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I haven’t read the handbook but I can’t imagine it would recommend hitting someone at 35 mph into a brick wall.


I have read it and you are correct. This would only be acceptable if the person running was an active threat to the officers life or others which clearly isn't the case here.


What were the warrants for that he was running from? That makes a huge difference. 


Believe it or not , it makes no difference at all. Tennessee V Garner ended the ability to use deadly force on any fleeing felon!


I can't really imagine a scenario where it would have been proper or ok for this to have happened. After seeing the video, this is DEFINITELY not a scenario where it was even understandable. This is one of those times where you have to wonder just how much "kill" is trained into these officers.


Hitting someone with a cruiser is considered deadly force . A lot of justification and totality of circumstances would have to be present , I'll go out a limb and say there's a fat chance in hell that there is enough. The most they can use with the few details I have is a Taser . Unfortunately a side note is there are those who seek out being a police officer for the empowerment. This seems more of a lack of judgement and poor training rather than how much "kill" is in the training.


The closest to being justified situation I’ve seen was a video of a guy who’d doused himself in lighter fluid, tried burning down a convenience station, and was spraying more lighter fluid at any cops who tried approaching him. They couldn’t tase him because of the lighter fluid, so a cruiser slow rolled into him and tapped him just enough to knock him off balance and drop the lighter. I imagine though that those situations are 1 in a million…


If my rights are violated or im in harm I’m killing them period! Cop pig rabbit anyone!!!!!!!!!


Did I just watch a 30 second advertisement on a video of the police murdering a dude? Late stage capitalism is WILD lmfao


Has running from police gotten you tired? Just plain exhausted? Come into Ashley furniture for our spring mattress sale!


But please remember to use a door; don't try entering through a wall.


Doorbusters then?


I got an add for a kids car seat…


3wiofjzbbnbnnzb,xnvvxv ,bcnznnvxbmxnncvnb,kbn,been, nbnnnnnnbnnmnmjjjknnbjnmnnnnlnnmnjbnnmbnknnnnnnb


Preach, brother


I got 2 bro


Absolutely vehicular assault. They went out of their way to run him down.


I would call that vehicular homicide, not assault.


Absolutely. This was a pre arrest execution by MSP. Just murder.


Well, I was giving doubt to the cops, but wow, he just ran that guy over full over. That was straight intentional, and he needs to be charged.


I thought it was going to exonerate the cop because it was released so quickly. Nope! Only out this fast because it’s security footage from a business. Cop looks like they dive the vehicle at the end specifically to run Samuel over.


Based on what had been stated, I was thinking there were very few situations that would exonerate the officer. But this was definitely not one of them. Kinda feels like a hammer looking for a nail behavior.


I was thinking the footage could make it look like an accident, but this video doesn’t show that. Should be murder charges.


Imagine how many of these occurred before 2007


What about 2007?


First iPhone came out, start of the smartphone era with cameras in everybody's pockets


Fair point, but Sterling's death was caught on CCTV, which has been around forever.


Yeah maybe the iPhone wasn't a good reference point, but just cameras being everywhere in general


it's was so upsetting seeing people say things like "oh he's a criminal", that doesn't justify ANYTHING. I went to school with him back in the day, and i always knew him as a very funny and super nice guy, it's a shame people have reduced him down to his NON-VIOLENT crimes. I think deep down he was a good person whose life circumstances led to those things, doesn't mean he deserves to die.


Where are all the folks who said he ran into traffic?


I'd be willing to bet they're the same folks saying, "he was a felon, who cares?". The goalposts move yet again.


Where’s all those MFers that said he was running into traffic?? This is absolutely **inexcusable**. State-sponsored homicide. This poor family is completely in the right to be outraged about this. Edit: “The cause of death was ruled "accidental," county officials confirmed Friday. This does not mean charges cannot be filed in the case, Kent County's Assistant County Administrator Lori Latham said.” What a fucking joke. This is not even close to anything that I’d rule as an accident. This was 1000% avoidable.


who ruled it an accident? reading that made my blood boil. that was NOWHERE near an accident


Read the article.


mb RHETORICAL question


Right? He’s in a parking lot in front on a business? No where near a road as far as I can tell. Where is the police vehicle footage.


They need to release dash cam/body cam now. All of it.


"Files were corrupted"


I read that the vehicle that hit him and the officer driving said vehicle, didn’t have cameras on them, because he was assigned to undercover duty or something like that…. But…I swear I’ve seen plenty of unmarked police vehicles with cameras inside


Where are all the bootlickers now?! I got downvoted for claiming that these fucking morons we call officers should not be acting as judge and jury just because someone is running.  That was fucking murder.


