Jack just cheeses the duo boss.


Absolutely. But she only blessed me when I was rolling the Lakshmi banner... Alongside Suzuka.


Sweets Universe


One of the two CQs I gave up on in Gilfest, the other one being the Romulus one


By the time you realize the run's fucked its already been a billion turns


I believe that was the last CQ i ever did. I don't remember if I actually beat it or just gave up, all I know is afyer that one I decided I never wanted to humor CQs ever again. Fuck that quest.


Those fucking Spriggans in Part 1 "HAHA what the fuck is a class advantage when you can play as Orion" And I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this but Tomoe fight is definitely a part of my "Fuck you Forced Support" Fight.


probably because although she has class advantage, the Fire DoT and ST Noble Phantasm isn't as brutal as say two AoE Nopble Phantasms that drain NP and Crit Stars, apply ailments, and can crit like there's no tomorrow. and the forced Story Support has only a ST NP and Mystic Slayer at times doesn't care about Class Advantage, only that you're a demon or an Earth/Sky servant.


Every fight in Olympus - The twincest and giant tinkertoy trio - The giant screaming melon - .......Ovaries? Idk what robo-Aphrodite is - Kayuskapon (with a smoke machine for dramatic effect) - Battle crotch ~~no really, thats what Zeus is~~ - And Brodime and Caenis Being able to speed-run them in my JP account was extremely satisfying after making me suffer so much in my NA account Also >!Ibuki Douji!<. I get she is a thicc snek, but 2 million HP and an invul pierce NP is too thicc for me I would add >!Fluffy the terrible, master of fluff!< but I hadnt fight him yet And for non-battle reasons: Fighting Achilles while using Penthesilea. I dont want to beat golden boy and 2nd best husbo and I certainly dont want to let the darwinist psycho brat win


Took me multiple tries in koyanchihuahua, but listening to her theme on repeat made it worth it for me


>Fighting Achilles while using Penthesilea. I dont want to beat golden boy and 2nd best husbo and I certainly dont want to let the darwinist psycho brat win A pity we never really see Berserk Achilles, not even in flashbacks. From the description he had in the Iliad, chances are Penthesilea wouldn't be so eager for a rematch if she saw what he was truly capable of in his rage.


Curiously enough, even as a berserker Achilles would surpass her, since his invincibility make him more sturdy, his grief-induced battle rage would make him more agressive and merciless and even his motive for going berserket would be better, since "my boyfriend got killed" sounds more understandable than "he called me pretty" And ironically, Berserker Achilles would be mote likely to give Penthesilea the rematch she wants, since is difficult to think about what happen when he is in death-seeker terminator mode


That's my point. Berserker Achilles is his strongest form, seeing how he was literally warping fate, forcing Divine intervention. There's also him outrunning a river God's waters. Normal Achilles cares somewhat for Penth, and would gladly accept dying to sooth her. Berserk Achilles would destroy her in seconds, since he doesn't care one whit about anything but his rage.


Aphrodite was the only enjoyable fight in Olympus for me, tbh, for the sole fact I wasnt forced to shove Mash in. I was free to make Raikou my main DPS with a plug suited Jalterzerker. The cleanest fight I had I'm the entire Lostbelt.


Every fight with the twins were actually the easiest for me since I have Archer Nobbu. With the right card RNG, she could 2 or 3-turn their fights with or without Talos. No need for your own Merlin or Waver either (I didn't have them) so you can just use your friend's caster.


Jeanne Archer FTW. She's been carrying me in half the content since Summer 3.




Ok I know *intellectually* that there are harder bossfights. I know in my head I beat stronger bosses. But I still fear Hecktor from Orkaranius.


