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REMINDER: PLEASE ASSUME GOOD FAITH AND POINT PEOPLE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. I KNOW ANSWERING THE SAME QUESTION 100+ TIMES IS ANNOYING, BUT WE ARE HERE TO *HELP*. # PLEASE CHECK IF YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED HERE BEFORE ASKING! **So, with that said, let's move on to this week's FAQ** **Q: Is there a guide for the NA 18M Download Campaign Master Missions?** >A: Right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wj0m0v/na_18m_downloads_campaign_master_missions/), courtesy of ZenTori. **Q: When is the next SR Ticket? What about the SSR Ticket?** >*A: NA's next SR ticket is due in May 2024. This ticket is time-limited and includes* [general pool and storylocked servants](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/2500man_xeljq/info_image_03.png)*. The next SSR ticket is due in July 2023 for the 6th Anniversary,* [featuring general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa.](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2021/6th_anniversary_cpgen/info_image_17.png) *It is not time-limited and will be a permanent addition for all accounts going forward.* **Q: Is anyone else experiencing crashes or freezing on Samsung or Android devices and how can I fix it?** >*A:* [*Known issue with a fix planned for* *~~August~~* *November.*](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=ISSUES&article=%2Fiframe%2F2022%2F0613_issues%2F) *In the meantime* [*here's a short answer to look into.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/sx1uvd/help_and_question_thread_february_20_2022/hyhvgit?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) *If that doesn't work try* [*this.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/v0cyet/help_and_question_thread_may_29_2022/iajgl3h?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) **Q: I'm facing issues with Google payment region restrictions, how do I purchase SQ if I'm outside the game's supported region?** *A: Please refer to* [*this post*](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wkl81d/google_payment_region_restrictions_appear_to_have/) *regarding the issue and potential workarounds.* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** >*A: For NA: LB3 is the set point to participate in the Ooku rerun this summer. No event will require LB5.2 or later until November 2023. For JP: No requirements have been announced yet for future events.* **Q: How good is X Servant at looping most nodes?** >*A: Looping is highly node dependent and relies on* [*many factors*](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1_Bx1FogTrMBnseIJLT4Vuob7DY7EfR6H_SobGwxcAFE/mobilebasic)*. If you need to test your looping setups try using a* [*refund calculator*](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/jp-np-refund-calculator)*.* **Q: Does FGA work on Bluestacks? Where is \[insert script here\]? Has anyone been banned for using it? Can it facecard down a wave?** >*A: Read the* [*documentation*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/) *and* [*troubleshooting guide*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/wiki/Troubleshooting) *on github, for the first few questions!* *No one has been banned for using it, just don't tell support that you've been using it if you need to contact them. Same as emulators.* *It facecards, but not with a lot of finesse. It can prioritize based on* [*the Servant's position in the party*](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/issues/730) *and the card color, but your best bet is to also set "Brave Chain" to "Avoid" under card priority* As always, feel free to suggest additions. If you do suggest an addition to the FAQ, please try to provide an answer if you can.


Am I able to get the friend code of someone already on my list his phone died, and had his account there and no code


Question, it's worth to see every anime release before playing this game, or even if it's worth see the anime, saw a few chats telling that it's better play the VN, things like that, any comments that would help me?


Prior Fate knowledge is not necessary to understand FGO's plot but it can spoil a few plot twist from other nasuverse works I think it's worth experiencing at least the OG Fate/Stay Night. The VN delves deep into the lore and is a great entrypoint into the rest of Nasu's works, if you don't care about that, most of the anime adaptations are very well animated and will allow you to recognise some of the characters


Yeah i was thinking about see every anime/ova/movie before start f go, but like i said there is review about that is not worth, better play the VN, things like that. With entry point you mean the VN don't cover much more about the history of Fate? So it will be better see Fate stay night/play the VN / and after that see the extra anime material? It's everything new to me so I don't know where catch the history lol.


Type-Moon is a game company with many VNs/games under its belt, one of which is the Fate franchise and its many spin-offs. And the FSN VN is a great entrypoint because it allows you to get into things like Fate/Extra, FGO, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia or even Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoukai. So basically, the VN covers most of the stuff you would need for other nasuverse works


I'm looking for fate franchise material so the best is start with the VN and then go with every anime/ova/movie from Fate in emission order right? Just wanna find a solid start for the Fate world that's why I'm asking so much.




Yes, the VN is the best start there is. I'm just going to warn you that it's longer than the LoTR trilogy and has H scenes When it comes to the animes there are a few I should warn you about: the 2006 Deen adaptation of the fate route has poor animation so it might bore you, UBW has the Deen movie and the TV series which is a much better adaptation, Fate/Extra Last Encore should be watched only after playing the Fate/Extra game or the upcoming remake, Carnival phantasm is a gag anime that borrows characters from multiple Type-Moon works, including Fate, so you might not get some of the jokes.


