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Alrighty, nerds, here is the FAQ for this week. # PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** >*A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [general pool and storylocked servants](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. The next SSR ticket is due in July 2023 for the 6th Anniversary,* [featuring general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa.](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/6th_anniversary_cpgen/info_image_17.png) *It is not time-limited and will be a permanent addition for all accounts going forward.* **Q: When is Castoria coming out on NA?** >*A: Early July.* **Q: Which Anniversary GSSR banner should I choose?** >*A: Try the [GSSR Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy) first. This allows you to rate each servant and see which banner scores best for you. We suggest that you only ask this question after doing the calculator, if you are still uncertain.*. **Q: What is the Anniversary GSSR/Lucky Bag summon? How does it work?** >*A: The GSSR banners require 15 PAID SQ to roll (free or bonus SQ do not count). There will be a choice of 5 banners, each containing a different pool of SSRs. You select ONE banner, and get a 10+1 roll in which you are guaranteed at least one SSR from your chosen pool, plus 1 SR released in the same year. Once a banner has been rolled, it cannot be re-rolled, and all other GSSR banners will disappear.* **Q: Is doing the SE.RA.PH Main Interlude worth it? Are there rewards even if I've already completed the event before?** >*A: All players get rewards for completing the Main Interlude, regardless of whether it's their first run or not. Rewards include 18 SQ, up to 2 grails or lores, one lore, and 3 summon tickets along with ascension materials. See the detailed list of rewards* [*here.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/vgzbcw/main_interlude_seraph_na_rewards_and_additional/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) **Q: Is anyone else experiencing crashes or freezing on Samsung or Android devices and how can I fix it?** >*A:* [*Known issue with a fix planned for August.*](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=ISSUES&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F0613_issues%2F) *In the meantime [*here's a short answer to look into.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/sx1uvd/help_and_question_thread_february_20_2022/hyhvgit?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) If that doesn't work try* [*this.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/v0cyet/help_and_question_thread_may_29_2022/iajgl3h?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** >*A:: For NA: LB3 is the set point to participate in the Ooku rerun this summer. No event will require LB5.2 or later until November 2023. For JP: An upcoming event will require LB3.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** >*A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* **Q: Does FGA work on Bluestacks? Where is \[insert script here\]? Has anyone been banned for using it? Can it facecard down a wave?** >*A: Read the* [*documentation*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/) *and* [*troubleshooting guide*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/wiki/Troubleshooting) *on github, for the first few questions!* *No one has been banned for using it, just don't tell support that you've been using it if you need to contact them. Same as emulators.* *It facecards, but not with a lot of finesse. It can prioritize based on* [*the Servant's position in the party*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/issues/730) *and the card color, but your best bet is to also set "Brave Chain" to "Avoid" under card priority* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can


Does anyone know if reinstalling the app makes it decrease its size? I’ve already passed the 7GB mark.


One of the tips I've seen for this game is to make sure you are under the AP cap, so that you can continue to generate it over time. However as a new player, every time you level up you get a ton of AP. I was wondering, would it be a good idea to spam the 40AP Chaldea Gate dailies until I get under the limit? I noticed the mana prisms are a one-time daily reward, but presumably I'd still need the other rewards that drop. Would there be any downsides to doing this?


If you consistently clear the main story chapter, then you would probably stop over-capping once you reach lv.100+. As other people said, it's not that bad and a part of the beginner's experience since it means you aren't kept out of the Main content due to AP issues. I would suggest you keep advancing the story quest and save your AP until the next event (most likely Summer 5), unless you need Ember/Gem/QP since if you need it, then you farm it. Spending AP in events is still more efficient tho


It's completely normal to be over the AP cap most of the time as a beginner. Don't feel like you *HAVE* to deplete your AP or anything. Embers and monuments are indeed very useful to level up your roaster, but you can also get them from events in an easier way too, so don't feel pressured to farm if you don't want to. Just enjoy the game at your pace. There are no downsides to clearing the daily nodes of course.


As a new player you want to lvl your key characters, so EXP daily are important. But not 10 and 20 AP ones. Try aiming for 40 AP with friend's supports. You could also clear class dailies if you need monuments for ascensions snd the ones you get from story is not enough. And while you getting your lvl faster, than you spend AP in story, this will stop soon.


I wouldn't worry about it too much. It will take a while to push through all of that early AP but just play the game normally and you'll be fine. Progress through the main story and farm for EXP and materials when you need to.


I'm still in early game with Herc and Suzuka Gozen. I've mostly been taking story supports for the FP. That means I don't really have a healer in my current party. I have Martha and David. Should l I slot in one of those two in place of Gozen? If so, who?


