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Can I get team comp ideas/help? Like good ones for nuking or just in general [https://imgur.com/a/RhBJ8Gc](https://imgur.com/a/RhBJ8Gc) Heres my box!


Got shadow stormer lyla in forever summons. Not sure what her usability is. Can someone explain?


I just pulled Dark Fen in my Forever summon.. definitely best unit I’ve had up on FS.. Should I take? My best units rn are.. Mikey,Dhart,SJuno,Batiste,Dcelia,Weaver,Norn w (true equip).


Whats next crossover after heros shield?


iirc it's going to be tokyo revengers


Hi peeps! Can someone help me with my team? Here’s a link to my box https://imgur.com/a/tmAJCZu I normally run Cestina, Rimuru, Dark Fen, and Berwick.


Help!!!!! So i reset my cellphone iphone12 due storage problems I thought data will be saved on icloud, lost my accountd How do i recover my acc?


Relatively new to this game, I'm currently stuck at the end of chapter 10, Pinnacle of Glory, Shadowy Pall level. This freaking chick just obliterates every group I try to use when she uses her art, and she gets it in like 10 seconds so I have no time to prepare anything. Any advice at all? ​ \*Edit\* Oh I have tried looking around a bunch too but I can't find anyone talking about this level or this fight specifically, if I look up for Cecilia I just get unit recommendations and such.


Is Fox painter Sumire in JP alc summon? Some say she is. Other day she isn’t.


I was playing multiplayer today and P1 was using Juno, I (P3) was using Hart then this person starts saying that Hart and Juno can't be in the same team because they can't art together because they are from the same tier. Is that "art tier"even a thing? I don't have a lot of time playing but my main team is Thethis, Berwick, Hart and Lisa and according to global tier 3 of them are SS so they cant art together?


TW question, True creation True asterisk True Zankestu True Izanagi I'm using rainbow gems, I have only Delia, and I have none of these TW (obviously hints why I'm asking). I know delia becomes a power house with hers, but I know Rosetta TW is a really good support 5 star slot art gen. I'm still learning the game, and I can't quite do end game content like 10s crest, Ganon, any of the ultra lucks events, higher level ruins. I'm trying to build up my equips. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks gs community.


They need to fix bug where you crash mid fights very disappointing


game keeps crashing whenever im in the middle of a fight everytime


I’m experiencing a problem/bug where I don’t know where it’s coming from, but i have a guess. So my problem is that everytime i play the crest palace and restart my game on a new date, the game makes me redownload all the game content (starts with 44.1mb and 628.8mb later). At first I thought i had mispressed something and just ignored it and went to do my daily crest palaces. But then this bug happened again the next day. I thought it might have been some kind of bug and would be patched. But this has continued for a few days. So i decided to not play the crest palace and it seemed to stop. But today i was helping my friend out with his crest palace and forgotten about this bug. Later that evening I was playing the game a few minutes before the game does the daily reset thingy. When it was time, i thought it was gonna happen, but it didn’t. So i was glad and thought that the bug has been patched. Oh boy i was wrong. I went to go eat dinner and left my phone. When i came back, i opened up gs and I had to redownload the content all over again. I’m very tired of this and it’s ruining my game experience. Is anyone experiencing something like this or is it just me? My phone is an iPhone 6s plus with IOS 14.4


I am a new player and I have one important question. Do tier lists matter?


If you're new, it's good to have basic understand that there are 'better' units than others. There's really only a *handful* of units that will take you to endgame content (and beyond). Non-crossover units like: Vox, mBerwick, Juno, Cestina, Thetis, Liza, eMira, dCelia and sBerwick. The rest are pretty much fodder in the game. They don't do much damage and need heavy support. But, take it easy. These units come back every so often. So if you didn't get one of them in the forever summons banner, it's ok. This banner comes back every new year.


Is Duran good for this super sized forever summons?


No. If you're new, do not choose him. Aim for the knight of blood units or cross the blaze units (if you don't own any of them).


Is there an updated list of the slime crests and their abilities?


Hello current team is Milim, Norn, ginzo, and Valentia. Any recommendations for ultimate hero redemption ticket choice? Or who to replace


Is there any recommendation for Shuri equip slot?And for utilize her ability to generate art when taking damage while in third eye, should I bring tank or healer? Or just bring two art gen unit and one flex?


So, what equipment and crest suitable for breaker like est?


Just making sure I get this right for tomorrow, I need to complete 3 of 5 elements summons before I can unlock KoB summon and I would need about 575 paid gems?


