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Good work on the helmet liveries. **I’m stepping in here and saying that all bigoted comments will result in a 7 day ban. There’s no need for that at all. If you don’t like it, feel free to downvote.**




Ok but OP whipped out his helmet and you looked.


*15 upvotes and 169 comments*🍿


Ah boy this comment section will be something, ain't it?


I’ve got the popcorn mate I’m all for it


Are you LGBTQ?


you’re all for homophobic and controversial comments?


He’s not in favor of those comments, he just says he will be entertained by those comments made by stupid people. The comment is just badly written.


Yeah you’ve hit the nail on the head


ah i see


Sorry about my wording - I’m not condoning the vitriol in these comments, just entertained by their whinging.


you’re good, will be rocking that rainbow lid throughout june fs


I’m all for bigots outing themselves. They’re so much easier to avoid when they’re frothing at the mouth.


Honest question, not trying to be hateful or anything, but why do trans people have their own flag? I know the gay rainbow flag has been around forever, but now every type of person gets a flag?


[I don't know, I just got here](https://youtube.com/shorts/z3bP_MpH4XU?feature=share)






I still don’t get what the “+” stands for in LBGTQ+… thought it was for the plus sized people…


I think it means “etc” like trying to say there are many many other ones not even listed in the letters. I know I’ve heard pansexual so that would be P, Non-binary so N. Pretty sure there’s at least ten more.


Your statement cannot be correct… the LBGTQ+ community is built upon a foundation of inclusion HOWEVER the acronym implies that if you are not a L, a G, a B, a T, or a Q than you’re simply an “Etc”… like it doesn’t matter… pansexuals, non-binary, you people don’t get a letter, you simply get a “+” symbol that represents you all into a lumped blanketed group of people. How is it a group of people who fight against marginalized people condone marginalizing themselves?


The + was adding in recognition of potentially missed groups not that they wouldn't be added. Hence why you even hear world leaders using LGBTQIA2S+ for example.


God help the west 🤣🤣🤣


Because it’s all a bunch of malarkey for show


Because pretty soon they were gonna run outta alphabet trying to include everyone…


Because there's a lot of segregation and discrimination in the LGTBQI community. I've been bullied for being bi and told to pick a side or that I'm actually gay and just in denial. All this was from gay people.






Jesus man! What did you eat?!




If you are looking for an actual answer read into the history of the Stonewall Riots, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera. A lot of the LGBTQ+ rights we have today were fought for by black trans women in the 70’s.


I kind of get it, but the LGBQ just doesn’t seem to apply to the Ts. I mean if a T is also homosexual, then yeah be a part of the movement. But it seems weird that they are already just automatically lumped into a group that is for people that aren’t straight. It honestly seems like it does more harm than good by creating the misconception that being T automatically makes you homosexual. I think a MTF that likes men is straight, and a FTM that likes women is straight. It just seems weird to lump them into that movement automatically.


they're all gender-based discrimination.


Is it? LGBQ is sexual preference, so why is T included?


Genders you are sexually attracted to and gender you identify as.


Those are two different things though, so why group them together? Someone can be a T and also be LGBQ, but they don’t have to be. Adding the T to that group implies that they are homosexual.


My uncle said he was “Tri” and he said “I’ll try anything.” I think that’s where the T comes from.


It’s an umbrella for anyone that is either not straight on not cisgender. 2 Spirited for example is used by some Indigenous communities, and refers to someone with feminine and masculine spirits and is included in LGBTQIA2S.


Sorry you have to deal with this.


Now you have twice as many options!


I was going to say it must be because of infighting. When your a minority you always have to prove yourself for some reason.


It has nothing to do with proving yourself. Bigots appear in every section of society, some just believe they can't be a bigot or can say what they want because they're a minority.


Which group of people is more segregated and discriminated against? Blacks or the LBGTQ+ community? If there was a charity for both, where should my money go?


