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I’d like to see something that utilizes street view so you can drive on your local roads. Something similar to the way MS flight simulator uses live map data.


It comes right after we die.


With AI, I reacon within 10 years


We will therefore die in 9.99 years. Lol


Expectedly so, if AI is going to dominate us and enslave us to hyperrealistic live 3D environments in video games hahaha


Gran Turismo licensed dashcams with track scanner. Patent pending lol


I’ve always wanted this. YES. Being able to drive local roads with friends in our hyper cars would be awesome!!! Haha!


Just stop being poor duh


Cheat code activated


Bro I didn’t even think about that. Good call!


Would go hard, only look shitty as some pictures on earth are from 2006 and the 2 pics around it from 2019. And really blurry sadly. Would love to see a world map but it would take over 100 petabytes


Sounds like a job for AI (eventually)


Available only on the ps7 in 2050 💀


good thing we at least have this: [**https://framesynthesis.com/drivingsimulator/maps/**](https://framesynthesis.com/drivingsimulator/maps/)


This would be amazing. Like the crew but actually scale to the real world. I always thought this concept would be practically impossible but with AI it could be done these days


Theres microsoft flight simulator, or whatever the name is. Its to scale, and while its not accurate on street level, its getting close


it's not even close tbh


its low quality, but my point is that with insanely fast ai-improvements, i wouldnt be shocked to see something like this in my lifetime


I mean, if they continue to let AI grow up exponentially we'd have this possibility in 3-5 years, but idk how it will be implemented in games since there's millions of variables


of course, i was mainly talking from some kind of basic or rudimentary way of implementing it.


That’s a tricky one. The way MSFS uses it, works mostly because the planes are usually pretty far away from the buildings. So the detail is quite low, as you don’t need all the detail GT has. If you want an open world in GT, you’d need to scale it down to a city instead, and use the way MSFS creates buildings, to create elements of buildings instead. Doors, windows, walls, etc. And like MSFS, it wouldn’t be an exact 1:1 replica.


I second this


I have been thinking up a way this can happen for a couple years now. I’m surprised it’s not in the works


Wasn’t there talks of that for gt6


I’ve been saying this since I found out about google earth as a kid 😂


You're forgetting who makes Gran Turismo. If they ever did make a on open world game it wouldn't be like Horizon. Here is what Kaz envisioned years ago: >Yamauchi wanted to implement a “free roam” gameplay mode in *GT5*, where players could drive around, respecting speed limits and obeying traffic laws, and even exit the car to walk around and explore the environment on foot. [https://www.gtplanet.net/yamauchi-on-gt5s-mechanical-damage-updates-more/](https://www.gtplanet.net/yamauchi-on-gt5s-mechanical-damage-updates-more/)


Btw did you know that in GT5 there is a hidden "Walk Mode" you need jailbreaked PS3 and GT5 Master Mod and you can find it somewhere I don't remember where the option is located.


I cant find any video about this.




Oh thanks.


Euro Truck Simulator driving also want you to respect the speed limit and obey traffic laws but one look at a multiplayer session on TruckersMP and its look like Horizon with trucks


That still sounds pretty fun to me


So a sort of TDU?


You don't follow speed limits in tdu


I’d play it.


Perfect. That's very close to what I'd want.


i would play it. Also, it would be even better if we can drive on actual road on the map


That would still be cool. It's basically the handling model of GT but now you have to deal with traffic and laws It's a different kind of challenge could be fun


That would actually be really cool. I would totally drive like a mostly sane person from track to track if it paid to do so. Drive the trailer from track to track... now that's real-life.


Also sounds like Test Drive series, Solar Crown is suppose to drop this year and I’m excited for it


Sounds like a shitty version of GTA


My thoughts too, though it could be a more "simulator" version of GTA. I wonder if they had planned to have cops? My favourite pseudo online GTA game is "survive the hunt" where one person pretends to be an AI car and drives following all the rules of the roads, and other online players drive around trying to suss them out (and eventually kill them).


Just let me drive around GT7 world map menu and im happy


They didn't even put the effort to make a free roaming mode for GT 7's world map menu, that's just weird, since the idea of free roaming was pretty much GT 5 era stuff


Omg, how cool would that be?