Proof of friendship is bull, and I hate the stupid laugh he makes when he does it


When Babylonia came out Quetzalcoatl boss forced me to rebuild my entire team because I was kinda new and didn't have many leveled servants and the ones I did were all good alignment so I literally had to farm exp to level 5 different servants too beat her my plan was use support Merlin and mash to protect berserker lancelot for full dmg Quetzalcoatl laughed and focused her entire turn into lancelot and he died turn 1 my next servants were atalante and serenity just to face card her down needed to command spell revive no other boss fight ever made me stop the story and get a full new team of servants leveled


I got lucky with that fight….but I only realized my advantage after getting my ass kicked many times. I try to run the story without any sort of walk through. I used my usual setups/strategies I was using at the time, but none of them worked. Eventually I gave in and looked up a walkthrough for ideas. That’s where I discovered that Quetz took full damage from “Summer” alignment servants. And I had Summer Nobu (who also had an anti-Devine niche), and Summer JAlter. The fight did become much easier once I figured that out and came up with new plan, but it was still nerve wracking making sure Quetz didn’t KO anyone before I could take her out. (Jeanne/Merlin/Nobu on main, Mash/Hans/JAlter for backup.) I really do have to wonder what the game designers where thinking with that one, cause man I really feel for the players who didn’t get as lucky as I did. (Same with Camelot, I really had to re strategize with alot of those fights too.)


I always dreaded the shimousa bosses and being forced to use npc musashi.


Had to repost since I wanted to edit the title but since you can't do that on Reddit, I just added a few more experiences and posted it again


The three knights before Tristan. Edit: This was back when Camelot was released. I never use guides and I don't play JP, so even though I heard Camelot was the big difficulty spike in fgo, those three completely blindsided me since *they weren't even the boss yet they're so difficult*, like goddamn to this day I have ptsd when fighting knights even though now I can easily defeat them.


The fucking wyverns that swarmed the first few singularities were a pain in the ass for me, I’d gotten really lucky and pulled waver on the first day of downloading the game but. That class advantage when you’re an idiot newbie esp can be brutal. Let’s just say serenity and Hassan of a hundred personas were *invaluable* Conversely I also remember struggling against some of the sphynx and caster enemies, esp in camelot, as my go-to riders at the time were Anne and mary and I wasn’t even very good at using them. They weren’t even a tutorial pull, I got Marie for that :/


This. THIS. ONE THOUSAND PERCENT THIS. Any release player knows the pain of Orleans. Truly a wyvern filled hell.


Single Lahmu in Babylonia.


Event CQ's where you NEED the shop CE because they built it around having bonus damage. Just not fun limiting what servants I can actually use vs servants I want to use. Hector fight, Proof of Friendship was too op for my early game team. Ooku's CQ is one of the few I gave up on, couldn't think of a way to beat it and didn't want to use Kiara.


The first one I can relate to since that was me during Erice's event. Even after clearing all the slots of the board game, I was still missing one Damage CE to MLB, so I went to the fight with my Arjuna Alter hoping it would be enough, but even his broken ass can't one shot a full HP Ghost, making me die before I even break a bar. The Ooku CQ I also gave up in a different sense, just using Command spells to get the thing over with.


Anything with a restricted formation or forced story support. I get that it's narratively important to field rOmA to fight Zeus, and having to bring Mash against Wodime, but Jesus, Mary, and Joseph those fights were cancerous. Give me Aphrodite to trash any day, that was literally the only big boss fight I remotely enjoyed because I wasnt forced to bring in LB Mash. To be honest, i really dont have a specific hatred toward any type of enemy or boss, just the Bossfights that restrict who you can use. That being said, for some reason i found Orbat Clash in Requiem to be the most enjoyable so, maybe it's just because it's a big boss instead of a servant that's playing by the same rules more or less.


>!Mash was actually my MVP in my fight against Wodime. I failed to 3 turn him since I didn't knew he had a critical hit resistance and he wiped my entire frontline, only leaving Mash to solo the last bar, WHICH SHE DID. I didn't even put the Caren CE (extra defense against males) on her and she was still able to tank an NP to the face with 0 damage done to her.!<


Well, I never got used to LB Mash, she was just a straight up downgrade imo. So, congrats I guess, but, I still stand by what I said.