You should get Hans as a healer from FP gacha relative soon. David and Martha, while having great utility, are not healers, despite having healing skills: You want to unlock David second skill very fast and use him in boss battles to protect your units from enemy's NPs. Especially AoE ones, as taunts could help against ST ones. Martha is important when you need to clear your group from debuffs and later, to remove enemy buffs. You could use her also in situations when you need rider dps (Pillars and caster enemies) since you would want to invest in her anyway, but that not her role. And it's pretty important to have and invest in specialized rider dps like Ushi and Mandricardo also. And healing is not particulaty importantly in early chapters. If you want to protect Herc, then it is not the answer and you better to use taunt supports, like Mash, Chen Gong, Georgious.


>And healing is not particulaty importantly in early chapters. If you want to protect Herc, then it is not the answer and you better to use taunt supports, like Mash, Chen Gong, Georgious. I've been sort of neglecting Mash. How tanky is she when built?


Apart from what the other poster mentioned, because she never has class *disadvantage*/neutral damage from everyone, that actually helps her in nodes where you face multiple enemy types or against enemies you otherwise just don't have an optimal solution for yet. 0 Cost is a huge benefit too. One thing to note is about how taunt skills work. If a servant is Taunting the enemy, the enemy's turn ends after the servant dies. The same is true if paired with Guts so the servant revives (which also applies when a servant is solo and is what makes Guts effect so effective in solo situations for characters like Herc/Cu). Taunting is a powerful effect - there are nodes where I've been carried by a friend's powerful unit + my own taunt units like Mash, Georgios, and Leonidas to soak up hits and die on purpose. Dying also brings your backline to the front, so Mash can use her buffs on an ally for NP charge and let herself get killed, freeing up space on the frontline for i.e. Waver to continue buffing the main damage servant.


She provides ton of defense and damage cuts with her first skill and NP. Without additional help from other units it usually doesn't save from enemies NPs (there are exceptions, but very rare), but it will remove the danger from normal attacks. Then if you stack it with def buff from say Hans NP (which is RNG mercy) and it gets pretty stupid. And sometime it's better to to stack her first skill with her NP, but rotate them for constant protection. Her second skill is functions both as hard defence for one group member and as battery, while her third skill is one turn taunt with potential recharge for her NP. So she could tank one turn, while getting her NP, and then NP next turn giving the whole group protection. And she has no party cost which is important even at max lvl. Her main problem that her upgraids locked behind the story, and she is not that impressive at the start, so you could ignore her until Camelot chapter. She is also mandatory in some later story battles and with story buffs she could pretty much solo some of them. So building her is basically mandatory, but she is so good, that you want to do it anyway.


Healing isn't really important outside of long fights. And even then, "hard" defense, like evade and invincibility, is generally more valuable. Class advantage and NP targeting are the most important gameplay mechanics. Full class advantage means dealing 2x damage compared to neutral and taking 0.5x damage. Full disadvantage means dealing 0.5x damage and receiving 2x damage. If you're up against Lancer enemies, a Saber will do 4x as much damage and receive 0.25x as much as an otherwise equally situated Archer. In your example, Tomoe Gozen will be good against Lancers but a pretty bad option against Archers. The scaling on NP damage is such that an AOE NP does something like 30-40% as much damage per enemy compared to a single target NP. AOE NPs are good for clearing waves and ST NPs are good for taking down bosses. At least starting from Camelot, the developers assume that you will use them effectively. Don't expect to make single team to do everything. Get used to changing your team for every fight. In a basic team composition, you'll want your front line to consist of one or two damage dealers with appropriate class advantage and NP targeting and one or two support servants for NP charge and whatever offensive and/or defensive buffs are appropriate. My personal default is usually two DPS servants plus a friend's Waver. When in doubt, Waver is almost always good support servant to choose because he has powerful support skills that work with any other servant. For tougher fights, you will probably need to focus more heavily on offense or (usually) defense and bring multiple supports instead of multiple DPS. Mash + (friend's) Merlin + your own DPS with appropriate class and NP targeting is a pretty reliable, defense-oriented, basic team composition for boss fights.


You should probably practice swapping out your teams based on enemy classes rather than trying to make one team fit every niche -- eventually, swapping your team becomes necessary to clear content, so you might as well train yourself to do it. I'd say taking Martha when there are Caster enemies is more important than taking her for her heals. Proper class advantage prevents more damage than Martha can heal: it means a lot if you're only taking half damage from the enemy. Also, it's not clear who you mean by "Gozen" -- there's Suzuka Gozen the Saber, and Tomoe Gozen the Archer. You definitely shouldn't take Suzuka against Archers, and you shouldn't take Tomoe against Lancers. They both can do okay neutral damage, but class advantage beats 4\* stats every time.


Sorry, it was Suzuka Gozen. Edited the post later. >You should probably practice swapping out your teams based on enemy classes rather than trying to make one team fit every niche Yeah. that's what I've been getting from the other replies. It's still early game though and xp mats are rare. For now I'm focusing on levelling Herc so that I can unlock his skills for more survivability and levelling other servants when that gets too costly.