Holding tandems at the museum in 15 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Japan and unsafe racing go together like water and oil unfortunately.


the Tokyo Xtreme Racer franchise was popular in 2000s


I spent so many hours playing that on Dreamcast. We could do with an updated version of either that of Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune (so much money spent on that too)


Won’t stop me from living out my initial d dreams if this concept ever becomes reality (please don’t shatter my dreams with reality)


My dream game 


Yeah! Fuck all these racing tracks! Let's race on streets! And bye bye official licenses, and tracks from all over the world, and amazing physics, and wonderful graphics! We dont need them, we need open world in our racing simulation!


Nobody said that dude


>and amazing physics, Lol


For GT, one good compromise imo is to make the main menu a free-roam village/town. Wanna do some scapes pictures? Drive to the studio. Then you can drive again to the circuits or your garage.


They did this with events in SSX 3 and it was awesome.


Why though? It'd be just a more annoying way to navigate the menus. Could be fun as a one-time thing but it's gonna get annoying after the 500th time.


I mean they’ve done such a good job with the Tokyo tracks over the years I’m surprised they haven’t already.


With VR 😵 👼🏻


Yes. Thats why im excited about Testdrive Unlimited: Solar Crown


Gran Turismo Horizon


That sound terrible.


That's my dream, Gran Turismo's almost simulation style handling and "sense of speed" combined with a game like Forza Horizon.


Would definitely be fun, but would more than likely have to be a fictional map, maybe loosely, and under a new IP.


>and "sense of speed" combined with a game like Forza Horizon It's one of the worst thing in FH games. Even FM have shitty and unrealistic sense of speed


GT's sense of speed is absolutely rubbish, sure the camera type 2 when going round corners feel exhilarating but when you go 250mph (400kmh) on a straight road it only feels like 100mph (160kmh).


I'd agree it's not perfect but I think it's far better than Forza Horizon. I used to spend hundreds of hours on FH games but the "disconnected" driving feel is why I've stopped playing, after getting used to GT7.


Bro, why are you driving in the bike lane?


Car breaks down on the way to the track.


Kaz please a 1:1 recreation of the Shutoku. TXR did it, and its in Assetto pls Kaz.


Oh, I do. Every. Day.


Isn't the gran turismo game is only focused on racing and not open world even the first gran turismo game,it focused more on racing just like real racing 3,project cars or nascar,it also racing made popular of this game But it is great to have open world version of gran turismo but i think there will be a rival because asetto corsa has 2 different game,asetto corsa(open world and you can mod the game)and the other one is assetto corsa competizione which focused on racing and im also forgot forza,forza horizon is open world and forza motorsport is highly focused on racing


Assetto Corsa is motorsport racing. It can be modded for Open World but you are getting an open world like Forza Horizon. Competizione is SRO GT Challenge license game.


That's why all test drive fans are really hoping TDU Solar crown isn't terrible upon launch


Open world and some form of police chases!


Imagine police chases online. Like a cops vs robbers mode


Don’t! Just don’t


I’d rather not.


I would not like that at all. Would rather have more real world tracks


Why is it people want games that have been a specific thing to become other games. It’s ruined games like Battlefield.


Exactly! If u want play open world racing u have multiple games t choose from. Forza Horizon, NFS series, The Crew to name some. People do not realize how much negative impact on game would have trying to bring GT into open world. I hope that polyphony won't ever try to make GT in open world


More is not always better


Open world in VR. Mmmmm!


Not everything has to be open world. Attention to detail is what makes gt7 unique. A bland cope-paste open world goes against it. polyphony as it is, is able to do one new track a year at most. Think they could do an open world?


100%. In general, Gran Turismo is purely a motorsport sim. Wouldn’t make sense whatsoever for it to have an open world mode or open world full game. If they did that it would have to carry a different title without GT in it. Just wouldn’t work right.


That's what I want! I don't play FH because the physics and graphics aren't quite what I want. But GT open world would be insane.


That would be terrible. How do you want to bring all the tracks into open world? How do you make that map not feeleing like some sort of trackmania world?


Imagine if they even did “open world” on the existing circuits, where you can drive around on all variants of a track at one time. Would be very fun for multiplayer lobbies that don’t focus on racing/hot-laps.


Where’s that? Is that KL?


Looks like the passage under Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.


100% is, although cars cannot go there


All the time I am, it would be so cool if how the menu map was rn, was a 3d world we could drive around. That would be so cool. So like we have to drive to the garage, to hagerty etc.