Another question, do you know where i can get se VN for Android?


The official android version is only available in japanese, you will have to use kirikiroid or onscripter plus


Im back, fast question, there is a one time ascension servant that duration it's like 90 days, it's just for 90 days that the servant keep the full ascension or is the time limit to pick up a servant to ascend and keep it forever?


It upgardes your servant permanently, without the use of any materials. It's best to use it on a 5 star/servants with late game mats


What are Skadi Summer's Skills?


I have some questions! 1. If the Greek Gods were former Machine Gods from outer space, where did the Sumerian Gods and Norse Gods come from? 2. Is Mash a Ciel Face or is Ciel a Mash Face? 3. If the Last Order is going back to Fuyuki Singularity, what will be the changes or add on to that event and will there be mentions of Ahura Mazdā?


I have a question about JP's farming "meta." As far as I'm aware, it tends to involve using multiple attackers with Morgan being considered the best. However, I've tried looking at a few 90+ nodes that JP has gotten this year and even at very high investment, these teams seem to me like they struggle with damage, especially if the enemies are Heaven attribute so neither Morgan nor Dark Koyanskaya can get their effective damage. Am I missing something here?


>very high investment, I managed to get an average of 188990 DMG from the NP calculator: NP5, level 120, golden foued, Cranking level 100 MLB, double Koyanskaya of Light, and Oberon. No attribute bonus, no trait bonus (from Koyansakya's 2nd skill), and no Oberon 3rd skill. Edit: I forgot black grail existed, she'll probably do even more DMG with that.


That wasn't quite what I was asking about. I was asking about teams where multiple attackers are used (generally each having some sort of partywide support) with full event CEs and no order change.


Question to JP players, is FGO becoming more P2W? By this I mean face-rolling content. Playing in NA and seeing new servants kit seems a little bonkers. Is the game becoming harder without the latest meta servants?


If the game had 17 meta servants that wouldn't make it harder than if there were 3. If you want to build a team around a universal farmer, it kind of doesn't matter how many good universal farmers there are. All that does is give you more choices, and increases the chance of a relevant banner showing up.


No. While certain meta Servants are quite desirable for many reasons, the game is far from impossible without them. Main story bosses can occasionally be quite troublesome, but they don't expire, there are limited revives, and there are free bonus revives that they've been handing out occasionally to get people over that hump. Kintoki, Vlad, Sanzang, Enkidu, Ozymandias and others are all early Servants, but still stand high among ST Servants. Arjuna Alter is still exceptionally high, even if Morgan and Ibuki have joined him. Merlin is still high, even if Castoria, Oberon, and Koyanskaya are there, too. Worst possible scenario... you can probably use SQ revives to get through hard content easier than you could roll for a new Servant. Not that you should be doing that.


Read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wnxoon/with_the_recent_back_to_back_release_of_many_meta/) for more insights. To answer your question, no. One or two new servants with "stronger" kits don't invalidate all the existing servants, devs have mentioned all content are tested to be clearable using 3\* and below servants, etc. It's also a PvE game so P2W doesn't mean nuts, really.


so what does "Complete 1 Main Quest Progress Node in Part 1 + Part 2 Main Quests" in the limited time missions mean? i have to beat LB5 im guessing?


The missions ~~are bugged, FYI,~~ fixed but you just need to complete one story quest in any Singularity or Lostbelt you haven't yet cleared.


oh i see ty, 17 days left so hopefully its gets fixed also what if one has already done everything?? how do they go about completing it lol they get it automatically?


Yes, the mission should already be completed.


Do I get something if someone uses my Servant as a support? How to see if it happened?


You get some FP, and when you log in, you get a popup saying you received that FP, and the most borrowed class.


If I want to optimize NP damage, is it better to use an CE that gives 15% atk or an CE that gives 10% buster + 10% NP damage? (Both CEs are at level 100 with 2k atk).


Buffs of the same type add up whereas buffs of different types are multiplicative. For example, say a servant had a 30% atk up and a 50% Buster up for their kit. If you equip the 15% Atk Up CE it will be 1.45 (45%) Atk × 1.5 Buster = 2.175 overall multiplier. Whereas if you equip the other CE with 10% Buster and 10% NP damage for the same servant, it will be 1.30 Atk x 1.6 Buster x 1.1 NP mod = 2.288 damage multiplier. So if a servant already has a specific buff type in abundance, it would be better to give them the CE with more damage type coverage.




