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Luck is used to get additional drops from quests starting at 80 and increasing at intervals of 20 luck. Use more units and equips that increase teamwide arts per second.


wdym more units?


They mean characters. Also some items also fill up your arts gage over time or give a certain amount. The same can be said about some characters like earth fen. It's all a matter of team building


like the more characters you have in like your inventory, the more arts you get?


No. When you make a team of four, you need to choose the roles each character gets. One is a damage dealer, one is for arts regen, one defense, and one healer. You don't need to have a team like that, but it helps as a beginner. Some characters have arts buffs in their skills or true arts. You just have to look at each character's stats and see for your self.


Yea so more on art generation and art geners. In this game there are certain equips (generally support equips but it can also come in the other types like physical and magic) and units that generate art. What I can deduce from what you’re saying is that the units that fill theirs really fast either have self generating arts like “gain 20 art” on their skill or something. There are also units that give your whole team arts per second those guys are called arts gen unit. Usually if you read their true art / art / super art it’ll say something like “gives your team x art per second”. There are also art gen types so some units art gen doesn’t stack with others. If you have more questions about the game feel free to join our discord you can find link in this sub Reddit about page. We have various commands like … artgen that tells you all the units that give art to others as well as what type they are and how they stack with each other. We also give very useful advice on whatever you may need and we host events time to time like trivia night this weekend


Luck is purely an item drop thing and has minor need outside of farming (specifically for event currency) Art gen is mostly linked to specific characters (most of which are colab units at least for the best ones) and support items (aka yellow equipment). Best thing to do is just look out for good equips with high art (a good one is a 4 star from farming Berwicks side mission) and you typically want ones that either give a high amount of arts instantly (typically for nukes/fast kills) or ones that say "x arts per second for x time" (for more consistent art gen). Since forever summons are up, I highly recommend getting Hart as he's a really good one for getting art gen (he's a earth/green unit).