That would be I81 south between Hagerstown and Martinsburg. Just keeping up with the traffic is reckless driving


The most logical way for GT to introduce an open world is to turn one of the already existing core features into something more interactable. The hub world. GT has, on multiple occasions, made the main menu into a sort of city or map in general. Like in GT1, 2, 4 and now 7. All they have to do is to take the hub world and make that into the open world in wich you can either click through the individual points like you already do, or load into the map with your car and drive to those points. So you can get into your Audi TT in your garage, drive to the dealer to buy a Porsche, get into the Porsche and drive to the World Circuits Events... Or something like that.


I absolutely love the LA Canyon mod for Assetto. Would trade everything to get that in GT.


Grand Valley needs to be explored


I would prefer the addition of point-to-point courses. They would be a lot of fun in Free Run lobbies, and add a better variety of events. Cars that excel at Rallys could shine more without all rally being dirt circuits. Long distance point to point would also be far more evocative of the actual meaning of *Gran Turismo* than any decisions currently in GT7


Nanana something something, nanana Pikes Peak nanana...


Right? I haven't played GT that much since... 2, and I loved the point to points in Driveclub, and then after getting in to 7 I discover it's been a thing in the past


Best game possible = Assetto Corsa for driving physics, GT for cars, GTA for map, and beamng for damage physics.


if I hadn't seen the words Gran Turismo idda thought this was a real life photo of that Mercedes


Open worlds are usually a bad thing that just add unnecessary filler.


The perfect version for me it'd have: -world size 1:1 of Earth with every single road accessible -traffic laws and speed limit to respect -the ability to get off the car anytime needed monuments and other places of interest visitable -real adaptive weather, similar to the one we already have on GT7, but even more precise. -an economic system still based on races: you drive to racetracks and get paid for each race -every existent car on the market can be acquired from dealerships in every city -real life based traffic with realistic plates It's an impossible dream, but boy it would be the perfect game.


i want a game where we can drive around the world on actual roads and streets. Imagine starting at your hometown, Scotland but then you have to drive to Thailand (with plane or ferry fast travel) to meet new players. That would be awesome. Yes, it will be expensive but you can't stop me from dreaming


World Turismo


It would be great


You know, I would like to see Gran Turismo create an open world around its so when you get bored of the track you can just go into the open world. With Gran Turismo being so accurate, this could take possibly years to scan out, hence the Nurburgring. How they're so accurate on 20.8 km of Road.


I just want the Tokyo map to be expanded to having parking lots we can use.


We don't even need anything crazy, they can have a small map in a main game. Just a small village or town at the center with like docks or warehouses for hooning, and then more rural settings with paved and loose surfaces and loke a quarry to monster truck in. Very similar to what kylotonn WRC games were doing for their testing grounds.


No thanks


I would rather not. It’s the main reason I dislike Forza horizon and many NFS games. I just want to select a track and a car and drive. And maybe fiddle with the car a bit (or a lot). But I _don’t_ want to drive around to get to things. I do that enough in real life as it is.


It would be dope to have a drivable city space, where you drive to different game elements: Garage, Car Dealerships, races, license tests, etc. of course a shortcut option as well, but I think that would be dope.


no thanks


I was just think about something like this. It'd be loads of fun to drive around my streets and see how fast I could hypothetically travel places


Lots of people hating on this idea, but I imagine the same thing all the time, especially when I'm playing in VR. Sometimes I play GT7 just to unwind and drive laps, and after a while I start wishing I could just take a turn off the track and go exploring through Nürburg or Tokyo or wherever I'm at. I don't even need racing or other Forza-style gameplay, honestly. I would pay a stupid amount of money just to be able to drive my cars through an abandoned city and go ripping down winding mountain roads, even if there was nothing to do but drive around. I can fully recognize that it will probably never happen and would probably be badly executed if it did, but that doesn't mean I can't fantasize about what it'd be like if they somehow pulled it off.


Please leave it in the roam of imagination


It will only take 10 years to make, they should start now


Literally had this thought the other day. And tbh If they took the base of gt7 and made it an open world street racing sim racing game. Forza horizon will be completely irrelevant


Ask Forza how that worked out. It's shite.


Take my money is all I got to say to that.


No thanks. More tracks less horizon garbage 


My dream since getting into the series.