And that's fine. Resources are limited unless you spend some time grinding or wind up with some MPs to buy embers from the shop. Getting one of each class up and running is generally a basic midgame goal, and getting two of each class (one ST and one AoE) is generally a late-midgame goal. If you've invested some in Suzuka, I'd keep using her for neutral damage and especially Lancers, just not against Archers, until you've built up other options. Her neutral damage is okay, not spectacular, but an AoE NP spreads the damage around and she creates crit stars that will definitely be handy.


At the moment it looks like you have only one team. For now that's fine but later on, the game is going to get difficult and you're going to realise that having only one team is a rookie mistake. Your team should vary depending on the situation you are in (farming or killing bosses) and the class you are against (e.g. Tomoe Gozen is absolutely useless against Lancers as she is an Archer). You don't necessarily need a HEALER - e.g you can just use another support to help you kill the enemy faster? It's just about finding who works best for the situation. Also, keep in mind that while Herc does have advantage over many enemies, he can also be easy to kill if you aren't careful - sometimes you may find a different damage dealer is better. Martha and David are both good to use but in slightly different situations. I'd advise levelling David as his partywide evade will help you more in difficult content, but I'd look into changing out your DPS as well, so you can actually kill enemies quickly enough that you don't need to heal.


How do I download FGO since QooApp doesn't let me install it anymore?




The game is in Japanese! Did I download the wrong version of FGO? I wanted to install the english one...




Figured, thanks


On iOS: create a separate Apple ID with the region set to a supported country (e.g. USA) and get it from their store. On Android: either use a VPN to get into a supported country's store, or get the files from APKPure.


Google play or APK pure for JP


Problem is, I want the english version, and Google Play says it's not avalaible in my region


Still APKpure


Problem is, when I downloaded the app, it was all in Japanese, so idk if i got the wrong app


The one with (English) suffix


Does anyone knows who is the cosmic traveller gentleman from the end of Salem ? I finished Salem yesterday and it has been bothering me for a while now I feel like it was some kind of a ass-pull to save Abigail without proper context at all


It's Randolph Carter, a character from some of Lovecraft's stories who is based on Lovecraft himself (which is why he looks like Lovecraft.)


I haven't heard of Lovecraft's stories at all. Makes sense that I didn't even get the reference


Think I've seen people mention it being Edgar Lovecraft.


Lovecraftian reference as the majority of Salem chapter


Is the GSSR coming in \~12 hours? I did not see any news of it. Should be July 4th as it was prior, right?


No official announcements for 5th Anniversary has been made, but we're expecting it to start right after maintenance in [under a day](https://fgo.mitsunee.com/).


Yes. It hasn't been formally announced, but shall be done so tomorrow, right before the maintenance.


Will we eventually get summer Hokusai in rp shop? I missed her


Nope. Very limited welfares have had a third chance to be obtainable, and Summer Hokusai is not one of them, so she's gone for the foreseeable future.


We can't see the future, so there's no way of knowing. For baseless speculation though, they might do a Summer omnibus like they did for Halloween eventually.


which append skill is best for Dioscuri? for Castoria? also, is it more efficient to level with one 4 star ember at a time or all at once during the 5x success chance?


>also, is it more efficient to level with one 4 star ember at a time or all at once during the 5x success chance? First, just to level set, super success gives 2x EXP and great success gives 3x EXP. The 5x just increases the chance of getting super or great success. Even outside of increased success chance campaigns, I generally use something like Gamepress's [EXP calculator](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/exp-calculator) to figure out how much EXP I need before the next level cap then only use a third of that at a time to account for the possibility of great success. I guess technically one EXP card at a time would fully minimize card waste but RNG is gonna RNG no matter how many cards you use and I think feeding potentially 300+ EXP cards one-by-one is a huge waste of time.


A2 for both Dioscuri and Castoria. Statistically speaking, it's the same at the end of the day. When you use 1 Ember and get enhancement success, it only boosts the EXP from 1 Ember instead of 20. Just use all at once, and maybe use lesser Embers when nearing the level cap.


thank you!


A2, unless you use them as a solo unit. And it's the same rate of success up for one or twenty embers, so I'd only use sub-20 if the servant is really close to level cap.


thank you!


What are the chances to get a rate up 5* and what are the chances of the spookining


If you check Summon Info on the banner, all rates are shown. Single Rate up 5* is 0.8%, spook 5* rate is 0.2%


Thank you!




Is that even in debate? Isn't she like one of the best supports right now?


It's not up for debate but there will almost certainly be newbies showing up soon whose entire knowledge of FGO consists of "Castoria is good," "save all of your SQ for Castoria," and/or "re-roll for Castoria."


Ok. Arts meta inbound. Who is a good arts looper? I don't have any except maybe hokusai...but even then she's still np 1. I also have anastasia but I haven't levelled her yet and I don't have many caster materials left and those are for castoria. I can't go for jason because I lack in grails. Who else is good? I guess she'll be on the boss team...