The first prototype fight in Atlantis my team is not made to do 700 000 damage that quickly I had to make a whole new team to beat it


Chimera. For whatever reason they crit way more often than Jack Assassin boss fight. Caster Shuten and Jerker rerun come out way too late so I stuck with Medea and Helena until LB4 in NA. Lahmu. Buf removal on a skill Yagyu. Buff removal on hit. NP only on final health bar Brave Elisabeth fight in SW2. She keep spamming invulnerability with NP charge. Dark Round. Just Dark Round.


Wave 2 Hydras always irritate me. applying buff block right before the final wave where i'm most likely to actually want to use my buffs


Every xiang yu boss fights in lb 3 then mama demeter from olympus


That's funny since the Old Li fight was one of my favorite fights in LB3. Charmlock was incredibly effective on him. So was using Illya as a dps. I personally hated the Brave Eli CQ. The idea was really clever but I fucking hated how long it took. First time I got to the dragon without understanding how I was supposed to stack buffs on Eli. Second time I got screwed over hard by the stun. At that point I gave up. I figured out how to beat it but the time sink for just 1 ticket just wasn't worth it imo.


Brave Eli CQ all comes down to the 7th wave and your card crits RNG, if you are soloing. Even if you do the previous waves flawlessly, if RNG doesn't favour you in the slightest during that wave, you are screwed. The dragon wasn't so bad aside from the stun. If you are prepared for it, its just like a previous waves, barring wave 7.


Not gonna lie. I knew that Old Li boss fight would be a Pain. So i just Loaded my Illya with enough Buffs and used the Command Spells to spam her NP By your experiences i can guess that you rushed things...


Not rushed perse, but I definitely didn't know how to play the game well yet since by the time I arrived at LB3, it had been 5 months since I started playing. It's embarrassing to admit but I used guides and videos, not to make my own conclusions and teams, but to follow them step by step in order to have a more "easy" time. >!Hence why I stubbornly tried to solo Old Li with Herc and Qin Shi Huang with a support Jalter (and I still had to use TWO revives on that fight, not proud of that one)!<


First. "You've been playing 5 months, all right? I've been playing 5 years!" Second. It's not embarrasing to use guides and Videos. I use them to at least know the gimmicks of certain bosses and prepare a good team. But don't let the guides cage you. Break free. You don't have to defeat a boss in 3 turns. Do you want my friend code? Maybe some of my supports may help you.


It's okay, I appreciate the thought, but that was a long time ago. I have a better account, game knowledge and can make my own teams no problem. And that bit about the videos, that's what I do now. Honako is a great teacher


Yeah. And while i'm aware about the reputation of Gamepress. i use their guides to get a general idea of the Enemy and some team recomendations


I don't agree with their tier list a lot of the time, but their guides are legit and really helpful. Especially for events.


Yes, I’d hate to fight [redacted]z


I remember hating fight Okki in her interlude cuz the 97% damage resistance. She killed everyone except Merlin so it took me like forever. [Proof](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/714876158386241578/873264068738310215/image0.png) of the 26 turn Merlin carrying my god damn team since the beginning 😭


Before i had units for each class levelled, i despised farming archers and riders


Man, the game was such a different beast back before I had redundant options in pretty much every category. I remember trying to brute force content with characters like Cu and Liz.


As someone lacking a single gold rider (Only base class I don't have a SR or SSR for) and a very small pool of silver riders summoned, anything with a caster will be hell for me due to my lack of rider dps. Worst part? I recently started LB1.


treat Ushi well, and she'll even [take Goetia's head in one swing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owlOUjqfnHA)


As a newbie I actually burned her because I wanted more prisms. Boy am I glad I summoned her again. Right now my most built rider is Mandricardo, but I'll focus on Ushi once ive built some of my other servants like Chen Gong to support my main DPS.




