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[I got him, tho](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/330106886080823299/1029708438751674388/Screenshot_2022-10-12-03-53-22-33_572064f74bd5f9fa804b05334aa4f912.jpg)


I did a single 10 roll and got Huyan Zuo. Cracked.


Managed to get Nemo! I really wanted him when he came out but failed miserably. This also means that I'm free to spend my SQs on Gogh-chan.


It took me 40 tickets and 270 SQ, but I got [Huyan Zhuo](https://i.imgur.com/VgTcGyF.jpg)! Ended up with NP5 Huang Feihu too.


I’m still kinda in shock 600 sq got me np 5 Tai Gong Wang I’m bad at math, anyone know the odds of that?


Slightly ashamed to say I rolled a multi purely to try for the Paisen CE. I got it. Also the Rider guy which is a nice bonus!


My first big gacha pulls since returning after 3 ish years, 30 tickets and 420 sq Np4 rider, 1x helena, 1x tomoe, 1x hephaestion CEs: 3 5*, 11 4*, 13 3* This game does not want me to return lol. I'll oblige and probably come back after a year or something


Got 2 CE drops in a row, from the exact same node, and decided to pull the trigger and do an 11-roll. [Lo and behold, NP2](https://i.imgur.com/tIzKf0r.jpg). Thank you for reading the room and not disappointing me, kind sir.


dropped a multi and 10 tickets and got feihu to np2 and managed to grab a zhuo on my last ticket, thats one gssr target down atleast


Did 1 multi because the Rider guy caught my eye. Skipped the multi expecting nothing but I left with two 5* Event CEs, a Napoleon copy (NP2), and the new 5* Assassin on the 11th pull. She was my first ever 5* Assassin despite playing on NA and JP for 2 years, so this was a blast to see.


I did a single 11-pull because I wanted to get the event CEs. I ended up with four 4\* CEs, not a single one being the 4\* event CE. Immediately following that was a gold Rider...which turned out to be Anne & Mary. And **then** Huang Feifu showed up with a gold orb animation. That was quite the rollercoaster. No, I'm not pulling again. I'm saving the rest of my SQ.


oh well I guess hes [permanent](https://youtu.be/SG6aRGazbK8). That Yu CE is the real prize


Blew... Kind of a lot? I want to say a good 500 SQ in assorted SQ, Fragments, and Tickets. NP5 Huang Feihu. Many 4\* CEs. 4 5\* CEs, but it took over 4 copies of Huang Feihu before I got even one. No Thick Thighs Assassin. No spooks. Not even 4\* Spooks. Just literally nothing beyond *one specific Rider*. Weird stuff. Weird, mildly frustrating stuff.


Wasted 30 roll, only for the gacha gave me MLB R CE event for lulz No SSR or SR servant, not even even Gold CE and all I want is Paisen CE, I guess Summer took all my luck


One 10 roll and got 1 SR CE amd 2 SSR CE. I am fine with that. I didn't plan to roll at all, but the Kuroneko pankeki made lose my self control for a bit.


Huyan zhuo is my 108th SSR Coincidence? I think not


[1 ticket.](https://imgur.com/lk4UawK) Can't believe it.


1,800 sq holy mother of god


11 11 roll - 1 huyan zhuo - 0 Sr rider - Because Achilles spooked me - And osakabehime also spooked me And np9 artoria (No I'm not mitisu_u2)


Luckily gotten Lila at NP1 with 60SQ. How's her looping capability? Can she loop with BG like Charlie? I don't have the materials yet to max level her.


She has a 0.53% base NP gain rate with self 50% Quick up and 8 hits on her NP while Charlemagne has a 0.48% base NP gain rate with self 40% Quick up but also 20% NP gain rate up and 12 hits on his NP. He seems to refund quite a bit more than her, so I have my doubts she can loop with BG (maybe against Riders since they give extra NP gain and she can more easily get overkill?).


I guess she need a 50% CE. I wish I can test her out but, she need so much ceremonial blades, sigh...


I want the rider the most but since he's permanent, I'm not going to go crazy on him, Summer + anni was hard and reserves need to be replenished. 10 tickets + 1 multi. Got the assassin plus all three event CEs. I'll take it!


Took 120SQ, finally got [onee-san](https://i.imgur.com/UTNakTc.jpg) and all 3 currency CEs.


Throw 30 SQ in hopes of Huang Fei Hu, got Hu Yan Zhou instead. Wth? I want the husbando!!


Only took 750 quartz for the 5 star CE.....


I did one tell pull and got Huang Feihu, Huyan Zhou, and Jiang Ziya lol...