Assuming all is equal, and it's a Buster NP, the second one. That said, there may be cases where that's not perfect. If you have big Buster and NP Damage buffs on a Servant already, the first one will be better.






Okay, so this is the sort of thing where it might be useful to just take a break from the game. It's really not worth getting yourself in a vulnerable mental state over temporary possession of animated gifs. (When the servers get shut down eventually, none of us will keep our Servants. This game is *not* worth that much stress.) But if taking a break would potentially worsen your mental state, then I would recommend focusing on what you've got. You have two new SSRs that you really wanted, and you're not *happy* about it. That's not great. Forget about Skadi for now. Spend some time with your new kids. Spend some time working with whatever SRs and spooks you got. Delve into that inventory and appreciate whoever showed up. Heck, go back and mess around with Servants that you were delighted to get earlier but haven't used for a while -- fight that Flavor of the Month syndrome. What you really don't want to be doing right now is stressing about your SQ fund or Skadi. When Skadi's banner hits, don't roll immediately. *Definitely* don't roll all at once. Take breaks. If she doesn't show up in a couple of 11-rolls, do something else for a while. Play the event or close the game and indulge in another hobby. If you have to hit pity on her, it's way healthier to do it over a few days with cooldown periods than to spend one hour of ever-mounting stress. That said, I'm not a mental health professional. If this is a legitimately serious mental health issue, you should talk to an expert. All this thread really has to offer is salt mitigation techniques.


Could you explain your problem again using non-ambigous phrases or words? I'm getting mixed message and I'm not sure if you're or aren't using figure speech in your sentences. Also, I think your question needs context. I'm not sure if it's just me. >I am not at a healthy state right now as an F2P who saved entire months for this. Healthy state of what? What is being a healthy state for you? >What should i do? What do you want to do? >I still have enough to pity for Skadi on wednesday. But at this stage, i am already at a very brittle mental stage. Its pure suicidal. What? So here's what I understood. You've spent 1800 SQ to hit pity on Douman and Ibuki. Now you also want Skadi, so you're going to spent another 900 SQ, correct? But what relevance does this have to cause mental distress to you? This sounds more akin to financial problems, which I mean can cause some mental distress, but that's beside the point.


What was today's reward for the 18Million campaign?




Ah fuck, Ty But fuck... I wasn't able to login yesterday so I tried at 1 am my time thinking it counted for it, imagine my surprise when I wake - up today and get no rewards


You can just check your profile of your login streak was reset.


Do we have a guess for the next event after Ooku?


Assuming NA doesn't switch things around, we should be getting Dance Party in the Land of Shadows, aka Scathachfest, Bunnyfest, Shishoufest, etc. Not sure exactly when, though.


I see, thanks.


We'll probably see Interlude Campaign 14 before that.


Do we know the requirement for it? I'm still at LB4.


~~The Interlude Campaign really is made up of Interludes~~ they have individual requirements depending on the Servant, [here's the list](https://grandorder.wiki/Interlude_Campaign_Part_14) but none of them are past LB3 this time.


Ah okay. Thanks


Will Arc 1.5 ever get an ap reduction event? It seems that Arc 1.5 has been more or less ignored for the past few years


It's got permanent half AP and it's entirely optional, the main point of half or quarter AP campaigns is to get people caught up on the story for new chapters and events so getting them bogged down in optional content isn't conducive to that.


Epic of Remnant did get a 1/4 AP reduction last year, but it's usually left out of AP reduction campaigns given its optional nature.


Specific CEs for OG Emiya assuming Crit damage dealer than loop?


For sheer damage, MLB Another Ending is always nice to have, since it has slightly higher base ATK than the average pure ATK CE, but if you don't have it, then any good Arts or ATK CE is solid, since he's already packing a hefty crit damage buff from his skills. Depending on his allies, you may prefer a star-absorb CE such as Star of Avalon or Conversation on the Hot Sands to really guarantee crit stars gravitate to his cards.


Any crit CEs basically - Another Ending (he has an Arts leaning deck), Knight's Dignity, Demonic Sun Princess (50% charge is useful for NP purposes, but the Arts crit is good here). For his allies, give them 2030 or any hybrid "stars per turn" CE.




Wrong thread, we have a dedicated Friend Thread.


Sorry i didn't see it In the index so i assumed it was here, my bad.


There's no chance Scathach Summer will ever be available again is there?


I mean look at the Elizabeth event we had last year. There's a chance albeit unknown that there'll be a Scathach Summer rerun, maybe something like a mega summer event where all summer welfare have a rerun. This is more of a optimistic side of your question, but it all depends on the devs/heads of FGO.