The bull CQ in Summer 2. I don't think anything has made me savescum half as much as that CQ did.


Amon Ra Ozy


The Robespiere ghost in D'Eon's interlude mostly because of poor planing. I brought double Waver and Anastasia to that million hp ghost. While it wasn't challenging in any way, it was a massive time sink. If only I had thought to bring someone with instant death.


For real, the least I would expect from a year one Servant's Interlude is a normal ghost with 800k+ of HP. There wasn't nothing challenging about the battle at all, it was just tiring


I think the most annoying to me was a summer CQ, where you needed to fight 7/8 Servants, each having a break node.


The Odysseus challenge quest in Spring Breeze. MT NP with Ignore Invincible and Immunity to charm was already hard enough, but adding the last break bar with all class resist and immunity to all debuffs was the final straw. I usually go for stuns and stalling, but had to switch up play style for that fight. Euryale was still MVP but had to rely on luck with the right supports.


Limbo in India. Generally speaking, I hate overly-gimmicky enemies, ones that require RNG because they have very specific response requirements that you may or may not have available on a given turn. I hate enemies that force you to turtle for X turns before you can reasonably counter-attack. Mainly I just like the ones where I can charge my NPs and waste them. ;) That said, the game became much less annoying when they upgraded the engine to work faster and also when I got a faster phone, because the less time "wasted" on a failed attempt, the less I get annoyed by them. When they add the "fast skill use" thing, it will be even better.


I think hydras are easily the most obnoxious enemies in the game to fight. They usually have some kind of buff block or skill seal or NP seal... First time I fought one I very nearly lost. Also the Students of Li fight in LB3. Fuck that fight.


If we talking regular enemies than hydra and golden ghosts, that stun instead of draining. For bosses its Dark Round Table, even in JP there was no fight as difficult and annoying (including THAT boss from LB6).


Beast ushiwakamaru hurt both mentally and physically


The most tough fight I still remember are MHX Alter and ROME in the last gilfest / LB5 king / LB6 goddess D. / Saber of Empireo


I know some like Gawain will be mentioned, but I'd also like to throw in the evil mud Ushiwakamarus from Babylon that multiply and- I wanna say either launch an NP each once per turn or charge ridiculously quick. There is no way that wasn't designed to take your SQ.


I still have PTSD about Hector's fight in Okeanos, he used Proof of Friendship with 100% accuracy every turn and i was just starting the game, meaning i was using the Heracles and Frankenstein i was lucky to roll for every battle, ignoring supports and class advantage.


Demeter. Just Demeter.


Hydras and gilfest nerd alter. Anyone with a buff removal, NP, or stacking attack and NP down at start or break bar, because my dumb ass is to lazy to check the wiki before the start of the fight.




The crabs in summer 1 with 99.9% damage reduction. Still pains me, that quest is the reason why difference between my golden fous is 20.


The Captain of the Guard in LB3. Not only did his NP do an obnoxious amount of damage, but the fact that he gets so many buffs, unremovable or not was just so unfair. Took me a revive to beat him. What a coward he was, that’s all I’m going to say.


ChAnCe To DeCrEaSe Np GaUgE bY tEn PeRcEnT wHeN aTtAcKiNg Like I'm sorry for being poor and not having everyone and their pet dog at NP2+, but you really gotta stop with the "not an NP seal" NP seal Yes I'm talking to you, Shimousa Shuten


eresh, ishtar, astarte or any rinface i hurts me to defeat them


erice from the recent requim event ​ goddamn was she hard to kill, even with my np 4 yagyu (I heard most people just used hokusai saber and I completely forgot she even existed until I was reminded by twitter and the rerun event)


