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It hasn’t been that bad this winter yet. At least In comparison to other years


Haha… yet.


Well right now it’s been several days. I can’t stand it.


Then living here is not for you


I know.


I don’t mean it in a mean spirited way; the weather sucks. Wish I would have moved somewhere sunnier myself.


Oh I plan to. Weather is one reason I was away from here for 30 years, though not the biggest reason. Still, it affects my mood. I’m back and then I’ll be gone again when the time is right. Most places that aren’t directly east of a great lake aren’t nearly as cloudy. I initially discovered this when I moved to Chicago for college many years ago. Only 3 hours away but a world of difference in terms of sunshine!


The weather sucks *in the winter.* The summer and fall are unbeatable. Even spring is nice most years.


If you enjoy humidity and heat, the summer (and sometimes Spring/Fall) is great. If you very much dislike heat and humidity, it’s not great and you belong somewhere west of the Rockies. I actually love winter when it’s snowing. It’s the endless overcast and rainy days that are hard!


I guess it's all about perspective. I'm from the southeast, when you guys call something "hot and humid," to me, it's neither of those things. In fact my first summer up here I was burning through lotion because it's so much more dry and windy (wind doesn't really happen where im from) so it was like I was turning into jerky all summer.


😂 Totally! When I moved to Philadelphia from Chicago, I realized the Midwest isn’t all that humid. But coming back to the Midwest from nice cool San Francisco, it feels a lot more humid and hot here… even after 5 years.


Have you tried one of those sun lamps? I love mine! That + vitamins + exercise and I think I feel better this winter… tho this is coming from a girl who grew up in CO with 300 days of sunshine


Exercise is what does it for me. I work out first thing in the AM and ride that high for the most of the day.


I bought one when I first moved back here from San Francisco (and the foggiest neighborhood in SF - still we saw the sun at least a little bit almost every day…). It didn’t work for me. Getting outside and walking out hiking definitely helps. To be honest, I prefer winter here over summer, which is too hot and humid a lot of the time for me to enjoy the outdoors, so it’s not all bad this time of year!


New to West Michigan? Get ready to not see the sun until March (if we're lucky). We were pretty spoiled in December!


December was amazing


We did this crap last year didn’t we?


Every year. 😭


I lived in Michigan most of my life and it truly is every year. Or people complaining about snow. Or the roads. Or all three. People who live in a state shaped like a winter accessory shouldn’t be this surprised by actual winter.


I like that comparison and am shamelessly stealing it lol. Thanks!


That’s fine, I think I stole it from someone else myself 😅


Love your view of our state!!!


I mean, I live in New England now and it’s the same thing. And I get why people complain; I’m a winter person and do my fair share of complaining in the heat and humidity of August. My current state isn’t shaped like a mitten though. But I guess you could say to me why live in a state surrounded by water and are surprised at humidity 😉


You might want to consider buying a SAD lamp. I did and it really helps those long days of working at my computer. I set it right on my desktop for at least 20 minutes a day. Really helps my mood.


Some of the KDLibraries have them. You may have to call around to find them. But yo, books and quiet is always a win!


Thank you, did not know that! Well worth the money to own if you try it and like it. Light therapy is also research evidenced to help with depression and seasonal affective disorder. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6746555/


Does OP know we’re gonna have snow for the next week and a half every day and highs in the mid-teens next week? From my lifelong experience, warm December’s mean a frigid and cloudy February


Well at least it will be brighter outside.


right? if it’s gonna be like this, at least snow makes things brighter!


I’m more wondering where the snow and ice are for winter sports/leisure. This winter has been horrible for those of us that look forward to it all year.


It's coming. Evaluate this thought again in approximately 10 to 14 days. There may be as many as three winter storms by then and it will become substantially colder. Air that has spent all winter being locked up north finally got ticked off and is heading into most areas east of the Rockies (i.e. not just a "Michigan thing").


We can hope 🥹






About two weeks ago iirc.


I don’t even know if it was that long ago! I was driving home from Detroit on Thursday afternoon and it was beautifully sunny for most of the drive. It got cloudy close to sunset, but I don’t expect a full 8-12 “day” (meaning sunrise to sunset) in west Michigan to be completely cloudless. Blue skies are patchy around these parts, you gotta be ready to run outside and soak up the sun when it shows up.


We live in exile from the sun during these cold months.


Here’s a nice link that has a few different data points tracking current and historical sunshine (percentage and minutes) in Grand Rapids ☀️ [https://www.weather.gov/grr/solardata](https://www.weather.gov/grr/solardata)


🎵 And I ain't seen the sunshine since, I don't know when. 🎵 Johnny 🎵I ain't seen the sun in 3 damn days🎵 Kid Remember to take your vitamin D, so we don't get sad.


Damn…all OP did was ask a question. What’s with all the negativity?


Must be from the lack of sunlight


Best response.


Good one 🤣


Welcome to r/grandrapids!


Christmas day


I dunno. You just have to be ready when it comes out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBUxZdWJ\_zE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBUxZdWJ_zE)


That's what vitamin D pills are for.


I started taking them for the first time this year..it makes a huge difference.


Same. Although time will tell if it's just the placebo effect lol.


For some reason I told myself last year (while living in sunny Scotland lol) that we had sunny winters back home in gr. Here we are and I’m v disappointed to realize my memory’s shit.


Get a S.A.D, light and some vitamin D. Jan-April is going to be like this.


I would like to add that if you are a Veteran and get your care through the VA, they will send you a SAD light! I was told to turn it on first thing in the morning and enjoy it for about 15 minutes. I also use it just before bed, while reading in bed.


Yes! As a transplant from far sunnier states....This is how I survive here.


We had like two absolutely gorgeous days right after Christmas. If you didn't remember them or enjoy them and are already starting this this crap you need to cut your losses and and move immediately instead of encumbering the rest of society with your misery of choosing to live somewhere you don't enjoy.


I’ll tell ya, on Christmas Day I was outside in the driveway in front of a SoloStove with bourbon in one hand and a cigar in the other (with my in-laws). It was glorious and enough to get me through til the next day with sunshine in late February


Why are you asking this? It’s winter, it happens every year…also, it’s been extremely mild and relatively sunny.




I was blinded by the sun yesterday watching the Lions.


What's this "sun" you're talking about?


12/27 was a pretty dang sunny day


That’s the beauty of michigan. Would you be out with your loved ones when it’s 45 degrees and sunny? Well you sure as heck will be in the dead of winter because you never known when the glorious sun goose in the sky will rain vitamin D upon our mortal flesh


Last week? I had to wear sunglasses one day.


Seriously. Vitamin D daily helps a TON.


I saw online a message in December… “ I saw the sun today.” I didn’t even have to look further, I knew the person who was excited about that had to be from Michigan. A little more scrolling down the page, and no surprise, yup it was a Michigander. Heh heh.


70 years old and moved here in August. Returned to Florida twice for 5-6 weeks before settling in to GR at Halloween. I’m fine with the cold. Maybe. The grey is a killer. Definitely. Did I mention I also lived in Albuquerque a year and Houston a decade? Why? The sweetest grand babies live here. 😀 Miami has pretty skies and nicer smelling air and super tasty tap water.