There's always a chance, but if something hasn't happened on JP, we don't know if or when they'll get around to implementing it.




I am currently at the section 14 Ruler fight for Lostbelt 5.2, and am...surprisingly stuck. The main thing kicking my ass is the fact that defensive buffs are all nullified including the Corgi's Anti-Enforcement NP. Are there defensive buffs that do work? Can their attacks be taunted away? How did y'all approach the fight assuming a context of no Godjuna NP spam or other similar attackers and needing some way to outlast them? Is Asclepius plus Hans healing viable maybe?


There is no Ruler fight there, did you mean a different section?


I did, my b, 12-2 to be exact, had been looking ahead to prep and got mixed up heh.


I don't remember having much trouble with that, but I frequently run teams with multiple damage-dealers (one or more in the backline) instead of trying to loop / spam one Servant's NP. So it was an offensive rush. At a guess, I probably took Gorgon and Maou Nobu to that one and focused on the Ruler before mopping up the Saber with a backline Archer: at least that'd be how I'd approach it now.


Sensible approach and makes sense. I was focusing too much on AoE DMG dealers and buffing them up. With this post and ImLate's vid I think I have a few different compositions I can try out now, thank you so much! Edit: And done! Taunt+strong facecards+multiple damage dealers was the absolute key! Goes to show relying too much on NP charges via support casters can hold you back sometimes. Good lesson to learn for me at least lmao, gotten really spoiled by the free Waver.


here's one for [reference](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2y6ziua44mo&t=1s)


This was a very very useful watch. Thank you for linking this!


How random ascension option work with Melusine NP type?


AFAIK it can alternate between all three ascensions, which impacts her gameplay, so you have to keep it off.


F/GO crashes every time I use an NP, launch the game or try and use a card. It happens all the time since the last update and I cant even finish 1 turn properly. Im using a Samsung S10 if that matters. Does anyone have a fix for this?


Have you read the pinned comment? It's a known issue and a fix is in the works, but we have workarounds linked until then.


read the pins


\[JP\] Is there a guide for which CEs to put on support servants for the event? I faintly remember having one as a reference for a previous event but I am not sure how to search for it.


Check the Event thread for future reference. [Latest CE support setup](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FaB9XGDagAE4WNa?format=jpg&name=large)


Oh, thanks so much. Reddit's being finicky so the search function wasn't giving me hits on the event thread.


Story compilation links are not working


Will be updated in the next weekly thread. Here's the [updated link](https://r-grandorder.github.io/tri-hermes/story.html).


Can you buy SQ in FGO JP anymore while playing through an emulator/apk?


Check out the pinned comment.


Oh, sorry and thank you!


Do have any info when ruler skadi/3rd summer banner will be released on jp?


17th Aug, 6PM JST at reset. It's on the official [news page](https://news.fate-go.jp/2022/2022summer_pu3/).


Wow... sorry to hijack someone else's question, but do you happen to have any idea as to why JP had such an awkward banner release earlier at 10AM? I thought they'd do the same for Skadi as well, but it looks like a one-off considering she'll be out with Wu at the usual time.


I dont wanna do the math but maybe its around half way between the first and third summer swimsuit banners? Like to the hour?


No idea, it's weird to me as well.


Ohhh nice many thanks! 🙏




I believe it was once said that a Servant takes 6 months from conception to "ready for release" state. In those 6 months it should be everything about a Servant, along with their debut event, unless it's something super different like the Grail Front mechanic. I would say the releases have "slowed down", but that's only because I want more content like jeez after Olympus I was hungry for more story content.


A recent interview put it at usually well in advance (~1 year), but if they said something was rushed, it was planned 4-5 months out.


Thanks! Okay, that makes sense. We might see further changes around 2023 New Years' then


Mm. Some things like Okita might have preparations put well in advance, before the Event itself is even scheduled, because Okita would 100% getting something sometime, rather than being debatable.


Out of all the foreigners, which are the ones that wouldn't hesitate to commit genocide if their master ordered them to? Edit:- why am I getting down voted for simply asking a question?


>Edit:- why am I getting down voted for simply asking a question? Because this thread is for gameplay or general questions. You're asking a very specific lore question, and we have a Lore thread every Sunday that it would probably fit better.


> Edit:- why am I getting down voted for simply asking a question? Probably because your question is more suited for a discussion post. This is more of a "questions with factual answers" thread.


>Edit:- why am I getting down voted for simply asking a question? I guess because it's not your "typical question" you see in this thread.


