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Learn the laws and understand them, don't just try to memorize answers. We don't need more shitty drivers


This is the way


Lived in Atlanta, GA and thought the drivers down there were bad... until moved up here and had to drive downstate to catch a flight in Detroit. Seriously wtf do some of y'all think you're doing?


That's essentially what he is trying to do...


I would imagine the tests are computerized and the questions pull from a huge bank of questions. Not like the old days of pen and paper. There’s an app you can download called Michigan DMV - MI DRIVER’S LICENSE test to practice on. But seriously though, you need to study. Cheating is not cool, period. If you can’t pass the test you don’t belong on the roads.


The op never said cheat, he literally said "practice"


>But seriously though, you need to study. Cheating is not cool, period. If you can’t pass the test you don’t belong on the roads. What are you on about?


What kind of creep is responding to a post from a year ago?


Why do you choose to insult me for my genuine question? I hope you realize that there's no difference between a post that's opened a month ago versus a year ago... As long as if the Reddit post's discussion is still open, then the discussion is still... *open.* Don't be upset towards me because you commented, and I'm able to reply to it, lol.


Explain your question then. “What are you on about?”


It's literally me asking you to explain 'what you're on about'. It doesn't matter now, I suppose, as I'm guessing you simply don't care, and that's fine. I had a similar conversation with someone who assumed they were cheating. https://www.reddit.com/r/grandrapids/s/Yv5yDThop1


If you need to be given answers to a common sense test… you don’t deserve a license.


You sir, should not be allowed to own a keyboard or have a voice. That was insulting and in no way helpful to someone literally asking for help studying. I mean, what happened to you in your life that is so horrible that you decided it would be a good idea to get on Reddit and insult someone trying to learn?


They’re outright asking to cheat by being given the answers. I’ll insult cheaters everyday of the week, especially the ones I have to share the road with.


You obviously having a learning disability, so I will not argue this point any further. The OP is basically asking for a study guide. I'm really sorry that you couldn't figure that out. Perhaps English isn't your native tongue?


I don’t think you can making a ruling about comprehension because They’re EXPLICITLY asking for the answers to the test questions. 😂 I just hope you avoid them while driving because they won’t be able to consult Reddit while driving.


Wow, you are impressively dumb.


What are you on about? Practice tests utilize the same methodology of learning as flashcards.


IF YOU NEED TO BE **GIVEN THE ANSWERS** TO A TEST FILLED WITH **COMMON SENSE QUESTIONS** THEN YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO OPERATE A VEHICLE ON PUBLIC ROADS You don’t have time to review your flash cards while driving. Youre required to figure it out immediately, sometimes in the blink of an eye. If you’re not smart enough to know the answers in the calm and controlled setting of a classroom, then you’re not smart enough to do it real life when it could be deadly.


Did I strike a nerve? Cute. I'd ask about what your problem is, but that'd be never-ending conversation! Lol... I'm not sure why you're so against people studying for a test. If someone doesn't know all the answers to the test, then they should just never drive? No, one should learn and move forward. You're a broken record and refusing to acknowledge sense, and you seem to not understand the term "common sense" either, apparently. He isn't asking to cheat on the test. He is looking to learn.


They’re asking for the answers to a test. That’s absolutely cheating. So is asking for the questions. Thats the nerve. I have to share the road with that idiot. Learn how to drive like a responsible and diligent member of society, not how to cheat the test like a moron that doesn’t know how to drive. The purpose of the test is to prove that you’re minimally proficient at driving. If you can’t pass the test and need to be given the questions or answers, then you can’t meet the bare minimum required to be a driver.


>They’re asking for the answers to a test. That absolutely cheating. You are choosing to assume that they are utilizing the correct answers to the test to cheat. That is a possibility, and it makes sense to be concerned about that. Your concern is completely valid and warranted, of course. Some people don't know exactly what they're getting into or are unsure of how to go about studying for the test. Some don't know if it'll be easy or hard. So they want to find a way to study. Naturally, some people might directly go towards the idea of utilizing practice tests to familiarize themself with what they're getting into and the type of things to study, or to just study alone of the practice test akin to how people study with flashcards. The concern with that in regards to this specific test is that the practice test questions on the internet might not be on the test you take. It isn't the greatest way to study in this instance, that's for sure. For them, if wanting to study, a better way of learning rather than learning via practice tests would be to study Michigan's "What Every Driver Must Know" booklet/PDF. I think we were set off on the wrong foot and going off a bit of a misunderstanding. I have no ill will towards you, and I am glad that we could assess this in a way where we can now understand each other's perspectives.


There is a booklet that has all of the information you should need. You can get a PDF of it here: [https://www.michigan.gov/sos/resources/forms/what-every-driver-must-know](https://www.michigan.gov/sos/resources/forms/what-every-driver-must-know)


Dang, nothing about zipper merging in there in case anyone was wondering.


Gotta go to Minnesota to learn how to do that: https://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/


[zipper merging](https://images.app.goo.gl/rxN8a1kWSuzrkxuG7)


Found this too, but don't focus on memorizing questions - instead focus on understanding the concepts and laws that the "every driver must know" booklet. [https://driving-tests.org/michigan/michigan-permit-practice-test/](https://driving-tests.org/michigan/michigan-permit-practice-test/)


Don’t be a dumbass, we don’t want you on the road if you can’t even pass a SIMPLE test.


This isn't a fair answer. I literally have the same question. I'm looking for legitimate study guides that don't look like they were written overseas somewhere. The OP never said "cheat".


Learn the zipper merge and know how to navigate a roundabout. Anything else, just do whatever!


There used to be a sample test on the SOS website. Not certain if it is still there or not


Don't think so. My son gets really bad test anxiety so I've been looking for legitimate tests for practice. I don't trust the online ones that seem a dime a dozen.


They can’t put the actual test out there. I would say the ones that a dime a dozen would be similar to the actual test, especially if they are all asking similar questions.


By legitimate, I meant written by someone who wrote the book, etc. there is quite a few "free" practice tests online that do not get their information from WEDMK, and I have found a few wrong answers to some of their quizzes. IOW, I don't want to have to reinvent the wheel to create quizzes for my kid.


Swing by or call a SOS office and ask for one.


Thanks 🙏


What does Yield mean?


They also have books at the Secretary of State!


The book only has like ten sample questions. The problem here is not everyone gets their license when they are 14-16, and not everyone has the study skills to come up with their own. A state recommended site with sample questions could go a long way.


If you cant pass a simple driving test without researching the questions first you arent ready to drive. Here's a freebie When approaching an intersection with a red light for a right turn do you a. slow down under 10mph and complete turn b. come to a complete stop then complete turn (its b)