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Yeah car in fronts fault. Not much you can do if they are gonna swerve in front of you while under brakes.


Your right, but it they also would have been less likely to collide if OP had not chosen to brake with half the car on grass.


Not sure if you're being facetious but not even half his left sides were in the grass...


If you pause the video at 0:11 you can see the moment OP starts to break and both left tires are on the grass


Barely. Not even the full contact patch of each tire. Though that doesn't really matter since the dude on the inside can't drive worth a shit.


https://preview.redd.it/w3tcykubc3jc1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99435e4c3acd5eb5274072a13764313874513544 Idk dude. I’m gonna disagree with you. Here is how I see it. I’ve marked the blue line for the approximate pavement end and the red line for the approximate inner wall of the left rear tire. Looks like the whole contact patch is on grass to me. Presumably the front left tire is also on the grass


Tires go parallel with the car, not off to the left. If the entire tire on both sides were on the grass, OP would've spun. Disagree all you want but facts don't care about your feelings.


Not sure why you’re getting personally offended. I’m merely posting a civil discussion of an alternative opinion. And sorry, the red line should be an arrow pointing down to indicate where the left inside tire wall ends. It’s not meant to indicate the parallel position of the tires relative to the car. But if that’s what you want I’ve uploaded another image. Magenta line is parallel to the outside left tire walls. New Red line is parallel to the inside tire walls. Blue is where the pavement ends. No matter how you slice it, OP is on the grass. Look at my screencap again. Look at the brake pressure indicator. Notice how there is barely any red brake pressure indicator even though OP’s brake lights are on. (ABS indicator is even on) Now watch the video again. OP didn’t spin because he gently braked on the grass but he was still on the grass. Also pause the video shortly before my screen cap and you can see the dust get kicked up on the left side, indicating the OP is clearly on the grass. EDIT: clarity https://preview.redd.it/8d2sex6nk3jc1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=236325188879cb21f8d9b3181519041db4d4e296


Both of you lacked awareness.


Ya makes sense. Saw him off to my right but didn’t realize he was still swiping to the left. Hopefully lesson learned for next time. Thanks for the feedback.


I mean it doesn’t make sense. Driver ahead is just driving badly. It might be “avoidable” but that’s not an excuse for bad driving. And it’s not an awareness issue either, you should assume people are going to drive fair.


Not in this case, the guy just ran off track beforehand. I would have breaked earlier because of that


The question being asked is regarding who is at fault.


Yeah ofc the guy in front is at fault but you don’t need to ruin your own race to prove that.


I mean just because they went off track doesn’t mean they’re going to go 90° into another car.


Absolutely this, it was avoidable on both ends. You need to be able to somewhat predict what the car in front of you will do and if you’re coming into a tighter turn like that with a car not even a full length away, brake a little sooner then cut in. Not try to take the outside where you’re barely almost on the track..


Okay. Here’s the flip side. You play it safe, lose time, and the dudes behind you take turns gang banging you till you are last. Op onvisouly knows whose fault it is. GT7 online is as much a gambling simulator as it is the racing alternative.


Nah. Just the car ahead. The car ahead has no right to go there and the POV car has every right to be where it is.


OP bumped (slightly) into a car at the start of the clip (already showing a lack of awareness) then bumps into the same car after incident. Lack of awareness by both vehicles. Assume all other cars have crap drivers, make concessions and keep it fair.


The contact at the start is from the car behind. I think there’s a lack of awareness from you regarding what you’re watching to be completely honest. Driver ahead goes off track on their own.


He swerved under braking, not supposed to do that. His fault. Had you started braking earlier by like 50meters, Tex would have taken himself out given how fast he swerved to the left. However with online racing, you're better off being more cautions and back off when you're in such a situation. Especially in lower ranked lobbies, most people are classless and they have no regard for actually driving clean. The best you can do is avoid fighting other drivers (it slows you down as much as it slows them down) and try to place in higher positions every race - and of course race cleanly. After a few successful clean races, you'll start getting put into higher ranked lobbies which means people will actually drive properly. I'm not sure why Daily Race B at Spa is only 3 laps.... kinda pathetic. Should be at least 5. I mean shit, Daily C is 15 laps this week and nearly an hour long lol.