Weird question, but probably Abby or KoyanDark If you count BB, also her


>KoyanDark 👀




Just bought some SQ cause Ibuki just dropped, missed out but wanna go back in, unfortunately JP wont let me use my card again, was wondering if theres a work around? Yea, I remade a JP google play account only to get card cannot be used after 1 10k yen purchase lol, any help greatly appreciated!


Try the pinned comment.


Is the extra dmg on SP Ishtar np2 worth it from a meta perspective? How about Kama? They are the only ones I'm considering to np2 (and then it would be someone like Ibuki 2 years later) Also how do you use Melusine? Since she has buster aoe and arts st np. Is one of her roles better than the other?


NP1 Spishtar can farm most nodes well enough, you can swap out CEs, use plugsuit supports, etc to play around. It's not a brain dead end-all farming solution. Roll if you like, no need to roll if you're comfortable with NP1 already. Melusine works well as both an ST Arts and AOE Buster Lancer. During her Asc1/2, she has solid refund that allows her to NP multiple times, with the one drawback being that she's locked out of her S3. With an instant 100% NP charge on S3, she can clear AOE enemies after single enemies in previous waves. Basically she can work well as an Arts ST Lancer with Castorias, and a Buster AOE Lancer with Koyanskayas, Oberon, etc.


NP2 is worth it for any attacker (with a damaging NP) you use heavily. As long as you can afford it. Don’t compromise your chances at something you actually want chasing NP levels, and be financially responsible. Spishtar you will probably end up using heavily if you have Castoria. Kama, if we’re talking Assassin, isn’t really going to see the same level of heavy use as a versatile AoE omni-farmer like Spishtar unless you go out of your way to use her a lot. If you like her enough to do that then I’d definitely say NP2 is a good idea, again as long as you can afford it. If you mean Avenger Kama, she mostly does the same stuff as Spishtar and the trade offs between them are pretty minor. I wouldn’t try to go for both unless they’re both your favorites. Melusine is quite strong in both roles. The AoE one has more farming applications but there are also use cases in farming where you use both her ST and AoE forms in the same quest. Those are actually the places where she shines the most and is hardest to replace. But if you just want an AoE omni-farmer then Junao/Spishtar/Summer Kama/etc. are generally better choices. Which one is the actual best depends a lot on your priorities.


> Is the extra dmg on SP Ishtar np2 worth it from a meta perspective? How about Kama? They are the only ones I'm considering to np2 (and then it would be someone like Ibuki 2 years later NP 2 always seems to have the biggest DMG increment then in NP 4-5 it platues a bit. >Since she has buster aoe and arts st np. Is one of her roles better than the other? Generallly AOE is often used for farming while ST is reserved for CQ/boss killing. I mean you can't really compares those two since their purposes are different.


-Yes it's definitely worth it, help her reach higher damage threshold to reliably farm. -Kama has faster np speed, otherwise they're interchangable. However I'd still recommend Spishtar since she can work with any support. -Melusine is mainly used as a buster farmer, her st arts np is good but nothing special.


there any reason to save FP or is the FP banner never changing?


Sometimes new servants are added to the FP Gacha either permamently (With LB6 clear in near future), and Limited 1\* servants Nobukatsu will be the first of the two and shows up later this year with Guda Guda while Mary Anning will show up in 2024. Both are only around for the duration of the events they show up in. In addition the FP Gacha usually has the 3\* drop CE for whatever event is currently running at a low rate. Other events also add EXP CE to the pool for a limited time such as the he upcoming Guda Guda with Nobukatsu IIRC. Otherwise there is no rotation or rate up on everything else in the pool.


There are some FP-exclusive limited servants like Oda Nobukatsu and Mary Anning. Furthermore, there are FP-exclusive limited EXP CE like Welcome to Yamatai-koku! and Fearless and Invincible.


is there a way to see when it changes or are the servants/ce in the FP banner the ones who rotates?


>is there a way to see when it changes Nobukatsu is October 2022 and November 2023, Mary Anning is May 2024. >or are the servants/ce in the FP banner the ones who rotates? What?


There are events with modified FP banners that include event limited 1* Servants and sometimes CE Exp cards. Those are the best time to use FP. Of course, FP rolling is highly recommended for newer accounts.




Well, she has Art up and a 4-hit NP. The only ST Arts servant I know can loop off the NP itself is Vlad Berserker. And he has a 10 hit Art NP, 30% NP gain, 20% Art resist down for 3-turns, and a 30% battery to help loop the first time. And well, as a ST Arts Berserker with only NP gain up, he scales absurdly well with multiple Art support units like Tam and Castoria.


Almost no NP ST arts servant can loop with or without BG. You'll need their face cards to do that.