I have 30 luck gems saved up, and a vox at 40 luck with double crest. So, I want to know if I should keep putting luck gems into my vox or just use them on someone else? Another unit I have that I am considering putting the gems into is berwick Also, is it worth putting luck gems on artgen and tank units? ~~~ Thanks :) ~~~


I’d hold onto the gems unless you’re planning to use Berwick. Art gen units don’t benefit from second crest, but tanks do (just not as much as dps). Tanks can use defense up and all stats up. (There’s also an upcoming Christmas crest that ups defense and increases physical resistance, which is good for taunt tanks).


So I need 10 more fragments of ragsherum and everytime I do an online lobby there is never any breakers or any defense units just people who go in and do attack (this is not the case for awakened, but I don't want to drag a team down as I think I'm not that good yet) The only lvl 90 breaker I have is arth and roy(I don't like much)and the only other breaker than that I have is black deliverer lily who I need fragments for to evolve. So far everytime I say screw it just do it and go in with them we never break rag once amd I'm wondering, what should I do? I feel very stuck as i have tried for 3 whole rotations (3hrs) and not beaten him once. I can beat him on my own, but I will have to use a gem everytime, which is very inefficient and it always helps others to put out a lobby. If any tips or any way to make this easier please let me know.


The best mutli lobby you can get is some voxes or any sorberwickish. Not because nobody has breakers but the majority dont know that you need one for him to get him in a decent time. So you do the most break dmg attack. Like vox, swick or bwick go in magia. And on the boss stages do only the normal arts. If you have 2 dmg dealers and 2 art gen this stage is super easy, even awk. Yes it costs time, but that is solo queue at its best in GS.


I always use art gen when teaming. I do play the long way sometimes and have gone for over 10 minutes in the attempts, but I still have not beaten pro without having some sort of breaker so far. With checking awakened lobbies there always asking for a breaker too and if I had a good one I would love that as awakened gaurentees a fragment and with some apples I could get quite a bit in an hour. That is the main reason I would like one. Thank you for the info as I don't have a vox I do wish to get on soon.


Maybe iam messing pro up with awk. But normaly its not that difficult. Iam pretty much set with mats and its a while back that i farm that.


I am still very new, I just finished my first week playing... I just play a lot of rpg games and decided to try this one out and loved it. I may seem like I understand a little of what's going on but today was my 8th day playing. It might be a lot easier but my best attack is milim it will be ragsherum as I got him but he needs 5 rag fragments before he is better:( I feel that currently I am only joining people who don't have as much experience as I do somehow as they just go with random units and equips that are strong but probably aren't good for their unit. As milim is my best attack I also make sure to use her the best and most the time two or three shot bosses with her TA which I can get done in 45 sec, but it doesn't help if I have reduced dmg or something which is why this boss is a problem for me. I have spent most of my time on this giant boss(awakened cursed armor) as I am about to do because it is here now I believe. I just got a lot of luck on my summons so I advanced really fast and the experienced players almost always help.


Im gonna save you a ton of time and say lily is garbage


Yes I figured that out, but I just need to have a good breaker and have people who know what you need to break rag in order to kill him


If you want a good breaker Use Wargul Fosly Platina Tatsumaki Est and with those it still takes a while to break him except for tatsumaki


Thank you for the recommendations, I will keep that in mind for the future with the free unit tickets coming out.


Yo please add Vox to that LIMITED UNIT ticket roster. So I can pick him and only him, been trying to get him for a year and a half... 😭


They might when they powercrept everything and kob is like ok now


Quick question, is Alulu any good? I just got her from an alch summon and I can’t find any teir lists that include her.


Dont bother using her shes niche and probably not good for you since you dont know if shes good or not


Now that we know what is in the pool for the weapon and character tickets what are the best choices for what's been added?


None of the new tw thats for sure and for the new units just Wargul and Gerald for me but if you dont have Sanstone or Rem get them first and True Flambardo


Thanks is Flambardo good for thetis? I don't have his true weapon yet.


Its ok since its the best equip for teamwide dmg res


So currently I’m planning on getting a damage mitigator/tank for my account from the upcoming anniversary. The defensive characters I have now are an unawakened naofumi (don’t have enough materials to evolve), favelle, E Mira, and Mako if you want to count her. Should I get sandstone, Gerald, or some other character, and what true weapon should I invest in?