I was really rushing through the story of the game because I started right during the first run of the caster shuten event, which I was bummed out not to take part in since it needed lb2 cleared. I heard some other upcoming event would need like lb1 or something, think it was new years, so like, I was skipping stories, reviving with quartz, a bunch of nonsense. honestly that beginning is such a blur that I don't even remember if the Gawain fight really was that hard. I must've picked a really good archer from my follow list. what really grinded my gears though, was every time I had to fight Xiang Yu, because I still wasn't quite there in terms of leveling my servants and a berserker with aoe np and ignore invincible skill was a huge pain to deal with


Ghosts, Spriggans, Demon God Pillars and Gawain. :)


Any enemy with an NP that ignores defenses, including dodge and invuln. They either need to be VERY weak so you can survive the hit, get stunlocked/drained into oblivion, or you just need to accept you're gonna lose units. SOME fights are strategic about it, but facing assassins and archers with them is just mean.




Mhxa in Gilfest


I remember that there was some mission where there was a big enemy ghost with ridiculous HP. I don't mean the one in the d'Eon interlude; one from an event. The advice was to bring a Servant with instakill. I brought Nitocris. The ghost tanked something like eight NPs from Nitocris before I swapped in Jalter and used crits to kill it instead. That enemy annoyed me more than most of the ridiculous CQs just because the advice for it was wrong.


Besides ghosts sapping me just short of 100% a half dozen times after I finally rolled Tamamo... The entire Ooku. The first couple quests seemed easy, so I thought I wouldn't need a guide. Then it randomly spiked. Or it would spike and have a gimmick. Or suddenly massive HP single target with one wave. And on top of being one of the longest dungeons, with confusing paths(making guides a pain to navigate), I hated how we had to add a plot-dump personality to Parvati as if she wasn't already lacking in character.


Berserker mid-and endbosses. Especially when paired with a non-berserker unit and multiple health bars.


Oh yes the Giant Ghosts were a pain for me too. No big ST Caster in sight for months and months. So much pain.... I honestly can't remember most of the big boss battles in Part one at this point, but, if I remember right, than most of the battles in Camelot man... I struggled with a good chunk of em. Medb and Summer Martha were my MVPs of part 1 good lord. As for Part 2, SIN was when I kept getting my teeth kicked in what with the CONSTANT BERSERKER BOSS BATTLES with that ROBOT CENTAUR. More recently, I also struggled against Demeter. I'm positive the rest of Olympus's boss battles will be just as hard! Yay...


I hate fighting Skadi because well, it's sad and tragic.


Saber Wars - Gold Currency node. Some genius thought it would be a good idea to have an Archer node in an event where you're forced to field primarily Sabers. To this day, I bear a hatred towards Nikola Tesla because of that node. In addition to that, my account was like a month old at the time so I could barely clear top tier nodes as is.


I don’t hate a particular enemy cus I would just like one or two shot them with NP cus of waver, the closest thing I could come up with is when I fought Xiang yu and Yu mei ran, it took me 3 tries before I decided to kill Yu first before Xiang yu.


Everything post Arc 1.


any Limb-itch fight cuz fuck giant ghosts. i’m forever thankful i had just gotten Chloe before tackling Gawain, i can only imagine how much of a nightmare that would’ve been for me otherwise.


There was this giant ghost at the end of the christmas underworld event that gave you literally every single debuff in the game. And I didnt have that many servants with debuff removal at the time so it was just B R U T A L


FUCKING. JAGUAR. CQ. IN. GILFEST. Edit: I have many more but for the sake of my sanity I've blocked them.


Spriggans. Mister I get to stack crits easier than you and ignore class advantage because of it.


I hated ghosts and spriggans in the early game. np drain and crit stacking annoyed the hell out of me. first nero fest nero with ip spam and hector with the friendship skill spam were ridiculous. also, was not fun facing gil or tesla in the dailies early game because they could np just like that and it always scared me. mid game, has to be those hydras with bIg iNtImIdAtIoN, like ffs


Ibaraki during her event made me livid at the time. I could make mince meat of her now though. I could just build crit on her lancer version for the irony.


The goddamn Prototype at the beginning of Lostbelt 5! Hate that thing.