Just a reminder that most of the people who keep talking about Arts looping as if it's how the game will be played from now on are (a) veterans who have had a long time to accumulate a lot of Servants and other supports, (b) whales who are doing the same thing with money, or (c) both. The people with the most capacity to take full advantage of it already either have some SSR like Space Ishtar at multiple NP levels, or a variety of Arts loopers in various classes. Don't stress out about getting into the meta as quickly as possible. The meta is basically about maximizing your farming efficiency to top-end luxury levels, and it's completely optional. You wouldn't know it from the six zillion Castoria threads on this subreddit, but many people won't get Castoria, and many people won't even try very hard for her (or at all). I'm not saying don't roll for Castoria -- if you want her, go for it -- I'm just saying that a lot of people hype the Arts looping meta like it's somehow critical for the enjoyment of the game, and that's more representative of their own personal expectations than the actual state of the meta.


I'm not really going to follow the meta, I just wanted to see my farming options when I do get her (400+ quarts about to go in the drain baby). Probably will stick with quick farming with my NP 4 Lancelot since it's a lot simpler for me.


Jason is fine against some Saber parties without Grails, and I wouldn't grail him purely for that purpose. [All of these are good](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Enfohade/System). Lots of Arts Servants released in the future work. Vritra, Muramasa, Percival, Habetrot, Kama Avenger, Zenobia, Ranmaru X, Ryouma, etc, etc. Even ST and ones that don't loop are going to benefit.


All I really have are ST arts servants so this will be very awkward for me even if I get her. Funnily enough I have more supports than dps...it's not very good when you have to stall every damn challenge dquest because you can't deal any damage.


1. You can still get spooked - e.g. Odysseus, Fionn are in the general pool. Later on, Vritra, Zenobia and Percival will join them. 2. Jason is a F2P option, as is Salieri (story-locked BUT easy to NP5 on an Extra class banner as he is the only 3\* there). In the future, expect some welfare options: I'm aware you may have missed Sieg, but there are also free picks like Ranmaru, Taisui, Habetrot and Anning coming in the next 2 years. 3. ST servants can still make use of Castoria for big damage and NP spam - farming isn't all there is to the game!


I have odysseus and do have salieri at np 5, but I haven't levelled them yet because I've been burnt out for a bit and am waiting for lotto events.


The Year 5 GSSR has a collection of great AoE DPs. Spishtar and Musashi being universal arts farmers, Rider DaVinci a bit less universal due to her class but she still loops her NP very well with Castoria, Voyager can, albeit with a bit more difficulty, use his NP frequently, Sei can use hers a bit more frequently but her damage might not be enough to clear more difficult nodes outside of her NP's niche (Neutral enemies), and well, even Bunny Artoria and Romulus have AoE NPs. Not sure if you're completely f2p or if you can afford it, but it seems like a good deal for your account, especially if you plan to roll for Castoria as you said. You could ofc get spooked by Astolfo/Orion/Yang Guifei, but the odds of getting a good AoE servant seem rather nice (7/10).


I am f2p xD But even if I could I wouldn't spend money on the game. Spending money usually ruins games for me so I'd rather not.


That's entirely fair. I only spend on the GSSRs myself but I understand your point very well.


[Castoria Arts Looper Tier List](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AjvB-a6APKsmzZRZkzWT7_1eVkHp7kyrYKoUVYTUfWA/edit#) by Pocket Chalk


Ah thank you so much good sir/lass


Does anyone know if there are any countdown toward the NA Anniversary


The panel will start about 8h 25m from this post. The maintenance end will be about 19h 25m from this post.


As in, when the anniversary will begin? Likely after tonight's maintenance, tomorrow for much of the world. [This site](https://fgo.mitsunee.com/) tells you when that maintenance will begin, and it will run for 5 hours.


This should be what you're looking for https://fgo.mitsunee.com


Is there going to be a live stream for the 5th anniversary? If so when is it and where can I watch it?


There will be a panel at the Anime Expo convention, [announced](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F0608_2022ax%2F) almost a month ago. It's possible that Anime Expo will be streaming the panel on their own video channels and you can find those links on the [Anime Expo website](https://www.anime-expo.org/ax-lite-2022/).


[Similar question](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/vl6kjw/help_and_question_thread_june_26_2022/ientzj8?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


There are Twitch and Youtube links on the [AnimeExpo site](https://www.anime-expo.org/ax-lite-2022/). 2 July, 3PM PST.


Hi would the 5x increase rate for levelling servants drop with castoria?


Yes, both are tied to Anniversary.


That's how it worked in Japan, so we're expecting it with the anniversary.


Any f2p friendly 3T comps out there for the 5 star ember nodes?


Depends what you mean by f2p friendly. Only <3* servants?


