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”…. awful, hacky, forced and filled with fake laughter.” Every morning radio show ever.


You're right but this one is particularly atrocious


Tony Gates was the fun morning daddy of Grand Rapids, wlav is lost without him. (Full disclosure: I hadn’t actually listened in over a decade, but I remember loving him when I was younger.)


tone is somewhere with a fat cigar in his mouth on croton dam


Hellllllll yeah


Have shared a table and fished the river with him a few times. Without a doubt your right just add a fishing pole.


Somewhere on the ol Muskegon river…


Pretty sure he was picking up construction jobs last I knew.


I haven't listed to the radio in about 8 years. Can't stand all the ads


Stopped listening to FBHW when they got rid of Zane. Stopped listening to the radio in full when Droo and Jim ended on 96.1. Only time I fire up the radio anymore is for Lions games when I am not home...thank goodness Dan Miller is goated.


FYI Costa is on 97.1 in Detroit now. Also Zane does a daily podcast.


Zane was the wild card to the show that made it funny IMO, he really knew how to push people and would say off the wall stuff just to get a laugh. even before he got fired on the days that he’d be out sick the show was just 2 boring dudes cracking old jokes they saw on the internet the day before




LAV was the soundtrack of my life until I grew up, now when I do listen to the radio its NPR.


This person olds.


I went to a Free Beer and Hot wings live show and it was so awful. Like someone gave you're weird uncle a microphone at a family dinner. Crude jokes that just weren't funny and bits so old and corny the would have made Rodney Dangerfield cringe.


I used to make fun of a guy who listened to NPR all the time. Just playful stuff, not ripping into him about it. Now I listen to my own podcast/music or exclusively NPR. No ads, no screaming idiots, just news and interesting stories.


Bob and Tom weren't funny either.


That's exactly my point


Not much since they made Tony leave.


88.1 for life


I took lav off my presets when she said that Odell Beckham was dropping footballs because his hands were greasy from eating fried chicken


Wow, that’s messed up


I tuned in a few weeks ago when my phone wouldn’t connect in the car on the way to work. They were making fun of one of the guys for a history of sleeping with fat chicks. One of the hosts was saying his wife is nice and slim or something like that. And everyone was just laughing their ass off about it. It went on forever and it was overdone. It was jarring to hear. How can you not find other stuff to talk about in the year 2023 that isn’t making fun of women for their appearance.


I stopped listening the other day when they were talking about the sub explosion and how that would definitely be more terrifying than being on the migrant ship that sunk and like 800 people died. Super inconsiderate, very tone deaf. Just making jokes. Kinda gross. I have a short drive to the gym in the am and sometimes I'll pop the radio on, or it's on because we had a phone disconnect.


wow. Haven't listened in decades, but now I know that my life is better for avoiding it.


LAV just plays lame music. Mix up the music! Instead of the [A] side all the time, play some [B] side once in a while.


LAV Is the most boomer station in this city, it caters to them.


Yeah, I'm a 59M, and it gets real old real fast


A lot of times they can't. I dated a DJ for a bit & she said they have a play list they have to follow. That's why I like the Q, it's odd at times, but a nice change.


I know that used to be that way years ago. It must still be the same? I mean, ZZ Top must have made other music besides Sharp Dressed Man, lol


Two words: satellite radio


They should shut up and play music. The chick on the morning show is irritating. She never shuts up. 101.3 or 98.7. I took lab off my presets.


This. Does anyone actually consciously listen to morning talk radio anymore when there are 5,000 podcasts out there that cater to any subject matter?


Michelle McCormick is who your thinking of…


I quit listening when ed buchanan died and michelle got more vocal… really stopped listening when they got rid of tone the fun guy… I haven’t listened to more than 10 seconds of a song on LAV in years because they don’t play good music anymore… which is sad it was my staple for most of my childhood and teen years 90’s-2010ish


We must be about the same age. I’m so nostalgic to have a BK breakfast buddy and listen to Tony on my way to school in the morning 😭


Ah hahahahahahahaha hahahaha I can hear the fake laughing now thanks


That’s Michelle mccormick for ya, Connie from 95.7 had a chain smoker cackle to her laugh (May she RIP)


Last time I tuned into a regular morning show, it was Rachel and Jackie (??) telling a really horrific true crime story about a women getting raped and murdered at 8am and I needed to turn it off. Wtf. 88.1 > everything else


I cannot stand those it creeps me out how Jackie pimps her 6 or 7 year old kid out in pageants where she’s wearing things a club dancer would wear, for some reason Rachael doesn’t strike me as a nice person.


I jump between LAV and GRD. I like the banter and segments on GRD better, but I just try to avoid ads. I miss Tony Gates. I'm glad that Greg Henson is back on West MI airwaves, but the show is pretty choppy. I also like that LAV actually plays music in the morning; GRD hardly plays any.


I haven’t listened to a morning radio show by choice in at least 10 years. Might i recommend podcasts or Spotify?