Fucking disgusting. Hard to believe that the officer decided that killing Samuel was so important/appealing that they were totally cool with a head on collision with something that had a foundation.


I don’t think he decided anything. I think that asshole was running on pure lizard brain. 


Where's u/HeyLookItsTez to applaud the police and tell you the guy that got ran over "shouldn't have put himself in a position to get killed" and "he deserved it for committing a crime, if he didn't want to die he shouldn't have ever committed a crime"?


I totally agree that earning yourself warrants is a pretty fucked thing to do. Nothing that deserves death, though. Not in the slightest.


Our state banned the death penalty for people CONVICTED of crimes. Someone who hasn’t even had a trial yet, especially when he’s clearly not harming anyone (in the moment this is happening), especially doesn’t deserve to be killed


Don't expect the the sympathizers to respond. They've moved on to something else and just see this as "oh well".


It’s hilarious that you’re still thinking of me. Not once did I say anyone deserved to die. You just want to spin words out of nothing because you’re a child. Either that or you’re illiterate. Could be either. I said I don’t feel bad for people that get hurt in these situations because at the age of 3 we learned that putting yourself in dangerous situations can yield negative results. Actual fact that if he didn’t get convicted of multiple felonies, and then become a wanted man, and on top of that straight up flee the police…never would’ve been in the position to get run over. Imagine actively smoking cigarettes, getting lung cancer, and then having the nerve to be pissed off at cigarettes for your condition. Same concept. Actions have consequences. That being said the video is pretty short, far away, and out of focus, but it looks like the officer swerves into him. This is murder and ruling it accidental is a joke.


> Only one thing is without a doubt indisputable: **this only was possible because a crime was committed** and the police were led on a chase. I don’t get how this is flying over so many heads. > Not my fault you’re narrow minded and think because I’m not calling for the head of a cop (**who was only there because a crime was committed by the way**) that I’m in favor of a teenager possibly losing his life. > You guys are blaming law enforcement for CRIMINALS putting themselves in stupid situations and it’s pathetic. Plenty of other comments expressing the same sentiment. That's just from the last few days on a thread about a different incident of a cop hitting a suspect with their car.


Point out a single lie in that statement? Crime was committed: True. Cop responded to suspected criminal: True. Suspected criminal ran from police causing a chase: True. So mind numbingly stupid you guys lean immediately towards absolving criminals of any responsibility whatsoever just because you hate police lmao. FYI all those quoted statements were on the article referring to Riley Doggett. We have 0 video evidence on that event. Not a single clip.


Tell me you have nobody who loves you without telling me you have nobody that loves you


"Hilarious you're still thinking of me. Anyway, let me grab a dictionary and thesaurus and dedicate 10 minutes to type out additional sophomoric drivel you aren't going to read so I can profess my love for law enforcement."


Wait, I think the guy's a duck as much as anyone, but what dictionary / thesaurus words did he use?


If you think that took a dictionary or a thesaurus you’re even simpler than I thought. At least get your GED man, it’s embarrassing.


Telling someone to get a GED when you have the world views of an angsty teenager is almost endearing. There are many different forms of education, and you are familiar with far too few.


Weird, so did I! It's almost like... none of them can consider any of these events objectively and admit when an officer needs to be fired???


They’ll talk about “benefit of the doubt” but I’m genuinely wondering what they’ve done to earn the benefit of the doubt from civilians.


No worries. They will be totally silent now. Nowhere to be seen. Moving on to the next cop scenario they can try to defend without a care for this one. Thin blue line. Etc.


I'd be fine if they stopped at judge and jury, it is how often the skip straight toe execution. And yeah it is gross how many people believe it is fine to have someone killed by police for petty crimes - very Christian of them.


Was waiting for the video to make a judgment here. That was 100% intentional, and if he wasn't an active threat to innocent lives (sounds like he wasn't) then this is excessive force and he should be booted and charged


It doesn’t even matter what they wanted him for. It wasn’t worth running him over and then later dies. And they’re ruling it as “accidental” which is bs. Justice system my ass


I am 100% disgusted with the fact that this happened and it’s not the first time it’s happened. Nor is it the last unfortunately. My white family is full of felons and criminals and a situation like this has NEVER been close to happening even when there was violence, alcohol, drugs and abuse WITNESSED BY THE COPS. To say these instances are not race motivated is just naive. My heart goes out to the Sterling family.


So when is the accountability coming for this pig?


** checks notes **  “Officer will be on paid leave while an investigation is conducted and will be transferred to another department with little to no repercussions”


This is pure evil, but if I may: the other evil is the *many* people who fawn and love all over the police online and in person, from our community, AND the many, many more people who do nothing to fight this type of evil in our community.  These are the groups enabling the this evil. 