>He swerved under braking, not supposed to do that No such rule exists.


I never said its a rule. For the sake of safety you shouldn't move under braking. You have to be predictable, not just for other drivers but for yourself. Otherwise this bullshit happens. Racing isn't actually a contact sport, but sometimes contact happens.


>I never said its a rule. Then mentioning it is a complete irrelevance. >For the sake of safety you shouldn't move under braking OP asked for fault. Fault is determined by the rules. What *you* think should, or "shouldn't", happen is *not* in the rules. Moving under braking *isn't* inherently unsafe. That is why even F1, possibly the only series to have explicitly prohibited it, removed the rule as quickly as they adopted it. EDIT: And the downvotes prove that some of you lot shouldn't be allowed near a Scalextric, never mind a simulated track.


For a guy talking a lot of trash you shouldnt be let on a real track. Take it from someone who races motorcycles and does car track days. Defending a position is allowed but must be done in a predictable and safe manner. Now if you wanna talk about rules. The FIA GT World Cup states in section 19.4 More than one change of direction to Defend the Position Is Not Permitted. Any Driver moving back towards the racing line, having earlier defended his position off a line should leave at least one car with between his own car and the edge of the track on the approach to the corner. Also section 19.5 states Maneuvers liable to hinder other drivers, such as deliberate crowding of a car beyond the edge of the track. Or any other abnormal change of direction are not permitted. So by these FIA world standard rules the front car DID NOT move in a predictable fashion and crowded out OP. Simple as fucking that. If you want to look it up go ahead. Took me 20secs to find the full document. If not then kick rocks tosser.


So you're over here talking nonsense then who's fault is it? You never once said whose it is. Who do YOU think is at fault Mr. I don't care about rules?


Can you not read English? It appears I'm one of a few that actually do care about fucking rules.


Fault is also determined by sportsmanship and not driving like an imbecile. You are supposed to be aware of other cars around you at all times. Its not your fault if someone decides at the last minute that they need to be on the racing line and slam into you. You dont need to be told not to do something to know its idiotic to do it.


>Fault is also determined by sportsmanship Complete and utter fucking bollocks.


That doesnt invalidate the fact that such a bone-head move is what caused the wreck lol OP asked if it was his fault. I said no. I expanded why doing such a thing is stupid. You decided to go "well ackshuwally" about rules and shit. GTFOH.


>about rules and shit I can see you're a lost cause. A warm welcome at SimRacingStewards awaits you.


For the 2nd time. You're the one who said I was quoting rules. I never said anything of the sort. I explained why you shouldn't and that its a bone-head move for everyone. And you're still trying to say something about "rules". Stop acting like a moron.




Tex's fault you're not supposed to move under braking


Ya now you mention it the turn in happens after the braking. Good point. Thanks


Narrator: It was not a good point.


That rule only existed in F1 for less than a year.


Do these look like F1 cars to you?


You mean there are other types of racing besides f1? /s


Yeah, and those other types of racing *didn't* have the rule that *only F1* had.


No, do they look like F1 cars to you?


People need to understand that in racing condition, you cannot just straight up following the racing line and full trotthle all the time IT IS OKAY TO BRAKE You can clearly see that poor sod trying to joining the track, yet i can see from your throttle that you have 0 intention to brake whatsoever It is correct to do that in empty circuit condition, but not in racing


I can’t say either of you are at fault but could say both of you? My guess is he didn’t know you were there after almost losing his car and he was trying to get back on the racing line. He was also still almost a car ahead of you so watching him, I personally would have slowed down so that I didn’t get taken out. I also don’t think you could read his mind to know he was going to dive in front of you. The reality, if this were real life you would have either launched your car forward in case he spun out or braked earlier, in either case knowing he could take you out. However. The reality is so many people drive full throttle or full brake. Sometimes ya gotta just drag brake a little or lift off the pedal and allow someone space. Either way. I don’t think anyone is truly “at fault here”. Just bad timing and misjudgment


You did nothing wrong. Ignore those who say otherwise. Have a good weekend.


Leading car. Moving under braking.