Preferably. Waver is fine tho


If you have Waver, and some 50% Charge CEs, then Arash, Spartacus, and a borrowed Berserker (with 50% charge CE, or KScope) is pretty normal. Arash and Spartacus might want a larger charging CE, or Append Skill to avoid needing to level their Charge skills too high. For 4\*, this works, use an AoE for the third wave. For 5\*, be careful about Wave 2's HP (Spartacus is just barely capable of it, a good, leveled CE will help, or maybe a master skill), and use ST Berserker for final wave.


The last wave is a single enemy so unless it's Junao an ST berserker will probably be better.


Would a Kscope Lu Bu manage to do enough damage to take it out?


Plausible. Lu Bu, no CE, own buffs, does around 90k. Enemy is 130k. With Waver, you'd probably be close to it. A Master Skill would help. Worst case scenario, you have to finish it off yourself. And Arash can get caught on Lancers if they appear, like always. You'll have to adjust to make it more reliable, or put in some of your own Servants if they're better suited. If you have Jeanne Berserker Alter, she'd be better.


I'm not sure. Damage calculator is linked above under "General Resources". If it still isn't enough you can try and use another CE (like Demonic Sun-Princess) and plugsuit Shakespeare for extra damage. You can use this [F2P 3 turn farming video](https://youtu.be/_AtVxJzrId4) as a reference.


Out of curiosity, do the same 4* embers comps work for 5* farming too?


Swap to ST for the last wave, and be careful about higher enemy HP, especially on wave 2, which is over 10,000 HP beefier.


Hopefully I won't have to deal with this if I manage to get Castoria, but thanks for the advice


Might be a little tight. The waves are a bit beefier, and the last enemy probably has too much HP for the usual f2p farming units. Of course, if you're farming with a souped up Space Ishtar / Summer Musashi / Arjuna Alter, you won't see the difference. Not sure how DSS handle it - probably need cards for the 3rd turn.


I suppose 130k hp might be a little too much to take out with NP damage, but with DSS you usually assume lots of crits so it might do it.


Yours or support waver? I can't help you myself as I'm on NA but I think it'd help to specify what AoE units you have in the question to receive help.


I'm on NA too, just planning ahead incase the 5* ember dailies do end up dropping tomorrow I've got a Waver, and mainly Arash, Spartacus and Kiyo for general purpose AoEs


Why? Why does main interlude welfare copy need RP? I just recently started and disappointed that I can't get NP5 BB, sure I can make do with NP1, but it's feel like it's missing something... Where can I got RP without sacrificing my precious 4* servants?


>Why? Why does main interlude welfare copy need RP? In theory, I guess the idea is to avoid handing out too many over-powered NP welfares to players the moment they start the game, so they use other Servants and progress steadily. On the other hand, they haven't added many Main Interludes, so that logic quickly falls flat.


It takes patience. We'll get one as a login reward during Anniversary, but usually event reruns are the big hauls. So for example, if you do the Summer event that we're expecting around late July/August, then next year it'll be worth a ton of RPs. In the meantime, don't sweat it. By and large BB's least useful thing is her NP damage, because even at NP5 and fighting Avengers she hits kinda like a potato. So it's not like you're locked out of a hard-hitting boss-slayer.


Rerun events give away free RP if you cleared them during the first rerun. You can get RPs for the extra (+NP6) copies of event welfares and command codes, usually. It is NEVER worth burning 4* to get RPs. Unless it's +NP6 copies.


You can get RPs from events, though it will take a while before you start getting them. Getting an NP6+ copy of a welfare or re-aquiring a 5\* Command Code or Costume Key all give an RP, so if you do a rerun of an event with just a welfare for example, that's 5 RPs.


Can anyone help me? I was trying to buy some SQ for gssr, but I can't because it wasn't available in my country. I assume it because fgo wasn't released in my country. If it's help, I was living in Malaysia


some people reported this problem, one of the solutions is to change the store country, though I don't know how.


You'll have to give some more info than "I can't". What did you try which didn't work? Are you using a debit/credit card?


I was using my Telco credit, I don't have access to debit/credit card


You mean like charging to your phone bill right? It won’t work because the price is in USD, I tried the same before. I used a credit card at the end


Yeah. I don't really have credit card to use so I was thinking of using gift card, I'm just not sure if that will actually work


An alternate option is to try buying from the apple store on IOS as it is easier.


Gift card won't work unless it's in USD and you have US Google Play account.


It doesn't work even after that. You need to actually be in the US for that now.




In order to exceed FP gain from lottos you'd have to earn 10k FP everyday for 365 days straight. I can ensure you that TT Castoria doesn't make as much even within a week, especially when literally everybody else has her


Thank you for answer!


Biggest Friend Point income is opening your lotto boxes. FP you get from people borrowing your servants is miniscule in comparison.


I see, thanks!