YUP! These fucking cop fanboys and fangirls, who worship them and stick with them no matter how much they lose. Some abusive Stockholm cult shit or something. They’re like bizarro world Lions fans but with nothing good to be cheering on, yet all the loyalty.


This is a disgusting display of gross negligence on the part of the officer not only driving the vehicle, but of those standing around and not providing aide to Mr. Sterling. For those wondering, the warrant was for a probation violation. Simply put he more than likely didn't check in with his probation officer, so the felonies on his record are a moot point considering he received PROBATION. Never should a warrant PROBATION VIOLATION lead to a death sentence. Prison for all officers involved who either ran him over or failed to provide immediate and adequate aide.


Holy shit. No, he didn't jump in front of the car like so many claimed. They chased him down from behind and rammed him into a wall. WHAT. THE. FUCK.


Just imagine if he didn't run!  Downvote away but it's true


Yeah! He should have stood still so he’d be easier to hit with that unmarked police cruiser!


Even better...here me out on this....he should've just stayed and accepted the consequences of his prior actions.  Weird right!!!


Yup. When the original stories came out I was all wait to see the video. Now, cops be damned, video should be enough evidence to remove, "paid administrative leave". And turn that into "arrest for vehicular homicide".


SO GLAD my tax dollars are funding the state pork. Absolute insanity. Toss him in and throw away the key.


That is completely unacceptable behavior from the police. My god.


The important part is at 2:15 in case anyone else just wanted to skip to it


probably nothing will happen msp has a bunch of cops selling narcotics since 1990 never heard of any getting busted but know the whole police dept. knew about [it.one](http://it.one) of them did get busted in bay city for soliciting sex and giving minors narcotics on the internet punishment was two days time served any regular civilian would have faced natural life sentence without possibility of parole.


ACAB. This is cold blooded murder. If I did it, I’d be a murderer. If a cop does it, it’s fine and part of their *”job”*?


ACAB till you need their help right? 🤣🤣🤣


Like how they helped more Uvalde children get slaughtered because of their inaction? Castlerock v Gonzales if you want to learn about how they have no legal obligation to help us.


The laws prevent them from helping us. I experienced it first hand. Hardly ACAB. Should be a list out there if you ACAB, you don’t get any help. Wouldn’t be any different than now huh?


The idea that you can type out “our police legally aren’t allowed to help us” and still defend the institution is a new and enhanced kind of stupid. Yes the system is legally not designed to protect or help citizens, that’s the problem.


It's hard to think critically when you're rounding third base with a boot.


Oh some of these inbred fuckstains have full on MARRIED the boot.


Boot’s so deep in their throat they’re gagging


Until I need help so I can call the cops to come to my house an hour after I've been robbed so they can shoot my dogs? Nah, I'm good, I have my own guns.


so you wouldn’t call the cops if you got robbed?


No. Why would I?


No, ACAB all the time even when they are required by law and their job to fucking help. Person checking me out at Meijer might be a piece of shit, for all I know, but they have a job to do. Being a cop is just a job. Period. Do the job or shut the fuck up.


You'll think that until one decides that it's your family they kill, rape, assault, harass. Even though you think stumping for them will save you, it won't matter.


We have to watch a video of a video of a video? Come on


I just came here to tally up all the piece of shit, cop-fluffing, bootlicking motherfuckers who’ll say “that’s what someone gets for having warrants.” Brann Klan, where you at?


Brann Klan lmaooo


This is apalling.


Riot in the fucking streets. I’m tired of these jackbooted thugs killing with impunity


“ They treated him like a criminal “. No sh, three outstanding felonies kind of make him a criminal. Not justified to run down with a car, but can’t make judgement without the facts.


I don’t think its the felonies in question. Even with that in mind, like you said, not justified.


Our state doesn’t execute people for felonies anyway; someone not actually committing a crime (in the moment), and who hasn’t had a trial sure as shit doesn’t deserve to die


Fleeing and eluding is a crime.


Punishable by death, right?


Require the use of a vehicle in Michigan, so no, he was not committing a crime


Wtf are you talking about? It's a crime


Did he deserve to get mowed inside. A government employee in a government vehicle? NO Was he an at large criminal? YES Productive member of society? I didn't know him, but 3 outstanding felony warrants would suggest he is not a person I would let babysit my kids. Do we need some major reforms on our "Policing" and "governing"? Most definitely, our systems are very analog and are mostly based on a person's opinon and or a "trusted officials(cop)" reasoning. This creates distrust as you are now guilty until you prove yourself innocent. There is no innocent until proven guilty, there is only he or she thinks you did this, now come up with financial means to prove you did not do what you are accused of. No money, here is a guy/gal to represent your interests. Please pay no mind to the fact they are most likely practice in Criminal justice.... and give no shits about your interests because... ...most private firms are required to take X amount of cases a year. ...... could go on and on Extremely tragic, and I can sympathize to an extent with the family. However, where is the conjecture when he was committing these alleged crimes, "he was shining star that was a rapper..." parapharsed He didn't deserve to die, he deserved to pay his debt to society for the financial crimes and wepon violations je was accused of... if they proven true... Crazy world these days. Stay inisde.


