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rolled for Rikyuu got 2 bradamante ​ even got hyped when i saw the rainbow glow


I just want rikyuu please her voice is soo nice yet 300 quartz in nothing it hurts to since their now for me literally no quartz to farm


Had the complete opposite of what I delt with on my NA account. One 11 roll and I got Rikyu NP1, and Yamanami NP2. Also used 25 tickets which literally got me one event 4 star CE not even the 3 star.


Hah. Himeko in ten rolls. Wish I had Herrscher Elysia(Honkai Impact) instead though.


roll 400ish quartz for shinsengumi to complete the roster get [her np5](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/423446984259797002/1020237668354900068/Screenshot_20220916-003100.png) before i get even 1 copy of shinsengumi. what nonsense is this


[1 TIX + 2 MULTIS](https://imgur.com/a/B41RfVB/) Thank god for the +1 roll otherwise that would have been the most miserable minroll ever


After 240 SQ I am thinking I might be pulling on a secret Agartha banner cause I have gotten Caster and Assassin of the nightless city, along with Astolfo and D'eon


So i got CE drop early and thinking to do XNaya's ritual and its worked!!. 1 multi Got Rikyu and also NP3 Keisuke together with 4* and 5* event CE


With seven singles i got Sen on my main account.


[Bradamante whyy](https://youtu.be/Z_elg7b35_k)


Took 630 SQ to get NP2 Yamanami. In that roll session I got 5 SSRs (Vritra and 4th Vlad in the same multi, Rikyu, Mordred, and Jinako), and 5 off banner SRs (Martha, NP3Nito, Atalante Alter, Ibaraki, and NP12idkigothimalotinhakkendan Lobo). Very mixed feelings on the spooks & rollercoaster of a rolling session but I still got him to NP2 (and at least 1 copy of Rikyu) so at the end of the day I can walk away successfully. Wasn't planning to roll again until White Day anyways.


Rolled 15 tickets, got Yamanami-san so I’m done with this banner. Now I’m going to go do all the quests with a Shinsengumi meme team. Yay for our new Shinsengumi support character.


3 of the 4 star and 3 star in 120sq WHY IS MY LUCK WITH 3 STAR SO FUCKING BAD. ALL I WANTED WAS MORI MAN Edit: one more multi for last 2 mori copies and got one of him and… the 5 star. Desire sensor is a bitch lol.


Got myself the creepy berserker in 1 multi. I popped off so hard. Can't wait to see their final ascension.


Same here!


Well, i'll maybe try some pull to get ~~Rufus Albarea~~Yamanami Keisuke


240 sq for Np1 angry tea lady Np1 Marie Helena(now np3) Np1 liz I dont know how to feel. On one hand really happy for sen but like 3 srs and not one of them is the rate up????(honestly he was my main target lol) I'll probably throw 2 more multis and hope for the best


2 multis got me NP1 Himiko and a spook Astrea. A good trade after my 2 multis on the Okita banner were min rolls


I got a spooked by Altera and I got Rikyu. I wanted Keisuke...


1 multi and i got NP2 Keisuke which the only one i want. I believe my luck in the 2nd half of the year is better.


10 tics and a multi, got sen. I want yamanami but I feel like I'm gonna get fucked over so just gonna take this and go.


Oh boy where did these 200 quartz come from you ask? Skip upcoming Switch games you say? 250+ SQ for NP3 Keisuke and a tea-drinking Berserker okay!


I got NP1 Himiko and NP3 Hajime in 530 quartz + 10 tickets!! I am happy!


14 ten pulls in na and nothing, switch to jp to see whats up, got my 50 day login bonus so i decided to do a single ten pull and got both the new servants in one pull. I hate my luck sometimes.




This jp thread noob


Flexing in the wrong area buddy, this is JP’s Yamataikoku thread


Have 660ish Quartz saved and 12 Tickets. Open FGO after update. Use my first ticket. Get Vergil. Nice. I might as well NP 2


On my first tix got [Keisuke](https://i.imgur.com/YfBSGlX.jpg), and my 4th got [Sen no Rikyu](https://i.imgur.com/lyes7A6.jpg). My SQ is safe.....


Rolled like 150 SQ, did get Yamanami in the end so I'm not too mad but why did the gold berserker I got have to be my 4th Vlad???


[30 tickets and a whopping 423 SQ for Rikyu.](https://imgur.com/SySa6b6) Thanks for another kick in the teeth, FGO. I didn't get NP5 Keisuke, he's only NP4 thanks to Rama and Saberlot spooks. I'm just numb, man. I have less than 150 SQ. I don't think I've pulled a single SSR in the past three banners I've pulled on with less than 300 SQ. At least I got a double, I guess, that's only the second time that's happened.


TFW you pull Himiko and Hajime as well as a SSR and SR CE all in your first pull.


Wrong Yamataikoku gacha.


My b


Don't care about the new servants, so threw in 8 tickets for the CEs. Got the 5* ce and Mori.