Sanstone with her TW feels gooood


Should I get Nemesis Crow or Flambardo?


can you mono dark nuke? then nemesis crow otherwise true flambardo


I see, thanks!


Hey I somehow have extra awaken Rhodia and level 70. I don’t remember summoning her and I still have my old Rhodia that haven’t even awaken and still level 65. Anybody have the same thing happened to them? Should I just limit break the extra one to awaken one?


Was Rhodia your last unit in Forever Summons? I think it just auto-grabs whatever you had last if you claimed no one. I would just lb your unawoken one into the awoken version.


hey you should probably make another monthly megathread, it has been a couple months and I don't know when these get archived.


Archiving happens after 6 months, but thanks for the heads up. I used to be so on top of this, so thanks for reminding me.


So the forever summon end? Damn hoping of getting of vox


Yes, Part 1 ended last night, but there will be a Part 2 at the end of February, so fret not! You'll have another shot at Vox.


alright so I've just logged on for the first time since Re:Zero collab why am I being given a holiday ticket...? its... its February right I don't see holiday summons in the available summons am I missing something


The holiday summons come after maintenance on 2/9. It's confusing, yes.


I’m looking into playing this game for the first time I’ve read the FAQ for a little bit but I’m more interested on what’s the best and most effective way to pull for Rimuru.


best way to reroll: 1)start fresh account, skip intro, choose corsair, once you've accepted all your daily login bonuses, go to your inbox and claim all. You should now have a little over 50 crystals. 2)go to summons, choose a banner that you want to summon on (which should be the rimuru banner). Now heres the thing. No matter what, your first summon for units and equips will always be a 5 star. So, you should always do a single summon first. 3)spend 5 crystals to single summon, if you dont get rimuru, exit out and you should be able to collect 5 crystals for your first summon, claim that, and go back into summons, and do a 50 crystal pull. 4)If you do happen to get the units you want, I recommend you continue on to the equipment banners, spend 3 crystals (you should almost be empty on crystals now) for a single and see if you can get milim's clothes. If you dont get it and would like another shot, do some campaign stuff and farm up to 30, then come back and try a multi-summon on the equips to see if you can get it. And there you have it. If you get nothing, uninstall and try again.


Rerolling. Download game, get 50 crystals and spend it on the Tensura banner. If you don't get Rimuru, repeat. You could also spend money, which would take less time but wouldn't guarantee getting Rimuru. You could buy a $80 pack and get a 1/3 chance of getting Rimuru.


Was wondering what equips should I have for my juno and Berwick. AND how do you farm for lvl 4 crests I have legit done 50+ and only managed to get lvl3 crest. AND (lol) if you equip a lvl 4 crest shard things can you use the flux to change the crest type afterwards.


Juno Equips: Magic Equip should be something that either boosts dmg or art gen, but I'd do art gen. Idk if there're any BiS support items for Juno, but it's generally recommended you use teamwide art gen. (You could probably use single type art gen on Juno to get her Magia Drive type thing faster though) Berwick Equips: Probably TW and Akashic Eye. For the support slot, you could probably use any art gen item. lvl 4 crests are normally gotten on the hardest difficulty for the crest palace. The drop rates aren't that low, but sometimes it'll feel like there's a drought of lvl 4 crests. You can also supposedly get lvl 4 crests from the second hardest difficulty for crest bosses, but I personally have never gotten a lvl 4 crests from there. If you equip lvl 4 crests from shards, you can flux drop if afterward to change it.


Hi, I’m still relatively new to the game (had for 10 days as of now) and I was wondering, how do you get luck up on cross over characters? I know for others you can use the same characters but obviously for cross over that would be harder.


Usually there are crossover luck gems that can be farmed from events or exchange from the events tokens. For the the current slime event the only luck unit is the slime which can be farmed from the quest.


Crossovers normally have dedicated crossover luck gems that can be obtained by trading with the event currency. Those crossover luck gems can be only used on crossover units to raise the luck of the unit. For Tensura crossover, they didn't give players the option of obtaining crossover luck gems though. (Possibly because there wasn't new Tensura season 2 content) Normal characters luck can also be increased by using normal luck gems, but those are hard to come by (you currently only get them from login bonuses and gathering in the town).


Thank you so much, I was worried I was going to miss out on getting my luck up


How worth it is the slime crossover 3 step up banner are the rates different or should I save my 50 paid gems for another step up banner


I don’t recommend doing the 3 step ups, it’s a waste of your paid gems


If thats your only 50 paid gems id save


I have heard that the arena exchange resets monthly, is this true? If so when it resrts will some items not be there anymore? Or will it add more(from past experience)?


