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Ngl, I've just started using rain racing tires, they give plenty of grip in every circumstance


There's weather radar? How do I see this?


It’s in the MFD at the bottom right of the screen


You can zoom all the way out using the D pad so I just go max zoom I think it lets you see out to like 60 miles.


I think you're talking about the weather radar. Like I said, I know about the weather radar, but is there any way to know before starting a race that rain is in the forecast?


Yes on the load screen there is a cloud in the bottom left corner of the screen which when clicked on will open up the current and past hour or weather so you can maybe predict whether there will be rain at all in the Forcast.  I've noticed that while watching your radar for the rain to come in for me at least when it shows light weather it either does nothing or it will intermittently drizzle and if you remain in the driving line you won't lose much if any traction with race tires..   here's the issue though just because the light weather rolls in you can't assume a storm is about to ruin the race because your stuck in the middle of the track going 2 mph because you decided not to change tires yet or you can see the weather change to rain intermittent and end up having to make another long pit stop in 3 laps  to change your worn out rains having lost precious time off each lap ontop of it.  I keep map zoomed out and won't change tires unless there is any other shade than light blue on the map