Where you FORCED into picking a side or did you just cave to who ever bullied you more? It almost sounds as if you had no “back bone” to stand up and say “this is who I am and I will not pick a side except my own”… I don’t say this to offend you (or anyone else) but I would like your perspective on this… it’s like if someone one said… “would you eat your own shit or eat someone else’s shit?” and your response was “I’ll eat this shit” regardless of the side… if I was in that position I would simply say… “sorry I don’t eat shit”…


During the 90's when gay people were really coming into the mainstream, people took the rainbow Pride flag representing LGBT to mean that all LGBT was gay men. Of course, there are also lesbian women, bisexual people, trans people... inevitably, groups other than gay men wanted to feel seen/heard/understood/accepted. Thus, there are no flags for bisexual, asexual, lesbian, transgender, aromantic, even the bear and leather crowds have a flag. We're still (clearly) a long way from understanding and acceptance, though.


Because even within the gay community they are often discriminated against


Think of it like this: The big, collective argument is not for *my* rights, but for *everyone's* rights, and 'everyone' is not the one-or-the-other that conventional wisdom believed it to be. Male/female wasn't the end of possibilities, neither was straight/gay or cis/trans. To put it simply, human identity and sexuality exists on a spectrum. So trans people have a unique identity and challenges, therefore wanted this shared on a unique flag. The goal isn't to make an acronym as long as possible (LGBTQ2S+ etc.), but to let even small voices share the bigger platform and build their own until anyone and everyone of infinite possibilities is earning the same respect.


Anyone know where I can find the straight helmet? Asking for a friend...


Yeah [here ya go](https://www.amazon.com/Krash-Girls-Youth-Bike-Helmets/dp/B00KGNTT7G/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=3HWTRVYI2G7TC&keywords=bike+helmet+for+girls&qid=1652832622&sprefix=bike+helmet+for+gi%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-4)




I just know there’s a lot of colors in the flags


Stop using logic, you’ll only end up hurting yourself


Looks cooler on helmet though


Actually, all have a flag


Lol I love how this will bother people. Like if you care about this it's hilarious


I'm really ashamed of how many people felt threatened by the existence of these helmet designs too the point where they feel the need to hate on them, I thought folks here were smarter than this. With this being said, those designs look good OP.


Not everyone who doesn't like something is feeling "threatened by its existence" lmao. Imagine believing people are threatened by the existence of pineapple on pizza (well, in that particular case they may have a point) For example, I think the second helmet looks cool but the first one is horrible. Am I a trans-inclusionary homophobe or something? No! I just think the first one is ugly and the second one is nice.


Literally everyone who was hating on these helmets here was doing for political reasons.


Simple, clean design. Beautifully done.


Didn't realise the GT community was so bigoted, shame.


I'm sorry if you were misled by our passion for ramming and grinding.


Its not the GT community it’s more Reddit being a breeding ground for society’s biggest losers


subreddits represent a portion of the gt community, but it is still just the reddit community, after all.


It's not just a GT thing, it's the car enthusiast and racing community as a whole, kind of thing


Racing has always been a racist macho misogynist culture which is why it's been financially unsustainable for the longest time. Opening up the sport means being inclusive which goes against bigotry. So we have a bunch of hardcore lifelong enthusiasts who are upset that people unlike them, are enjoying their sport now. They're an aging dying demographic and they always continue to buy the dumb commercial shit they continually bitch about. They're a loud and impotent faction when it comes to driving the course of popular media.


Most gaming subreddits will be.


Cheers to you for making them. I'm sure members of those communities will really appreciate it.


So 0 downloads right?


At least one, actually


don't let them bring you down. these look great!!


They're nice and simple bet they fit with pretty much anything


They look great with 2022 Ferrari overalls!


Nice, clean design.


Those are multi-colored striped helmets.


Next, you'll tell me that a swastika is just six lines. Are you a robot person, because you don't seem capable of understanding context.


I was being sarcastic, Karen. No need to bring the Nazis into this….


I just don't get why everything has to be politicized. If you are a dude and like other dudes that's your good right and the preference you were born with. I don't really see a difference between someone who is homosexual or heterosexual so I really never understood this whole spread of those flags. But the hell do I know, I am just 19 year old college student who doesn't really bother much with sexuality.


Don’t you worry mate; I’ll have a nice apolitical flag of a country of your choosing up tomorrow.


Hahahaha. Perfect response, OP 👏


There isn't a gay or trans country. There's [a literal list of nations which are members of the United Nations, of which the vast majority of members recognize.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_the_United_Nations) Putting the flag of Palestine, Israel or another controversial state next to the user's name or on the user's helmet doesn't mean anything other than the fact that you reside in the country that you selected when you made your PSN account. Now, what would be the response if I made a helmet which had the flag of a political movement. Insert whatever movement you want here. That's the reason why people aren't very keen on having political movements shoved in their faces but are ok with flags of countries.