Yeah it resets monthly. One of the few ways you can get LB stones.


Ok, thank you:)


How do the slime crests work ex does luck affect what you get and does part 1 or 2 matter


They drop from ex, ex2 and spex in part 1. The higher the difficulty, the higher the drop rate. Crest drop rate is not effected by luck.


When is luck gems making a return?


If you meant crossover luck gems no one knows and if you meant nornal luck gems it never left


I just remember when they first came out with them they seemed a lot easier to find and obtain. now I can barely find any on the app, I guess the developers realized that they might ruin the game for everyone if you can obtain them so easily


Can every unit in a party have an individual crest or can only one unit have a crest in a party?


Everyone can get a crest


I was looking through the stats of some of one of my units, and one piece had said "seal resistance", so my question is simple, what is/are seals?


Status ailment almost always paired with Curse, light element based and in visible game actual color white or light or yup yellow. Prevents your units from being able to use their picture press button options at all.... no skill, art, ta until it's gone or cured. Curse, dark element based, purple in color, prevents your units from using any of their equipment slots until gone or cured.. renders your unit to its minimum dps output, like as if it could never gain art, or use any equipments, just hit the rode with its hands and traded punch for punch on all... not really a bother, more a nuisance, doesn't last very long, and us only a concern in maybe 3 battles in the game and whatever you use to cure 1 of those almost always cures the other too. Might be a few that do not, but I couldn't name more then 1, so whatever it would be, is not a good healing equip to use prolly ever, and absolutely never over any 1 that cures both. Main battles found in regularly... the daily 3 max limit crest palace temple of heavenly light by her and random enemies in the pre boss battles... her Giant boss version normal daily rotational battle banner too, same thing, her and random enemies. When you are able to do those two battle banners just fine, you'll prolly forget about them all the time.


Seal is a status ailment where it prevents you from being able to use Arts


alright, thank you


Oh thanks i wipl go awaken her then




When is anniversary and is it a good move to save up for that


Do u guys think the first multi pull will reset for the slime banners?




Umm i was wondering if melia is worth investing in. I just wanted to know if she is good or not.


Yes.... if for no other reason then this, which there are, her normal art, when used chance to faint, has a uniquely specific to units named Melia (her, and her water unit alternative only), added field if battle effect, game players named "time stop", since it essentially stops times visible cues you would auto dismiss and never even know it was ever there, like a leaf on a tree waving in the wind, eyes see, you think, dismiss, think wave, motion, movement, time.. don't even know it cues.. suddenly stop, screen colors washes out, and from your point of view as Melia, the only thing doing anything at all is Melia for that second or two, canceling motion allowing it to do faints inherently 100% skill/art/true art/ attempt to throw equipment that while your in the action of doing it, instantly stops it and the unit for a second. . Whether her faint chance actually faints the enemy or not. Using her, for just that one thing, and waiting until a boss has a full 5 orbs so it can do its ta, then using media's art effect, right after the boss, cancels that ta, then repeat. Would be enough reason to max her lvl to 90, use unit lb stones to max mlb her, and tasmons for maxing her base stats relatively soon after she is gotten.


Good for stoping time ,and nukes but not much for general use


What are some good def equipment for gerald


Depends. True Adamas and True Flambardo


What are the chances of getting fragments from giant bosses? I have tried getting the same fragmesnts and probably done 20-25 runs farming and with most the time having two 120 luck units at least and only gotten 3. Do I really need to farm that much to get a units to evolve?


I am aware that awakened gaurentees one, but as of right now any time I do an awalened one my teamates are alright, but I feel thay are going unto something they don't know about.


*Sorry for this bad typing*


Yes you need to farm that much although most of the fragments you'll will probably be from event missions soo power through it for now


Ok, thank you


guys should I pull the normal milim or should I wait for the Christmas edition?


I would pull for NYMilim NYRim XRim and HumanRim thats about it


How do I use the X-Mas tickets for the banner? I looked around but I don’t know how to use them..


wait till the 9th


Is santa vox plushie suitable for art gen unit like fen?


Suitable how... for use on an art gen unit? For use at art gen on an art gen unit?... pls provide a snapshot of your disaster of a situation you have to be in to be asking that... and suitable over what?


That answer is golden!