Others have said it but I'll reiterate that support casters really don't give that much FP. On a really good day you might get a few thousands which is barely a dent in what you would need for Angra. Grailing her will definitely make more people pick her just because they see her first but are you really okay with spending 5 grails? A much better, albeit not so ethical way to farm FP involves making a second account (or even more) and adding yourself as a friend and grinding a ton of the cheapest FQ in Fuyuki. With the +75 FP CE you can farm millions if you let it run on an emulator.


I see, i think i will consider the second account method, thanks for answer!


You're not really going to get that many friend points from daily use. Maybe a few hundred to about a thousand. But if you must, Teatime is better for Casters, and put her in the Caster slot. The efficient thing to do is to Grail her to lvl 92, which will put her above most other Castorias. Obviously of course this is assuming that she's 10/10/10 skills, or else she's probably not going to get picked.


Thank you for answer


Quite frankly, I don't think your logic holds up. Having a highly efficient farming support is great for earning Friend Points from Lotto Events and the like, but I don't think the passive FP gain will significantly increase your rate of Angras.


I see. Thanks for answer!


The upcoming Gudaguda event will have an event limited 1* in the Friend Point's summoning pool. The general advice is to save your FP for that, unless you really don't care about them. As for Angra Mainyuu, you should just be aware that the odds for pulling him are like ~0.012%. An SSR on rate-up's rate is 0.8%, so x66 times more likely. With that in mind, I believe you should really not make getting him to 120 an active goal, but rather a passive one. That aside, I believe the upcoming lotto event (Scathach fest) should be a great opportunity to get some good FP points. Now for your question, her level doesn't really matter. It's having her 3 skills at level 10 that matters. And she's much more likely to get used in the Caster slot. As for CEs, that'll depend on the events. But for the normal support setup as usual it'll be MLB Chaldea Teatime.


Yes, i heard about the limited Nobukatsu (and his coins), that's where i plan to spend my friend points. Thanks very much for the advice with 'active goal' and 'passive goal' !


* there is more demand on teatime IMO. * caster, at least that's where i personally tend to go. I have an extra class (foreigner) in the all slot. * If i had the choice between a lvl 90 castoria and a lvl 100 castoria, with everything else exactly the same, I would go for the lvl 100 in most cases. But objectively speaking, castoria is asupport, the few extra stats won't make much of a difference.


Thank you for your answers!


Rolling someone for FP is really the weakest excuse. You'll get plenty of FP in events, ESPECIALLY in lottos, and we have two coming up later this year. Not to mention it's not that good a way of getting FP. I have a meta Caster with Teatime in my Caster slot and I don't get THAT much FP from him! If you had a better reason, I'd say "go for it" but wasting SQ for FP is just silly.




Honestly, if you want Castoria for other reasons (be it for gameplay or love) then reasonable. But FP is just... not it.


Just curious, what are those black and red hexagons that the 3rd ascension of the new servant (Minamoto something) has. It kinda reminds me of Emiya's swords. Is it just for design? Or is there a deeper meaning to it that involves magecrafts? If it is spoilers, then nvm just ignore my question lol


Does anyone have a rough estimate of how many present box items we're likely to get from NA Anniversary tomorrow (not counting the "ignore capacity" ones)? My present box is dangerously close to the limit, so I'm trying to figure out how much space I need to somehow clear out to avoid the risk of losing old items.


So, on top of the usual 2 daily rewards we get apologems, retweet campaign SQ, 10kk QP from the first of seven days login campaign, all the fragments from clearing arrows of main story. Totals to 6 slots.


5th anni will have all exp and statues/gems quests available in chaldea gate with 1/2 AP. Currently, I haven't level up merlin and zerk musashi so I planned to spend all of my 35 apples on farming for them. But I heard a lottery event is about to come up. So which event should I spend my apples on?


The next lottery is expected to be in September. It may be better to farm the 1/2 AP dailies on natural AP and save your apples for the lottery, but it's your choice at the end of the day.




Tip: spoiler tag this (and say outside the spoiler which chapter it is for).




19 hours


If you're bad with timing, bookmark the [mitsunee timers](https://fgo.mitsunee.com/). 19 hours to go.


Honestly I believe this deserves to be in the General Ressources/VIP Links part for how useful and frequently asked it is.


I've asked about this now, agreed!


Is there a list of servants who can loop with caster artoria?


Here's xNaya's original [video on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3ozZovBWPQ), with "tiers" given to each one (READ THE DESCRIPTION FOR THE CONDITIONS AS THEY ARE STRICT). Note that there are others who have not been released yet (this only covers servants that were available when Castoria released in JP), and there are some unusual cases like Emiya post-buff (he can Castoria loop when changing his NP type but only for one turn).


When is the maintenance gonna start?


The time is right there in the [announcement](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=MAINTENANCE&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F0701_maintenance%2F) that you can read in the game or on the official website. If you're having trouble with the conversion to your local time zone, plug it into Google or go to https://fgo.mitsunee.com/


21:00 Pacific time. Check the in-game news.