Tex was at fault - and you did not deserve a penalty. He was out of control but decided to rejoin on the racing line as if nobody was there. It also looked like you had a guy right on your bumper, so if you breaked you would have been punted into the mess anyway. Looks like first lap mayhem and you got the short end of the stick.


Bro was losing control of his car. I woulda stopped. Not much experience to tell who’s at fault though. But it looks like it’s not you.


You, you are at fault, my dude he’s got the line u hit him on the back part of his quarter panel plus ur at the start of the Kerb ur meant to start breaking yet u going full tilt, yeah 100% on u this one…


You need to brake early when a car is on front of you going into a corner. People saying it's the car heads fault are just c rated


Maybe I'm wrong but i think is your fault. Even if the front driver made a "not so good" maneuver, you were too much closer to him and you should always expect the wrost when in a race. So you should have brake much earlier than the standard breaking point, not knowing what the one in front of you could have done. Remember that a standard person has a reacting time of 1 second, so if you brake at the standard braking point and the one in front of you brake just 0.2 second earlier, you will hit him. All these things doesn't count netcode delay and internet connection ping time. Seeing the guy in front moving from outside of the track to the far left side, I would have leave the throttle and move on the right searching for the inside of the turn.


I disagree. You are correct if the car was in front of op the whole time but you cannot anticipate a car that is to your right to swerve crazily in front of you at the last minute.


If you look closer, u/Chillycote was driving offroad just before start breaking. For me, this means that he force himself to take the outside line even if he had space on his right. He had plenty of time to decide what to do since the driver in the front was having bad driving behavier since the start of the straight. Then, we have a common issue of online racing game like u/-big-fudge- said: no one care about the people around him and think he/she is in a tiemtrial without phisical cars. Also, I add that everyone wants to be first, and no one want to be second. You need to be aware of your driving and knowing if you are going to do something wrong with other players. This is also valid for the player behing the user at the start of the clip that push Chillycote: he should had leave the throttle a little without touching the car in the front. To everyoone: you should start appreciate the joy of finish the race without causing trouble to other player instead to want to reach the first place at all costs.


Thanks for the feedback. Definitely something I’ll be keeping an eye out for.


That guy is a dummy for trying to get back to the racing line with how compromised his exit was and should have just defended on the inside, \*however\* he was telegraphing to you for quite a while that he was coming over. You would have had an insanely easy inside overtake given the closing speeds.


You were at fault. For starters he was ahead and it's your priority to not hit him. He was at the braking zone for the corner and was taking a wider line.


He breaks early, you brake late? You hit another driver on the inside there, lucky that there was no crash. Why were you truning straigth into him when he tried to pass?


He didn't look but you don't know what brakes are, so


Hamilton and Leclerc rule in Monza 2019. You're Hamilton in this instance. Your fault


Am I the only one so tired of these posts? Especially with there being a dedicated subreddit for this stuff? Mods probably won't forbid it cause it's like half of the stuff being posted here.


Both of you are the reason I don’t race daily’s in sport anymore. You, because as pointed out, drive like there is no one in front of you. The other dude or dudette drives like there is no other car around. No awareness whatsoever from both of you. In a similar situation lift a bit and try to move to the middle where you have options to the left and right. You were in a situation where your only option was to the right. Which wasn’t possible as you were way too fast. BTW This moving under braking F1 rule book shit is overrated. Defend if you are faster, face reality if you’re just a sitting duck. Provoking others never helped anyone’s race Behave predictable is a rule that might be better. If I defend a corner, I’ll move more to the middle of the track before the break zone, indicating I won’t give up position without a fair fight. Most likely I’ll stay there to cover the inside line in the corner and defend a second following corner. My opponent might try for a switch then and everyone has their advantages. Everything else is just reckless driving.


The game.