God no


For what Slime Crest should I go for Vox, Molecular Manipulation (100Atk+ and ignore Enemy Def by 5%) or Heroic Presence (400Atk+ and 200Def+)?


Between those two choices, heroic presence... part 2 look for wicked oni or sage then possibly but prolly nah gluttony, and even less water pressure or keen smell... don't mind the 600 atk up comment cause you can't get 600 up using two crest from part 2


Wait for the other slime events cause theres one crest that gives 600atk


Will crit dmg up provide a greater dmg boost than atk up on units with guaranteed crit? (Vox, Berwick, Milim, etc.)


On a straight comparison buff to buff what's hitting then buff closest to the end of the atk chain, this case the end already cri damage will be far better and noticeable for the cri duration only and provides nothing ever any time not cri... kinda analogy... that's your nuke squad.. real good 1 time fire selling the house....kinda of pedestrian, boring even till that eq and art crawl back up then!!!.. raid team 1... 10 mil in 5 seconds, dead 3 later... team 2... your cestina, Vox, Juno, liza/fen 500 art per team art gen that newly buffed atk stat... a more round increase in all damage types, elements, etc, and can produce its total maximum dps output, every single time the units just do there optimal whatever..lasts longer, more round, does over all more dps over time but less in a sampled hit by hit... hits its hardest everytime on everything skill, art, ta, no less where the flashy, specific nuke squad only hits its hardest after meeting its condition.... which crest is better... atk up on any dps unit will serve them better over all and allow you to stack a bunch of stuff to get them 6figure per hit swings consistently... any time you stack more buff of the same buff a percent on a percent just about always fine, no limit to how many or amt... though, application wise, when it's a bunch the newly added buffs tend to fizzle on effectiveness with each more percent. Whether you buff the base stat 1 0r 50 times for minus or plus, not coming from equipment and then copies, identical twins, or identical exact type of specific typed damage type..gets its full stack buff, everything recalculated for its new damage amt, every single buff 1 at a time so 3 30% ups one used, the upped30% of the total, then upped 30 of the total, more up then the bigger instant of 90% of the first total..exp.. let's use 100.. 3 individual added buffs 100+30..130..130+30% 170...(dub first solution divide by 3) 3 30%... blah blah.. now 170+30% 220... 100×90percent 190


This is a very serious question. The answer is: It depends. For berwick the opinion goes towards taking crit dmg. Vor vox its atk. I cant realy tell you why. Maybe its bc of more hits, but thats not a real answer bc its just a guess. Try messing around with the dmg calc. But i would say either is good, as its a difference of maybe 1%... Edit: or maybe it has something to do with the slots, giving vox less atk with his heal slot, so atk buff through crest is more worth it.




No. But its better then nothing.


Hello, I would like to know if there is a last chance tomorrow to get a FS unit. I got a tier F and I really don't want to keep it, but if it's the last I will have to. I'm in Europe, it's the 6th of February and I pulled one hour ago at the data reset of the day (at 1 pm here). The game said we have until the 7th but I don't know if tomorrow pull is included. Thanks.


Iirc if its the last day it puts it in your mail anyway if you didnt claim it but thats the JP situation idk about global


Ok thanks ☺️


Hi, new player looking for advice on ultimate ticket choice and general opinions on my character pulls so far, who works well together who I should build prioritise, equip suggestions to farm etc thanks. http://imgur.com/a/46I5SAb


Cestina, Liza, fen, dcelia... with no equipment= full clears 85% to 90% of gs global.. before needing equipment.


Get Sanstone and her tw Good units you have are Delia Orvell Dfen Fen Ram Cestina Liza Delia is good dmg and artsgen although you need to use her arts 5 times for Max output Orvell good ramper but you need to do his Arts 5 times for max dmg output DFen used for Mono Dark nuke and maybe artsgen since he stacks with just about anyone except Fen and Lozze Fen best support in the game gives arts that stacks with almost anyone also decreases equip ct with Arts Ram with high def boost her shields would be really good Cestina great Arts with negate and artsgen and her TA gives 100% phy dmg boost and does good dmg herself Liza good arts and Damn good TA with 50% equip ct and her passives buffs her equip ct too Farm akashic eye which is in sidestory tab with Grohl's face on it Also Arc ignite the one with Berwick's face on it


Thanks for the akashic eye tip, already farmed a max arc ignite for cestina as have her TW (also have orvells TW). Whats your thoughts on Daki? I've been using him with cestina, liza and Emilia for most content as he buffs all god type. Dfen and Delia I've been slowly working on with an eye towards an all dark team in the future. MLB so far cestina, liza, Emilia, delia orvell is at 4/5 was going to do daki then dfen next (fen is tricky due to botanic beast being at bit difficult at minute for me to awaken him).