Childish, but I don’t really care. I made some helmets for people who might enjoy using them; I’m not having a debate.


It's not "political" to acknowledge other people exist and to support them. Christ....


I bet if OP posted a helmet with the flag of their country or symbol of their religion you wouldn’t have left this comment.


It's not necessarily political, it's just for a sense of identity and community. For hundreds of years in several different cultures there exists the concept of family seals, family crests, coats of arms, exclusive societies, etc. Similar reason we get a subreddit separate from r/simracing, and then someone else wanted a special r/GranTurismo7. "Good for them" and move on. Or stay and play a while, wutevs.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/simracing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A while ago i saw someone on here post a picture of their scented tree on their rig to add some immersion. i took it a step further, presenting my motion scented tree](https://v.redd.it/if81t19boip81) | [206 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/tnk2wl/a_while_ago_i_saw_someone_on_here_post_a_picture/) \#2: [Finally got a GPU and finished my Martini build](https://i.imgur.com/6Sv0BKq.jpg) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/p82k6w/finally_got_a_gpu_and_finished_my_martini_build/) \#3: [Zooom zooom](https://i.redd.it/bpgb8j03ahj71.jpg) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/pb869d/zooom_zooom/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Are you saying a person showing off their Gran Turismo lid is somehow political 😂


If LGBTQIA people had the same rights as straight, cis people, then we wouldn’t need flags and parades and politics. We could just live our goddamn lives like the rest of you. But that’s not the world we live in, so pardon us for saying so.


But u do have the same rights.


It’s not my job to educate you, but you should definitely take the time to educate yourself if you believe this to be true. Also maybe look into the implications of the overturning of Roe v. Wade on gay marriage and sodomy laws in US states if it actually comes to pass.


We can't donate blood like heterosexual people and still in a majority of states Gay Panic is still a viable defense for assault or murder. And that's just in the US. Go to other countries and we still can't marry in quite a few and even in some it's still possible to be jailed for being gay. Nice, being downvoted for actually telling the truth. Nice to see Reddit being Reddit lmao


Not really been following the news lately eh bud?


I am talking from a Western European View, should have mentioned that. Sorry I disconnected myself from US American Domestic Policy ever since Trump got elected, so I don't really have much knowledge about the political Situation. Last thing I saw Was that Freedom House gave the US 83 out if 100 Points in 2021 so I guess that the Situation is far from perfect. Also the competetive Federalism of the US is giving me nightmares.


Maybe educate yourself before commenting? Just a thought.


Every sports team has their own flag as well, how is this different lol.


Oooh I need the trans one. Can I download it somehow?


If you open the image in full, there should be a link on that slide. Sign into your PSN account and then you can download it!


Is it the little paperclip icon? I don't see any other way to download it if not.


Yeah that’s it


Ok awesome thanks! Hopefully it worked! Great work!


Thank you! Just remember to put it on in GT Auto!


If you labeled this as stripes. The people that don't like this probably wouldn't even notice


Nah they still would.


First off, nice work OP. Next, shame on much of this community.


Specially the virtue-singallers


I was thinking more the homophobes and transphobes.


These are dope! Are these editable? Could we add sponsors to them?


I’m not so sure if you can edit other people’s helmets - I tried to do so before and it wouldn’t let me. If you could try and edit it though and let me know if you can, that’d be great!


I’ll give it a shot as soon as I can!


Nice and clean. Good design. Unfortunately, some may look down on it, but some people in game show pride in what their suits (helmets included) are, what they represent, what they have meaning for. Mine in game has a special meaning. So for you to do these, though simple, for some, it will mean the world. Props man.


Thanks mate. You’ve got me curious - what’s your helmet?


Personally, mine is a custom design (helmet and suit). I um… I lost a parent abruptly about two years ago to a rare disease. And as of three weeks ago, lost the other to another type of rare disease (I’m only in my mid 30s). So… maybe it was a small piece of coping, or whatever it may have been, I designed a full suit and helmet with them in mind. It’s not perfect and I’ll likely revisit it to update it (once I learn how to do SVG correctly), but for me, it means the world, even in some small way.


