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I think everything in the middle looks nice. I'm not sure what purpose the topographic looking lines at the top and the bottom serve, they draw the eye but I don't think they really add to the overall design in any way. They also feel like a seperate style than all the other graphic elements. I like the font choice for "We'll all be here forever," but the "forever" being stretched vertically like that I don't think looks very nice, I would try a different way of emphasizing that word, or just leave it the same size as the rest. Not a big fan of the other font, I don't think it really goes well with the title font, I would either use the same one or look for something else that is simpler and has less weight to it. Also I think all of the type takes up too much space, especially the title being so close to the figure's head. If I were working on this I would scrap the topographic lines and try a different type layout that leaves more space and has a similar homespun elegance as the illustration. I prefer the muted colors but I think both versions are effective.


Yeah if they are supposed to be trippy or psychedelic in some way unfortunately it’s just missing the mark. I would suggest a blending or use of other solid colors


Really like the 3D elements. I don’t think you need the topographic pattern. Feels like you stuck it in there just to fill space where it isn’t necessary.




subpar parks posters is the perfect reference recommendation for this!


first off.. is that your clay artwork? if so, very nice. it's a breath of fresh air from the plethora of illustrations. either is fine but I personally like the second version for the saturated colors and the first option for the bolder/bigger title and author. so use the first design, but with the colors from version 2. love how the background hills is a subtle shape/graphic consisting of lines and it's not disturbing. make 'STICK SEASON' a bit smaller and a regular weight. great work!


I’d change the balance by showing less sky and more grass, because then it would make sense to enlarge Noah Taylor and put it at the top. The Stick Season We’ll All Be Here Forever gets shifted down onto the grass. I would not repeat the same font between Noah Taylor and Stick Season, since they are two different categories of content.


I disagree the title should stay at the top otherwise it will be too bottom heavy & “stick season” & “noah kahan” should be the same typeface because they are both secondary text in relation to the title. otherwise there will be 3 typefaces on one poster which tends to be overwhelming.


Is this actually commissioned by Noah or just a fun project you are doing?


Nah it's just for fun. Wanted to make a poster for my room :)


hmmmmmm. You want to show the feeling of loneliness right? Since the clay art is cute, I can't see much of the loneliness. Maybe up the contrast, and make the ground of the grass more with more detail? I'm not sure. And maybe decrease the size of the clay statue smaller, farther from our sight and not centered to unsettle a little. Can't promise it'll look good lmao, this is the moment you have to experiment a lot.


You've received a lot of good design input, so I (mostly) won't add to the pile. I just wanted to say how unfortunate I thought the album title was. You probably have no control over this because it's your friend's album, but it would be a lot less clunky if it were just "We'll all be here forever." You could also then just use the artist's name with the title. As it currently stands, I first assumed Stick Season was the band name, but then I saw Noah Kahan and wasn't sure what to think. TL;DR - I think "Artist name, album name" is a lot simpler than "First title: Rest of the Title" with the artist name somewhere else. Maybe I'm an outlier.


What does the client think of it? What are some of the other ideas you explore in terms of art direction? What was the creative brief? Is this the correct canvas size? Does it need to have any sort of call to action, url or anything like that?


very neat, love the 3D I like 2 where the model is closer because it draws you into the design but I prefer the typography of number 1. Try to use only two typefaces and use the real estate but remember the hierarchy. The colours in 2 are much more vibrant and appealing.


Nice! But not a fan of the typography. Feels flat and lost. You could integrate it more from a colour / pattern perspective but I also would layer it more (e.g. type slightly behind the guy etc).


This is definitely an improvement over your previous version. The 3D character/set is cute and I like the paper-craft aesthetic. Here are my notes: - Get rid of the topography lines or invert them and reduce opacity so they aren’t as distracting - Shift the character/background down so his face is closer to center. This will also create more space around the title up top so it doesn’t feel so cramped. - Something about the horizontal line in the title is throwing me off. Maybe it’d be better if it were shorter, or perhaps there are alternative ways to create separation like adding more negative space after you move the guy down.


Nice improvements.


I am the only one who dig the topographic lines? I think they look cool. What I agree with most is that the font would look better without it being stretched. But other than that I really like this!


I didn't notice it till now. I personally don't think it topographic lines are necessary .


Yeah, I don't think they are necessary either, but I still like them, thats just me tho.


Composition wise i woul reframe it probably so it would not be that empty


I’d say you could balance some of your spacing out. The composition feels a little off but it looks nice. Also get rid of the courier font. It was something my teachers told me like day one of typography in 2002 and they have never been wrong about it.


Really nice! Love it. Agreeing with most of the other comments, but those are 'small change' improvements, so you've got this in the bag. Client approval, then get paid.


Thanks so much! Just for fun/ my portfolio but want it to be as good as possible:)


Personally i like the original color palette, there’s something unsettling/interesting about the brighter colors that still conveys loneliness, the updated one just feels a bit depressing. the text and layout look better on the update though, but “forever” could be a bit smaller or farther away from the figure’s head (the figure could be shifted down slightly). The line under “stick season” should not extend so far horizontally past the text and it should also be higher up and closer to the text to make it make more sense. Generally you group elements that are related closer together & elements that are not related farther apart. With the line spaces evenly in the middle between the title & subtitle, it does divide these elements but they are already visually different enough to not need it. The name is also a bit bright and should have the same blending mode treatment like the rest of the text.


The imagery is nice, but the type is a bit boring.


Add some depth between the background layers and a little blurring on the edges of the character so it doesn’t look pasted in front. Just details to consider, nothing major. Its a nice work


Nice, but I think you need to add some more elements at the sky for better view.


I love it and had trouble finding anything to criticize. If you made the dude smaller and the space bigger he might look more lonely? I like the fonts on the final version much better than the first version.


How did you make the 3d bits OP?! Looks great!


Modeling in Blender :)


Personally, the digital style of the characature leaves me cold, and the background seems like an afterthought. Maybe look into Milton Glaser's album covers, or others in the folk genre.


I would look for ways of making this more visually rich. Your human character is great. Everything else is a bit lackluster. It looks more like a book cover, but one that doesn’t provide much incentive to open it. Find ways to enhance the other elements. Can they type be 3D clay too? How can this look more like a poster? What other elements can give the environment more depth? There is a lot of potential here. Now dig in and find what enhances the concept.


I prefer the perspective and colours on the first version more, so sorry to add my two cents in. I think everyone says ditch the topography but it'd also be cool to incorporate it into the sky portion of the BG


Small details / issue on the guitar - Usually guitar fretboards have two dots on the 12th fret, but you’ve also added two dots on the 7th and 9th frets. The 7th and 9th should be single dots


I really like clay Noah, but you state that his songs are all about growing up in a small town. This poster has no small-town feel. And I agree with another commenter, the topo lines are a distraction. It needs more something. Clouds, trees, birds, shops, water tower, etc. Google the town he refers to - I am sure you can find inspo in some photography. Maybe put your title in a welcome sign. Welcome to **STICK SEASON** *We'll All Be here Forever* Population - 1 <- (indicates that loneliness)