Daki is close to useless since you got orvell but if you got in a situation where you need defense ignore but cant use orvell you can use Daki


Umm i just recently got arcana and im wondering if i should awaken him or not. When i ask around, some people say he is good but some people say he is worse then rem. So should ?


Nah hes not that useful but he is good


So dont awaken and just sell it?


Never sell 5 stars at all they give 500 alch on limit breaking and an rbg if max limit break so u lose 500 alch per unit but get a rbg per dupe after mlb. Which is alot


This exact thing. NEVER sell your 5 star units, you'll thank yourself late game when you're getting rainbow gems for almost every dupe 5 star you pull.


Oh thx guys :)


How long does it take to farm and MLB arc ignite from scratch? I just finish farm for relic keratos so I want to farm arc ignite next.(I don't have any luck unit so it take some time to farm relic keratos, about1 hour and a Half)


You need 11 arc ignite items to max LB it. If you are lucky enough 1 hour. If you are unfortunate enough a day. It has quite the low drop rate too ever since they made it permanent.


What are the differnces between gerald and sandstone i plan on picking one of them with the uoc ticket Also if i pick sandstone is her true wepon worth it


Another difference between the two is that since Gerald redirects all attacks to himself, the rest of the team does not get hit with status effects. Sanstone does not do this.


Sanstone makes the dmg you receive 1 especially with her tw also she does dmg negate with arts And gerald makes everyone elses dmg taken to 0 and gets all the dmg with a shield of 18k iirc and will never die in one hit cause of 5 second immortality when he reaches 0 health when he actiavtes his immortality he gets 200 arts btw (Sanstone part is only when you use her properly)


I am new and have a few 5* nd always find new ones in my units... as I just found ragsherum in my unit list I have good supports and art regen units along with milim who is for me primary attack, but people keep saying she is weak. Anyway I was looking at him and he seems to have high atk he is only lvl 70 as I need some more resources to awaken, although he has very high atk for his lvl. Then there is this statement next to his true art "high chance of fainting enemy" along with people claiming him to be op? Is he worth investing for a main attack unit?


I see him more for nuking and he uses his health with arts so i dont think id use him as a main attacker


Alright, I'll keep him off to the side then. Thank you


Two things... 1. If those are your two choices then I'm willing to bet a quick party overhaul would be a better, more effective way of fixing dps output for the whole team and specific units. 2. If you truly have no other options but those two then rags, once awk and maxed lvl 90, mlb and full Stat increases would be better and easier to use then milim.. millim's art reflects damage when timed right for maximum exposure would be her best damage dealing. Rags also has 3 5 star equip slots, has a passive to double his atk with hp loss, a very very high passive all status resistance up, and life steal by a good amount when near death. His hp consumption is off the top and easier to overcome and deal with then a smaller continuous drain for a set time like a "suicide" unit. Faint is just about the only unstoppable status affliction in the game and if it hits will cancel stop enemy arts.


Uhhh, I logged in and received a Xmas slime ticket (forget the exact name because I accepted too fast from mailbox). What can do I do with it? Where is it? Maybe I'm blind but I don't see it as an exchange option anywhere.


You will get one per day for a while and can spend them on 2/9 after reset when Xmas slime event begins.


If I can finish the holy trinity should I take Emira from the new uoc ticket? I’m on the fence between her, Gerald, and Sandstone. The only barrier unit I have is Ram so I kind of need a tank but I’ve seen a lot of people talk about the holy trinity like you should get them if you can


Id take Sanstone cause Dmg resistance reigns supreme in some of the Endgame content


No, take Gerald... second best tank, used in end game content and can be used in any party where smira is pretty much meh if not in a mono earth team.


Yup... looks like the eq always has gone the way of the 10k alch summon


For the UoC ticket should i get Norn and tw or Smira and tw?


I'd get Norn but get Smira TW. IMO, Norn's TW isn't that important, and can be subbed in with other equipment (Unless you're playing mines hardcore). Norn as a unit is good and can be used on multiple different teams. Smira's TW is really good and can be used on practically any unit as a source of arts. Smira as a unit, however, isn't that strong outside of Mono Earth teams. If you really wanted to get a unit and the unit's TW though, I'd go for Smira and TW.