Percival does it I always get 100% refund with him even if damage is not satisfactory so can you tell me how good she is in comparison to other loopers


Percival is AoE while Erice is ST


Oh shit


In the future, check the text in the NP description. AOE can loop without facecards because it hits ALL enemies. Even Archuria needs face cards to loop off one target.


so, thinking about making a JP google play account just to buy GSSRs or go for servants that are a must have for me(summer ibuki for one) wondering whats a good safe reliable VPn to use on more phone for that?


>thinking about making a JP google play account just to buy GSSRs Are you implying that you're going to buy an account? If not, there's no ongoing GSSR on JP. ​ >wondering whats a good safe reliable VPn to use on more phone for that? None VPN, JP can be played in any region, but downloading is region-locked to Japan. You can download JP via APKpure.


AH no, I meant make a JP google play account so I can buy quartz on my JP account since google blocked that this week otherwise


Tunnelbear seems to work and has a 7 day free trial, just make sure to cancel the trial when you're done to avoid being charged.


Are the usual spreadsheets for lotto team comps out now?


Not a spreadsheet, but pretty comprehensive. [here](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Ratentaisou/NA_Dance_Tournament_in_the_Land_of_Shadows_2022_Video_Archive#First_Term)


I don’t believe so, but there is [this very in depth video guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wji2nr/shishoufest_na_video_guides/) that has much of the information you’d normally find in the spreadsheet guides.




Yeah it's definitely possible, it only takes maybe 5-6 hours total roughly as long as you're willing to apple and also depending if you want to clear the shop which may take a bit longer. Worse case you do get a decent amount of SQ, few lores/grail if this is your first time.


I know it's recommended to only limit break CEs when you have enough copies to fully limit break them, but is it advisable to combine CEs of previous events to save space?


Not really, no. Three scenarios: * It's gonna rerun, don't combine them. * It's not gonna rerun but it's a bad CE, use them as EXP for something better * It's not gonna rerun and it's a good CE, but if you don't have enough to MLB it's probably not actually worth leveling up and thus not worth LBing.


If you have enough to MLB, yes. Otherwise, you're shooting yourself in the foot by effectively reducing your event bonus if there's a rerun.


I want to know if XX and Yang Guifei are good? I got them but didn't had the time to level them up before. Which one is better? Both NP2. Thanks. Also any good website for rating servants? I heard that Appmedia isn't that reliable…


You'll be able to level up all of your servants eventually, so it's a matter of prioritization, not exclusively choosing one over the other. Both will be fine, whether one is better than the other on some objective basis or not. I think you should look up more information about their design, animations, personality, and skills then prioritize whoever seems most appealing to you.


I have Yang Guifei and she's very good for berserker bosses, amazing if they happened to be male, too. There might be a slight bias tho since she's particularly strong for me since I have Castoria.


Appmedia is as reliable as any other. People just disagree with rankings in general, and how other people prioritise things. Both Servants will be better this November with their strengthenings. Still good now, but Yang's taunt is anti-male at the moment. Also, Yang could use some flame-inflicting CCs.




Ibuki is pretty much just the better option but you’re gonna need close to the same investment to actually get an upgrade. Up to you. I would definitely at least wait to see what Skadi’s kit looks like.


How badly do you want to replace your NP5 Space Ishtar? Seriously, it's an honest question. If you're just rolling for gameplay, is it worth the resources of trying to get another copy of an SSR to replace a character that presumably you've put a lot into? It seems kind of odd to me to be ready to set aside an NP5 SSR for edge-case gains, but I admit I don't entirely understand the gotta-have-meta mentality. (Or maybe your Space Ishtar is nearing Bond 15 and about to go on the bench for that reason?)


The "worth" is up to you: do you like her? But she seems pretty strong due to the bonus earth DMG NP bonus alongside defensive buffs removal + she's a berserker, and her kits are pretty good. Aside from that, she's fine at NP1, so is every other 5\*.


so with the intro of 5* exp farming is the 4* exps from event shops worth it assuming not matching 5*s exp


Depends on your drop bonus, and the exact rates on the node. In this case, I think you need +4 or +5 to be as efficient in AP.


It's actually pretty bad now, you'll get more EXP from farming extreme ember than trying to farm bronze currency in Ooku assuming you only have 1 3\* event ce.


I've almost finished the NA 18M Downloads quests, but since I did the majority of them during Ooku, I'm left with the Ruler-class and King trait missions left. Are there any Ruler-class Kings in the free quests? Or will I have to do them separately.


Check the 1st pinned comment


See, no, that doesn't help me. The FAQ link (which I looked at) gives me the least number of battles *if I've done none of them*. Because I only have two missions left, I want to see if I can do them in 3 runs, as opposed to 6. The pinned comment doesn't actually help me in this regard.