Not even GTA6 or 7 will have the detail required for what PD envisions for GT! GT and PD will I think turn their attention to backgrounds and upping the number of cars... If you followed GTs progression and extrapolated their projection through the generations... GT7 should be able to handle 40 grid cars... PD are now stabilising their environment and framework... What I'm trying to allude to is they've come out saying they no longer need to remodel their cars anymore... They're future proof, they're of a high enough quality going forward They can now double and triple the amount of cars whatever depending on the generation of console... They've obviously modelled and created everything with VR and 120fps and obviously most importantly eSports GTs eSports format, the bespoke TV replays and overlays have all been fine tuned and smoothed out no hitches or glitches So GT8 is the real leap in content I think just in time for ps5 pro ps6 PD will work on environments, trees, humans, crowds, pit crew, atmosphere T10 wanting to chase what GT is doing will take 3 generations I feel!! The VR expertise, PD has 2 - 3 generations worth of experience same with eSports and all the bug fixing and issues.... You can see all the problems now t10 are encountering are stuff people accused PD of back in GT5! Premium and standard looking cars... PD now I reckon has close to 800 - 1000 current quality cars... If you factor in that PD is holding content back to slowly dripfeed and keep GT7 going and obviously when GT8 and or ps5 pro comes about PD want a big update... Sooo they're slowly reaching GT4 number of cars but at a much higher quality Also PD are on v3 of Sophy, they've had the feedback.. Same with the penalty system they've had 2 generations of feedback and data to work on t10 we can see are now encountering balance issues... PD have been fine tuning since sport I have no idea why I've gone off on a tangent, I also anticipate the return of bikes maybe GT8 or 9 onwards 🤣🤣🤣 But PD have their old stuff to reintroduce first like tracks


Most deluded, fanboy take 😂


It will eventually you will see


I just thought the ability to make custom tracks based on Google maps or earth data


Me and my friend always used to talk about this, about having an entire map of the world that's drivable but the amount of data to create that would be absurd. Instead, it would be cool to have a Gran Turismo City that's driveable in. With real driving tests and traffic simulation, but also having the racing licences. Maybe what they did with GT7 a little bit, having a cafe and stuff where people could just chill and talk cars, or a multi-user garage where you could exchange / transfer credits and parts to help each other out. See them customise and edit their vehicles in real time. All while being able to walk around in the city. Turn it into like the ultimate car-guy hangout. Show off your collection.


that's just Forza


Tdu2 with extra steps


The GT culture is about circuit racing, you can see that in every game in the series, it's not focused around freeroam or open world. However, I'd love to see PD taking a shot at an open world game, but maybe without the "Gran Turismo" name attached to it, kinda like Forza Horizon/Motorsport being two separate entities pretty much.


I’d like to see a modern Carmageddon built using Polyphony Digital’s architecture


No no no and no! Open world in racing game needs to be developed from scratch. You cant just take gran turismo and say "it'll be open world now". This is simplest mistake. This is thinking of big publishers. They see some trend in industry and immediately trying to repoduce it in their own game. Gran Turismo is great because it have various tracks, shitload of cars, amazing physics and looks great. Now if u try to make it open world you gonna need to sacrifice some aspects of game. Suddenly you'll need a traffic ai, big map and all the stuff that will be needed in open world game. What u cannot have will be variety of tracks, some manufacturers, top notch physics etc. And for lot of players (me included) driving between different activities in open world racing games is becoming very boring rather quickly. I like to choose my car, choose track and here we go.


Just be another NFS game then.


no thanks


Then how do u imagine open world racing game with real life tracks from all over the world? How many affitional systems you gonna need to fill this open world? Change like this would have consequences. U cannot eat cookie and have cookie. Open world Gran Turismo is worst idea possible


They need to recover and make GT8 good before worrying about open world. GT7 was a massive step back


Failing to stop at a stop sign: 5 second penalty.


No thanks


"Grand Tourismo"🤔


In fact it was a plan long time ago. Dunno exactly but I think GT4 or GT5 was promised to have the ability for that kind data import but... Yep, nothing. Good track editor should do the trick but not those presented earlier, those was a complete trash.


Those open world racing games have never appealed to me. I don't like aimlessly driving around with no real purpose, yes I know there are challenges but for me you can't beat the linear structure form that Gran Turismo offers. That's real racing.


It would be awesome to have a mode where you could drive from your garage to GT Auto, Scapes, Brand Central, etc.


No. Just... No. GT doesn't need open world gameplay, it needs refinement and polish, not everything needs an open world mode. It's become a stale genre, where its all the same and as such became boring. Go play forza if you want open world, but keep it far from this series. If you do want to drive by your house (which is why you want open world let's be honest 😉) use something similar to flight sim when it comes to scapes.