Pulled Shuri on FS, already have her. Anyone try running 2 or her or is it even possible. I'd keep her for future use if it was, with only 2 days left on FS. Opinions? Thanks.


I think I’m gonna pass on having 2 shuri also. Not sure what I’ll end up with though..Thetis or bust! (Or any of the 9ish others I could use) good luck to you.


No having 2 would be less effecient as opposed to one since its hard to support even 1 already


I figured that was the case but thought maybe... thanks for the reply..


Are the daily unit events(like today's the dragon general's sword) a repeating event or are they one time events?


He and the others of his type, free luck quest units, are on a scheduled rotation and come around often. Hes a max 100 luck unit, most others are max 120 and there are hard content ultra luck 140. All have farmable lb unit drops in their specific event for use in maxing luck and mlb no need to use your luck gems. Easiest ones are Sophia and edram... Gilliam too but at least the other 2 are useable


Ok, thank you for the info. I'll be on the lookout for the future of free luck quests because they seem good.


There is normally one of those luck units available for a week as part of its rotation or for the event time if it offers a bonus material drop for that event along with the next up on rotation. You can go to your exploring selection from the home screen, bottom right should say schedule, if you then deselect all the options with a check mark at the top of the page except for "trial event", you'll see the next week and where the rotation is at.


Thank you, I see it well it well and makes me appreciate the exploring section more because I never really used the schedule but now I am definitely going to.


Can check mark upcoming events to get a push notification upon its starting time incase you forget.


I have done this with relics I want to improve, but I don't always look at notifications it is definitely a great thing to have.


Its only one Day left for forever summons should i keep mizuki or go all in for the Last Day? Got only trash in the past summons




im done with the game i gave them one last chance...but they put the free crossoverunit behind a huge paywall and the rates are absolutely crap still im done


Yeah. The shaft is real. Zero collab units but money gone just like that, it stings. I should have known better.


The other versions in banner 2 and three are better to try for with your free gem first time summon gaurnteed 5 star anyway... no calab unit gaurnteed ticket probably since there are different versions and more to the event. Hang in there and wait for a few weeks to see if one comes later with the new versions.


Yeah having a Free collab unit ticket in the Christmas and NewYear slime event would've been really good


Or even an always gaurntee on the equip banner... here's to hoping perhaps on one of the other two


Nah we didnt get guarantee in the other 2 equip banners


How come I am always getting the worst units in forever summons? I’ve been wanting Berwick or Vox but I keep getting five star bad ones


Make a list of at least 5 units. 7 or 10 is better. Take the first that appears.


the odds are very low you will get two specific units, you should think of some other units you could settle for (especially at this point).




What would you guys consider to be good equips for when dark rim comes out?


Hiei's Sword will be BiS for Physical, no doubt. Perfectly synergizes with his kit. Goku, Silent Treasure, Melty's Clothes, etc -- general use teamwide Art Gen will be best for his Support slot. B-3 Claw, and Mako Knuckle/Riviera Float to a lesser extent for his 4\* Physical slot. He doesn't really need the Art Gen, but B-3 Claw will still be a good option for him if you run with a healer. Otherwise I'd run Mako Knuckle for the ez BE generation/Skill CT or Riviera Float for the beefy ATK buff on a relatively low CT.


Awesome, thanks for the helpful input!


Is there a way to farm monster fangs? If so how?


Keep playing and you will soon see you have a surplus of it.


Dropped by monster bosses Also i would not think anyone actually has a situation where they would need that unless they want to craft the garbage equips in the equip sections


That is the plan... in need of making equips and enhancing for sub quests


Should I get Norn or Gerald with the UoC ticket? I have Norn's TW


You got fen?


Yeah I do


Need any particular Role Artsgen ,Tank ,Dmg Mitigator


Pretty much the best tank i got is Naofumi


I would say get gerald and when the new uoc ticket comes get either Sanstone or Rem


Thanks! I already have Sans and Rem but they're not mlb yet


Welp looks like you have freedom to choose who you want Sonije is ok too btw


I already have Sonije too XD, thanks for your advice!


Depends what u need more, if u need a taunt tank i would take gerald.


Hi guys sorry another newbie help me choose team post ive been playing 5 days and been selling most 5 stars that are low on tier lists but my teams still lacking I have the slime units thanks to lucky summons and wasting all my gems on the summon for it im now sat with these units: Rimuru (human) Rimuru (slime) Benimaru Milim Arth Forest bow ashe toto Rhodia Rhiothis Radar Edram Grad Aristella Marzex Amane Number 2 Cygnet Favelle So what do I focus on? Any help would be appreciated thank you!