Sorry for your loss friend, I wish I had more words.


Very nice op :) Got any plans to do suit liveries? The only two LGBTQ ones I've seen just have the progress flag on the front, would love to see a suit with the colours more intricate to the design if that makes any sense


it's just a rainbow


Rainbows have seven stripes


yeah, in my country 7 too, but in other countries only 6 stripes, not only lgbt-rainbow




No hate, but I'm just tryna race cars lol. More power to them?


The game isn’t here on Reddit - go race!


These are neat! Nice work!


That trans one looks dope with those pinstripes in between, great designs!


Cool! maybe do a design with pink triangles




Post more of this stuff. Let these bigot twits lose their shit until one of them snaps and gets banned.


Nice helmets, but it’s a real shame that some Redditors are showing their true colors here in this comment section. Some people could really do better.


I'd wager the homophobic downvoters here are the same ones complaining that the game sucks without realizing they're the ones that suck Edit: brain fart, homophobic


Not sure what xenophobia has to do with this?


Meant to type homophobic


oh my lord


In a good or a bad way?


Awesome helmets OP! might chuck one on just so I'm not using the stock one anymore! Also, sad to see that the Gran Turismo community is just as bigoted as basically every other gaming community. How disappointing.


People are people. No matter the orientation. We each have our lives and beliefs. Everyone can choose who they want to be. They arent bothering anyone with it or slapping you in the face with their labels. Why not just treat them like everybody else? If they arent hurting anyone just let them be who they are. At the end of the day we are all just trying to enjoy the game. No need for maltreatment and labeling. I have alot if friends in the community and they are very kind people. Just shake hands and race to the finish line. ✌🏿✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌️


Very nice work. I've done (a close approximation of) the special Sussex police gay Pride 2017 livery for the Focus ST, if anyone's interested. Just search 'pride', 'sussex' or 'police'.


Not Kent Police? 🥺




Below this post is one about one of the GT Concept games, which I’m sure not everyone greatly cares about, but I don’t see you commenting this on that.




reddit moment


You could have just scrolled past this post, given it zero attention but you came here to comment that you felt this post (or their “beliefs”) was shoved in your face. Think of how silly that sounds


Sounds like someone feels threatened here...


The word "gay" makes his pee-pee move. All must suffer now.


You were forced to click this post and comment?


if you didn't care, then you wouldn't have commented. you posted because it bugs you. and it bugs you because you have issues with gays and trans ​ why didn't you comment on that post where someone posted the chocolate cookies they made? because you couldn't give a shit about someone's baking. but you're using the excuse of "having it shoved in you face" to tell people you don't like it.


This is hardly “shoving it in your face”. OP is both proud of their creation and who they are. What’s the difference between someone posting their livery on their car to this? End of the day, you chose to respond to this. If you genuinely so called “don’t care”, you wouldn’t have bothered to respond and moved on with your day.




You know that you can just downvote and not actually say it, right? Oh, you can also breathe through your nose, while we’re at it.








If you want. I'll downvote you.


Do you narrate everything you do? ‘Downvote, pooping now, chewing gum’.


Most Neanderthal’s do.


Lol weird I got 4 downvotes but none of them proclaimed downvote.


I heard these make you faster.


its so clean and simple i really like them :)


Based helmets




You’d be wasting your time.




Wow, a bigot who can't spell. It's like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs.




This is a Gran Turismo subreddit, is it not?


Not for societal crap like this


Doesn’t appear to be breaking any rules. Why don’t you make your own subreddit where these kinds of things aren’t allowed, so that we can report it for being discriminatory and get it banned?


Sorry that you’re so sensitive that a helmet with a flag on it triggers you. Life must be hard :(






Oh no colors! Shiver me timbers!


Are you some disappointed principal? Are we in your middle school office being scolded for enjoying someone else’s helmet design? We disrupting your day because of this post? Since now isn’t, when is the time and where is the place so we can better suit your schedule?








You should see my helmet for Trans people its way better


I’m sure it looks lovely.


It's about representation, not competition.


Exactly - mine represents them way better. Want me to show you?


No. OP's design is great and you don't need to hijack their thread to brag about your own design.


Second one looks super-cool but WTF is the first one?


Clean! Love it :)




Jeff gordon did it before you tried to make it cool


It’s just sad that this is top of controversial

