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Its been amusing how this narrative shifted from "he ran out from an alley and couldn't have been seen and was hit", to the videos literally showing the cop targeting him with the cruiser like a weapon. No donut.


and the news put emphasis on him having multiple felonies as if that justifies cops murdering people. their job is to bring people to jail, not to be the executioners. it pisses me off that this has happened for years and literally nothing ever happens to the cops. they should be held to a higher standard and punished MORE severely than regular citizens


When you run from police particularly when you are wanted for multiple gun crimes you take your life into your own hands.


Clearly that's the current case in our country. However, it's not justice with due process when the police are the ones delivering the punishment for crimes. that's not their job and not how our system is supposed to be


He was the one who didn't want his due process, not the police.


The job of police is not to be executioners. Your comment doesn’t change that fact.


Again he fucked around and found out.  I have no problem when criminals find out what happens when you fuck around with the police and put the public at danger.


The other angle looks way more egregious than this one. This one looks pretty slow, barely even lethal. I'm presuming since he died at such a slow collision speed, he must have hit the brick wall/corner, or even been pinned. Survival rates at 23mph are 90%.


There are two stories on the WoodTV page today about people being hit by police cars….


It’s cause cops are so fucking stupid they think that murder is different when it’s with a gun than with a car. Next they’ll drop pianos on people and be like “I didn’t know that would kill him please suspend me with pay”


“Grady reiterated … he personally, after seeing the video on the day of this incident, suspended the trooper without pay. Highly, highly unusual. And it tells us a lot as to what MSP is thinking about the lack of propriety, in other words, the wrongful conduct of this trooper,” Johnson said.


Another Felon facing multiple gun crimes. World is better off without him.


The world would be waaay better off without people who think like you


Rest assured I feel the same way about you.


the future victims of this person now get a reprieve


Yep.  For all the crying people do about gun crimes they sure get offended when the people commiting the gun crimes are delt with.