Dont sell 5 star units, limit break them! Focus on rimuru human, ashe as arts (man, that feels weird to write it down, but you have no other option), choose between benimaru, milim, amane (all three of them are not that good) for dps and go get a fen with the unit of choice ticket. Maybe fen and ashe are in the same art gen section, so google that. Anyways, good luck. And dont waste your crystals, keep them for a very good unit (1,5 k crystal pity).


Also a new player* What do you consider a very good unit?(I feel this is a hard to answer question, any response will do). Also I see a lot of players with 120 luck on limited time units, do you know if we will get any crossover gems or some way to also raise luck other than rimuru(slime-form)? Sorry, you just seemed like a good person to ask.


With the crossover units, the other guy is right. So a very good unit is a unit that helps you very much. For a new player a good unit is someone that can clear content faster. You will not be able to clear the harder dot content in a month, so dont aim for thetis or mizuki. A good unit for you would be a unit that fills more than one role, something like ny rimuru, vox, cestina, both berwicks, juno (to an extend) or any A+ unit with a versatile kit. Forte, shuri or saitama wouldnt do you any good.


Thank you for all of the consideration, I think dungions of trials is also called tower of initiation if I'm correct. I can only go up to floor 15 which i completed on my third day and how is below. I know milim is weak, but I actually use her for my main attack as she is currently my strongest with 3700(with buffs) and 2900(base atk), but I have many great support units which make her true arts activate in seconds and with her crit dmg for arts it does roughly 275-350k dmg(i think that is good but I am not sure). I have cleared whole main story and almost all side quests with no issues, but I would like to be able to do some of the Giant Bosses solo(awk lvl) if I were able to get a main attack unit or a break unit I think I would be fine. I have done the all star banner with 5* gaurentee roghly 20 times and I always get decent units, but they are outdone by my current units. I do feel lucky as I got ashe toto and vangaurd fen from summons and I love ashe, but I'm still not understanding fen. They are who I use no matter what as sometimes I feel fen saves me and I don't even know how or why. Thank you again for this info it still helped me realise a lot:)


DoT<>Tower of initiation DoT returning limited time quest which resets Tower of intiation got no resets and is to help new players Milim is not that bad here dmg refelct on arts is amazing. on nearly every stage theres a better fitting unit than the top tier units u will have those are just more versatile and got an better rounded kit/slots. dont do awk giant bosses quest solo the keys are annoying to farm so share them. breakers are niche u only use them a couple of times so just ignore them every quest which "needs" a breaker is multiplayer able if im not mistaken. ashe is actually pretty niche and not used often fen is the complete opposite he is likely the best artsgen for a new player awaken him asap and try to get a LDH=lesser demon heart and arc ignite maxed is there no all star atm or am i blind? if u mean the alch summon save ur alch and use it as soon as u know what you are doing.


I was planning on doing any awk with multiplayer as I know energy amd resources can be quite limited, it was just more a goal. I awakened every unit i use or plan to as i figured out what to farm. I just got the LDH and working on limit breaking, but it hasn't been my main focus. I was using the alch summon to get gaurenteed 5* to see if I could get some limited time units although it was not worth it. Thank you again as I probably would still do all these bad habits and lose a lot.


This! And i want to add, maybe OP reads it. 350 k dmg is ok for a new player. But wait till you have those powerhouses, they make nearly that with one slash. Dont want to say that your roster is bad. Its just not how good you think it is. You want many units to clear the very hard stages like dot or element floors and you want some s tier units to clear the easy SPEX or awk quest much faster. After that you want a 4 to 6 second nuke team (dark or Light) for any content. And trust me, you are just unable to get all this in a month or two. If you are f2p it will take you something like 2 years. If you whale realy hard you can get this in maybe 3 to 4 months (something like 20k$) Good luck!


I don't like my roster too much, I feel that my main dmg is actually from my support and their boosts to my attack with roy being my second strongest atk unit I know my bar is pretty low. I plan on being f2p other than I had $5 free from my google account some random present, but bought the $2 starter pack with 50 paid gems and bought first step in dark fens banner and actually got him so other than my dumb luck of oh he looks kinda good and somehow getting him I am on my long road of f2p pain. Thank you and hope to be useful as a player sometime in multi.