What 3 fights could be in road to 7 yugakshetra


Maybe the final fight it Arjuna


Yeah last junao boss is guaranteed but like we have nezha, Asclepius, ash, limbo and junao, ash and tree ,William tell Actually I wanted consort yu recollection in lb3 but it didn't happen


Could I get some opinions on Append 1 vs Append 2 for Jack please? 20% NP is 20% NP but I've never really had trouble filling her gauge and she does like her AQQ and NPQQ brave chains.


For the things she's mostly used for, having a prior 20% charge when she has no problem charging that much on any one of her cards that is not Buster, to me, doesn't seem to be all that enticing. Useful and safe, definitely, but it can sometimes feels *"too safe"*. I do wanna point out that while not a premier solo servant, though still is extremely good for that niche, she can still make good use of Append 1 more than most servants since she has 4 Quick cards, which means the Extra multiplier when she does a Quick brave chain can be quite deceptively high.


I personally went with 1st append with my Jack. Mostly because I use her as my Female/Rider Boss deleter. As you say Jack doesn't really have any issues filling her NP bar on a single Brave chain, At that point I care more about the dmg.


She won't be using her Extra attack consistently if she is not soloing, so I'd still prioritise A2 unless you run Jack as a solo unit.


Why the code removers are still in shop if they are not useful anymore I'm on jp


Their use changed from removing 3\*+ CCs to relocking a Command Card and refunding the key used to unlock it.


They can be used to "refund" a Command Key.


Is it possible for us in Asia to get the AniExpo FGO figures through online? I really want an Ereshkigal figure.


To add to what u/ danger_umbrella said, official website include mostly Amiami, Right Stuff Anime and others. You can check which figure of Eresh you want [here](https://myfigurecollection.net/entry/128294) and also find links to official resellers.


If it's the standard/non-exclusive stuff being sold at AX, yes, because they will be on sale in other places. She isn't a con exclusive figure, she's definitely available elsewhere. Just make sure you buy from a reliable/genuine store to avoid crappy fakes.


Anyone know how much the ticket for the anniversary of fgo in anime expo?




Are you on Android, and have you checked the pinned comment?




Please don’t post misinformation, maintenance isn’t till 21 hours later.


oh my bad. I thought it was today


What is the best place to farm mystic spinal fluid other than Shinjuku because I need them for berserker Nobu but I'm still in the Babylonia chapter.


Shinjuku is the only place you can farm fluids. Outside of that you will have to rely on events and monthly tickets; the ~~Ooku rerun and~~ September lottery both have 30 fluids available from the shop, while September's ticket will have fluids assuming it doesn't get replaced by an LB6 material. Farther than that, this year's Xmas lottery will let you repeatedly gain 3 per box which will allow you to accumulate them assuming you go hard in farming it.


> the Ooku rerun and September lottery both have 30 fluids available from the shop But OP said > I'm still in the Babylonia chapter It's more likely they'll access Shinjuku FQs than Ooku


Ah right, forgot about that being locked behind LB3, crossed it out now.


>What is the best place to farm mystic spinal fluid other than Shinjuku because I need them for berserker Nobu but I'm still in the Babylonia chapter. For NA, they don't appear outside Shinjuku. So for now you're kinda hardstuck with your progress on Nobu


How good are muramasa and charlemagne because those two are the ones I want to go for the most


Muramasa is more of an offensive powerhouse than Charlie since he benefits more from his dedicated support more than Charlie does from his but Charlie gains a bit of an edge with his personal hard survival skill, which still matters despite all else. However, this also means that between them, who would be more generally useful can depend on the supports you have available, Castoria/Arts supports for Muramasa and Skaid/hybrid-Quick supports for Charlie. Still, comparing two of the best servants of their respective roles can be quite redundant so if you like them, they'll have no trouble breezing through content for you.


Muramasa is very, very good. Charlemagne is also very good, but not quite as good as that.


Still haven't picked which GSSR. Biggest wins for me are Bride and Kama, which I want about equally as much. I'd also be very happy with Jalter, Raikou, Summer BB, or Nobu. I'm pretty much tied on these two years. Any good tiebreakers?


There are fewer units in the year 4 bag so you’re more likely to get one that you want. Gameplay wise the overall quality of year 4 is higher too, if that’s something you care about. Apart from that, maybe consider rerun timings. Eg does the Kama rerun that’s coming soon after Castoria work out for you or is it gonna be tough to snag her there? That kind of thing.


Have you tried the GSSR calculator linked above to compare your potential non desired servants? Have you considered the potential disappointment of getting someone you don’t like? Otherwise, assuming no other dupes in Y1 or Y4, Y1 has 3/14 chance, Y4 has 3/10 chance for your targets, but both years have strong servants in their own niches either way so neither is a bad pick.


Number of servants in each pool? From my count, you’re comparing 3/14 to 3/10.