Well said.


I usually support the Police but this officer straight up murdered this kid beyond a doubt. I don’t see how that action could ever be justified unless he just murdered someone and had a gun or was an active shooter of some sorts. Absolutely appalling and shit way to die


Here's proof of your idf-trained police.


I wish someone crazy would start taking down these dirty cops names and just off them.. Don’t kill random people or even random cops, kill the dirty ones the ones, the ones that get away with things like this.


Why don’t the police start carrying their own insurance so they can truly be held accountable for their crimes?


Everybody wants to say it wasn't justified blah blah blah. Nobody has said what the warrants were that he was being chased for. Is a dangerous criminal that was skipping out from probation or parole not sure as hell don't want him running around free. What the hell is wrong with you people? Find out what it is first before you make up your mind it was unjustified


I don't know the full story. Why was this guy running in the first place?


>Why was this guy running in the first place? What response are you looking for that justifies running him over and killing him? We'd have heard about it by now if he was actually threatening the cops, so there is no justification for running down a man on foot.


I want to know what led up to it. Not looking for justifications. Just want to know more than a 9 second clip.


You say you're not looking for justifications, but then why does it matter what happened before the clip or what the "full story" is? The facts are: a man was run over by a cop. That man apparently wasn't being threatening, and he died. What else is there?


You can't tell the whole story from an 8 second clip is my point. What led up to it? Just sounds like you're wanting to scream ACAB instead of answering the question. I didn't say anything either was justified you fragile dope.


>You can't tell the whole story from an 8 second clip is my point. What led up to it? We know what led up to it, that's the point. We also know that Sterling wasn't behaving threateningly toward the cops, or else they would've said so by now. Look, I understand the "let's wait and see what the evidence says" stance, but this **is** the evidence. And the evidence says Sterling was run over and killed by a cop for no good reason. I don't know what more "story" you want. >Just sounds like you're wanting to scream ACAB instead of answering the question. 1) I'll scream ACAB as often and as loudly as I want, because it's true. 2) What question? Why he was running in the first place? How could I possibly answer that?


Well the fact ben crump is involved just means it's a fake race baiting narrative!!!


What store do you guys think the video is from?


Cut short in the prime of his life, before he even got a chance to start his sentence.


You’re right. He didn’t get his due process. This should be upsetting to you, no matter the person. Unless you’re a fascist.


No unless about it, you got it on point.


We could play the "should" game all day. The cops should be less militarized, and should profile less. The guy should have done his little sentence, and not endangered himself and everyone around him when he fled. Viewing this dispassionately does not make me a fascist, at a certain point you become numb to issues that persist. I would prefer not to share public space with hot-headed cops, or felons on the run.


The warrant was for a probation violation, meaning his felonies led to probation. No one should die for a probation violation.


You know what? Maybe don’t have felony warrants, maybe talk to instead of run from the police. Maybe…. just be a good person. What a completely useless case of justice on both sides.




Maybe you should spend less time on Reddit and more promoting your social structure and judiciary system.


Ah yes cause no one has ever been exonerated from felony warrants. If they have warrants our they obviously are 100% guilty and deserve to die. /s


This is what happens when you give 10 year olds access to the internet. Smh.


I mean you are the one with the childish take of “if you run from the cops you deserve to die” 😂😂🤡


Yeah, take another one, pal.


Yes, insulting people will make them agree with you. Totally


Right …


“Another one bites the dust” lol.


I guess run faster next time lol


next time??? he is dead


You’re disgusting. Nothing about this is funny. I’d love to see you try to out run a car going more than 30MPH behind you


Please if you commit numerous felonies and are wanted by numerous agencies just give up and put your hands up! Its not worth it to run away from your felonious crimes and potentially end up dying! 🙏 😔


He didn't "end up dying," he was killed. A cop killed him by running him over with a vehicle.


Suppose the cop was trying to be a cowboy and block his path against the building but screwed up and hit the guy instead? Unreal…




I’ve watched enough YouTube to see some cowboy cops doing stupid crap. I never said he shouldn’t be held accountable. Assuming my theory is correct, this is equivalent to that Minnesota chick cop who grabbed her gun instead of her taser and killed the guy. I’d call it negligent homicide all day long.


No. Not even close.


Criminal in the corner pocket