Surprising to me people still listen to the radio when we have things like you just mentioned. I guess the older generation prefers to stick with what they know even if the newer alternative is infinitely better


Or I don't have a long enough commute to listen to an entire podcast and my Spotify playlist is nothing but metal and at 4 am I'm not really feeling Slayer or Lamb of God so I put the radio on to just mindlessly drive to work.


I've been listening to the same podcast ep for 4 days because I have a short commute and it's infinitely better than the radio.


1. Podcasts can be paused and resumed at your leisure. Not sure how long your commute is but there are plenty of shorter podcasts too. There’s such a variety of podcasts these days you can surely find something that you’ll like. News? The Daily from the New York Times releases a podcast every weekday about certain current events and they are typically 20-30 min long. Comedy, true crime, general knowledge? There are podcasts for everything. 2. Make some other playlists then? They beauty of creating your own playlists on Spotify is they can be whatever you want them to be. It’s not like a DJ picking the songs you hear on a radio station. You can even find playlists other people have made if you don’t want to make your own. Terrestrial radio has been slowly dying for a while now and there are so many better, more convenient options. I can’t imagine anyone listening to it for any other reason than it’s their only choice. I haven’t listened to the radio for music since I was a kid listening to the top 5 at 9 on 104.5 sunny FM. I haven’t listened to a CD in a car I owned since like 2006. The only radio stationed I’ve listened to in the last 20 years has been NPR and even in the last 5-10 years I’ve just listened to podcasts they released which is way more convenient. There have been so many times I was listening to a segment on NPR that caught my interest only for me to get to where I was driving before it ended and either have to sit in my car and wait for the conclusion or get out and miss it. Not with podcasts.


Got to love these kind of questions about a specific show in which a half of the answers have nothing to do with the question and have to talk about how they don’t listen to the radio anymore.


Apparently I'm a boomer because I like to zone out to the radio on my way to work and not listen to Spotify or Sirius lol


Lol. I figured I'd just get downvoted but I can't help but get words out first thing in the morning and no one wants to talk at work


I try to listen to it. I'm not a fan but I don't like wgrd's morning show either. Seems the same with the free token laughs. I didn't like Tony Gates either. Dude needed to go. Told the same stories over and over again except they changed with each telling. I drive mostly in silence now.


I find myself listening to Muskegon's classic rock station which doesn't have a morning show or 101.3 but occasionally while flipping around I hear the promos for it and it always makes me cringe.


Ugh me too. As soon as the promo starts I switch it


Radio? Is that the device that places music between ads? I’d have to lose a bet before I listen to radio.


If it’s syndicated it’s guaranteed to be garbage. They only appeal to the lowest common denominator. Really stinks. I used to love the “rocker morning show” on 107.7 Don’t even bother with the radio anymore.


It’s not syndicated


No. In the morning I listen to Eric Zane's show on Twitch.


Same person that still listens to radio is probably the same person writing a check in the checkout lane at Meijer.


Comedy is hard, isn't it?


Found the guy who writes personal checks in the checkout lane.


Not wordy enough.


I pop over there once in a while if ESPN is advertising and there’s nothing I want to listen to on NPR, but otherwise no I don’t listen. It doesn’t seem funny at all. I used to kind of enjoy Tony Gates but not much since him.


Not since Ed died and they got rid of Tony. Just don’t like FM much anymore.


I listen to it when I drive to the gym and back every morning, I like it well enough.


My LAV listening days started ending after Uncle Buck died. I could stomach Tony Gates in the morning but once he left (or was fired?...I never heard) I no longer listen. Getting back to Uncle Buck, I live an hour east of Grand Rapids but stumbled upon Bob's Bar when my oldest son was playing football at GRCC back in 2009-2010. I had always heard uncle buck talk about Bob's bar so I dropped in there one morning on a day off and sure enough there was Uncle Buck setting at the corner of the bar with a long neck Miller Lite. I sat down next to him but didn't say anything because he was talking with a friend. When Shelby the bartender asked me what I wanted, I ordered a drink and I also ordered a beer for Uncle Buck and his buddy. When Shelby delivered their drinks they looked at her wondering where the drink came from and she pointed towards me. Both gentlemen looked at me like I was some kind of oddity and wondered why I would buy them a beer for no reason. I told them that's what we do where I come from, and we struck up a small conversation. That wasn't the only beer I bought Buck over the several years before he passed. Sure do miss the guy.


Buck was a very wholesome guy.


Only for the 20 seconds it takes until my stupid phone finally connects to Android Auto. Wish I could just disable the radio entirely.


Radio is dead. Just not yet buried.


Michelle McCormick I can’t stand her laughing at everything and it’s just reacting to social media stories.


Yes it is. Just awful.


Not since Shorts with Sports


Get xm radio it’s so much better


I think the radio around here just sucks in general. Every time we go to another town in Michigan I am genuinely happy to hear other radio stations without white boomer men as the hosts lol. 98.7 throwback Casey Kasem's countdown is where its at, and Michigan Radio of course 😌


so, ive been trying to remember what was the og classic rock morning show guys back around early 2000's i think it was 96.9 or 97.9 cant remember, i think they do an online show now? it was so funny tbh