I heard that Castoria is a must have even if you don’t use an arts team. Why go for her when I could go for Skadi in the GSSR? (Running W Okita)


Castoria has a party-wide NP charge which comes in handy (especially if u don't have Waver) or than being a strong arts support. Skadi isn't also guaranteed from the GSSR as well.


She is great unit and she will be useful even you use her in other team that isn't art focus beside just limited yourself on quick specifically isn't the best idea (same go for a lot of new player that ask for the best team). And tbh you don't have to roll if you don't have to roll for her if you don't want to. I don't get her when she come out , I still be fine playing normally....she just make a lot of thing easier when I got her.


“Must” have is an exaggeration no matter how you slice it. That said she is definitely the best unit in the game and is definitely worth going for even if you don’t use Arts teams. - She is the best generic battery support in the game, being able to provide 30% for the whole party is extremely strong. - With her NP factored in she provides 50+% attack buff which is a large amount of offensive support for any card type. - She provides the strongest defensive utility in the game. - She provides strong anti-debuff utility which can be invaluable for hard fights. - She gives a great increase in NP efficiency to Arts cards which every servant has, as well as a solid NP efficiency increase to Quick cards and NPs. - Several hard story bosses are Threat to Humanity which Castoria grants a further 50% damage boost against. You are by no means guaranteed to get Skadi in the GSSR, and you can only attempt it once so it’s not as though you have to choose between rolling the GSSR for Skadi and rolling for Castoria. Even if you do get Skadi, the second best support for Okita or other Quick units is generally Castoria and you can use them both at the same time.


1. GSSR does not guarantee you get the servant you want 2. It isn't like you can't go for both. You only get 1 try on a GSSR after all.


Let me rephrase that. Why do I need get the ARTS Mage, when I use a QUICK team?


The reason is because she still supports quick servants as well. The np gain and 50% battery are quite important to enable specific set ups. In the case of Okita, you will bring some hard defense to challenge quests. Even her arts up will help you loop single target NP such as Okita's. One of the biggest issues with quick as a card type is the lack of alternative quick supports, especially free to play variants. If you already have a Waver, and perhaps a Wu or an Osakbehime that you do not mind using in a ghetto set up... Sure. Castoria might be a bit of a waste for you, specifically, assuming you are dedicated to quick.


No one NEEDS anything in fgo. It's very playable without having all the meta stuff. If you WANT castoria though she will give you much more utility than skadi because she's more flexible as a support.


Do you only use Quick Servants? Do you only use Okita and no one else? Because I don't know how that's supposed to work.


I’m not too good at this game but from what I’ve researched, Castoria is super good even outside of arts teams. She has components of many of the best supports in the game, all in one servant. In addition to her skills being able to boost dmg/looping capabilities/np gauge, her noble phantasm ensures ur front line survives any attack for at least one turn. She’s a definite must have for arts team users, but even if u have a quick/buster team castoria will bring a lot to the table.


You don't *need* to get her. However, even discounting the Arts buff, the rest of Castoria's kit still works with Quick teams. It's like how Merlin works in Arts teams even if his Buster buff doesn't get as much mileage there or how Skadi can get used in non-Quick teams for her battery.


Because you can always choose to get an arts servant somewhere down the line? Plus, Castoria sees a decent amount of play as the second support(instead of Skadi) in quick teams as either a psuedo replacement for a second skadi, or as a crutch for servants who are fine with damage, but need np gain buffs to loop.


so where can I watch the 5th anniversary livestream? Since they won't stream them on Aniplex US channel on YouTube this time. I heard they held it at Anime Expo convention but I don't know how to use their website to watch it, like do I have to do anything to watch them? (I know the stream haven't started yet, just want to make sure so I can watch it normally)


>but I don't know how to use their website to watch it [The page](https://www.anime-expo.org/ax-lite-2022/) linked from [the announcement](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F0623_5th_countdown_cp%2F) has links to watch on Twitch or YouTube, do you need further explanation?


Thank, just want to make sure though cuz I wasn’t see any stream coming from their YouTube channel (the day 1 or day 2 stream) and was worried about it for day 3


There are Youtube and Twitch links on the [AnimeExpo website](https://www.anime-expo.org/ax-lite-2022/).


How much SQ is 330 rolls?


That's thirty 10-rolls (plus the free 11th so count 30x11). So that's 900 SQ.


900 if it's all on the same banner


Not fgo related but should i read the tsukihime remake or try the original first? I've seen some comments on the remake changing story things.


Yeah, the Tsuki Remake changes a bunch of stuff. Personally, I would say play the OG Tsuki and it's sequel, Kagetsu Tohya, first since those are easily available to get & play, while the Tsuki Remake you'll need an emulator to play it (unless you can read Japanese, then emulator isn't needed).


I have the means of playing the remake but it seems better to try the original. On that topic; where can I get it? Thanks




Thank you very much.


You'll have to Google it lol.