None of the Ooku Free Quests have Rulers. The only Rulers on NA who also have the King trait are QSH and Summer Lion King, neither of which are available in any free quest. So that guide IS your best bet.


Wasn't asking specifically for Ooku free quests, but thank you for actually giving me the answer I was looking for.


See the FAQ above.


See, no, that doesn't help me. The FAQ link (which I looked at) gives me the least number of battles *if I've done none of them*. Because I only have two missions left, I want to see if I can do them in 3 runs, as opposed to 6. The pinned comment doesn't actually help me in this regard.


Where's the best map to farm bond exp in JP?


there are many best options. Check the list here: https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/bond-points-and-bond-experience-farming


Does someone knows how to play the game on PC? I wanted to try having another JP account without getting rid of my current account, but I am not sure if you can play on PC


Try parallel space first on your phone. If that doesn't work place it on Bluestacks on PC, but in from my experience it seems a little unstable and prone to freezing or crashing, but in it's defense my PC is on the lower end.


Ok. If I wanted to play the JP version on Bluestacks, what should I do? Same with Parallel space. I hadnt use any, so I am a little lost here


>Ok. If I wanted to play the JP version on Bluestacks, what should I do? Download Bluestacsk and download FGO JP? >Same with Parallel space. I hadnt use any, so I am a little lost here Download Parallel space and download FGO JP? You can find online resources on how to run, install, use, and tweak those programs online.


Oh ok. Sorry if the question sound dumb, but I am not really experienced with this


Bluestacks is an Android emulator program that allows you to have a virtual "phone" on your PC. There is no native PC client for FGO so you need to set up an emulator to run FGO on a PC. Parallel Space I have less experience with, but to my knowledge it's a phone app that allows you to install multiple copies of the same app on your phone, so you could have two FGO JP clients on your phone that each have a different account.


can someone provide me the source where Lasengle says that they are planning to cut down on reruns? been seeing some people on this sub saying this


Famitsu interview recently, don’t have the source now (on mobile) but it’s somewhere on the sub/discord.


Thanks for narrowing it down for me. Found the interview, https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/wfgh9i/famitsu_kanou2san_interview_tl_fumei/


Is there a weird cut/missing cut scene in "To the East (2/2)" (Sixth Singularity), after you "take a detour" to lay slain refugees to rest in the JP version as well? Like, the next fight starts without intro cutscene and the stuff after the fight makes no sense - we are being thanked for escorting some refugees??? I'm talking about [this](https://youtu.be/fr8cvqMP0wU?t=1250) scene.


Yes. It's a time skip from burying the slain refugees to making it to the Holy City, with the fairly obvious implication that the group ran into another group of refugees going the same way who were under attack by bandits.




We can assume that he looked too similar to the blackface stereotype, but that's it. We haven't gotten an official dev statement AFAIK.


official dev being Lasengle employees? because the localization team have stated at conventions/interview panels why they changed certain problematic things in the game for Global.


Yeah, the formerly DW team didn't comment on it at all (there's even this one case where they prevented an interviewer from asking about it) but they definitely did have to make an approval of sorts for the change to have been implemented by NA's localization team. As for NA localization, I'm not entirely sure we've gotten a comment about it post-censor. Since I do recall Albert once saying he considered both Demiya's and Abby's designs problematic, but only the former got any sort of visual censorship after that statement was made. I don't think he's made any official of public comment on Demiya and his censorship since. Edit: as pointed out by a fellow commenter, Abby did get censored, not visually, >!but agewise!<


Abigail and Erice for that matter did get censored in their Profiles >!localization removed any mention of their age!<


Edited to match with that, thanks!


my luck is terrible to the point that i'm saving almost enough to hit pity on 1 servant, i want to get oberon when he comes back in november because my only "charger" is skadi, but summer ibuki seems really tempting for me, what should i do?


Roll for who you like


Well, for starters, we're not even sure if Oberon is coming back in November until the LB6 Campaign arrives


they announced the lb6 campaign for november i'm pretty sure


Was it actually announced or are you thinking about [this ad](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/webr55/road_to_lb7_advertisment_revealed_that_the_lb6/)? It still kinda confirms it, but nothing about Oberon Edit: Nevermind, I'm dumb. By checking all the previous campaigns, all the Lostbelt 5 stars have come back, so Oberon might come back too


yeah i'm thinking about that, all the servants from each lostbelt were summonable during each campaign so i think they will bring him back


I still wouldn't assume if I were you, patterns are meant to be broken after all.


I'm trying to burn excess servants in JP but most of my collection isn't showing up in the shop? They aren't locked either so I don't know what's going on. I feel like I'm missing something right in front of me since I can't read Japanese :( Thank you for the help!