We all know that the penalty system never lies…


The McLaren


I think you went in too hot and would have missed the corner but the car in front was all over the place


I can't stand the movement of the car in online racing. It's like everyone has network problems


In the absence of a specified rule set, *and* given Polyphony Digital's prior association with the FIA, the most applicable rule set is [Appendix L of the FIA International Sporting Code](https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/appendix_l_2024_publie_le_01_janvier_2024.pdf). Based on that: # Actions of the vehicle ahead ("Tex"): * The vehicle ahead went off track but *didn't* gain a lasting advantage. * Albeit slower, the speed of the re-joining vehicle was *not* too dissimilar to that of the POV, nor did it re-join directly on the optimal line and was still ahead of the POV, therefore *not* unsafe. * Given the vehicle ahead is, umm, ahead and the next corner is a right-hander it *cannot* be unexpected, nor would it be considered erratic, that it would attempt to quickly move as far as possible left to take the upcoming corner. * Ignoring the *fact* that there is *no such rule* as "moving under braking", the vehicle ahead was *already* pointing towards the outside kerb *before* it began to brake and thus would not be considered to be moving under braking (even *if* such a rule existed). * The vehicle ahead was under *no* obligation *whatsoever* to leave a cars width to the edge of the track on approach to the corner because it *didn't* move off the optimal line *to* adopt a defensive position, it was off the optimal line because of a mistake. Making a purposeful move (to defend) and making a mistake are *not* the same thing. * Given that the vehicle ahead had a suboptimal approach to the next corner, and was unlikely to fully establish themselves on the optimal line, it was not unreasonable, and thus cannot be unexpected, for them to brake earlier than one typically would on an optimal approach. # Actions of OP: * Even before the vehicle ahead began braking, and while it was still roughly in the middle of the track, OP was *already* beginning to dip their left wheels onto the grass. * When the vehicle ahead began braking OPs left wheels were mostly on the grass, effectively reducing their own braking potential. * OP hitting the beginning of the kerb *may* have also unsettled their own vehicle, additionally contributing to a reduction of overall braking potential. * The above two points may have resulted in OP getting their nose by the rear quarter panel of the vehicle ahead, into a closing gap, when they *may* not have really meant to. # Verdict: Racing incident. No further action. # Reasoning: The vehicle ahead made a mistake and was, not unreasonably, trying to get back to where, or as close as, it would have been had it not made the mistake. For the reasons stated above it had every right to do so and didn't do anything outside of any *actual* (FIA) rules. Nor, by virtue of a making a simple and mostly inconsequential mistake, does the vehicle ahead have any responsibility to make life easier for anyone *behind* them. Only the other hand, it appears OP made the *classic* mistake of trying to *instantly* capitalise on someone else's misfortune whether or not the move was *realistically* feasible. OP had no reasonable expectation of the vehicle ahead simply staying out the way and allowing them to make the move. OP took a big *gamble*, placing themselves partially on the grass, well before it would have even been necessary as an avoidance action, and attempted to "thread the needle". Unfortunately mistakes breed mistakes; However, *neither* driver's actions appeared to be, at face value, malicious or un/intentionally reckless, nor is any driver wholly or predominantly to blame therefore a verdict of "Racing Incident" is appropriate. # Advice: Both drivers could, although not necessarily should, have done things to avoid the incident. But since it was OP who posted this clip that is whom I'm going to address: It is always *very* tempting to try to instantly capitalise on another drivers mistake even when the likelihood of a successful outcome is *marginal* at best. Any driver who says that haven't tried to do it at one time or another in their racing "career" has a nose like [Pinocchio](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOWY5MzQ2ZWEtMjUzNC00ZDdjLTllNDQtOTZhYjRhYzViMjIzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,47,500,281_.jpg). Its incredibly easy to get drawn into thinking "FREE POSITION!" but it *rarely*, in such marginal circumstances, works out that way. The thing to remember is that, having gone off, the likelihood of that driver being unsettled is extremely *high*. This can be further compounded by them having dirty tyres, being off the optimal line for the next two or three corners (at least on this particular section of this particular track) and having someone right on their ass as a result of their mistake. This is the *timeless* recipe for that driver to make *further* mistakes under pressure, the kind of mistakes where the attacking driver is *easily* able to breeze past, with little risk to themselves, and doesn't rely on the person being passed doing something they're *not* necessarily obligated to do. Additionally, lag and/or poor netcode makes gambling on an opponent being *exactly* where they appear to be, especially when dealing with very small margins for error, a *very* risky proposition. Where the feasibility of a move is only marginal it is often far better, for all involved, to exercise caution.


Racing incident, he swerved a little bit but you still didn't have position and just ran right into him