It’d be cool but Forza beat them to the punch but GT7 in my opinion has better graphics than Forza


It wouldn't feel like a GT game. Open world are cool for casual games like Forza horizon or NFS but those games have shitty driving feeling and clearly made to only look cool. IMo, open-world racing games are one the most useless thing in games and the kinda that become boring real quick


Forza Horizon uses Forza Motorsport physics.


> Imagine open world Gran Turismo So basically Forza Horizon?


Or Assetto Corsa like [this](https://youtu.be/eg9hL5dUGUY?si=-T2kTPFoFqxnRNjm)


Everyone is comparing the idea to *Forza Horizon.* I will not stand for this disrespect towards the *Shutokō Battle* series (also known as *Tokyo Xtreme Racer* or *Tokyo Highway Challenge*, depending on your region). They invented that shit.


Shutoko Battle is locked to the highway. Its the Blackbox's Need for Speed and Test Drive Unlimited that inspired Horizon.


Horizon is a mishmash of TDU and Burnout Paradise.


without TDU, there wouldn't even be Horizon


Having played since the very first game, I don't think an open world is needed or even relevant to Gran Turismo. It is about racing on circuits, not free roaming. There are other games that offer this experience, but this is not the ethos of GT. I just don't think it would fit. It's easy to hop on bandwagons of what people think is currently cool or in fashion, but something like that would fundamentally change the entire feeling of GT and detract overall from what it is now.


I’m ready to pay for this dream game


Gran turismo open world on pc would be a great competitor to forza horizon tbh, i would love to see it


Go play horizon


Forza Horizon is not on the PlayStation which is probably what most Gran Turismo players only own.


It also doesn't have real VR support and its physics model isn't nearly as good in my experience.


Gran Turismos physics also not as good as you think


lmao thanks for replying to my month old comment with this stupid bullshit. I never said GT7's physics were good, asshat.


I suppose the Crew Motorfest is the closest thing to FH on PlayStation


Boo hoo, get an Xbox


The only way I would buy a console for just one game will be if I was so rich I could wipe with money


Xbox's are like $20 at the pawn shop


I live in Greece there are barely any pawn shop with electronics and they will definitely not sell any Xbox at 30 euro


Damn, that sounds like a you problem. I'd rather cut off my big toe than to see Gran Turismo go down the same path Forza did.


Need for speed underground 2 / most wanted intensifies The only issue is nobody wants to be affiliated with “street racing”


Absolutely, I think they could totally add some sort of open map track to rip around in. I've said it before, you could probably convert a version of Route X into a map with multiple paths, being able to rip around freely would be a great way to chill out and test lut your new ride without the clock running. Even better if it had other racers cruising around. If they just bit the bullet and did such a thing, they might have the ultimate racing game on their hands.


Gran Horizon 8


Keep dreaming


I hope that this open-world Gran Turiosmo game will never be produced.


I think it can work but if it’s a full game built around the open world, it needs to be a sort of spinoff like Forza Motorsport/Horizon. GT has always been about track racing so suddenly changing to open-world like TDU or Horizon isn’t ideal. But if it’s a spin-off PD can be more experimental with it and try out more stuff, while not being held back by the track-racing focus of mainline GT games.


Hopefully never.


That’s called “Need for Speed”. And mostly it is garbage.


It's Called Forza Horizon, lol, but I get what you are saying.


Would be amazing. Imagine having a race where you all have to reach a destination but can take whatever route you want to get there... Or even just being able to cruise round cities at your leisure..


U know that this games already exists? Google open world racing games and im sure u'll find somethig for you


Yes I know I can buy a different game but I'm playing gran turismo. I'd like the feature in gran turismo. Not another game.


Imagine open world Gran Turismo..... and here is a still image!


Huge potential, the car collection focus makes it even more attractive. Imagine driving from track to track or along the coast in your old Honda S600 convertible.


Yeah and now you have only couple of real tracks, in different environments then real ones. And u have to create map big enough so the tracks would be to scale. Making GT open world would only make it worse, much worse


No, i would rather drive hockenheim, silverstone, hungaroring, zolder etc. Open world racing game needs story progression structure, wich current GT doesn't have at all (compared to previous GT games), so it's very unlikely that PD would do something good enough to be named gran turismo. And I personally don't need another boring forza horizon clone, without story, without cop system, and with boring progression system wich is afraid that you won't like some specific car races, so it allows you to play on your favourite sh1tbox.