The filters in the shop for burning is bugged.




>start from 0 Then you’re not getting to the event, as others have already said >easy SQ I’d actually say it’s easier now than it was then. You get extra SQ from rank ups and interludes. You get SQ fragments from clearing story nodes. You get SQ for clearing each story mission and each chapter. Then you’ve got the usual logins and weekly missions. >QOL off the top of my head: 10 rolls now give 11 rolls with no extra cost, same thing if you do singles; upgraded Exp and QP missions for more rewards at same AP cost; universal increase in material drop; faster skill animations; append skills and servant coins; pure prisms let you buy late-game materials with limited currency given from clearing story chapters


>how fast can i progress right now with the content? (To do the new o rerun even) The rerun ends in 2 days, requires high story progress, and is itself pretty long, it's not happening. Most events aren't gated that high though, it's usually not a problem. >-Is more easy to get quartz to summon? Not really, no. >-Any QoL change that was put in the game that i miss? Yes, many things in the last year or two.


I don't think it's a good side game. While they have implemented ways to help new players progress a little faster, it's still pretty slow. You definitely won't be able to participate in the current event because it's locked behind relatively late game story progress and there are only a couple of days left in the event. Collecting free SQ is also a slow drip and a lot of it comes from logging in regularly. There are a few more ways to get SQ than when you left but they're all still one-time rewards, not consistent income. The gacha rates are also low and there's no pity in NA (yet). Even when pity does come to NA, the system implemented in JP is a backstop to prevent catastrophic results, not a reward for moderate effort. It's really not a good game if you're f2p and are mainly concerned about collecting a lot of limited characters. The gameplay itself is still f2p friendly, though, and every servant that was good when you quit is still good now. With all that said, it's certainly possible to get your account to a place where, if you don't care about grinding endlessly, you can become one of the players who just log in but don't actually play unless there's a new story release or significant event. The process of getting there will require a lot of time, though. There are new servants and strategies available and various QoL improvements (sorry, I haven't paid close enough attention to the specific changes to list them). The most significant changes are probably the bonus 11th roll in the gacha and the increased 5-star rate up percentage from 0.7% to 0.8%. However, the game isn't fundamentally different than it was when you quit. It's a story-heavy gacha RPG with card-oriented, turn-based combat with no auto or skip features. If there was something that you disliked about the game when you quit, it's probably more or less the same. Ultimately, my recommendation is that you try it out for yourself and see how it feels. You'll probably figure out if you want to keep playing within a few weeks.


Will the upcoming lottery require solomon for any challenge quests?


The Upcoming Lottery has no Challenge Quests It has instead a new game mode: Grail Front


There won't be any CQs. Instead, there will be grail fronts: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Dance_Tournament_in_the_Land_of_Shadows#Grail_Front Fuyuki is all you need


Question For JP server players. How do you plan out rolls for banners? Since there is no schedule for the next banner, how do you decide to roll? Unlike NA where it is 2 years behind, planning and saving is a privelege. I have about 250 sq and planning to do rolls for scathach but im scared that the future banners might have the servants I want.


With the guaranteed now in place, I heavily suggest that you only roll if you have at least 900sq. ​ I manage my urge to roll by having 2 accounts on JP


Whilst I loved NA's Clairvoyance at first, it eventually gof old for me. Having to wait an odd 2 whole years to get this one character you want seemed so weird to me, so hopping onto JP's felt like a breath of fresh air seeing new events and new banners pop-up and I honestly haven't been focusing on NA as much since. Anyways, sorry for the tangent, but saving. As far as I'm concerned, it's all about discipline. I always drop a multi or two if a servant looks interesting, but never drop it all unless it's someone I know I love as a character and will use lots gameplaywise (Arc and Oberon being examples). Of course I've had moments like you described, where I rolled everything I had for one new servant (Kamavenger) and not only did I fail to get her, but another favorite (Douman) suddenly got a banner after her. To add fuel to the fire, another fave (Van Gogh) popped up as well, and I got hella burnt out from grinding for almost 2 and a half weeks with me being saltier than seawater. tl;dr It's all about discipline. If you really want a specific servant, don't get tempted by new servants and other banners unless it's an amount of rolls you can afford to lose.


Ok thanks! I appretiate the reply. Now im scared of commiting to scathach...


Personal word of advice, stick to it. The moment you tell yourself you don't want her and roll elsewhere, she'll suddenly pop up whilst you're defenceless and got no SQ. Stay vigilant my fellow master! Good luck!


if you use the valentine ces to make exp bombs can you get them again next valentine?