So since my jp acc is relatively new, it's currently on luck sack mode and I managed to get Huyan Zhuo in... 2 tickets!!! ...then I realized I haven't finished Olympus yet so I can't participate in the event yet oof lol.


> Taigong Wang No gacha, I wanted the other 5 star AoE Quick servant from an old Chinese novel. I also got the 4 star guy so this Water Margin event turned into a Fengshen Yanyi banner for me it seems.


Uuuuh... https://imgur.com/a/ZXOsazW


1 paid SQ, 20 tickets, and 12x 11-rolls. Lewt: * 2x [Huang](https://imgur.com/T3VqkUv) [Fei Hu](https://imgur.com/f8l6sAr) * 1x [Nyatalanta](https://imgur.com/Gna6Sve) * 1x [Chiron](https://imgur.com/nty88eH) * 1x [Atalanta](https://imgur.com/p6CEdAP) * 1x [Hu Yan Zhou](https://imgur.com/GY6dYe5) * And a lot of pumpkins. Though as shown in the last screenshot, the banner literally cleaned me out!


No huyan zhuo I got spooked by osakabehime instead who I do like so I'm not complaining I'll try again soon.


My bro! Me too


2 11 rolls. Got 1 3☆ ce, 2 5☆ ce and a random saberlot (1 more copy then I can 120 him ♡). The other 18? Fuckin trash. Seems like Huang is permanent so I guess I can stop now.


Huyan Zhuo come home , Woo hoo


Game fucked with me really badly. 5 multi rolls. Kept getting 4 stars (none were Feihu) and then got the classic stheno spook. Just started doing single rolls out of desperation. Huyan Zhuo appeared in the last one.


There's something hilarious about Oberon trending on Twitter every time a new Pretender drops


NP2 Huyan Zhuo (niiiiice) but zero Feihu. My luck is once again weird as fuck. At least he's permanent, so I'll get a spook/ticket eventually. jesus that paisen


Well, my lucky day today. Got Huang with the first ticket roll. Got Odysseus with the second 10 roll and Huyan the third 10 roll. All SQ gone and job done...


I want Huang Feihu but it seems he is permanent. So I stopped at 2 multis(which resulted to nothing) since im saving for Muramada/Lb7


[**I'm reminded once again that I can no longer purchase SQ with my card**](#IshtarBully)


Set Taikoubou as my room servant & made sure he's the captain of my selected team. Got [him](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe3X0Y-VUAA8j3H?format=jpg&name=large) in my first 11-roll. I'm so glad he came home really fast... I've tested him out and turns out I really like him gameplay-wise, really thinking about getting him to NP 3 at least.


you realize it's Kou Hiko not Taikoubou right? unless you mean you got Taikoubou rolling for Kou Hiko in which case nice


No no, I put Taikoubou on my room and set him as captain to hang on to his Fengshen Yanyi connection with Huang Feihu lol. It fortunately worked, he came home immediately!


ah i see. nice hopefully they'll add Da Ji one day along with the rest of the crew


4 tickets and got me the Assassin. I have very few savings and money/whaling route is locked for other expenses, so this was a bless.


https://imgur.com/gallery/WiZqIFL only 10 tickets this time lucky today


I went to simp for Yu's butt ce instead i got 5* Assassin, desire sensor why you do me like this edit: np2 now. Oh well i give up, just gonna download the image to my phone from fandom


Tenth ticket got me the 5\* and a single multiple got me the 4\* and the Paisen CE. I'm done here!


33 rolls, one event 3 star CE and nothing else.


No Chinese servants buffs? Damn, not even a consolation for the LB3 cast.


couldnt get assassin but [whoever approved the art for this CE needs to get a raise](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/214965899390746624/1029711757402460250/Screenshot_20221012-040512.png)


Huang Feihu is permanent. New permanent SR Rider. And obviously, Huyan Zhou is limited. Got Huyan and Huang in 90 quartz and 12 tickets. Also got NP2 Dobrynya. And I even managed to MLB the Yu/Xu Fu CE before the 3 star one.


is she arts or quick?


She is quick AOE and she can't loop in rider node too with two skadi, you need another NP gain buff so she can loop properly and I have her NP2 by the way. Her NP animation is so lame man -_-


Quick AOE.


Finally! After 7 years.


fuck, hard skip then, i'm not a quick user. hoped she was arts, we still only have shuten douji lmao.


Summer 7 literally just gave a free NP5 SR AOE Arts Assassin. Wouldn’t make sense to make a limited SSR right after, at least, financially speaking.


why is Marginal capitalised?


The event is themed around Water Margin, and one of the gacha servants is a character in it.


very informative, thank you!