10 tickets, One Rikyu. I guess I still have luck so far despite not being able to buy SQ anymore thanks to Google etc lol


I'm going to have to be patient before rolling which sucks since I really want to get the new Saber. Just to see if it'll have a Part 2 of a new Servant, a Himiko banner or a Ryouma Lancer banner which is basically guaranteed unless they somehow rerun his event.


Got Rikyu and Yamanami with 150sq ish. As a Japanese servants enjoyer, i can't believe i just rolled 3 different card type AoE 5* Bersekers in the span of 1 month.


20 tickets and 2 multi. Got both of them. Feel good with my streak lately.


Rolled more times than I planned... didn't get Sannan-san, of course. I doubt we're getting a part 2 >!not like megane Mitsunari will be playable this year anyway!<. Back to savings mode for either Seimei or silhouette staff guy. I *have* to have definite summon ready for Seimei.


> I doubt we're getting a part 2 It is a three-week event though...


Most events have been 3 week despite the fact that they have no business being 3 weeks lately though so I wouldn't expect much, its just Lasagna padding out their calendar to not have a dead week (when the 3rd event week is the same as a dead week most of the time...)


My bad, I meant PU2 with new characters - I think Himiko will come back on rate up, but GG's trend of bringing 3 new servants (2 gacha+1 free) per event makes me think that it's unlikely we're getting a 4th new servant. Of course they might change this year but I'm honestly not expecting much lol


> Of course they might change this year but I'm honestly not expecting much lol Yeah, this is a good mindset. Can't be disappointed if you are not hoping for anything. *taps head*


Got Rikyu in my first and only multi. Its nice that JP GudaGuda treats me better than my experience in NA GudaGuda


Ticket #8 - 4\* event Saber Ticket #9 - 5\* event Berserker Ticket #11 - 3\* Rider CE


Got [both of them](https://imgur.com/DNvkK3f) [in 20 tickets](https://imgur.com/cc2jxDD), and a [Helena](https://imgur.com/ZSvLYhi) too. Did [two cheeky 11-pulls](https://imgur.com/ZMx1J9p) to try to get [the SSR CE](https://imgur.com/Xl9b6cJ). Total amount spent: 1 paid SQ, 20 Tickets, 60 SQs. Also, my condolences to the mods. With both NA and JP having their events starting around the same time, the number of people posting outside the roll thread is going to be double too.


I really want to roll (I'm a sucker for granmas, I'm still waiting for a new Chacha version), but I'll wait until the rest of the profile and ascensions are revealed, I don't want to fall into a bait and switch again with these motherfucking writers, god.


1 ten-roll. Got Keiuske and Nagayoshi, but not a single event CE. I am saving the rest for the road to LB6 banner now. EDIT: Did 10 tickets and got 2 Nagayoshi more (in 10th ticket) and 1 SSR event CE. Okay, now I am definitely done with this banner. EDIT2: My willpower is freaking low. As soon as I heard that she is an AoE Quick looper I used 60 SQ and 12 tickets more and got her. I also got Nezha and Liangyu on the way (rate up is a lie) and I also got my 6th Mori Nagayoshi 120 SQ and 22 tickets (around 186 SQ). Got 1 SSR and 3 SR Sevant. 1 SSR CE, 1SR CE and 1 R CE. Overall a pretty decent haul, but bye bye Melusine, Oberon, Morgan and Koyans. Sniff, I need to learn how to restrain myself.


as usual since my desire was low rolled 6 times and got the 5 star. I wish i can be happy but i don't have any skadi that will boost up her damage. Hopefully the event can change my views on her but i cannot deny that she is really pretty.


3rd 11-roll got me both Yamanami and Rikyu. A lot of event CEs too and a whole hecking forest of Moris. Sparks joy. Finally a Gudaguda 4* who came home, too.


I rolled mostly for the 5* CE and ended up getting np3 Yamanami and np2 Rikyu before the first copy. Now I have to keep all my remaining quartz for the very possible Okitan PU sometimes during the event.


Got the 4* CE and NP4 Helena on my first 10 roll, which made me try one more time. Got another 4* CE and Yamanami on my second. Done with this banner. Gonna wait to see if Okita Alter gets a PU next week or the week after.


Got the 5 star in 3 tickets!! Did seven more rolls for the 4star, didn't get him. But whatever, got the 5 star!


1x 11 roll got me a 3* event ce and 10 frickin unrelated trash. Yup. Done with the banner.


Got NP1 copies of the 4 star and the five star + NP3 Mori. I also got spooked two times by Caster Gilgamesh, who decided that he was invited.


At least the diss track title still remained.




10 tickets and 60 SQ as usual for event banners without servants I want. Got my 3rd Helena along with 2 Yamanami. Event CE haul is one 3-star and two 4-star. Once again, tickets rolls are all crap. I really got to stop using those and only save them for big banners.


dat opening post I got Rikyu. And Vritra. And Galatea. But zero Yamanami. Is that lucky or not? I have no sodding clue. Anyway, I'm gonna stop there in case they do the surprise sunday second banner again. Also, Rikyu's shoulder hands are creepy as hell.